Steps to connect to Postgres on the uOttawa server
The steps in this document should be followed only if you want to use the uOttawa server. These steps are mentioned with the assumption that you have already downloaded and installed Postgres or at least pgAdmin on your own local machines as per the Lab5PostgresSQLIntallation.ppt in the git repo.
1. Launch the pgAdmin application on your local system. If you have the latest pgAdmin and we recommend that you do it will run on your systems default browser.
2. Right click on the Servers option on the top left section of the page. You will see an option to Create a new Server Group or Server. Select the Server option here to get to this screen.
3. Enter the following details:
Under the General tab, in the Name section enter uOttawa or any other name you would like to give to the server.
Under the Connection tab,
Host name address: Port: 15432
Maintaince DB: postgres
Username: your uOttawa email alias Password: your uOttawa email password
Now click on Save.
4. You should now see the new server access that you just created under the Servers option on the top left of the screen.
5. Expand the server name you just created and you will see 3 options with Databases biegn one of them. Expand the Databases option and scroll down to your uOttawa user name database.
6. Select the database with your uOttawa name and expand it to access the database
7. Youll notice the Thunderbolt sign on the top of the Browse window is now clickable. Click that to open the Query Editor.
You can now try the queries mentioned in the Lab5 installation ppt.