Bash: A Command Language Interpreter, Part 2
Write a bash script that splits the saccharomyces_cerevisiae.gff file from the previous example into two files. • Onecontainingrecordsforgeneswithverifiedopenreadingframes(ORFs).
• Andanothercontainingtherestofthegenes.
All the information to do this is contained in saccharomyces_cerevisiae.gff, you only need to determine how to extract it.
Remember that the url for the file is cerevisiae.gff.
Recall that a GFF file contains both a table of features and FASTA formatted genome sequences. The description of the format is described at
Feel free to discuss your answers with each other and ask for help. Google is also very helpful to understand what commands do.
When you are finished upload your annotated script to Canvas. Remember to include the information/references of any resources you used to complete the assignment (apart from manual pages and help messages). This includes fellow students.
BIO/MAT/MBB 355 2020.A2