代写 C socket statistic software security COMP30023 Project 2 􏰉 Password cracker

COMP30023 Project 2 􏰉 Password cracker
Worth 15% of the 􏰊nal mark Due: 24 May, 2019.
1 Background
A security system is only as strong as the passwords that unlock it.
In this project, you will try to crack the passwords of a simple system that has four- and
six-character passwords. The passwords can contain any ASCII character from 32 (space) to 126 (∼), but since the passwords are chosen by people, they are not arbitrary strings. You will use your knowledge of common human frailties to identify the passwords used by a particular user.
This system is particularly insecure because it will accept any of the thirty previous passwords of the user. Your goal is to write code to guess as many of these as possible.
Submission will be through git, like the 􏰊rst project.
2 Project speci􏰊cation
For each student, 30 passwords have been generated and SHA256 hashes of these have been computed. Passwords 1 to 10 are all four characters. Use scp to download the 􏰊le pwd4sha256 from This 􏰊le contains 320 bytes. The 􏰊rst 32 bytes are the SHA256 hash of password 1, the second 32 bytes are the hash of password 2 etc.. Hashes 11 to 30 are for six character passwords, and can be obtained using an extension described below.
You are to write a C program to guess the passwords. That is, 􏰊nd the four- or six-character sequences whose SHA256 hash is one of the hashes you have downloaded.
You should create a Make􏰊le that produces an executable named `crack’.
• If crack is run with no arguments, it should generate guesses, and test them against the SHA256 hashes. When it 􏰊nds one, it should print one line, consisting of the plaintext password, a space, and an integer 1-30 indicating which hash it matches. For example
abcd 3 Oops 5 adam 1 passwd 15
This is probably the mode you will use for 􏰊nding passwords. The other two modes are only for the assessment.
• If crack is run with one integer argument, the argument speci􏰊es how many guesses it should produce. In this mode, password guesses should be printed to stdout, separated by newline characters (`\n’).
• If crack is run with two argument, it should treat the 􏰊rst as the 􏰊lename of a list of passwords (one per line), and the second as the 􏰊lename of a list of SHA256 hashes (in groups of 32 bytes, with no newline characters). It should then test each of the passwords against each of the hashes, and produce output as for the case of no arguments. It should print nothing else to stdout. If you want to produce other output, send it to stderr.

A library for SHA256 is provided at [https://gitlab.eng.unimelb.edu.au/junhaog/comp30023-labcode-current] in directory proj-2.
Write your code so that it is easy to change the number of hash values available to you. For example, just read the whole 􏰊le, and count how many 32-byte blocks it contains.
2.1 Suggestions for guesses
Part of the challenge in this project is teaching yourself about the types of weak password people choose. To help you, a list of around 10,000 common passwords is available in [https://gitlab.eng.unimelb.edu.au/junhaog/comp30023-labcode-current] in directory proj-2.
Note: These are not generally four-letter passwords. What is the best way to get a list of candidate four-letter passwords?
You may also 􏰊nd the site https://www.thefreedictionary.com/4-letter-words.htm and the cartoon in Fig. 1 helpful.
Figure 1: Anatomy of a weak password
2.2 Unlocking the additional hashes
At 0:01am on 17 May, a 􏰊le pwd6sha256 will become available for download by scp from the server. The 􏰊rst 32 bytes correspond to password 11, the second 32 bytes to password 12 etc..
You can (and are encouraged to) make these available earlier by performing a challenge- response protocol based on Di􏰏e-Hellman key exchange with the server. Recall from lectures that the Di􏰏e-Hellman Key Exchange protocol enables two parties to produce a shared secret in an open communication channel that is observable by an adversary. The process starts with with public parameters (g, p). Both parties choose secrets, a and b, then compute and exchanging the values gamodp and gbmodp. The computed shared secret key between the two parties is gabmodp.
Write a program called DiffieHellman.c to run the key exchange protocol below. Upload this to the server, for example using

scp your-local-􏰊lename.c
Note: This assumes that your ssh private key is in the usual location, ∼/.ssh/id_rsa. If it is not, you will need to use
scp -i path-to-your-private-key your-local-􏰊lename.c
To verify this, create the SHA256 hash of this C source using openssl sha256 dh.c
Use the 􏰊rst byte of this as your Di􏰏e-Hellman secret b. That is, convert the 􏰊rst two hex- adecimal digits to an integer, and use that for b.
The exchange requires you to create a socket connecting to port 7800 on the server after uploading your source. The Di􏰏e-Hellman component uses g = 15 and p = 97. First, send your username, followed by a new line (`\n’). Send the server gb(modp) as text (for example, 12 would be sent as `1′, `2′, rather than a byte whose value is 12), followed by a new line. Do not use a random b like with proper Di􏰏e-Hellman; use the 􏰊rst byte of the SHA256 of your C source. This will let us check that your code is working correctly. The server will send you a line in the same format. Compute what is normally the shared secret, and then send it to the server (via the socket) as text. The server will send a line of text saying whether or not you succeeded. You may want to display that the the screen. This is illustrated in Figure 2
Figure 2: Protocol message sequence
This will create pwd6sha256 for download.
Using 32-bit or 64-bit arithmetic will result in over􏰋ow. Instead, use the method hinted at in the Challenge Questions of the tutorial in Week 8.
Your C code, named dh.c, should be in your git repository and LMS submission. Inclulde any other 􏰊les that may be necessary for dh.c to compile and run.
Note that this dh.c does not need to be as 􏰌polished􏰍 as the source code of crack. Just write something that works, and that you will still be able to understand in a month’s time. It will only be marked for style in borderline cases. It will be tested for correctness.
3 Marking
The marks are broken down as follows:

Correctly implementing the two-argument form of crack
􏰌Good􏰍 guesses
Code quality
Build quality
Completing the Di􏰏e-Hellman challenge-response
0.2 each
Discovering 4-digit passwords
0.3 each
Discovering up to 10 6-digit passwords
3.1 Code quality
Factors considered in code quality include: Choice of variable names, comments, indentation, remaining debugging code (it is OK to have a small amount if, for example, it is disabled by an #ifdef DEBUG), useful output indicating progress.
The code should not produce any warnings when compiled with -Wall.
3.2 Build quality
Factors considered in build quality include: Producing an executable with the correct name, using ‘-Wall’ but yielding no warnings
3.3 Correctly implementing the two-argument form of crack
When given a list of guesses and a list of hashes, the program should correctly identify the hash (if any) that matches the guess. The order of the output should equal the order of the guesses in the input 􏰊le.
3.4 􏰌Good􏰍 guesses
Some passwords are more likely than others. Marks will be allocated for code that starts by guessing likely passwords. This will be assessed in part by inspection of the code, and in part by the behaviour of crack when run with a single argument. The behaviour marks are awarded for the degree to which the 􏰊rst few passwords generated (say the 􏰊rst 100) are statistically representative of actual passwords. For the 􏰌code inspection􏰍 marks, please include a comment of one or two lines explaining how you generate passwords, and why it is 􏰌good􏰍.
3.5 Completing the Di􏰏e-Hellman challenge-response
One mark is awarded for correctly sending gb(mod p) and the other two for correctly sending (gb)a(mod p). These marks are awarded for doing this any time before the due date. Even if the 6-letter password hashes have been made available, completing this task will attract these marks. It is required that dh.c perform all of these calculations, but it may do that by calling dc using pipe() and fork().
4 Discovering passwords
Place the passwords and hash numbers in a 􏰊le found_pwds.txt in the top level directory of your git repository, and the zip 􏰊le you submit. The format should be the same as the output of crack namely PASSWORD space HASH_ID newline.

5 Collaboration
You can discuss this project abstractly with your classmates, such as password generation strate- gies, but should not share code. If possible, do not even look at anyone else’s code. If you really want to help somone debug, don’t look at the screen and pretend you’re doing it over the phone. (Yes, seriously; it’s slow but you’ll both learn from it.)
5.1 Real programmers use Stack-Exchang
Code will be run through software to detect copied code. You are welcome to use code fragments from Stack Exchange, or any other source of information on the web, but be sure to quote the URL whose code you used, so that it doesn’t appear that you copied a classmate.
Also note that any code you 􏰊nd on a site other than a question-and-answer site like Stack Exchange may be copyright. Please only use it if there is an explicit licence allowing it, such as Creative Commons.
5.2 Submission
The due date is at 11:59pm on Friday 24 May 2019. It is recommended that you submit before 5pm, in case you need assistance on the forum.
You must submit, to both GitLab and LMS, your source code (with a make􏰊le) in a .zip 􏰊le with a 􏰊lename in the the format of _comp30023_2019_project-2, e.g., llandrew_comp30023_2019_project-2. Any failure to follow the 􏰊lename format will result in a 2-mark deduction. Any project not submitted to both GitLab and LMS will receive a failing mark.
5.2.1 Special consideration
To receive special consideration, you must apply at least three days before the deadline. If you have a chronic condition and aren’t sure if it will be a problem, tell us in advance. If you get sick a week before the deadline and aren’t sure how it will a􏰎ect you, tell us.
You can submit multiple times. Make sure that your 􏰊rst submission is at least three days before the deadline so that, even if something goes wrong, you have submitted a nearly-􏰊nished project. (Do not leave this project until last minute.)
5.3 Notes
To make testing easy, one password in pwd4sha256.txt is the 􏰊rst four letters of your username, and one in pwd6sha256.txt is the 􏰊rst six letters. If your username is less than four or six letters, it is padded with trailing spaces before taking the hash.
Brute force search (i.e., trying every combination of characters) is su􏰏cient to 􏰊nd the four- character passwords, if your code is e􏰏cient and if you don’t leave it to the last minute. One possible approach is to write a brute-force search 􏰊rst,and while that is running, develop the code to download the remaining hashes, and determine e􏰏cient ways generate candidate passwords.
Start early. Because searching for 6-digit passwords is slow, the sooner you complete your code, the more passwords you will discover.
Questions for re􏰋ection
These do no need to be submitted, but will help you understand the subject. You are welcome to discuss them.

1. Not all brute-force searches are equal. How can you make brute force 􏰊nd passwords earlier?
2. You can write 􏰌support programs􏰍 in other languages. For example, what is the most fre- quently used character in the sample passwords? Write a program in your favourite language to count them, and then use that information in your C program.
3. You have a choice between making guesses randomly or systematically (such as guessing eeeee, eeeeet, eeeeea, eeeeeo, eeeeeei). What are the strengths and weaknesses of each ap- proach? Can you combine the strengths of each?
4. You may want to stop the program and restart it from where it left o􏰎, rather than repeating the initial sequence each time. How can you do this, without using one or two command line arguments?
5. What will happen if you create a SHA256 hash of your code and then modify it to hard-code the 􏰊rst byte as the value of b? How can you avoid that problem?