Set by: Mike Sanderson
Credit: 10% of total module mark Deadline: 11.59.59, Tuesday 18 February Introduction
You should refer to sections 5 and 7 of the Undergraduate Students’ Handbook for details of the University policy regarding late submission and plagiarism; the work handed in must be entirely your own. Your programs will be checked by an intelligent plagiarism detection system that looks for similarities between the submitted programs.
The assignment comprises 2 exercises – the first may be written using either Java or Python 3; the second must be written in Java.
It is expected that marking of the assignments will be completed by the beginning of week 25.
Copies of all source code and all Java .class files and also a text file containing a pasted copy of the output generated from exercise 1 must be submitted to FASER in a single .zip or .7z file; marks will be deducted for any files submitted in other formats.
Marking Criteria
Exercise 1 will contribute 35% of the total mark for this assignment (28% for the class and 7% for the code for testing it) and exercise 2 will contribute 65% (17.5% for the nonleaves method, 17.5% for the depth method and 30% for the range method).
The 7% for the testing of exercise 1 is allocated purely for the thoroughness of the testing. Of the remaining marks about three-quarters will be awarded for correct behaviour of the classes or methods, with the remaining quarter being awarded for efficiency and programming style.
A Java program that fails to compile or a Python program that is rejected by the Python syntax-checker will not earn more than half of the total available marks for the exercise.
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CE204 ASSIGNMENT 1 2020 Exercise 1
A double-ended queue (dequeue) is like a queue but items may be added to and removed from either end. The ends are known as left and right. The primitive operations are createdeq, isempty, left, right, addleft, addright, removeleft and removeright.
You are required to write in either Java or Python 3 a class that implements the dequeue ADT with methods for all of the primitive operations (other than createdeq, since a deque can be created using code such as new Deque()) The class should have a (Java) constructor or (Python) __init__ method that ensures all newly-created queues are empty. The class should also have a (Java) toString or (Python) __str__ method that generates a string of the form <3,5,7>. The data in the class must be private.
The left, right, removeleft and removeright method should throw/raise an exception when applied to an empty queue.
If you choose to use Java the class should be generic (i.e. declared as Dequeue
You should also write and submit code that tests the behaviour of all of the operations, generating output indicating what methods are being called and what results are returned and displaying the contents of the queue whenever changes are made. A fragment of the output might look like
Queue contents: <3,5,7>
Adding 10 to left
Queue contents: <10,3,5,7>
Calling right: 7 returned
You should include code to test the behaviour of the left, right, removeleft and removeright operations when applied to an empty queue – this will require four separate try-catch or try-except blocks.
The test code should not be interactive.
If you write the program in Java the test code must be written in a main method in a separate class in a separate file; if you choose to use Python you may place the test code in the same file, but it must be outside the class.
You may make use of most of the classes from the standard Java or Python libraries; however use of the deque class from the Python collection module or the Deque interface from the Java Collections Framework is not permitted, and you must not use any third-party classes. Additionally, since the use of classes such as LinkedList makes the coding much simpler, a class in which the data member is simply a Collections Framework object will not earn more than 75% of the marks available for correct behaviour. Code supplied for this module, such as the QueueException or ListCell classes, may be freely used without the need for acknowledgement.
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CE204 ASSIGNMENT 1 2020 Exercise 2
A BST class based on the class on slides 19-23 of part 3 of the lecture slides is provided online for this exercise. You are required to add three extra methods to the class. These must be declared as
public int nonleaves() { …… }
public int depth() { …… }
public int range(int min, int max) { …… }
The nonleaves method should return the number of non-leaf nodes in the tree.
The value returned by the depth method should the maximum depth of the tree (i.e. the number of nodes on the path from the root to the deepest leaf); a tree containing just a root will have a depth of 1.
Both of the above methods should return 0 if the tree is empty.
The range method should return the number of elements in the tree whose values are in the range min to max (inclusive); 0 should be returned if the tree is empty or contains no values in that range; an exception of type IllegalArgumentException should be thrown if the value of max is less than the value of min. (This exception class is part of the Java language; you do not have to write it.)
All of your code must be written inside the classes in the supplied file. You may if you wish add extra methods to the BTNode class, but must not add any new instance variables to this class nor modify its constructor. You may add extra private support methods and instance variables to the BST class but must not modify any of the existing methods in this class.
It is strongly recommended that you write a separate class with a main method to test your new methods, but this class should not be submitted – I will use my class with a main method for testing of the program; this will assume that the three methods are declared exactly as shown above. If you complete just one or two of the methods you must provide a dummy version of the other(s) (with bodies that print a “not attempted” message and return 0), in order to allow the testing class to compile successfully.
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