程序代写 CSE130 Winter 2022 : Lab 3

CSE130 Winter 2022 : Lab 3
In this lab you will implement user processes and system calls.
As supplied, Pintos is incapable of running user processes and only implements two systems calls. Pintos does, however, have the ability to load ELF binary executable, and has a fully functioning page-based, non- virtual memory management system.
There are three parts to this lab; each dependent on the previous one.

Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder

• Allow simple user processes to run.
• Support argument passing to user processes.
• Implement seven new systems calls.
This lab is worth 15% of your final grade.
SSH in to one of the two CSE130 teaching servers using your CruzID Blue password:
$ ssh or $ ssh or $ ssh or $ ssh
Authenticate with Kerberos and AFS:
( use Putty http://www.putty.org/ if on Windows )
Create a suitable place to work: ( only do this the first time you log in ) $ mkdir –p ~/CSE130/Lab3
$ cd ~/CSE130/Lab3
Install the lab environment: ( only do this once )
$ tar xvf /var/classes/CSE130/Lab3.tar.gz
Build Pintos:
$ cd ~/CSE130/Lab3/pintos/src/userprog $ make
Run the first test:
$ ./args-none.sh
Individual shell scripts exist for all tests, to list them:
$ ls -l *.sh
( note this is different to Labs 1 & 2 )
$ make grade ( tells you what grade you will get – see below )
University of California Santa Cruz Baskin School of Engineering CSE130 Winter 2022 Lab 3 Copyright © 2017-2022 . Harrison. All rights reserved.

Accessing the teaching server file system from your personal computer
Follow the instructions from Lab 1:
Background Information
(1) Pintos Calling Conventions
Pinto is a Unix-like operating system and should implement the standard Unix / C calling convention. To understand how arguments are passed to Unix / C programs, consider the command:
/bin/ls -l foo bar
Also recall that the prototype for a C program entry point is:
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
Where argc is the number of arguments passed to the program (including the program name) and argv is
an array containing pointers to each of the arguments stored as null-terminated character arrays. To execute this program with the supplied arguments, we need to do the following:
• Break this command into words: ”/bin/ls”, ”-l”, ”foo”, and ”bar”.
• Place these words at the top of the stack, in right to left order.
• Push onto the stack the address of each string plus a null pointer sentinel, in right-to-left order.
o These are the elements of argv. The null pointer sentinel ensures that argv[argc] is a null pointer, as required by the C standard. The order ensures that argv[0] is at the lowest
virtual address. Word-aligned accesses are faster than unaligned accesses, so for best performance, round the stack pointer down to a multiple of 4 before the first push.
• Push argv (the address of argv[0]) and argc, in that order.
• Finally, push a fake “return address”. Although the entry function will never return, its stack frame
must have the same structure as any other.
The figure below shows the contents in the stack before executing the user program. We assume here that
PHYS_BASE is 0xc0000000.
University of California Santa Cruz Baskin School of Engineering CSE130 Winter 2022 Lab 3 Copyright © 2017-2022 . Harrison. All rights reserved.

As shown above, your code should start with the stack at the very top of the user virtual address space, in the page just below virtual address PHYS_BASE ( defined in threads/vaddr.h ).
The equivalent output for the “args-none” test is as follows:
If your addresses EXACTLY match these, you are well on your way to a passing testJ (2) System Calls
Most user programs require services provided by Pintos; they access those capabilities by making system calls. To support this feature, you will need to extend the existing rudimentary system call implementation in userprog/syscall.c.
The system calls of interest in this lab are:
• create : Creates a new file. Return true if successful and false otherwise.
• open : Open a file and return the corresponding file descriptor (i.e. an integer handle). Note that file descriptor 0 is reserved for standard input and file descriptor 1 is reserved for standard output.
• read : Read a specified number of bytes from an existing, open file into a buffer in the user program, returning the number of bytes actually read, or -1 if read failed.
• write: Write a specified number of bytes to an open file from a buffer in the user program. Return the number of bytes actually written or -1 if an error occurs.
• close : Close an open file.
• exec : Starts the execution of a user program and returns the ID of the newly created child process if successful. The parent process should not return from the exec system call until it knows whether the child process has successfully loaded its executable code.
• wait : Waits for a child process to complete and retrieves the child’s exit value. 

Note that the above descriptions are a guide only, your system calls must do whatever the tests
demand they do!
IMPORTANT: Note that any solutions NOT using concurrency primitives for thread synchronization will get a zero on this lab. i.e. if you use any of the thread_sleep() functions in your code, you will be awarded no marks.
University of California Santa Cruz Baskin School of Engineering CSE130 Winter 2022 Lab 3 Copyright © 2017-2022 . Harrison. All rights reserved.

User Processes:
• Give Pintos the ability to execute user processes mapped one-to-one with kernel threads.
• Pass the following test:
o args-none Arguments to User Processes:
• Allow Pintos user processes to accept command line arguments. • Pass the following tests:
o args-single
o args-multiple
o args-many
o args-dbl-space
System Calls:
• Implement the create, open, read, write, close, exec, and wait function calls. • Pass the following tests:
o create-normal o create-exists o create-empty o create-long
o create-null
o create-bad-ptr o open-normal o open-twice
o open-missing o open-empty
o open-null
o open-bad-ptr o read-normal o read-zero
o read-stdout o read-bad-fd o read-bad-ptr o write-normal o write-zero
o write-stdin
o write-bad-fd o write-bad-ptr o close-normal o close-twice
o close-stdout o close-bad-fd o exec-once
o exec-multiple o exec-arg
o exec-bad-ptr o exec-missing o wait-simple
o wait-twice
o wait-bad-pid o wait-killed
What steps should I take to tackle this?
I highly recommend you tackle the tests in the order they appear in the requirements. To put that another way, you’ll find later tests hard to pass if you haven’t already passed earlier ones.
Beyond that, read the background information above, consult the lecture handouts and “Secret Sauce”, attend your section, then come to TA and Instructor office hours if you have outstanding questions.
University of California Santa Cruz Baskin School of Engineering CSE130 Winter 2022 Lab 3 Copyright © 2017-2022 . Harrison. All rights reserved.

How much code will I need to write?
A model solution that satisfies all requirements adds approximately 200 lines of executable code.
Grading Scheme
The following aspects will be assessed:
(100%) Does it work?
a. User Processes
b. Argument Passing
c. System Calls
(40%) (20%) (40%)
(-100%) Did you give credit where credit is due?
a. Your submission is found to contain code segments copied from on-line resources and you
failed to give clear and unambiguous credit to the original author(s) in your source code (-100%)
b. Your submission is determined to be a copy of another past or current CSE130 student’s submission (-100%)
c. Your submission is found to contain code segments copied from on-line resources that you did give a clear an unambiguous credit to in your source code, but the copied code constitutes too significant a percentage of your submission:
What to submit
In a command prompt:
o < 25% copied code o 25% to 50% copied code o > 50%
No deduction (-50%) (-100%)
$ cd ~/CSE130/Lab3/pintos/src/userprog $ make submit
This creates a gzipped tar archive named CSE130-Lab3.tar.gz in your home directory.
In addition to submitting modified and new source files, you are required to write a short report (no more than two pages) on your work.
This report should contain at least:
• A defense of the rationale behind your design
• Details of tests your submission fails and what investigations you undertook to try and find out why
If you keep a simple journal as you work your way through this lab, writing the report will be easy – it’s
essentially a tidied-up version of your journal.
Note that Canvas requires you submit the report and the code archive at the same time. If you submit your code archive then the report, the grading system will think you submitted no code and will award you no marks.
University of California Santa Cruz Baskin School of Engineering CSE130 Winter 2022 Lab 3 Copyright © 2017-2022 . Harrison. All rights reserved.

程序代写 CS代考 加微信: powcoder QQ: 1823890830 Email: powcoder@163.com