程序代写代做 (r) = reverse coded

(r) = reverse coded
Job satisfaction (1 = strongly disagree; 7 = strongly agree); (Valentine, Godkin, Fleischman, & Kidwell, 2011)
All in all, I am satisfied with my job
In general, I like working at my company
In general, I don¡¯t like my job (r)
Turnover intentions (1 = strongly disagree; 7 = strongly agree); (Chen, Hui, & Sego, 1998)
I often think of leaving the organization
It is very possible that I will look for a new job next year
If I may choose again, I will choose to work for the current organization (r)
Gender (0 = male; 1 = female)
Age (in years)
Work experience (in years)
The study is based on a large scale sample (n > 1.000.000) of Dutch employees from all industries. The data were collected in 2017 by an external research agency. The present study focuses on the relationship between employee job satisfaction and turnover intention. Specifically, the study aims to test the following two hypotheses:
H1: There is a negative relationship between employee job satisfaction and turnover intentions.
H2: Employee gender moderates the negative relationship between employee job satisfaction and turnover intentions such that the negative relationship is stronger for women than for men.

Figure 1 Research Model

Chen, X.-P., Hui, C., & Sego, D. J. (1998). The role of organizational citizenship behavior in turnover: Conceptualization and preliminary tests of key hypotheses. Journal of Applied Psychology, 83(6), 922.
Valentine, S., Godkin, L., Fleischman, G. M., & Kidwell, R. (2011). Corporate ethical values, group creativity, job satisfaction and turnover intention: The impact of work context on work response. Journal of Business Ethics, 98(3), 353-372.