代写 algorithm html python graph Assignment 1: Beam Search

Assignment 1: Beam Search
The goal of the assignment is to implement beam search algorithm. You need to extract a directed weighted graph from a corpus and perform beam search on this graph to generate the sentence with highest score.
Task 1: Extract graph from a set of sentences.
In this task, you will work on ExtractGraph.py.
The sentence dataset locates in assign1sentences.txt. Each line of file is one sentence, starting with s, and end with s. Punctuations include only , and . It is easy to obtain the words simply by splitting the sentence with white space. Please keep the original lowercase and uppercase.
Your codes will extract a directed weighted graph from this dataset in the ExtractGraph initialization step. Each node represents a word; each edge connecting a head word and a tail word means the tail word is the next word of the head word; the edge weight is the probability of the next word appearing after head word.
Also, you need to implement getProb, which can read the graph and return the probability of the next word appearing after head word.
Task 2: Implement Beam Search on the graph to generate the sentences with max score.
In this task, you will work on BeamSearch.py.
Basic beam search should be implemented beamSearchV1.
Prewords is the existing words in the sentence, and you will need to predict next and following words to finish the sentence.
beamK is width of beam.
maxToken is the maximum words of a valid sentence, including the prewords. Searchedgenerated sentence with its score should be returned in form of StringDouble. The score is defined as:
scorey logPyx ,
Where y is the sentence, and x is the Prewords. Pyx is the probability of the sentence given input Prewords. Log function can help keep the accuracy of computation by replacing probability multiplication with log probability sum.
Example online resources of Beam Search:
https:www.youtube.comwatch?vRLWuzLLSIgw https:geekyisawesome.blogspot.com201610usingbeamsearchtogeneratemost.html

Then sentence lengthnormalization enhanced beam search should be implemented in beamSearchV2.
Prewords is the existing words in the sentence, and you will need to predict next and following words to finish the sentence.
beamK is width of beam.
maxToken is the maximum words of a valid sentence, including the prewords. Lambda is the hyper parameter to control the sentence length normalization. The lengthnormalization enhanced beam search is defined as
scorey 1 logP yx , y
Where y is the length of sentence, and is defined as 0.7 in main function. Searchedgenerated sentence with its score should be returned in form of StringDouble.
Search termination:
1. s appears in the generated sentence. s is the end of a sentence.
2. The count of words in the sentence is bigger than maxToken.
Paper related to lengthnormalization in beam search:
https:arxiv.orgpdf1707.01830.pdf https:arxiv.orgpdf1609.08144.pdf207.pdf
Tips: you may want to implement beamSearchV2 first, then beamSearchV1 can directly call beamSearchV2 with lambda set as 0.
Task 3: Discuss the effect of lengthnormalization module.
Tune lambda, play with more prewords, and compare the sentences from two versions of beam search to explore the effect of lengthnormalization. Please write your findings and evidence in a txt file. You can also read papers for reference, and paper citation is welcome.
Requirements and Reminders:
1. You CANNOT change the classes names or the required methods names. However, you can add new variables, constants, and methods in these classes and create new classes if necessary.
2. Assignment1Main is the main class for running your assignment 1. You are NOT allowed to change anything in this file.
3. You CAN ONLY use Python in this assignment.
4. You CANNOT use external Python packages.
Your submission will be graded based on:
1. Correctness of the implementation on the required functions 50.
2. Efficiency of your implementation, try your best to improve your algorithm running time and
memory space 15.

3. Necessary program annotations and comments 10.
4. A clear and comprehensive discussion from Task 3 25.
Submission Requirements
A zipped file package with the naming convention as pittidsa1. For example, suppose the Pitt id is jud1, then the submission package should be jud1a1.zip.
The file package should contain:
1. All the scriptsprograms you used for this assignment src folder.
2. Your output in the screen. This should in txt file.
3. Your discussion report. This should in txt file.
Do not upload the assign1sentences.txt.