Installing PostgreSQL in User Mode
For this course we will be using postgresql 7.4.13. You can download the source code from
• ftp://ftp-archives.postgresql.org/pub/source/v7.4.13/
• or, go the the PostgreSQL website and follow the links to download the source code.
Extra space for installing PostgreSQL has been allocated for each student on the Math cluster. The Math cluster: mathlab.utsc.utoronto.ca has already accounts for you using your UTORid. When you log in you will see a symbolic link called ”cscd43f11 space” that points to a directory that has ample space for your lab and assignment work for this class. Use this space for all code related assignments. In each account , there should be a link cscd43data in the home directory linking to /users/h08/cscd43data/. You should install PostgreSQL and ini- tialize the database in this directory only. Note that there is a quota of 1GB per student and this space will be reclaimed at the end of the semester.
If you have your own machine with root access, then you can simply follow the instructions given in the INSTALL file to compile and install PostgreSQL on your machine.
The purpose of this writeup is to enable installation of PostgreSQL in user mode on a machine where you do not have root access (such as the university computing facilities).
Installing PostgreSQL
Assume that the directory you wish to install postgresql is:
Substitute this by whichever directory you are installing into when using the procedure given be- low.
To install PostgreSQL :
1. Go to the top-level directory of the distribution and run
$./configure –prefix=/home/cmishra/pgsql/ –enable-depend

$gmake install
PostgreSQL should now have been compiled and installed in the specified prefix directory. 2. We now need to initialize a directory where PostgreSQL stores its data. The commands:
$mkdir /home/cmishra/pgsql/data $/home/cmishra/pgsql/bin/initdb -D /home/cmishra/pgsql/data
will do the job of initializing the appropriate directory. To create and use a database test we run
$/home/cmishra/pgsql/bin/postmaster -D /home/cmishra/pgsql/data > logfile 2 > &1 & $/home/cmishra/pgsql/bin/createdb test
$/home/cmishra/pgsql/bin/psql test
These commands are written assuming the bash shell. In case you are using another shell, the output redirection commands will be a little different. The first command starts the postmaster server using the given data directory, and redirects the standard output and error to the logfile. The next command creates the database test, and the third one tells the frontend psql to connect to test. You should have now PostgreSQL running in user mode.
Suggestion: To avoid typing out the long prefixes you may add the bin directory to your PATH. Note however that there might be postgresql installed on the machine in advance, so make sure you are calling your own local copy of postgresql instead of the system one.
These instructions are pretty much the same as those given in the standard postgresql INSTALL file. The only difference is that we change the prefix of the directory tree where we will be in- stalling PostgreSQL . This allows us to install PostgreSQL in user mode without needing any root access.
This document contains more information on how to run PostgreSQL on shared machines in a client-server mode.
Port Numbers
When trying to launch postmaster on a shared machine, you may have got an error like:
FATAL: could not open lock file ‘‘/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432.lock’’: Permission denied

This error means that there is another instance of postmaster (probably someone else doing the assignment) running on the same machine which is listening on the default port (5432).
The solution to this problem is to run postmaster on a different port (for instance, 6179), as in the example below:
$postmaster -D -p 6179
In the case that the port number you have selected is already in use, you should choose another port number. Correspondingly, the frontend program should connect on the new port as well, as indicated below:
$psql -p 6179
Similarly, createdb should also be run with a -p flag to specify which port number to connect to.
For more information, check the manpages.
Shared Resources
PostgreSQL in its default configuration is fairly heavy and spawns many processes which eat up system resources. In a shared environment, where the server is being used by many instances, it might help to tune-down the settings of PostgreSQL . In particular, you should set the buffer size low (20-30 should be enough), and also allow a small number of connections to the system. An example of how to set the buffer size is given below:
$postmaster -D -p 6179 -N 3 -B 20
This command states that the backend server may take at most 3 connections (-N flag) and the
buffer size is 20 blocks (-B flag).
It is extremely important to always turn off your postmaster server process when you are not using
it. This can be done using the pg ctl command: $pg_ctl stop -D
As always look at the man pages for more details.
For the first assignment, you will be running most queries using the PostgreSQL standalone back-
end postgres; the options there are similar to the ones presented earlier. 3