This guide provides instructions for installing a local Postgres database.
1. Download the Windows or MacOS Postgres installer
2. Run the installer and complete installation with default settings.
3. Close the installer once complete (no additional packages required via Stack Builder).
4. Open the pgAdmin program.
Creating the Database and Tables
1. Expand the Servers folder in the Browser pane. Right click on Databases to create a new Database. [Create database]
2. Open the Query Tool by selecting the lightning bolt on the Browser pane. [Open query tool]
3. Run the provided create-tables.sql script. [Run create table script]
Importing Data
1. Select a table name from the Browser pane (refresh list with right-click) and choose Import/Export from the Tools drop down. Move slider to Import. [Import data]
2. Navigate to the csv file corresponding to selected table. [Select table]
3. Set import options:
Field Value
————– ————–
Header Yes
Delimiter Comma
Escape Double-Quote
NULL Strings NA
[Set import options] [Select import columns]
1. Repeat import steps for the remaining tables.