STAT0023 Workshop 3: simple programming in R
In this workshop you’ll start writing your own scripts to produce some simple functions. You will need the slides / handouts from the lecture which explain the key concepts: these can be downloaded from the STAT0023 Moodle page, under the ‘Course overview and useful materials’ tab.
1 Setting up
For this workshop, in addition to the lecture slides / handouts you will need the following, all of which can be downloaded from the ‘Week 3’ tab of the Moodle page:
• These instructions.
• The R scripts ConvertTemp.r, MandelbrotFunctions.r and MandelbrotDemo.r. You should save these to the appropriate place on your N: drive, as you created it during Workshop 1. Refer to Section 1 of the notes for Workshop 1 if necessary — and remember to make sure that your web browser doesn’t change the filenames when downloading them (Section 1.3 of the Workshop 1 notes).
Having downloaded the files, start up RStudio and use the Session menu to set the working directory appropriately, as usual (refer to your notes from Workshop 1 if necessary).
1.1 Defining and saving functions
In this workshop, you’ll get some practice at writing R scripts and functions from scratch. To define a function in R, the following method is recommended:
• Use the File menu in RStudio to open a new R script (File → New File → R Script). You will get a blank pane in which to type your function.
• Save the file with a sensible name in your current working directory. For example, in the first exercise below you’re asked to write a function called taylor.sin. You might choose to save the R script for this function in a file called TaylorSin.r.
• Click the button in RStudio, to run the script. If your script is correct, you won’t see anything on screen but you will now be able to use your function. If it contains syntax errors, R will let you know! Sometimes however, the error messages are not directly related to the cause of the problem. At this stage, the cause is usually something like:
– Mismatched brackets e.g. a missing opening or closing ‘(’ or ‘)’, or an opening ‘(’ that gets closed with a ‘]’, or something like that. If you have used curly brackets ‘{’ and ‘}’ to define blocks of code, make sure these are all balanced. Use the Code menu in RStudio to help with this: in particular, if you highlight a sequence of lines and
then choose the Reindent Lines or Reformat Code options, RStudio will try and arrange the code logically according to how you’ve actually defined it (rather than how you think you’ve defined it!). This can help you to spot where the problem lies, because the indentation will look wrong.
– Mismatched quotes “”. The syntax highlighting in RStudio is helpful here: make sure that things that are supposed to be inside quotes (like file names) are in an appropriate colour and that this colour has not “escaped” to the rest of your code!
Be aware that the cause of the problem may be on an earlier line than the one where R starts complaining. Also, be aware that if can source your function definition without error, this does not mean that your function is correct: it merely means that there is nothing obviously wrong with the basic syntax of your function.
Power Series for the Sine Function
Let’s start with a simple function. The Taylor expansion of sin(x) about 0 is x3 x5 x7
sin(x)=x− 3! + 5! − 7! +···
In order to investigate the accuracy of this power series, create the following function (called
taylor.sin) using the approach described in Section 1.1 above, and click the button to load it into R.
taylor.sin <- function(x) {
# Taylor approximation to sin(x)
x - (x^3)/6 + (x^5)/120
This function computes the Taylor expansion up to the third term. Now you can use your function. Type the following commands at the Console prompt:
> taylor.sin(0)
> taylor.sin(pi/4)
> sin(pi/4)
> taylor.sin(pi/4)-sin(pi/4)
The last command is the error between the Taylor approximation and the accurate value for sin(π/4). So far the approximations are reasonable, but as the value of x gets larger, so the approximation gets worse . . .
> taylor.sin(pi/2)
> taylor.sin(pi)
> taylor.sin(2*pi)
3 THE ‘…’ ARGUMENT 3 Create a plot to compare the two functions:
> theta <- pi*(-200:200) / 150 # Fine grid of values from -4*pi/3 to 4*pi/3
> plot(theta, sin(theta), type=”l”, col=”red”) # Exact value
> lines(theta,taylor.sin(theta), col=”blue”, lty=2) # Approximation
Now change your function taylor.sin so that the expansion is calculated up to the fourth term. Repeat the above commands to see how much more accurate the method is.
3 The ‘…’ Argument
In the lecture, the following function was given
convert.temp <- function(degrees.F, plot.wanted=TRUE, ...) {
degrees.C <- (degrees.F - 32) * 5/9
if (plot.wanted) plot(degrees.F, degrees.C, ...)
Open the file ConvertTemp.r that you downloaded earlier, by clicking on it in the ‘Files’ tab of the lower right-hand pane in RStudio. This file contains the convert.temp function definition, together with some comments about its use and purpose: these comments follow the general layout of an R help page (you might not like this, but you need to get used to it!). Specifically, the comments tell you:
• What is the purpose of the function;
• What its arguments are, including what kinds of objects they are e.g. that degrees.F is a vector. This is not just fluffy waffle: it tells the user that if they want to use the function successfully, the input degrees.F must be a vector.1 Almost all of the help pages in the core R package will provide similar information: be aware, and use it! Unfortunately, the help pages for the add-on libraries (the ones that you access using the library() command) are of variable quality. You can’t complain, though: you get more than you pay for.
• What is the ‘value’ of the function i.e. what kind of object dog would be if you typed dog <- convert.temp() with some appropriate arguments.
• Any other side effects (in this case, the optional creation of a plot on the current graphics device).
Click the button to load this function into R. Then, at the Console prompt, create a vector of Fahrenheit temperatures
1In R, to find out whether an object is a vector you can use the is.vector() function which returns either TRUE or FALSE.
3 THE ‘...’ ARGUMENT 4
> fahrtemps <- c(0,20,32,61,70,80,90,100,110,212)
Now do the following:
1. Call the function convert.temp using these temperatures (i.e. convert.temp(fahrtemps))
2. Call the function again, this time with the additional argument type="b".
3. Add a title by calling the function with yet another additional argument main="Celsius against Fahrenheit".
4. One more time: call the function again, but now so that the points and lines appear in red (you might want to look at the help page for par() here — or look at some examples from previous workshops to find out how colours are specified).
Can you see how the argument ‘...’ works and why it is useful?
Default values: notice that the convert.temp() function has an argument plot.wanted, but we didn’t use it when we called the function. If a user calls a function in R with some arguments missing, R will look to see whether there are default values for them. In this case, the default for the plot.wanted argument is TRUE: this is specified by writing plot.wanted=TRUE in the definition of the function arguments. In general, it is helpful to provide sensible defaults for some arguments when writing functions, to save the user from having to specify them every time. The defaults should correspond to choices that are likely to be made frequently.
3.1 Adding more detail
You should have the convert.temp() function definition open in RStudio. This means that you can edit the function to ‘improve’ it. So: change the line
if (plot.wanted) plot(degrees.F, degrees.C, ...)
if (plot.wanted) {
plot(degrees.F, degrees.C, ...)
if (min(degrees.C) <= 0) {
abline(h=0, col="blue")
abline(v=32, col="blue")
if(max(degrees.C) >= 100){
abline(h=100, col=”red”)
abline(v=212, col=”red”)
} }
Reload the function into R (click the button …) and call it again. Can you see what the function abline does and how the if statements work?
Figure 1: Illustration of the trapezium rule
4 Numerical Quadrature
A common mathematical problem is to integrate a function f between two points i.e. to evaluate b f (x)dx (NB we’re using the word ‘function’ in its mathematical sense now, rather than the
computational sense of the previous section). For many simple functions (e.g. f (x) = x2 + 4), humans can do this using rules learned in school or university, but these rules can’t be implemented easily in most computing environments. Moreover, it is common to encounter functions that can’t be integrated using standard rules (for example, if you want to find probabilities under the standard normal curve).
An alternative exploits the fact that an integral is just the area under a curve. This area can be cal- culatedapproximatelybyevaluatingthefunctionatvaluesx0,…,xn totogetf(x0),f(x2),…f(xn), joining up the points with straight lines and calculating the areas of the resulting trapezia as il- lustrated in Figure 1. This leads to the trapezium rule to approximate the integral of f. For equally-spaced x-values, the trapezium rule is
xn h
f(x)dx≈ 2[f(x0)+2f(x1)+···+2f(xn−1)+f(xn)], x0
h = xn − x0 . n
we will write an R function called trapezium, to approximate an integral using the trapezium rule with equally spaced x values. The R function will have three arguments, as follows:
v : a vector containing the values v[1]= f(x0), v[2]= f(x1),…v[n+1]= f(xn); a : the lower limit of integration a= x0;
4 NUMERICAL QUADRATURE 6 b : the upper limit of integration b= xn.
Use the following code as a template for your function, filling in the gaps where indicated:
trapezium <- function(v,a,b) {
n <- length(v)-1
h <- ?????
intv <- ?????
## as defined above
## intv is the calculated integral. You may
## need a couple of lines for this, but
## DO NOT USE A LOOP!!! You might want to
## know that the sum() command can be
## used to sum the elements of a vector.
# and return intv
We can check the method using a couple of examples for which the answer is known. For example, the value of 10 1dx can be approximated using trapezium(rep(1,11), 0, 10) (there are 11
x values: 0, 1, 2, . . . , 10). How accurate is the answer? Can you explain this?
As another example, we can use the function to evaluate the integral π/2 sin(x)dx. In the
first instance, this can be done using trapezium(sin((0:6)*pi/12), 0, pi/2) (the vector v contains function values from sin(0) to sin(π/2) and the integration limits are defined as a=0 and b=pi/2). Answer the following questions:
1. What value do you get for trapezium(sin((0:6)*pi/12), 0, pi/2)?
2. What is the exact answer for this integral? How big is the approximation error from the
trapezium rule?
3. It should be clear from Figure 1 that the accuracy of the trapezium rule will improve as the number of evaluation points increases i.e. as n increases (although this comes with an increase in computational cost, obviously). The most human-friendly way of do- ing this is to change the argument sin((0:6)*pi/12) in the call above to something like sin(seq(0,pi/2,length.out=10)) or sin(seq(0, pi/2, length.out=20)) or sin(seq(0, pi/2, length.out=50)). How fast does your approximation improve as you increase the number of evaluation points? By what fraction does the error decrease as you double the number of evaluation points? Will this increase in accuracy continue forever?
You may be tempted to see what happens if you try a very large number of evaluation points, such as 1e9. DO NOT ATTEMPT THIS!!! The reason is that if you do, R will try to store the evaluation points in a vector containing 109 elements. Each element uses 8 bytes of the computer’s memory, and the entire vector uses 8 gigabytes. Your computer probably doesn’t have this much memory, and it will grind to a halt — possibly for more than an hour.
5 TO LOOP OR NOT TO LOOP? 7 5 To loop or not to loop?
In the lecture, we discussed the fact that you should avoid loops in R where possible. This section demonstrates the problem.
5.1 How not to calculate a sum
We’ll start with a very simple example. Following the procedure described in Section 1.1, define a function called sillysum() as follows:
sillysum <- function(x) {
z <- 0
for (i in 1:x) z <- z+i
z }
Before you continue: what do you think this function does?
Check that sillysum(10) gives the same result as sum(1:10). Then check that sillysum(1e6) gives the same results as sum(as.numeric(1:1e6)) (the ‘as.numeric()’ is needed to stop R from trying to store the numbers as integers: the largest integer it can store is 231 − 1). Do you notice the difference in speed? You can quantify this:
> system.time(sillysum(1e6))
[output …]
> system.time(sum(as.numeric(1:1e6)))
[output …]
How much slower are the loops?
It doesn’t hurt to repeat the warning from the previous section: do not be tempted to try even bigger numbers here, because of the memory required to store very large vectors.
5.2 A more challenging example: plotting a Mandelbrot set
The example in this section is considerably more advanced, but it demonstrates clearly the benefits of avoiding loops in R. It’s mathematical rather than statistical: it involves the computation of the Mandelbrot set (Figure 2). This set is constructed using the function f (z) = z2 + c where z and c are complex numbers. The function is iterated starting from z0 = 0 to give a sequence z1 =f(z0)=z02+c,z2 =f(z1)=z12+c=(z02+c)2+c,andsoon. TheMandelbrotsetis defined as the set of values {c} for which this sequence remains bounded. Remarkably for such a simple concept, the set has an extremely complex structure — indeed, many of you have probably encountered it before as a well-known example of a fractal set (i.e. a set that has structure at all scales).
To draw the Mandelbrot set, the ‘obvious’ approach is to set up a fine grid of values {c = cx + icy} in the complex plane and, for each pair (cx,cy), to determine whether the sequence
Figure 2: Representation of the Mandelbrot set.
z0, z1, z2, z3, . . . remains bounded. Then draw the grid, with each point (cx, cy) shaded black (say) if the sequence remains bounded and white otherwise.
This is easier said than done, however! One useful thing to know is that if there is some k with |zk| ≥ 2 then the sequence definitely does not remain bounded. This means that if you start at z0 = 0 and calculate the sequence z0, z1, z2, . . . for a particular value of c, and at some stage you produce a value with modulus greater than 2, then this value of c is not in the Mandelbrot set. In practice of course, the sequence is infinite so you can’t calculate every element. An operational procedure,therefore,istocalculateafiniteversionofthesequencez0,z1,z2,…,zK whereK is some large number: if |zK| is still less than 2 then your value of c may be in the Mandelbrot set, although you can’t be sure. This is called the escape time algorithm.
When using the escape time algorithm, it is common to indicate not just whether or not a grid node is in the set, but instead to draw a ‘map’ of the first integer k for which |zk| > 2. Thus, Figure 2 shows a part of the complex plane (the axes are omitted because they spoil the view!), with−2≤cx ≤1and−1≤cy ≤1. Thispartoftheplanehasbeendividedintoaregulargrid of dimensions 1000 × 1000, and for each grid node the escape time algorithm has been used with a maximum iteration number of K = 1000: at each grid node, the colour indicates the first value of k with |zk| > 2. Dark blue and purple values indicate low values of k, with white indicating K = 1000 so that the corresponding points may be in the Mandelbrot set.
In the script MandelbrotFunctions.r that you downloaded earlier, there are two functions that implement the escape time algorithm. Open the script and look through the definition of the function Mandelbrot1(). This is a direct translation into R of the ‘pseudo-code’ given on the Wikipedia page at You should not attempt to understand all the details here! Notice the following, however:
• The function has several arguments: nx and ny to control the numbers of grid nodes in the x
and y directions, xlim and ylim to set the overall ranges of values for the grid, max.iter to control the maximum number of iterations (i.e. the value of K in the algorithm description above), ColourScale so that the user can specify their own colours for the image. xlim and ylim have default values corresponding to the image shown in Figure 2; max.iter has a default value of 1000; and ColourScale has a default value of NULL: this is a special value, discussed further below. The ‘…’ argument is also used, because this enables the user to define additional graphics parameters to the image() command later on.
By setting default values for most of the arguments, the function can be called very easily. Try it:
> Mandelbrot1(50,50)
NB do not try any bigger numbers than 50 here! (you’ll see why in a moment). If you do this, after a few seconds you should see a plot which is just about recognisable as a very coarse-resolution approximation to Figure 2: it’s so coarse (50 grid nodes in each direction) that you can still see the grid structure in the image.
• The NULL default value for ColourScale is used because the code to set up the default colour scale takes up a couple of lines, and it would be hard to read if if this code were included as part of the argument specification. Instead, the function starts by testing whether ColourScale is NULL (i.e. the default value): if so, the built-in colour scale is explicitly computed, and otherwise the user-supplied value is used. This is a common way to set non-trivial default values (note that you shouldn’t worry about the precise code used to set up the colour scale here — it was produced by trial and error!).
• The main calculations are in a pair of nested for loops:
for (i in 1:nx) {
for (j in 1:ny) {
… }
The ‘i’ loop here deals with one row of the grid at a time; and, for each row, the ‘j’ loop moves along the columns. By doing this, we deal with each grid node in turn, which makes the calculations easy to think about.
• For each grid node, some relevant quantities are initialised (x <- 0 and y <- 0, corre- sponding to the real and imaginary parts of z0 in the algorithm as described above; and iter <- 0 to initialise the iteration counter i.e. k in the algorithm description). Then a while loop is used:
while (x^2 + y^2 < 4 & iter < max.iter) { # NB escape clause!
iter <- iter + 1
There are two conditions in the while() statement here: the first is x^2 + y^2 < 4, which corresponds to the condition |zk| < 2 in the escape time algorithm (x and y get continuously updated so that, at each iteration, they represent the real and imaginary parts of zk). The second condition is iter < max.iter: this will be TRUE unless the iteration count exceeds the maximum number of iterations allowed. The two conditions are linked by the ‘&’ sign which means “and”: the entire expression is TRUE only if both of the individual conditions are TRUE, and FALSE otherwise. The while loop will therefore continue until either |zk| ≥ 2, or the maximum number of iterations is reached (because the iteration count iter is incremented on each pass through the loop). The condition iter < max.iter is an ‘escape clause’ ensuring that the loop will always terminate and you don’t get stuck on the infinite staircase (if you don’t know about this staircase, see the lecture slides / handouts).
Question: can you replace the escape clause inside the while condition by an explicit break statement?2
You shouldn’t worry about anything else in the function: there are some tricks to get the colour scale to display sensibly, and to return the matrix result invisibly (you didn’t really want to see a 50 × 50 matrix on your screen when you typed Mandelbrot1(50,50), did you?); but these are not particularly important for this workshop.
That seems all very well: but you may have noticed that it took a few seconds to run the Mandelbrot1(50,50) command and the results are nowhere near as impressive as Figure 2. To produce such a high-resolution image, a very fine grid is needed: the grid resolution for Figure 2 is 1000 × 1000 rather than 50 × 50. Whatever you do, resist the temptation to deal with this by typing Mandelbrot1(1000,1000)! Think about it: a 1000 × 1000 grid contains 400 times as manynodesasa50×50grid,soyoucanexpectthecomputationstotake400timesaslong.3 On my laptop, the 50 × 50 computations take around 2.75 seconds: the 1000 × 1000 computations might take about 18 minutes, therefore.
This is where function Mandelbrot2() comes in. It implements exactly the same algorithm as before, but this time there are no for loops: the entire grid is updated at each operation, simply by using R’s facilities for componentwise multiplication of matrix elements (here representing grid nodes). The key to this is to create additional matrices for the quantities x and y, as well as for the co-ordinates of the grid nodes themselves; and, additionally, to keep track of which grid nodes have already ‘escaped’ from the region |z| < 2 on an earlier iteration. This ‘tracking’ is done by creating a matrix called NotDone, with elements that are TRUE for those grid nodes that have not yet escaped and FALSE otherwise. Then, at each iteration, the calculations are only performed on the subset of grid nodes for which NotDone is TRUE (as always, using the [] construction to select the required subset): this ensures that we don’t waste computer time doing calculations for nodes that have already escaped and therefore don’t need to be considered further. This technique (the use of a logical matrix to restrict the set of elements considered in a calculation) is sometimes called masking.
2This question is intended to make you go and find out for yourself how break statements work — the help system might be a good start. Note, however, that excessive use of break statements is not recommended because it can make it hard to see the structure of your code (and hence hard to find and fix errors).
3This isn’t quite correct, because the computations for some grid nodes are quicker than others — but it’s roughly right.
Don’t worry if you don’t understand all of this: it is quite advanced programming, and you aren’t expected to get to that level in STAT0023! What you are expected to do, however, is to appreciate the benefits of avoiding loops. Try it:
> Mandelbrot2(50,50)
Do you notice the difference in speed compared with Mandelbrot1? On my laptop, it runs more
than 10 times faster; and it allows Figure 2 to be produced in under 90 seconds.
If you want to relax a bit and entertain yourself, open the file MandelbrotDemo.r and run the
last few lines:
par(mfrow=c(2,2),mar=c(1,1,2,1)) # 2*2 plot array, narrow margins except at top
Mandelbrot2(500,500,xlab=””,ylab=””,axes=FALSE,main=”Complete Mandelbrot set”)
for (i in 1:3) {
cat(“Click 2 points on plot to select zoom region …\n”)
ZoomRegion <- locator(2)
cat(paste("Working on region (",ZoomRegion$x[1],",",ZoomRegion$x[2],
") x (",ZoomRegion$y[1],",",ZoomRegion$y[2],") ...\n",sep=""))
box(lwd=2) }
These lines illustrate the following points:
• The inclusion of arguments such as xlab="" and ylab="" in the Mandelbrot2() com- mand: these are interpreted as part of the ... argument, and hence passed through to the underlying image() call.
• The use of a for loop to generate a sequence of plots. In this kind of situation a for loop is permissible: recall from the lecture that the reason to avoid these loops is that it takes time for R to interpret each line of code before executing it. In this case however, the time taken to interpret the code is tiny by comparison with the time taken to execute it (because the execution involves a call to Mandelbrot2(), which takes a few seconds). Compare with the for loops in Mandelbrot1(), where each loop only involved a small amount of computation and the interpretation time was therefore substantial by comparison.
• The locator() function can be used to select co-ordinates of points on an R graphics device. As each plot is produced therefore, you will be prompted to click two points: these will be taken as the opposite corners of a rectangle, and the next plot will ‘zoom in’ on that rectangle. This illustrates the usefulness of the locator() function as a way to help you interact with R graphics. There are, apparently, an infinite number of seahorses, nautiluses and other strange creatures hiding in the Mandelbrot set: see if you can find one!
• Functions provide an extremely powerful way to carry out complex tasks with a single command. Thus, to produce a plot for a different region of the complex plane, we don’t have to type out all of the Mandelbrot2 code again: we simply call the command with different values of the xlim and ylim arguments.
Logical operations and comparison of objects
In the previous section we saw the use of the ‘&’ symbol to test whether two logical conditions are both TRUE. This is an example of a logical operator, in the same way that +, -, *, / and ^ are arithmetic operators. Like arithmetic operators, ‘&’ can be used with vectors. For example:
> x <- 1:5
> y <- c(2,-1,1,4,3)
> (x > y) & (y > 0)
The conditions are combined elementwise, as you might expect.
6.1 The main logical operators
You need to be familiar with the following logical operators:
‘&’: x & y is TRUE if the corresponding elements of x and y are both TRUE, and FALSE otherwise.
‘|’: x | y is TRUE if at least one of the corresponding elements of x and y is TRUE. Think of it as ‘or’: ‘x or y is true’.
‘%in%’: x %in% y returns, for each element of x, the value TRUE if that value appears in the object y and FALSE otherwise. For example (the LETTERS object was introduced in the lecture):
> x <- c("L","o","n","d","o","n")
> x %in% LETTERS
Further work with logical operations
You also need to be familiar with the following:
• The ‘!’ (‘not’) symbol swaps round the TRUE and FALSE elements of an object:
> !(x %in% LETTERS)
6 LOGICAL OPERATIONS AND COMPARISON OF OBJECTS 13 • The any() and all() commands can be used to determine whether any, or all, of the
elements of a logical object are TRUE.
> any(x %in% LETTERS)
[1] TRUE
> all(x %in% LETTERS)
These commands can be useful in if() and while() conditions (for example, the any(NotDone) condition in the Mandelbrot2 function).
Notice that the conditions in an if() or while() statement must evaluate to a single TRUE or FALSE value — it can be very easy to accidentally program a condition that delivers a vector result, in which case you’ll get a warning message along the lines of
Warning message:
In if (your condition) {your commands} :
the condition has length > 1 and only the first element will be used
6.3 Comparison of objects
When you’re using if() or while() statements, or selecting subsets of an object using [] based on some condition, the condition itself often involves the comparison of vectors or matrices. The main comparison operators are:
‘==’: x==y is TRUE if the corresponding elements of x and y are equal, and FALSE otherwise. Note, however, that computers can’t do calculations with 100% accuracy, and small round- ing errors can lead to unexpected results. For example:
> sin(2*pi) == 0
> sin(2*pi)
[1] -2.449213e-16
To get round this problem, if you need to test for equality of objects that have been produced by some calculation process, it is usually safer to test whether the absolute difference between them is less than some small number.
‘!=’: x!=y is TRUE if the corresponding elements of x and y are different, and FALSE if they’re the same. So, for example, if x and y are vectors of the same length then x!=y is an alternative way of writing !(x==y).
‘<’, ‘>’: x
examples of their use in Section 3.1 above.
Please note: often, the use of if statements can (and should) be avoided by using comparison operators in conjunction with subsetting e.g. if x is a numeric vector and you just want its non-negative elements, by far the cleanest and most efficient way to do it is to go x[x >= 0]. The ‘masking’ technique used in the Mandelbrot2() function above is an example of this.
7 Moodle quiz
There is just one new Moodle quiz this week. If you have time left in the workshop, try it a few times.