CS代写 ISSN 0909-0878

Basic Research in Computer Science
There and Back Again

BRICS Report Series ISSN 0909-0878

Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder

RS-01-39 October 2001
BRICS RS-01-39 Danvy & Goldberg: There and Back Again

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University of Aarhus ‡
There and Back Again ∗
Dept. of Computer Science
University § October 4, 2001
We illustrate a variety of programming problems that seemingly re- quire two separate list traversals, but that can be efficiently solved in one recursive descent, without any other auxiliary storage but what can be expected from a control stack. The idea is to perform the second traversal when returning from the first.
This programming technique yields new solutions to traditional prob- lems. For example, given a list of length 2n or 2n + 1, where n is unknown, we can detect whether this list is a palindrome in n + 1 recursive calls and no heap allocation.
Keywords: Functional programming, program derivation, recursive descent, list processing, palindrome detection, ML, direct style, continuation-passing style (CPS).

Dept. of Computer Science
∗With apologies to Tolkien.
†Basic Research in Computer Science (www.brics.dk),
funded by the Research Foundation.
‡ , Building 540, DK-8000 Aarhus C, Denmark. E-mail: §Be’er Sheva 84105, Israel. E-mail:

1 Introduction 3
2 Segmenting a string into words 3
2.1 Ahigher-ordersolution ………………….. 3
2.2 ACPSsolution………………………. 4
2.3 Adirect-stylesolution …………………… 5
2.4 Assessment ………………………… 6
3 A convolution 6
4 Detecting palindromes 7
4.1 ACPSsolution………………………. 7 4.2 Adirect-stylesolution …………………… 8
5 Conclusion and issues 9
A From higher-order lists to continuations 9
B Palindrome detection in Scheme 10
C Background: Vedic mathematics 10
List of Figures
1 Computing s0,…,s4 out of x0,x1,x2 and y0,y1,y2 . . . . . . . . 11

1 Introduction
Ever since the inception of functional programming [1, 3], lists have stood as a consistent source of inspiration for functional programmers, encouraging skill and even exuberance to the point of fostering striking new discoveries as well as hiding simple solutions. In this article, we substantiate this observation with a series of examples that are traditionally used to illustrate higher-order functions, list iterators, linearly-ordered continuations, etc. and that typically require one to copy or to reverse the input list. We show that each of these examples can also be solved using a simple, first-order recursive descent that gets us there (i.e., to the base case) and back again (with the result).
Overview: Section 2 starts off with the classical problem of segmenting a list of characters into a list of words. Our final solution is first-order, traverses the input list recursively, and constructs the result as it returns. It uses no other auxiliary space than what is ordinarily provided by a control stack. Section 3 presents a convolution subroutine for multiplying polynomials or numbers. Our final solution is first-order, traverses the first list of digits, and processes both lists as it returns. Section 4 addresses the problem of detecting whether a list of length 2n or 2n + 1, where n is unknown, is a palindrome, i.e., equal to its reverse. Our final solution is first-order, traverses the input list in n + 1 calls, and tests both halves of the list as it returns. Section 5 concludes.
2 Segmenting a string into words
Let us revisit the classical fields function segmenting a list of characters into a list of words. To simplify the presentation, we consider it a function mapping a list of integers into a list of lists of integers, and we consider that zero is a sepa- rator in the input list. So our fields function maps the list [0,1,2,0,3,4,5,0,6] to the list [[1,2],[3,4,5],[6]].
2.1 A higher-order solution
Fifteen years ago, chose the fields function to illustrate his novel representation of lists [8]. Given a curried list constructor, Hughes’s solution reads in ML [10] as follows.
funconsxxs (*’a->’alist->’alist*) = x :: xs
fun fields_novel xs (* int list -> int list list *) = let fun fields nil
| fields (0 :: xs)
= fields xs
| fields (x :: xs)
= word (cons x) xs

and word c nil
= (c nil) :: nil
| word c (0 :: xs)
= (c nil) :: (fields xs)
| word c (x :: xs)
= word (c o (cons x)) xs
in fields xs
Description: fields traverses the input list, skipping zeroes. When it en- counters a non-zero entry, it delegates the traversal to word, which accumulates a list constructor until it meets either zero or the end of the list, at which point it unleashes the list constructor by applying it to the empty list. If the input list is non-empty, fields is resumed and eventually the final result is constructed.
Analysis: The input list is traversed either by fields or by word. When word is in action, it carries an element of the monoid of functions from lists to lists and incrementally extends it to the right. When word completes, it maps the element of the monoid of functions to the corresponding element of the monoid of lists by applying it to the empty list. Hughes’s general point is that concatenation exercises a constant cost in the monoid of functions (where it is implemented by function composition) whereas it has a linear cost in the monoid of lists (where it is implemented by append). Hughes’s specific point is that his solution departs from the traditional solution that accumulates words in reverse order and then reverses them when they are complete.
But why turn to a higher-order representation of data when a higher-order representation of control can give the same benefit? We can write word in continuation-passing style (CPS) for the same effect as follows. (See Appendix A for a systematic derivation of fields c from fields novel.)
A CPS solution
fun fields_c xs (* int list -> int list list *) = let fun fields nil
| fields (0 :: xs)
= fields xs
| fields (x :: xs)
= word xs (fn (w, r) => (x :: w) :: (fields r)) and word nil k
= k (nil, nil)
| word (0 :: xs) k
= k (nil, xs)
| word (x :: xs) k
= word xs (fn (w, r) => k (x :: w, r)) in fields xs

Description: fields traverses the input list, skipping zeroes. When it en- counters a non-zero entry, it delegates the traversal to word with a continuation that will resume the traversal on the rest of the input list and eventually con- struct the final result. Whereas fields is in direct style, word is in CPS. It traverses the input list until it meets either zero or the end of the list, at which point it sends an empty word and the rest of the list to its continuation. This continuation incrementally extends the word to the left and eventually resumes fields.
Analysis: The input list is traversed recursively by fields and iteratively by word. When word is in action, it carries a continuation and incrementally extends it while traversing the input list. When word completes, it activates its continuation. Like Hughes’s, this solution involves no list concatenation and no list reversal.
But why turning to higher-order continuation-passing style when first-order direct style gives the same result? We write word in direct style for the same effect as follows.
A direct-style solution
fun fields_d xs (* int list -> int list list *) = let fun fields nil
| fields (0 :: xs)
= fields xs
| fields (x :: xs)
= let val (w, r) in (x :: w) :: end
and word nil
= (nil, nil)
| word (0 :: xs)
= (nil, xs)
| word (x :: xs)
= let val (w, r) in (x :: w, r)
in fields xs
(fields r)
Description: fields traverses the input list, skipping zeroes. When it en- counters a non-zero entry, it entrusts word to traverse the list and to return both the next word and the rest of the list. Both fields and word are in direct style and recursive: word traverses the input list until it meets either zero or the end of the list, at which point it returns an empty word and the rest of the list. Each of its intermediate results consists of an incomplete word (which is then extended to the left) and the rest of the list.

Analysis: The input list is traversed recursively by both fields and word. When fields returns, it is to construct the result list. When word returns, it is to construct a word. Like its CPS counterpart, this solution involves no list concatenation and no list reversal.
2.4 Assessment
Let us compare the space requirements of the three solutions. Hughes’s novel solution and the CPS solution allocate heap space to represent the auxiliary list constructors and continuations. Indeed, defunctionalizing them (in the sense of [6, 14]) readily shows that in effect both solutions construct an intermediate copy of the reversed words, as in the traditional solution. It would take an optimizing compiler to detect that the list constructors and the continuations are ordered linearly [7, 13, 17] and thus that they can be allo- cated LIFO. In contrast, the direct-style version only uses cons to construct the result, and all its intermediate results are held on the control stack if one uses (http://www.scheme.com), OCaml (http://caml.inria.fr), or another derivative of ALGOL 60.
3 A convolution
We consider the problem of zipping a list and the reverse of another list of the same length. Typically this is done in two iterations—one to reverse one list (rev below), and one to traverse both lists (zip below):
fun convolution_t (xs, ys) (* ’a list * ’b list -> (’a * ’b) list *) = let fun zip (nil, nil)
| zip (xs, ys)
= (hd xs, hd ys) :: (zip (tl xs, tl ys)) in zip (xs, rev ys)
As in Section 2.2, however, we can traverse one of the lists (walk below), build a list iterator (the second parameter of walk), and eventually apply it to the other list to traverse it and construct the result:
fun convolution_c (xs, ys) (* ’a list * ’b list -> (’a * ’b) list *) = let fun walk nil k
= k (nil, ys)
| walk (x :: xs) k
= walk xs (fn (zs, ys) => k ((x, hd ys) :: zs, tl ys)) in walk xs (fn (zs, _) => zs)
Defunctionalizing the continuations [6, 14] precisely yields the program reversing a list and traversing the other together with the reversed list.
Alternatively, as in Section 2.3, we can traverse the first list recursively (calls) and then the second (returns) to implement the convolution in direct style:

fun convolution_d (xs, ys) (* ’a list * ’b list -> (’a * ’b) list *) = let fun walk nil
= (nil, ys)
| walk (x :: xs)
= let val (zs, ys) = walk xs in ((x, hd ys) :: zs, tl ys) end
val (zs, _) = walk xs
This discrete convolution can be used, e.g., to multiply polynomials or num- bers. It was used very early in the history of mathematics (see Appendix C).
4 Detecting palindromes
Say that we need to detect whether a list is a palindrome (and thus is of length 2n or 2n + 1, for some n). (The situation easily generalizes to a list being built as the multiple concatenation of the same list and of its reverse.) Can we solve this problem with n + 1 recursive calls?
The answer is positive. We can traverse the entire list in n + 1 recursive calls with two pointers—one going twice as fast as the other. After n + 1 calls, the fast one points to the empty list and the slow one points to the middle of the list. We can then return the second half of the list and use the chain of returns to traverse it, incrementally comparing each of its elements with the corresponding element in the first half. There is no need to test for the end of the list, since by construction, there are precisely enough returns to scan both halves of the input list. Using CPS, the returns manifest themselves as a function traversing a list, i.e., as a list iterator.
A CPS solution
fun pal_c xs
in walk end
(* ’’a list -> bool *)
walk (xs1, nil, k)
= k xs1 (* even length *)
walk (xs1, _ :: nil, k)
= k (tl xs1) (* odd length *)
walk (xs1, _ :: xs2, k)
= walk (tl xs1, tl xs2, fn ys => hd xs1 = hd ys
andalso k (tl ys))
(xs, xs, fn _ => true)
Description: The local function walk is passed the original list twice and a constant continuation, and it traverses the list recursively. For the i-th call to walk (starting at 0), the three parameters are the i-th tail of the original list, the 2i-th tail, and the continuation. Eventually, the continuation is sent the

second half of the list, which is of length n. The continuation of the i-th call is only invoked if listing the n − i right-most elements of the first half of the input list and the n + i left-most elements of the second half of the input list forms a palindrome.
Analysis: pal c constructs a list iterator for scanning the second half of the input list. This iterator either completes the traversal and yields true, or it aborts and yields false.
The continuation is not used linearly and therefore mapping this program back to direct style requires a control operator [5]. Using an exception would do, but since walk is written in CPS rather than returning a disjoint sum, we choose to use call/cc [4], which Standard ML of provides in SMLofNJ.Cont.
A direct-style solution
fun pal_d xs0 (* ’’a list -> = callcc (fn k => let fun
walk (xs1,
walk (xs1,
walk (xs1,
= let val ys = walk (tl xs1, tl xs2)
in let val _ = walk (xs0, xs0) in true
This direct-style version demonstrates that one can detect whether a list is a palindrome in one (and a half) traversal, with no list reversal, and using no other space than what is provided by a traditional control stack—a solution that is more efficient than the traditional solutions from transformational pro- gramming [12, Example 3]. Specifically [11, Section 2, page 410], if a list has length m, Pettorossi and Proietti count 2m hd-operations, 2m tl-operations, m cons-operations, and m closures for their solution and for Bird’s solution [2]. In contrast, our solution requires m hd-operations if m is even and m − 1 if m is odd, 2m tl-operations, 0 cons-operations, and 0 closures.
In Appendix B, we reproduce the code of our solution in Scheme [9]. This code does not use pattern matching and thus it makes explicit all the occurrences of the hd- and tl-operations (i.e., in Scheme, car and cdr).
(* even length *)
(* odd length *)
in if hd xs1 = hd ys
then tl ys
else throw k false

5 Conclusion and issues
Processing a list does not merely reduce to traversing it iteratively. A recursive descent provides just enough expressive power to traverse another list iteratively, at return time. To put it otherwise, a list can be traversed at call time, and another one can be traversed at return time. As an added incentive to using recursive descent, the infrastructure for running recursive programs is geared to hold multiple intermediate results without having to represent them explicitly, e.g., in an auxiliary list.
In this article, we have put these observations to use in three situations. In the two first examples (segmenting a list and computing a discrete convolution) we have avoided constructing an intermediate list for the sole purpose of revers- ing it. In the third example, we have avoided constructing an intermediate list for the sole purpose of traversing it again. This last example has led us to a new solution for the traditional palindrome problem.
A From higher-order lists to continuations
In some sense, the word function in Hughes’s solution (see Section 2.1) is mostly in CPS, in that it is iterative and accumulates what to do next by composing the list constructor as if it were a continuation. The only hitch is the base case, where the list constructor is not used tail recursively. We can, however, express the base case as the composition of the list constructor and of a continue function as follows.
fun fields_novel’ xs (* int list -> int list list *) = let fun fields nil
| fields (0 :: xs)
= fields xs
| fields (x :: xs)
= word (cons x) xs and continue w xs
= w :: (fields xs) and word c nil
= (continue o c) nil nil | word c (0 :: xs)
= (continue o c) nil xs | word c (x :: xs)
= word (c o (cons x)) xs in fields xs
Now, since function composition is associative, we can relocate continue to the
initialization of the list constructor.

fun fields_novel’’ xs (* int list -> int list list *) = let fun fields nil
| fields (0 :: xs)
= fields xs
| fields (x :: xs)
= word (continue o (cons x)) xs and continue w xs
= w :: (fields xs) and word c nil
= c nil nil
| word c (0 :: xs)
= c nil xs
| word c (x :: xs)
= word (c o (cons x)) xs in fields xs
The result is a word function in CPS. Inlining function composition, uncurrying the continuation, and swapping the two parameters of word yield the definition displayed in Section 2.2.
B Palindrome detection in Scheme
(define pal_d
(lambda (xs)
(lambda (k)
(letrec ([walk (lambda (xs1 xs2) (if (null? xs2)
(let ([xs3 (cdr xs2)])
(if (null? xs3)
(let ([ys (walk (cdr xs1) (cdr xs3))]) (if (equal? (car xs1) (car ys))
(k #f)))))))]) (begin (walk xs xs) #t))))))
Background: Vedic mathematics
The early stage of the mathematical heritage of India is known as Vedic Math- ematics [16]. Much of Vedic mathematics concerns algorithms for computing common number-theoretic functions in ways that require writing down little or no intermediate results. Therefore, computations can generally be carried out mentally [15, Chapter 10, page 110].

Computing s : 2􏰁
Computing s3 :
Computing s4
q qq s0=x0·y0
Computing s0 :
Computing s1 :
z0=(s0+c0)mod10 c1 =⌊(s0+c0)/10⌋
q qq s1=x0·y1+x1·y0
@􏰀 q 􏰀q @ q
z1=(s1+c1)mod10 c2=⌊(s1+c1)/10⌋
qqq s2=x0·y2+x1·y1+x2·y0
HH 􏰁􏰁 H222
z =(s +c)mod10 c3 =⌊(s2+c2)/10⌋
s3=x1·y2+x2·y1 z3=(s3+c3)mod10 c4=⌊(s3+c3)/10⌋
s4=x2·y2 z4=(s4+c4)mod10 c5 =⌊(s4+c4)/10⌋
The diagrams
tiplying the two 3-digit numbers x2 · 100 + x1 · 10 + x0 and y2 · 100 + y1 · 10 + y0. Note that numbers are written left-to-right in “big-endian” fashion, so the coefficients of the lower powers are to the right. The number x2 ·100+x1 ·10+x0 is thus written as the concatenation of the three digits x2, x1, and x0, and similarly the product is computed right-to-left starting from s0.
Figure 1: Computing s0,

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