代写 algorithm html Java UML compiler 05 Coursework 2 + BCEL

05 Coursework 2 + BCEL
12/03/2019 Part of the slides are used with kind permission of Dr Shin Yoo and Dr Yue Jia
COMP0012 f.sarro@ucl.ac.uk

Coursework Part 2

Using Java and the Byte Code Engineering Library (BCEL), implement the constant folding peephole optimisation as much as possible.
File .java
File .class
COMP0012 f.sarro@ucl.ac.uk
optimised .class

Coursework: Guidelines

This coursework is compulsory
It will be number-graded (0 to 10)
It will contribute to 10% of the overall module outcome
Group Project (4 members)
Due on 26th April 2019 (14:00 GMT)


Coursework: Group
✤ ✤
Members have been randomly allocated to a group You can find info on your group on Moodle
COMP0012 f.sarro@ucl.ac.uk

Coursework: 40 Groups 4 members
COMP0012 f.sarro@ucl.ac.uk

Coursework: Tasks and Marking (1)
COMP0012 f.sarro@ucl.ac.uk

Coursework: Tasks and Marking (1)
COMP0012 f.sarro@ucl.ac.uk

Coursework: Tasks and Marking (3)
COMP0012 f.sarro@ucl.ac.uk

Coursework: Tasks and Marking (4)
COMP0012 f.sarro@ucl.ac.uk

Coursework: Files
Download from Moodle
comp0012-coursework2.pdf , comp0012-coursework2.zip
COMP0012 f.sarro@ucl.ac.uk

Coursework: Files
Download from Moodle
comp0012-coursework2.pdf , comp0012-coursework2.zip
Skeleton project with ant build script and relevant Java libraries
COMP0012 f.sarro@ucl.ac.uk

Coursework: Files
Skeleton project with ant build script and relevant Java libraries
COMP0012 f.sarro@ucl.ac.uk

Coursework: Files
Skeleton project with ant build script and relevant Java libraries
COMP0012 f.sarro@ucl.ac.uk

Coursework: Deliverables
Implementation: a Java implementation of the optimisation Use the given directory structure and build script in the
skeleton files (available from Moodle)
Report: contains a detailed descriptions of your optimisation algorithm
Describe the optimisation you have implemented providing as much detail as possible (no page limit)

COMP0012 f.sarro@ucl.ac.uk

Coursework: Deliverables
Implementation + Report

Your implementation deliverable should use the build script and preserve the directory structure provided below
COMP0012 f.sarro@ucl.ac.uk

Coursework: Deliverables
Submit groupXX.zip on Moodle
Implementation + Report

Compress the top level directory (named as groupXX where XX is your group number) and submit it through Moodle.
COMP0012 Violations will result in reduction of points! f.sarro@ucl.ac.uk

Coursework: Tools
COMP0012 f.sarro@ucl.ac.uk

Introduction to Apache BCEL

Byte Code Engineering Library (BCEL) part of Apache Commons
dormant for years at version 5.2, version 6.2 is now available Alternatives:
ObjectWeb Consortium’s ASM: http://asm.ow2.org Javassist: http://www.csg.ci.i.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~chiba/javassist/
COMP0012 f.sarro@ucl.ac.uk


✤ ✤

It enables various activities without having access to the source code:
Implementing Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP): dynamically weave code into existing class during runtime
Program analysis, find bugs, reveal unused code, etc
Program transformation (obfuscation)
Can provide nice code generation platform if your language targets JVM
COMP0012 f.sarro@ucl.ac.uk


We focus on a few use cases that will enable you tackle the coursework
BCEL Manual https://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-bcel/manual.html
BCEL API https://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-bcel/apidocs/
COMP0012 f.sarro@ucl.ac.uk

The Java Virtual Machine
✤ Programs written in the Java language are compiled into a portable binary format called byte code
Every class is represented by a single class file containing class related data and byte code instructions. These files are loaded dynamically into an interpreter (Java Virtual Machine, a.k.a. JVM) and executed

COMP0012 f.sarro@ucl.ac.uk

Bytecode Instruction Set

JVM is a stack-oriented interpreter that creates a local stack frame of fixed size for every method invocation.
Values may also be stored intermediately in a frame area containing local variables which can be used like a set of registers.
These local variables are numbered from 0 to 65535, i.e., you have a maximum of 65536 of local variables per method.
The byte code instruction set currently consists of 212 instructions.
see https://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-bcel/manual/jvm.html
COMP0012 f.sarro@ucl.ac.uk

package org.apache.bcel.classfile
COMPGS03 UML diagram for the JavaClass API yue.jia@ucl.ac.uk

A Few Classes
JavaClass: represent a Java byte code class
Of its various parts, we are interested most in:
Method: represent a method (a list of byte code instructions)
ConstantPool: represents the collection of constants

JavaClass is parsed from .class file by a ClassParser COMP0012 f.sarro@ucl.ac.uk

package org.apache.bcel.generic
COMPGS03 UML diagram of the ClassGen API yue.jia@ucl.ac.uk

A Few Classes

✤ ✤

ClassGen: generates a Java class from parts, which include ConstantPool and Methods
ConstantPoolGen: generates the constant pool
MethodGen: generates Java methods Eventually, ClassGen outputs byte[], which is
our .class file
COMP0012 f.sarro@ucl.ac.uk

Example 1: CompilerString
Source code available on Moodle

Changes all String constants into “Compiler”
COMP0012 f.sarro@ucl.ac.uk

Example 1: CompilerString
Source code available on Moodle
// load the original class into a class generator
ClassGen cgen = new ClassGen(original);
ConstantPoolGen cpgen = cgen.getConstantPool();
// get the current constant pool
ConstantPool cp = cpgen.getConstantPool();
// get the constants in the pool
Constant[] constants = cp.getConstantPool();

Changes all String constants into “Compiler”
COMP0012 f.sarro@ucl.ac.uk

Example 1: CompilerString
Source code available on Moodle

Changes all String constants into “Compiler”
for (int i = 0; i < constants.length; i++) { COMP0012 f.sarro@ucl.ac.uk // string constants take two entries in the pool // the first one is of ConstantString, which contains // an index to the second entry, which is ConstantUtf8 // (displayed Asciz when disassembled by javap) // // ConstantUtf8 (Asciz) entries are used to store method names, etc // whereas we are only interested in String constants // So we first look for ConstantString entry, // then retrieve the index of ConstantUtf8 entry, which we then replace if (constants[i] instanceof ConstantString) { ConstantString cs = (ConstantString) constants[i]; cp.setConstant(cs.getStringIndex(), new ConstantUtf8("Compiler")); } } Example 2: Five Source code available on Moodle UCL ✤ Changes any integer constants pushed to the stack to 5 // load the original class into a class generator ClassGen cgen = new ClassGen(original); ConstantPoolGen cpgen = cgen.getConstantPool(); // Do your optimization here Method[] methods = cgen.getMethods(); for (Method m : methods) { optimizeMethod(cgen, cpgen, m); } COMP0012 f.sarro@ucl.ac.uk Example 2: Five Source code available on Moodle UCL ✤ Changes any integer constants pushed to the stack to 5 InstructionList instList = new InstructionList(methodCode.getCode()); // InstructionHandle is a wrapper for actual Instructions for (InstructionHandle handle : instList.getInstructionHandles()) { // if the instruction inside is iconst if (handle.getInstruction() instanceof ICONST) { // insert new one with integer 5, and... instList.insert(handle, new ICONST(5)); try { // delete the old one instList.delete(handle); } catch (TargetLostException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } COMP0012 } f.sarro@ucl.ac.uk }