程序代写代做 graph game Assignment1

The assignment data was extracted from the Wikipedia entry onAll Time Olympic Games Medals, with some minor modification to make things interesting. The dataset is split into two CSV files one ofsummer gamesand the other for thewinter gamesand combined total. Here you can find the datasets:Summer GamesandWinter Games. Use the datasets to answer the following questions:
Question 1: based on the both datasetsMerge the two datasets Olympicsdataset1.csv and Olympicsdataset2.csv do not concatenate the datasets and ignore the first row of each of the datasets. And rename columns of the result dataframe as follow remove the rest of columns from the result dataset:Country, summerrubbish, summerparticipation, summergold, summersilver, summerbronze, summertotal, winterparticipation, wintergold, wintersilver, winterbronze, wintertotalRemove the Totals row from the dataframeDisplay the first five rows of the dataframe
Question 2: based on the dataframe created in Question1Rename country to only keep the name of the country without the abbreviations Afghanistan AFG Afghanistan . Set the index as the country name, remove below columns and thendisplay the first 5 rows in the Dataframe:summerrubbish,summertotal,wintertotal
Question 3:based on the dataframe created in Question2Remove the rows with NaN fields anddisplay the last 10 rows.
Question 4:based on the dataframe created in Question3Calculate and display which country has won the mostgold medalsin summer games?Just print the country name
Question 5 :based on the dataframe created in Question3Calculate and display which country name had the biggest difference between their summer and winter gold medal?Just print the country name and the difference
Question 6:based on the dataframe created in Question3Sort the countries in descending order, according to the number of total of medals summer and winter anddisplay the first and last 5 rows of the dataframe including a column showing the total number of medals.
Question 7:based on the dataframe created in Question3Plot a bar chart of the top 10 countries ordered by the number of total of medals summer and winter. For each country use a stacked bar chart showing for each county the total medals for winter and summer games.See example chart below:
Question 8:based on the dataframe created in Question3Plot a bar chart of the countries United States, Australia, Great Britain, Japan, New Zealand. For each county you need to show the gold, silver and bronze medals for winter games. See example below of the chart:
Question 9:based on the dataframe created in Question3Assume that there countries are ranked based on a new ranking scheme for the summer games. In the new ranking scheme, a Gold, Silver, and Bronze medals have 5, 3, and 1 points respectively. And countries are ranked based on the points eared perparticipationtotal points divided by total number ofparticipationsin games. Based on this scheme, rank the countries and print the name of top 5 countries having the best rate points perparticipation.Print both country names and rates.Example: Imagine that a country has 1 gold medal, and 1 silver 5 3 points totally 8 points; and this country had 10participationin the summer games. The rate of points perparticipationwill be 8 10 0.8 for this country. if perparticipation is 0, the rate should be 0;
Question 10:based on the dataframe created in Question3Based on the raking scheme in Question 9, also calculate the points perparticipationfor each country in the Winter Games. Next plot a scatter chart with x points perparticipationfor summer games , and y points perparticipationfor winter games. Here is an example of such a chart:however, you also need to ink bubbles based on the their continents e.g, Asia red, Africa blue, … You may use theCountryContinent datasetto colour the counties, and use a default color Gray for countries which are not listed in the dataset. You chart must also have legends and labels showing the name of countries beside the points inside the chart.

Submission Guideline:
Due Date:Friday the 20th of October 2019 23:59
Submit your script named YOURZID.py z2123232.py which contains your code.Define a function for each question separately and name them like:question1,question2, etc. Here is an example:
import pandas as pd

def question1
printQuestion 1

def question2
printQuestion 2

def question10
printQuestion 10

if name main:


you can download the code template :https:raw.githubusercontent.commysilverCOMP9321DataServicesmasterassignmentsz1111111.py
if you do not follow this structure, you will be penalised.

Can I pass variables to functions?YES
Shall I skip the first row team, summer gamesin the datasets?YES
Can we create our own functions besides the question functions e.g., question1?YES
Can I call another function inside the question functions? e.g., calling question1 inside question2YES
What should I do if my charts are not shown automatically?Look at the lab sample codes; if still need a help, ask your tutor during the tutorials.
How should I print my dataframe?Use:printdf.tostring
Is it okay that the graph for Q8 does not pop up until the graph for Q7 is closed or should they both pop up at the same time?This is fine
In Question 8, does the order of countries in the plot matter? i.e. should country 1 always be United States, then Australia, Great Britain, and so on or can we plot in alphabetical order of country names. So, country 1 Australia, country 2 GB, etcNo, the order is not important
Do the charts in q8 and q9 need to look the same colors, legend position, grid as the examples shown? or would it be fine to just use the default plotting from pandas?The default coloursfonts are fine
How are our submissions marked?They are marked manually by tutors, by running the following command: python3 zYOURZID.py
What python packages can I use in my assignment?You can only use pandas and matplotlib to do the assignment.
What version of python should I use?Python 3
How I can submit my assignment?Go to the assignment page click on the Make Submission tab; pick your files which must be named YOURZID.py. Make sure that the files are not empty, and submit the files together.
When is Assignment 1 due?the Assignment is due on Friday the 25th of October 2019 23:59
Can I submit my file after deadline?Yes, you can. But 20 of your assignment will be deducted as a late penalty per day. In other words, if you be late for more than 4 days, you will not be marked.

This is anindividual assignment. The work you submit must be your own work. Submission of work partially or completely derived from any other person or jointly written with any other person is not permitted. The penalties for such offence may include negative marks, automatic failure of the course and possibly other academic discipline. Assignment submissions will be examined manually.
Do not provide or show your assignment work to any other person apart from the teaching staff of this course. If you knowingly provide or show your assignment work to another person for any reason, and work derived from it is submitted, you may be penalized, even if the work was submitted without your knowledge or consent. Pay attention that is also your duty to protect your code artifacts. if you are using any online solution to store your code artifacts e.g., GitHub then make sure to keep the reposiroty private and do not share access to anyone.
Reminder:Plagiarismisdefined asusing the words or ideas of others and presenting them as your own. UNSW and CSE treat plagiarism as academic misconduct, which means that it carries penalties as severe as being excluded from further study at UNSW. There are several online sources to help you understand what plagiarism is and how it is dealt with at UNSW:
Plagiarism and Academic Integrity
UNSW Plagiarism Procedure
Make sure that you read and understand these. Ignorance is not accepted as an excuse for plagiarism. In particular, you are also responsible for ensuring that your assignment files are not accessible by anyone but you by setting the correct permissions in your CSE directory and code repository, if using one e.g., Github and similar. Note also that plagiarism includes paying or asking another person to do a piece of work for you and then submitting it as your own work.
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