代写 ocaml Carefully read the entire document before you start coding. This assignment is entirely about functional programming in OCaml.

Carefully read the entire document before you start coding. This assignment is entirely about functional programming in OCaml.
Note: All functions, unless otherwise specified, should be polymorphic (i.e., they should work with any data type). For example, if you are writing a method that should work for lists, the type must be ‘a list, and not int list.
1 Recursion
In this section, you may not use any functions available in the OCaml library that already solves all or most of the question. For example, OCaml provides a List.rev function, but you may not use that in this section.
1. Write a recursive function float_pow, which takes two integer parameters x and n, and returns xn, but for x being a float.
returns true if and only if the functions f and g have identical behavior on every element of lst.
# let f i = i * i;;
val f : int -> int = # let g i = 3 * i;;
val g : int -> int = # equiv f g [3];;
– : bool = true
# equiv f g [1;2;3];;
– : bool = false
2. Write a functions called pairwisefilter with two parameters: (i) a function cmp that compares two elements of a specific T and returns one of them, and (ii) a list lst of elements of that same type T. It returns a list that applies cmp while taking two items at a time from lst. If lst has odd size, the last element is returned “as is”.
# pairwisefilter min [14; 11; 20; 25; 10; 11];; – : int list = [11; 20; 10]
# (* assuming that shorter : string * string -> string = already exists *)
# pairwisefilter shorter [“and”; “this”; “makes”; “shorter”; “strings”; “always”; “win”];; – : string list = [“and”; “makes”; “always”; “win”]
3. Write the polynomial function, which takes a list of tuples and returns the polynomial function corre- sponding to that list. Each tuple in the input list consists of (i) the coefficient, and (ii) the exponent.
# let f = polynomial [3, 3;; -2, 1; 5, 0];;
val f : int -> int =
# f 2;; (* f is the polynomial function f(x) = 3x^3 – 2x + 5 *) – : int = 25
3 Data Types
1. Let us define a language for expressions in Boolean logic: type bool_expr =
| Lit of string
| Not of bool_expr
| And of bool_expr * bool_expr | Or of bool_expr * bool_expr
Using this language, we can write logical expressions in prefix notation. For example, (a ∧ b) ∨ ( ¬ a) can be written as Or(And(Var(“a”), Var(“b”)), Not(Var(“a”))).
Write a function called truth_table, which takes as input a logical expression in two literals, and returns its truth table as a list of triples. Each triple being a tuple of the form:
Higher-order Functions
1. Write a function called equiv_on, which takes three inputs: two functions f and g, and a list lst. It
(truth-value-of-first-literal, truth-value-of-second-literal, truth-value-of-expression).

For example,
# (* the outermost parentheses are needed for OCaml to parse the third argument
correctly as a bool_expr *)
# truth_table “a” “b” (And(Lit(“a”), Lit(“b”)));;
– : (bool * bool * bool) list = [(true, true, true); (true, false, false);
(false, true, false); (false, false, false)]
2. Recall that a binary tree can be defined recursively as follows:
A binary tree is either empty or it is composed of a root element and two successors, which are binary trees themselves.
Just like the type bool_expr was defined in the previous question, define a polymorphic type binary_tree using the above definition. Each element of the tree must be a Node, or be Empty. For example, a complete binary tree with three levels, and incremental integer values in the nodes, would be defined as
Figure 1: This binary tree should have the string representation “0(1(3,4),2(,5(6,)))”.
let a_tree = Node(1, Node(2, Node(4, Empty, Empty), Node(5, Empty, Empty)), Node(3, Node(6, Empty, Empty), Node(7, Empty, Empty)));;
3. Write a function called tree2str to obtain the string representation of a binary tree as shown in Fig. 1.