程序代写代做 C clock DrRacket ; ! CSC104 Winter 2020 Exercise #1 !

; ! CSC104 Winter 2020 Exercise #1 !
; Print this out and fill it in by hand. Hand in your solutions to the TA at the start of your quiz.
; Precision and care are crucial in programming, and we assume you check your exercise answers in DrRacket. ; Your mark will reflect the care you took to make sure your answers are all, or almost all, correct.
; ! Part A. Circle each of the following twelve pieces of code that reports an error (rather than produces a value) …
; UTorID :
; Surname : ; Given Name :
( beside-top ) (+ 1 (2 – 3) 4) (* 1 2 (- 3) 4) (above-right (
( tall) (beside ) (turn (
(small ) (anti-clockwise ( )) (scale-height .5 ) (above
) .5) (beside-top) ; ! Part B. Show all the steps to evaluate the following expression.
;Youdonotneedtoincludethe “!Steps!”,“○”,nor“•”punctuationthatDrRacketshowswhenusing step. ; Include the underlining of sub-expressions that will change.
;InDrRacket,the step operationstartsbycopyingthegivenexpressionsothatitcanaddsomeunderlining, ; but you may save some effort by adding the initial underlining directly to the original expression.
(mirror (beside (clockwise (tall (solid-triangle (/ 150 10)))) (turn (above (circle (+ 0 40 (- 10)))
(square (- 30 15)))
(+ (* 2 1 5) (* (height (wide (circle 10))) 3) 5))))

; ! Part C. Beside each of the following expressions, write its value …
(function? -67) (image? square) (boolean? ) (function? rectangle) (number? height) (number? +) (function? /) (image? image?) (function? function?) (boolean? image?) (boolean? boolean?)
(image? ) (boolean? #false) (function? boolean?) (number? -89) (image? #true) (unary? scale-height) (binary? solid-oval) (binary? -)
(unary? binary?)

; ! Part D. Show all the steps to evaluate the following expressions. ; Include the underlining of sub-expressions that will change.
;Youdonotneedtoincludethe “!Steps!”,“○”,nor“•”punctuationthatDrRacketshowswhenusing step. ;InDrRacket,the step operationstartsbycopyingthegivenexpressionsothatitcanaddsomeunderlining,
; but you may save some effort by adding the initial underlining directly to the original expression.
(image? (+ 1 2 3))
(number? (circle 10))
(boolean? (- 45))
(function? (flip ))
(image? (rectangle 20 10))
(number? (/ 10 2))
(boolean? (unary? beside-top))
(function? (image? 12))
(image? (image? mirror))

; For each definition, circle either “Function” or “Variable” according to whether it is a function definition or a variable definition. ; If it defines a variable, write down the variable name.
; If it defines a function, write down the function name and parameter names.
(define (s z y) (text-join z y))
(define (b d c) (above d c (turn d 45)))
(define f (text-join
; Defines a … Function Variable
; Variable or Function Name: ; Parameter Names (if any):
; Defines a … Function
; Variable or Function Name: ; Parameter Names (if any):
(define i (square 10 “solid” “black”))
; Defines a … Function Variable
; Variable or Function Name: ; Parameter Names (if any):
(%-width an-image %) (* (/ % 100)
(width an-image)))
; Defines a … Function Variable
; Variable or Function Name: ; Parameter Names (if any):
(define (x g) (turn (above x x)
; Defines a … Function Variable
; Variable or Function Name: ; Parameter Names (if any):
(define (remove-bottom an-image a-bottom)
(image-top an-image (- (height an-image) (height a-bottom))))
; Defines a … Function Variable
; Variable or Function Name: ; Parameter Names (if any):
; Defines a …
; Variable or Function Name: ; Parameter Names (if any):
; Defines a …
; Defines a …
(define x (b i j))
; Defines a …
(define rick
; Defines a …
; Variable or Function Name: ; Parameter Names (if any):
; Variable or Function Name:
; Parameter Names (if any):
(define bottom (remove-bottom kids (+ 1 (/
(define sun (scale 3))
(height kids) 2))))
; Variable or Function Name: ; Parameter Names (if any):
; Variable or Function Name: ; Parameter Names (if any):
(define (i raise)
(above i (flip (triangle (width i)))))
; Defines a … Function Variable
; Variable or Function Name: ; Parameter Names (if any):
(define another-good-number (* 2 52))
; Defines a … Function Variable
; Variable or Function Name: ; Parameter Names (if any):
(define (scaled-bird amount)
(define (b x y) (+ (text-length y) x))
; Defines a: Function Variable
; Variable Name (if applicable):
; Variable or Function Name: ; Parameter Names (if any):
; Defines a …
; Variable or Function Name: ; Parameter Names (if any):