代写 matlab graph Programming MATLAB

Programming MATLAB
Paul Cotofrei
information management institute master of science in finance

Plotting Functions

Simple Plots
􏰁 MATLABhasextensivefacilitiesfortheplottingofcurvesandsurfaces,and visualization.
􏰁 Basic 2D plots of functions and (x,y) pairs can be done with the functions: plot, fplot, ezplot
􏰁 Simpleplotsofdatapointscanbecreatedusingplot
function y = f(x)
y = exp(-0.5*x).*sin(5*x); end
» x = linspace(0,5,101); » y = f(x);
» plot(x,y);
» xlabel(’x’); % label for axis x » ylabel(’y’);
» grid on; % add major grid lines » title(’f(x) = e^-0.5x sin(5x)’);

Multiple graphs on the same plot

Another example

plot function
􏰁 Generalform:
plot(x,y, ’specifiers’, ’property’,prop_value)
􏰁 ’specifiers’: color line, line style, marker (or ’clm’ string)
􏰁 ’property’’: line width, marker size, marker color
􏰁 default values for properties: LineWidth = 0.5points, MarkerSize =
6, FontSize = 10 Example:
plot(x, y, ’b-’,’linewidth’,2,’markersize’,12,…
’markeredgecolor’,’r’, ’markerfacecolor’,’g’);

Color, Line marker, Style

Some examples
x = [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9];
y = [3 4 9 3 5 3 7 5 1];
’MarkerEdgeColor’,’r’, …

Additional option strings
plot(x1,y1,’opt1’, x2,y2,’opt2’, x3,y3,’opt3’);
􏰁 x1,y1 may have different size than x2,y2 or x3,y3
􏰁 by default, a new plot command erases the previous plots and reset all
axis properties before drawing the new plot.
􏰁 hold on/off allows to switch between the default mode (hold off)
and the one which holds the current plot and all axis properties (hold on)
plot(x1,y1,’specs1’,’prop1’,val1); hold on; plot(x2,y2,’specs2’,’prop2’,val3); plot(x3,y3,’specs3’,’prop3’,val3); hold off;
plot(x,y,’b-’, ’LineWidth’,3);
hold on;
plot(x,y,’or’, ’MarkerSize’, 12, ’MarkerFaceColor’,’g’);

Variants of plot
􏰁 x=N-vector,Y=M×NmatrixorN×Mmatrix
􏰁 plot(x, Y) – plot the dimension of Y having size N
(columns for M×N, rows for N×M matrix) against x 􏰁 X=M×Nmatrix,Y=M×Nmatrix
􏰁 plot(X, Y) – plot each column of Y against each column of X
􏰁 Y=M×Nreal-valuedmatrix
􏰁 plot(Y) – plot Y columns against their index

Adding text
􏰁 gtext(’text_string’,’property’,value)-addtext_stringon the graph window at a position chosen by the user (using the mouse)
􏰁 text(x,y,’text_string’,’property’,value)-addtext_string on the graph window to location (x,y) on the current axes
􏰁 ’property’ can be
size of text font
text color
normal, italic
normal, bold
rectangular area of text
edge of rectangular box
rectangular box
text orientation
specify font
􏰁 These properties can also be used in title, xlabel, ylabel, legend

» x = linspace(0, pi, 100);
» y = sin(x);
» plot(x/pi, y, ’b’, ’linewidth’, 2);
» axis([0, 1, 0, 1.2]); % set xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax
» xlabel(’x/\pi’); % LaTex expressions may be used; here ’\pi’ will be displayed as the Greek symbol π
» text(0.5, 1.05, ’\downarrow MAX at x = \pi/2’,…
’fontsize’, 16, ’fontangle’, ’italic’);

Axis settings

subplot function
􏰁 Todisplayseveralplotsinthesamegraphicwindow
􏰁 General form: subplot(m, n, p), where
􏰁 m×n=boxpattern
􏰁 p – the rectangle for current plot; it may be a vector of indexes
subplot(3, 4, 2);
subplot(3, 4, 5:6);
subplot(3, 4, [7 8 11 12])
x = linspace(1,10,200);
y1 = sin(x).^2;
y2 = 1./x;
y3 = exp(-0.3*x).*cos(5*x);
y4 = 1./floor(x);
subplot(3,3, 1); plot(x,y1,’b’);
subplot(3,3, 4); plot(x,y2,’r’);
subplot(3,3, [ 2 3 5 6]); plot(x,y3,’m’);
subplot(3,3, 8:9); plot(x,y4,’g’);


Some of 2D plotting functions
basic x-y plot
function plot
function plot
log x,y axes
log x-axis
log y-axis
left & right y-axes
polar plot
animated x-y plot
plot with error bars
stem, stairs
stem and staircase
scatter plot
bar graphs
pie chart
fill, area
polygon & area fill

fplot, ezplot functions
􏰁 Ifafunctionf(x)hasalreadybeendefined,itcanbeplottedwithfplot
or ezplot, which are very similar.
􏰁 General form: fplot(fun, lims, ’specifiers’) to plot the function fun on the axis lims = [xmin, xmax ] or
[xmin, xmax , ymin, ymax ] with the line specification ’specifiers’.
􏰁 Severalwaystoindicatethefunction
function y = f(x)
y = exp(-0.5*x).*sin(5*x); end
» fplot(@f, [0, 5]); % @f means ’f is the name of a function’
fplot(@sin, [-2,2]*pi, ’r’); fplot(’sin’, [-2,2]*pi, ’r’); fplot(’sin(x)’, [-2,2]*pi, ’r’);

Plotting implicit functions

Using alternative axes
data = 1:1000;
subplot(2,2,1); loglog(data);title(’LOGLOG(1:1000)’); subplot(2,2,2); semilogy(data); title(’SEMILOGY(1:1000)’); subplot(2,2,3); semilogx(data); title(’SEMILOGX(1:1000)’); subplot(2,2,4); plotyy(data,data,data,data.^2); title(’PLOTYY’);

scatter plots 􏰁 Generalform:
􏰁 Similar with plot(x, y, ’.’), but scatter allows more control of the area and color of dots
􏰁 Example:aMonteCarlocalculationoftheareaunderthecurveofsin(x),for 0≤x≤π
scatter(x,y, marker_area, marker_color);
x = pi * rand(1,N);
y = rand(1,N);
i = find(y < sin(x)); j = find(y > sin(x));
hold on;
x = linspace(0,pi,100); y = sin(x); plot(x,y,’r-’);
A = length(i)/N * pi A=
1.9930 % real value: 2

stem plots

stairs plot
x = linspace(0, 40, 41);
y = sin(x/5);
stairs(x, y, ’b’);

bar graphs
Y =[8 1 2; 9 3 9; 2 5 9; 9 7 5; 6 9 8]; x = 2007:2011; y = Y(:,2); subplot(2,2,1); bar(x,y); subplot(2,2,2); bar(x,Y); subplot(2,2,3); barh(Y); subplot(2,2,4); bar(Y);

histogram plot
rng(101); % initialize random generator
b = 0:5:100; % define bins
g = ceil(70 + 12 * randn(1,600)); % simulate 600 random grades figure; % generate a new graphic window
histogram(g, b);
axis([0, 105, 0, 105]);
title(’grade distribution’);

pie charts
Na = length(find(g>=90)); % number of A grades
Nbp = length(find(g<90 & g>=85)); % number of B+ grades Nb = length(find(g<85 & g>=75));
Ncp = length(find(g<75 & g>=70));
Nc = length(find(g<70 & g>=60));
Nd = length(find(g<60 & g>=50));
Nf = length(find(g<50)); N = [Nf, Nd, Nc, Ncp, Nb, Nbp, Na]; pie(N); pie(N, {’F’,’D’,’C’,’C+’,’B’,’B+’,’A’}); 3D plotting functions plot3 x-y-z line plot contour contour plot contourf filled contour plot mesh wireframe surface plot meshc wireframe plus contour surf solid surface plot surfc surface plot plus contour waterfall waterfall plot stem3, scatter3 3D stem and scatter bar3, bar3h, pie3 3D bar & pie charts fill3 polygon fill comet3 animated plot3 meshgrid function 􏰁 A function of two variables, f(x,y) define a surface 􏰁 meshgrid(x,y)generatesarectangulargridinthex-yplanestarting from two vectors x and y » x = [-2:2]; y = [3:5]; » [X, Y] = meshgrid(x,y) X= -2 -1 0 1 2 -2 -1 0 1 2 -2 -1 0 1 2 Y= 33333 44444 55555 meshgrid & ngrid meshgrid & ngrid mesh function x = linspace(-5,5,51); y = linspace(-5,5,51); [X,Y] = meshgrid(x,y); Z = Y .* exp(-(X.^2 + Y.^2)/2); mesh(X,Y,Z); surf function x = linspace(-5,5,51); y = linspace(-5,5,51); [X,Y] = meshgrid(x,y); Z = (X.^2 + Y.^2) .* exp(-(X.^2 + Y.^2)/2); surf(X,Y,Z); shading interp; colorbar; surf(X,Y,Z); colorbar; Reading & writing image files 􏰁 Toreadanimagefile: or 􏰁 Towriteanimagefile: 􏰁 Thefileextensionfmtmaybe’jpg’,’jp2’,’tiff’,’png’,’gif’,’bmp’,andothers 􏰁 Thesefunctionshaveadditionalinput/outputoptions A = imread(filename, fmt); [A, map] = imread(filename, fmt); imwrite(A,filename,fmt); s1 = ’https://upload.wikimedia.org’; s2 = /wikipedia/commons/d/de/’; s3 = ’St_Louis_night_expblend.jpg’; filename = [s1 s2 s3]; y = imread(filename,’jpg’); image(y);axis off; y = imread(’ngc6543a.jpg’, ’jpg’); image(y); title(’NGC 6543 Nebula’); axis off;