SIT232 Object Oriented Development
Pass Task 5.3: Many Bank Accounts Overview
For this task, we’re going to be adding many accounts to our Bank program – to do this, we’ll introduce a new Bank class and make use of C# List.
Submission Details
Submit the following files to OnTrack.
Your program code (Program.cs, Bank.cs) A screen shot of your program running
In this task, you’re going to be created a new Bank class in a file named Bank.cs. This will be used to
play the role of the Bank, which will have a number of accounts that it manages. To start off, let’s add a the Bank class.
1. Create a new C# file named Bank.cs , in it, add the Bank class which meets the following UML diagram.
Figure: Bank uml
2. Implement the AddAccount , and GetAccount methods:
AddAccount: Add the account which is passed in, into the Bank’s list of accounts.
To do this, using the Add method on the _accounts object, and pass in the argument.
GetAccount: Iterate through _accounts, and return the first bank which has the same name as the passed in name parameter.
Note: If the list of accounts doesn’t have a matching account, you will need to return null . The null value is a special marker that indicates no object. So in this case,
we are returning “no account object” as there are none with the required name. Note: To get this working you will need to add a readonly Name property to the
Account class. The get method for this will return the value from the _name field. Users of GetAccount will then have to check if they got an account or no account
( null ) when they called GetAccount .
Here is the pseudocode for how we can find an account.
Loop for each account
If the current account has the matching name…
Return the current account
After the loop… return null as no account had a matching name
3. Notice in the UML diagram, ExecuteTransaction is listed three times but with different parameters. This is known as Method Overloading. When the ExecuteTransaction method is called, the correct method is identified by determining the type of the argument which is being passed in. As you can see, we accept the types WithdrawTransaction ,
DepositTransaction , and TransferTransaction .
The bodies of each ExecuteTransaction methods are the same, they call Execute on the
transaction parameter.
4. Now that we’ve got this Bank class, we need to refactor Main to use it!
In Main , add a new Bank object.
Add new MenuOption values – NewAccount and the code so that the user can see, select, and run this option. It will:
Ask the user for the name of the account and its starting balance
Create a new Account object
Use the AddAccount method on the bank object to add the new account.
5. Next, we need a way of getting the account(s) for the other menu options. To do this we can add a FindAccount static method in the Program . This can be implemented as shown below.
public class Program {
private static Account FindAccount(Bank fromBank) {
Console.Write(“Enter account name: “); String name = Console.ReadLine();
Account result = fromBank.GetAccount(name);
if ( result == null ) {
Console.WriteLine($”No account found with name {name}”); }
return result; }
6. Change DoDeposit to make use of the Bank . You need to change the parameters to be passed a Bank object, not an account object. DoDeposit can then use the Bank to find the account to deposit to. Here is a start for this code, with some comments for guidance:
private static void DoDeposit(Bank toBank) {
Account toAccount = FindAccount(toBank); if (toAccount == null) return;
// Read in the amount
// Create the Deposit transaction
// Tell toBank to run the transaction // Ask the transaction to Print
7. Compile and run your program and make sure you can create an account, and deposit money into it.
8. Make similar changes to the DoWithdraw and DoTransfer methods. With Transfer, you will need to find both the from and to accounts, and you want to make sure that neither is null.
9. Create a screenshot of your program running! Make sure to demonstrate the different actions are working.
Remember to backup your work, and make sure you keep a copy of everything you submit to OnTrack.
Task Discussion
For this task you need to discuss the use of control flow with your tutor. Here are some guides on what to prepare for:
Explain how the Bank works when you have multiple accounts.
Demonstrate you can deposit and withdraw from many accounts.
Explain how FindAccount works in relation to DoDeposit , DoWithdraw , and
DoTransfer . What happens if an account cannot be found in any of these steps?