CSE 232
Assignment Overview
Spring 2019
Programming Project #11
In the previous assignments you were introduced to a custom data structure, MVM, that did not use the potential STL bases (map and set) but used the vector class (Project 09) or a dynamic array (Project 10). In this project, you will once again re-write the MVM again as a templated class using a linked list. It is due 04/22, Monday, before midnight on Mimir. See the front page of the website for schedule details. It is worth 65 points, 6.5% of your final grade.
You are going to re-create the MVM again using a linked list for the MVM Element. The Element class will again continue using a fixed-size array for values_ as in Project 10, but data_ in the MVM class will utilize a singly a linked list. The fixed-size of the array values_ in Element means that only so many values can be associated with each key, but using a linked list we can accommodate a variable number of Elements in an MVM. Other than this one change, the basic properties of how the MVM class behaves remain the same. The implementation of the MVM will need to be updated to handle the substitution of a linked list for arrays.
Asbefore,eachElementhasaK key_,aV[element_array_size] values_,asize_t count_ totrackthenumberofvaluescurrentlybeingstored,andanewElement* next_to constructthelinkedlist.TheMVMhasanElement
About Singly-Linked Lists
A singly-linked list has only the ability to move in one direction, from a location in the list towards the end, basically forward through the list. You cannot move backwards through a singly-linked list. The slides from this week describe how we could implement a doubly-linked list to overcome this limitation, but we have enough to do with singly-linked lists.
The inability to move both forwards and backwards means that one of the fundamental approaches we used in Project 09 and Project 10 cannot be utilized, namely the use of lower_bound. In fact, most of the STL algorithms will not work for this very reason. We still require that a new Element should be placed in the list in its sorted location when added, but we must now revert to basic linear search to find that location. That is, to find where to put the new Element we need to start from the beginning of the list and iterate forward, one Element at a time, until we come to the insertion location.
Huge Hint!
Look, there is a lot of code in the examples this week that are relevant. For the most part the examples provide most of what you need, requiring only some modifications on your part. Please feel free to use that code! I know that might make some of your nervous as you will all be working from the same code base and that you might get caught up in the plagiarism checks. We fully understand that and will take that into account.
Bottom Line: If you never looked at the examples until now (which is a real shame by the way), look at the examples from this week.
We provide a header file, proj11_class.h, which provides details of type for all the required methods and functions for the classes Element and MVM. As in the last project, you will write the function definitions in the same header file.
Much of this remains the same, but we add a new data member next_ . The data member next_ will be a pointer to the next Element in the linked list. You can think of Element as taking the role of Node in the examples, where Element is a more complicated version of Node.
Functions re-used from projects 09/10:
Default ctor. Do not need to write
Element(K key, initializer_list
copy into the array values_ and set count_ correctly
Sets next_ to nullptr (no next Element in a list yet) bool operator==(const Element&)
Behavior is identical to the previous project. Doesn’t need to account for next_ friend ostream& operator<<(ostream&, Element&)
Behavior is identical to the previous project bool operator<(const K&)
Optional; compares the key passed to the element’s key
New functions for project 11:
Element(const Element& other)
Copy ctor. Copies count_ and values_. Sets next_
to nullptr.
values_ is a fixed-size array. You know how to copy that, you just did it in project 10.
Functions re-used from projects 09/10:
default ctor. Do not need to write MVM(initializer_list
Behavior is identical to the previous project. However, you are now adding Elements, in order as found in the initializer_list, into a linked list. Same idea, different data structure.
MVM(const MVM& other)
Copy ctor. Creates a copy of other. The ctor for Element can copy the Element, but you need to recreate the linked list yourself. Look at the examples!
Destructor. Deletes any allocated memory as necessary. Again, look at the examples! pair
We can no longer use lower_bound as we mentioned
However, having a singly linked list means that finding only the first greater value is of limited
Remember that
Thus we change the return value to be an STL pair of pointers,
o the .second points to the Element whose key_ is either equal to or just greater
than the parameter key
o the .first points to the Element just behind (just previous to) the Element pointed
to by .second
This return behavior should help you to link/add and unlink/remove items from the linked list
Given a key to search for:
o If there is no Element with a smaller .key_, return a nullptr for the .first of the pair.
o If there is no Element with a .key_ that is greater or equal, return a nullptr as the .second of the pair.
o If the list is empty, return a pair with both values being nullptr. MVM find_value(V val)
finds all keys where val is located
creates an MVM where each key is a key that has val in its values_, and the only value
associated with each key is val
returns the new MVM
bool add(string key,string value)
Behavior is identical to previous project, with the exception being that you no longer need to call grow(), just dynamically allocate a new Element as necessary
size_t size()
Returns num_keys_ bool remove_key(K key)
Behavior is identical to previous project MVM remove_value(V val)
finds all keys where val is located, and removes val from the values_ array
creates and returns a MVM of the same format used in find_value
Hint: use the find_value function to handle most of the work
friend ostream& operator<<(ostream&, MVM& )
Behavior is identical to previous project
New functions for project 11:
MVM& operator=(const MVM& other)
Makes this have the same values as other
Hint: use the copy ctor to make a copy of other that you can then use to swap data members with
the local MVM
We provide the basic proj11_class.h, you write the functions in the file and submit it to Mimir We will test your files using Mimir, as always.
1. Remember to include your section, the date, project number and comments.
2. Please be sure to use the specified directory and file name.
Assignment Notes
Element operator==
You have to get this one right! Do it first. Most of the tests in Mimir use this. Nothing will work without it so check it. It isn’t that hard. Be sure to take into account num_elements_, and num_keys_
no more lower_bound
As we are using a linked list to store the MVM, we can no longer use lower_bound. However, we still require the Elements to be stored in sorted order for consistency
The critical method is add. Get that right first and then much of the rest is easy. For example, the initializer list constructor can then use add to put Elements into the vector at the correct location (in sorted order).
No use of sort allowed and it wouldn’t work anyway as mentioned. Use find_key to get an Element where it needs to be in the linked list.
private vs. public
You will note that all elements in the class are public. We do this to make testing easier. Any public part can be accessed in a main program which is convenient. The parts that should be private are marked. In particularthemembervariablesdata_ andnum_keys_ andthememberfunctionsfind_valueand find_key should probably be private.
initializer_list ctor
It should be the case that the Elements in the initializer_list ctor should insert into the MVM in key order using add. However, that again makes testing harder (can’t set up a simple MVM without getting add to work, and it is the most work). Thus we allow you to write the initializer_list ctor to put Elements into the MVM in the order of the list Elements. We will guarantee for our testing that anytime we use the initializer_list ctor we will start out with Elements in key order. After that maintaining that order will be up to you.