Assignment: Array Duplicates
For this lab you will work on the partially-implemented project array_duplicates. The project already contains the necessary cases to test your functions. Your job is to implement the following function definitions (your code should be written all in one file, the Functions.h file):
• deleteDuplicates( )
o Parameters:anarrayandthenumberofelementsinthearray.
o Deletesallduplicatesinthearray.
o Youwillneedtoshifttherestoftheelementsafterdeletinganelement.
• printArray()
o Printsthearrayelementsononeline.
o Parameters:anarrayandthenumberofelementsinthearray.
NOTE: You are writing function definitions—do you know the difference between a definition and a declaration of a function? If not, check the Review 1 slides.
Make sure you:
• Do NOT modify the code already provided.
• Add a name header with your name, date, etc.
• Pass by reference when needed and you add the const modifier to the parameters ONLY when
• Do NOT use a return statement without returning anything! return;
• Do NOT use the break and continue statements (there are no switch statements to use break).
• Do NOT use global variables ever.
Keep in mind the following:
• Divide your code in meaningful blocks for readability
• Name your variables using descriptive names
• Use all appropriate conventions for naming
• Do not leave unnecessary spaces or lines in your code
Expected Output:
What does it mean *expected* output? It means that you are expected to reproduce the output at it shows, including upper-case, commas, periods, spaces, indentation, blank lines, etc. Pay attention to all details.