FIT5171 Project Assignment 2 Integration Testing & Regression Testing
Yuan-Fang Li and Yan Liu
Due 23:59, Sunday 28th April, 2019
1 Project description
In this assignment, you will build on the source code you developed in Assign- ment 1 as well as a new code base provided to you, and add functionality to it. You will need to develop a number of components and perform unit testing as well as integration testing.
The project will continue to use the build management tool Apache Maven and online repository GitHub. Moreover, we will be adding a number of new tools and systems to work with.
You will use the Jenkins1 continuous integration server to automatically exe- cute the test suite whenever some code change is committed into your repository. In other words, we will perform automated regression testing. In addition, we will use the Sonar code quality monitoring system2 for monitoring code quality and test coverage.
2 Problem description
In this assignment you will need to develop (and test!) essential functionality for the web site In general, you will develop components (Java interfaces and classes) to accommodate requirements changes, implement some of interesting new functionality, and thoroughly test them.
To assist your development, a new and updated code base will be provided. The code base includes changes to the model classes, as well as code for new functionality of data access and mining. It is available in a read-only GitHub repository,
You need to check out the code base from this repository.
You need to integrate the given code base with your own code base from assignment 1.
2.1 New Functionality
You will need to implement and thoroughly test the following new functionality. 2.1.1 Validation.
At some stage, certain attributes of some classes need to be validated in different ways. The following are some examples of what should be validated.
User When some attribute of a user is being set, some conditions will need to be satisfied.
1. A user needs to have a valid email address. 2. A user needs to have a non-empty password. 3. A user needs to have a non-empty last name.
Rocket When a rocket is being created, it needs to satisfy the following con- ditions.
1. It must have a valid manufacturer value, which points to a LaunchServiceProvider object
2. It must have a valid, non-empty name attribute value.
3. It must have a valid, non-empty country attribute value.
Data Access.
We will store the data in a graph database engine called Neo4j3. A graph database allows a flexible data model without needing to define a schema up- front, or at all. As a result, data can be quite freely modified in the graph.
In our application, the graph comprises of nodes representing the various types of entities: rockets, launches, launch service providers, etc.; and edges represent their relationships. For example, a rocket is connected to the launches for which it is the launch vehicle, and to the launch service provider that man- ufactures it. A Neo4j visualisation of such a small graph is shown in Figure 1
It is usually a good idea to abstract away the details of accessing the un- derlying database, and this is usually done through the data access object (DAO) pattern. In our project, the dataaccess package contains a DAO inter- face for accessing model objects. With an appropriate implementation, a DAO object allows us to create, read, update and delete (CRUD) domain objects.
A Neo4j-based implementation, Neo4jDAO, implements the DAO interface and makes use of an object-graph mapping (OGM) abstraction layer to further hide the graph database details away. This is done through annotations on the model classes and the use of a Session object. Details can be found in the code base and on the Neo4e web site4.
4 manual/3.0/
2.1.3 Mining.
Figure 1: A small toy example graph.
The mining package contains a simple data mining class that discovers interest- ing properties about Rockets, Launchess and LaunchServiceProviders. These properties may include the most active rockets, the most reliable launch service providers, the most recent launches (example given), etc. For each of these tasks, you may need to come up with your own definition. For example, you need to precisely define what it means for some launch service provider to be “busiest”.
Obviously the above functionality requires access to some/all of the domain entities, which will be stored in a Neo4j graph database. To simplify develop- ment and testing, we will be mocking the actual database layer, using a Java mocking library called mockito5.
Essentially, a mock object emulates the behaviours of a real object so that we
can use it as a driver or a stub. Documentation and examples are available at the mockito web site. Examples of its usage can be found in to help get you started.
Specifically, you will need to develop and test Java methods to support the functionality, including:
Workhorse Thetop-kactiverocketswiththemostnumberofcompletedlaunches. BestPerformed The top-k launch service providers with the most reliable
launch record.
Dominant The dominant country in an orbit who has launched the most rock- ets.
Exorbitance The top-k most expensive launches.
Hotshots The top-k launch service providers that has the highest sales revenue
in a year.
2.2 Testing
Apply a combination of appropriate unit and integration testing techniques to thoroughly test the newly updated code that you combine and develop. In your report, you need to (1) articulate the particular integration testing techniques you use, (2) provide rationale for using them in the report, and (3) discuss pros and cons of these techniques in their application in your code base.
2.3 Regression Testing
Depending on the availability of the Jenkins server (at the time of writing it is not yet available), you need to set up the continuous integration environment to enable automated regression testing. In achieving this you need to complete the following setup tasks.
• Maven. Modify your project’s Maven artifactId in the file pom.xml. Your new artifactId will need to be in the format of “fit5171_2019_XX”, where XX is your project group number.
• Jenkins. Complete the configuration according to the instructions given on Moodle. Log onto our continuous integration server 6. Modify the settings of your group’s project according to the above guide on Moo- dle. Make sure Jenkins automatically executes all tests in your code base whenever you commit some changes to your GitHub repository.
• SonarQube. A tool for continuously code quality monitoring. Complete the configuration of SonarQube server according to the video instructions on Moodle. Curious students are referred to SonarLint7, a plugin sup- ported on most IDEs such as IntelliJ.
3 Assessment
This assignment carries 15 marks. The assessment will be based on the sub- mitted files as well as a demo conducted in week-8 tutorial classes.
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Table 1: Sample summary of self assessment.
3.1 Submission
This assessment will be based on the submitted artifacts, including (1) your new code base, and (2) a short, maximum 4-page written report to be submitted by 23:59, 28th April, 2019 via Moodle. Only one member from each group needs to submit the file. Please submit a single .zip file containing both the code base as well as the report. Indicate clearly the members in the group, as well as each member’s contributions in this assignment.
3.1.1 Self & peer assessment.
Even though the project assignments are group-based, assessment is individual- based. Hence, in your report, please include a brief statement of each member’s contribution. It can be as simple as Table 1. Of course you are welcome to include more detailed information.
We will also use CATME for peer assessment. More details will be announced later.
3.2 Demo
A demo will be conducted in week-8 tutorials. Each group will demonstrate to the tutor their setup on a laptop. Each group will also need to give a code walkthrough to the tutor, showing your understanding of the code base, your extensions, and your tests. Also demonstrate to the tutor that you can run all tests automatically through Maven, both locally and remotely.
3.3 Assessment Breakdown
This assignment accounts for 15% of the total assessment. You will be assessed in the following areas.
12 marks Development & integration testing.
• You have successfully integrated the code bases (provided and your
own from assignment 1) with no compilation errors.
• You have successfully developed the new validation and mining func- tionality specified above using the TDD approach.
• You have performed adequate unit testing and integration testing appropriately.
Percentage of work
Main contributions
Marge Simpson
Local setup, functionality extensions, JU- nit test cases
Homer Simpson
Test strategy
• In your testing process you have applied mocking appropriately. 3 marks Automated regression testing
• You have correctly set up the remote regression testing environment, i.e., the integration of the git repository and the corresponding Jenk- ins job.
• You have correctly set up the project on Jenkins so that automated regression testing on your project is enabled.
• You have correctly set up the project on SonarQube so that code quality of your project is continuously analysed.
The short report should be jointly authored by the group members. The report should be single-column, single-spaced with at least a 11pt font size for the main text. The report should (1) document functionality you implemented, (2) describe your integration testing approach, and (3) show evidence of your regression testing framework (screen captures, etc.). The report should not exceed 4 pages in length.
Given the limited space, please be succinct and focus on the most interest- ing/important aspects of your development and testing.
4 Extra Credit: Maximum 3 Marks (Optional)
As in assignment 1, this assignment can be extended in many different ways. Extra credit may be given for extended functionality and adequate testing.
For example, you can further extend the model classes to add more features and validate them. You can also validate extensions you have implemented in assignment 1.
You can also extend the MINING layer by adding additional interesting functionality.