程序代写代做 go database graph Excel DATABASE PROJECT INSTRUCTIONS

French instructions are further. In case of incoherence or understanding difficulty regarding the present instructions, English instructions prevail.
The construction group BatiTP is a company that constructs and renovates buildings and has created a data warehouse. The conceptual schema of the data warehouse (in entity/relationship formalism) is:
NameC TypeC GroupC
NameQ LevelQ
(0,n) (0,n)
EMPLOYS (1,1) HAS (1,1)
(1,n) AUTHORIZE (1,n)
LastNameEE FirstNameEE
(1,1) LOCATED1
(0,n) (0,n)
INCLUDES NbHoursPlanned
DateQ DateEndQ
NameCity DepartmentCity RegionCity
(0,n) LOCATED2
(0,n) (0,n)
NameTW HoulryRateCust HourlyRateEmp
AddrRoadS PostalCodeS
This data warehouse allows monitoring the activity of the different companies that work on construction sites from the initial quotation all the way to doing the works on the construction sites.
A construction work estimate is expressed using a quotation that is made by a company and concerns a construction site located in a city. Each quotation specifies a provisional number of hours for each type of construction work (such as: masonry, electricity, etc.). Each type of construction work is described by a name an hourly rate charged to the customer (to calculate the total price of the quotation) and another hourly rate used to pay the employee (to calculate the salary of the employee). Each type of construction work belongs to only one range of construction works (such as: structural work, finishing work, etc.).
Construction works are done either according to a quotation or out of a quotation. If it is according to a quotation, the daily number of hours done by an employee for each type of construction work is recorded, for each quotation. If the construction works falls out of a quotation, the daily number of hours done by an employee for each type of construction work is recorded for each construction site.
All employees are employed by only one company, and have only one qualification. Each qualification has a code, a name and belongs to only one level of qualification. This level corresponds to one of the following values: BEP, CAP, Bac Pro, BTS or Engineer (these are French diplomas). Moreover, all qualifications are associated to at least one range of construction works, allowing the employee to execute that range of construction works.
All companies are identified by a code (the company tax number), a name and a geographic location using the city, department number (French administrative division) and region. All companies are only of one type (for example: Plc—SA in French, Ltd—SARL in French, etc.) and belong to only one group that correspond to groups of companies.
The Entity/Relationship schema corresponds to the following relational schema where primary keys are underlined and foreign keys are followed by a #.
► Company ► Employee ► City
(VATNum,NameC,TypeC,GroupC,CodeCity#) (CodeEE,LastNameEE,FirstNameEE,CodeQ#,VATNum#) (CideCity,NameCity,DepartmentCode,RegionCity)

► Site
► Qualification
► Authorize
► RangeOfWorks ► TypeOfWorks
► Include
► Quotation
► WorkQuote
► WorkOutOfQuote
(CodeS, AddrRoadS, PostalCodeS, CodeCity#) (CodeQ, NameQ, LevelQ)
(CodeQ#, CodeRW#)
(CodeRW, NameRW)
(CodeTW, NameTW, HourlyRateCust, HourlyRateEmp, CodeRW#) (CodeQ#, CodeTW#, NBHoursPlanned)
(CodeQ, DateQ, DateEndQ, VATNum#, CodeS#)
(CodeQ#, CodeEE#, DateWQ, CodeTW#, NBHourWQ)
(CodeS#, CodeEE#, DateWOQ, CodeTW#, NBHourWOQ)
The attributes (or columns or fields) of this schema are defined in the data dictionary at the end of this
Work to be done
The project is divided into two parts which have to be handed in at two different dates. The first part consists in Implementation and manipulation of the data warehouse (DW); and the second part consists in Implementation of a multidimensional data mart based on Business Objects.
1. Part 1: Implementation and manipulation of the data warehouse (DW)
1.1.Implement this data warehouse as a database using Microsoft Access (the data dictionary detailing the different columns is provided hereafter);
1.2.Enter data within the warehouse (i.e. fill in the tables with data) using the same technique as suggested during the course (enough data to test your queries—see below);
1.3. A first group of users is in charge of studying the benefits and margins of the different construction works done on the construction sites. Their requirements as users correspond to implementing the following analyses using SQL queries:
1.3.1. Display the construction work ranges (code and name) with the average margin made on the construction works (whether it corresponded to a quotation or not);
1.3.2. Give the code and date of quotations that contain only structural works;
1.3.3. List the names, codes and address of the construction sites that should be the most profitable. To be profitable for this company is to have a ratio of (customer hourly rate – employee hourly rate) divided by the employee hourly rate greater than 80%);
1.4.Write also a new SQL query of similar complexity that would complete the current decisional analyses of the users of this data warehouse. Justify your answer by stating the advantage(s) of this new analysis compared to the user’s requirements (the 3 queries described above).
2. Part 2: Implementation of a multidimensional data mart based on Business Objects: from the data warehouse, another group of users (company group managers) monitor the activity of the companies. These users wish to create a data mart using a Business Objects (BO) universe that must at leastallow:
 The analysis of the total sales income (time spent on work * customer hourly rate) and the total cost (time spent on work * employee hourly rate) of work done on quotation (work out of quotations are not taken into account) according to the city, department and region of customers (customers are construction sites), according to construction work types and work ranges, as well as according to the year and month when the construction work took place (see technical note);
 Based on the previous analyse allow also the analysis of the profit (sales income – cost) using the same dimensions;
 The analysis, for each month (associated with the year of the month), of the four types of construction works that took the most time along with that total time of each.
2.1.Carry out the design of this data mart (complete multidimensional modelling using the formalism and the steps seen during the course);
2.2. Implement this universe using Business Objects as done in practical work sessions;
2.3. Build at minimum two reports that represent the Business Objects universe. These reports have to be significant compared to the requirements of the users (following the objectives stated above) while showing your knowledge of the Business Objects tool.

Elements that have to be handed in for part 1
Elements to hand in are: a dossier (a pdf file that contains a design report and a user guide) that has the layout described hereafter and Files that contain the different implementations (Access database).
Structure of the Design report (sections 1 to 3 and 5 to 15 pages at most): this report will detail the implemented solution. The report describes the solution and recalls the specifications (the objectives specified in the present instructions). The following layout is mandatory for writing the report:
1. Present the architecture of the decision support system using text and a schema
1.1. Description: For the decision maker (users), specify the requirements (at least on paragraph). Recall that those user-requirements are stated within the project description. Moreover, in addition to this informal part, it is necessary to provide a synthetic view of the user requirements using a table with the following columns (the column names are given in italic):
 Name of the data mart: a short name to be used in the global schema (see below);
 Description of the data mart: a long title describing the data mart such as “this data mart
allows analysing…”
 Desired tool: mention if it is a spread sheet tool, a database (DBMS), an OLAP query
tool (such as Business Object), etc.
 Decision-maker that are concerned by that data mart.
1.2.Schema: a schema of the decision support system will have to be provided using explicit logos for the different components of the system as well as using the names described in the table in 1.1. This schema must be associated to a comment (composed of one or several small paragraphs) and describes the architecture (software and interconnections) of the decision support system. You can base your schema on the architecture schemas that were provided during the first course.
2. Details of the data mart: you will need to provide an analysis of the user requirements as well as the detailed design (as done in course and during exercises).
 For a data mart that uses a database (with SQL queries):
o State the precise and detailed requirements of the decision makers for specifying their analyses;
o Data: provide one conceptual schema that answers to these requirements, i.e. all queries (entity relationship and relational schemas) as well as the data dictionary. Recall that the whole data warehouse schema may not be necessary. All this information is provided within the present instructions (note that to draw the schemas you can use PowerPoint);
o Processes: SQL queries associated to the decisional analyses with possible comments as well as the analysis requirements (the sentence that describes each query).
3. For the data warehouse, it is necessary to provide the global and detailed design. Recall that, within this project, the description of the data warehouse is described in the beginning of the present document.
 Data: the conceptual schema of the whole data warehouse (in entity relationship and relational format) along with a data dictionary. All this information is provided in this document;
4. Structure of the User guide (section 4 and 1 to 3 pages at most):
4.1.Provide a brief description of all the files handed in, using the same names and notations as in the
schema in 1.2.
4.2.Give the specific name of the file to open and the different actions that have to be taken in order to run each of the different decisional analyses in your project (only if these differ from what was done during practical work sessions).
4.3. The user knows how to manipulate the software (Access or BO) and how to connect them. However, you will have to guide him to which query correspond to what analysis, and in each report, which graphic and/or table corresponds to what analysis.
The dossier should contain as many screen captures as necessary (screen captures may be done using ALT+PrintScreen key combination and then using MS Paint to edit the image—for minimising sizes, JPG or

PNG file formats are recommended). Note that text and arrows may be added to an image using PowerPoint or Impress (and pasting the result into Word or Writer).
Elements that have to be handed in for part 2
Elements to hand in are: a dossier (a pdf file that contains a design report and a user guide) that has the layout described hereafter and Files that contain the different implementations (Access database, Business Object universe—both files and folders—and Business Object report files).
Structure of the Design report (sections 1 to 3 and 5 to 15 pages at most): this report will detail the implemented solutions. The report describes the solution and recalls the specifications (the objectives specified in the present instructions). The following layout is mandatory for writing the report:
1. Present the architecture of the decision support system using text and a schema
1.1. Description: For the decision maker (users), specify the requirements (at least on paragraph). Recall that those user-requirements are stated within the project description. Moreover, in addition to this informal part, it is necessary to provide a synthetic view of the user requirements using a table with the following columns (the column names are given in italic):
 Name of the data mart: a short name to be used in the global schema (see below);
 Description of the data mart: a long title describing the data mart such as “this data mart
allows analysing…”
 Desired tool: mention if it is a spread sheet tool, a database (DBMS), an OLAP query
tool (such as Business Object), etc.
 Decision-maker that are concerned by that data mart.
1.2.Schema: a schema of the decision support system will have to be provided using explicit logos for the different components of the system as well as using the names described in the table in 1.1. This schema must be associated to a comment (composed of one or several small paragraphs) and describes the architecture (software and interconnections) of the decision support system. You can base your schema on the architecture schemas that were provided during the first course.
2. Details of the data mart: you will need to provide an analysis of the user requirements as well as the detailed design (as done in course and during exercises).
 For a data mart using an OLAP system (such as Business Objects):
o State the precise and detailed requirements of the decision makers for specifying their analyses;
o Global design: provide the complete conceptual schema (using the formalism shown during the course—you may use the GraphicOLAP tool) as well as the measure dictionary and the dimension attribute dictionary;
o Detailed design: the schema of the Business Object universe (a screen capture with a few comments is sufficient);
o Analyses: present each predefined report (screen capture of each report) along with comments on what data representations were chosen (i.e. multidimensional tables, graphs, charts, etc.).
3. For the data warehouse, it is necessary to provide the global and detailed design. Recall that, within this project, the description of the data warehouse is described in the beginning of the present document.
 Data: the conceptual schema of the whole data warehouse (in entity relationship and relational format) along with a data dictionary. All this information is provided in this document;
4. Structure of the User guide (section 4 and 1 to 3 pages at most):
4.1. Provide a brief description of all the files handed in, using the same names and notations as in the
schema in 1.2.
4.2. Give the specific name of the file to open and the different actions that have to be taken in order to run each of the different decisional analyses in your project (only if these differ from what was done during practical work sessions).
4.3. The user knows how to manipulate the software (Access or BO) and how to connect them. However, you will have to guide him to which query correspond to what analysis, and in each report, which graphic and/or table corresponds to what analysis.
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The dossier should contain as many screen captures as necessary (screen captures may be done using ALT+PrintScreen key combination and then using MS Paint to edit the image—for minimising sizes, JPG or PNG file formats are recommended). Note that text and arrows may be added to an image using PowerPoint or Impress (and pasting the result into Word or Writer).
The project has the following constraints:
 Project has to be done in pairs;
 The design report and user guide have to be in one file in pdf format (non-editable format—no .doc,
.odt or .docx files);
 All documents (the design report and the user guide) and files, Access databases (.mdb or .accdb
files), BO universe and reports have to be handed in before a date that will be given later on the university Moodle server before 5 PM. A drop zone will be opened on the server for this purpose (warning, do not wait for the last moment as the server may go down for maintenance after 5 PM).
 A forum will be open on Moodle for questions so that all may see the discussions. No individual questions will be answered by mail.
Notes concerning the grades
The clarity of the explanations of the report and more specifically of the user guide, observing the present
instructions, will be taken into account when correcting the projects. Technical notes
Date manipulation functions: some of these functions are available in Microsoft environments. Under Access, they are similar to those of Excel. Among them, one may find:
 Month(table_name.date_filed_name) or Month(a_date) gives the month of a date;  Date() gives the date of today;
 Year(table_name.date_field_name) or Year(a_date) gives the year of a date.
In a French version of Microsoft Office, these functions are Mois(), Maintenant() and Année(). Moreover, take extra care when manipulating dates with Microsoft applications as some might use a French (DD/MM/YYYY) representation while others might use an English one (MM/DD/YYYY).
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Data dictionary of the data warehouse
Unique code of a company (Siret)
14 digits (displayed as 3 groups of 3 digits followed by a group of 4 digits–groups are separated by space)
Name of a company
40 charatcter string
Type of a company
5 character string
Enumeration (SA, SARL, SCOP, EURL)
Company Group Name (owner)
40 charatcter string
Unique code of a city
5 character string
always 5 digits
Name of a city
40 charatcter string
Department code of a city
3 character string
2 digits that may be followed by one character
Region name of a city
40 charatcter string
Unique code of an employee
Number (Integer)
automatically generated
Last name of an employee
40 charatcter string
First name of an emplyee
40 charatcter string
Unique code* of a qualification
Number (Integer)
automatically generated
Name of a qualification
40 charatcter string
Level of a qualification
9 character string
Unique code of a range of construction works
Number (Integer)
automatically generated
Name of a range of construction works
40 charatcter string
Unique code of a construction site
Number (Integer)
automatically generated
Address (number and road name)of a construction site
40 charatcter string
Postal code of a construction site
5 character string
always 5 digits
Unique code of a type of construction work
Number (Integer)
automatically generated
Name of a type of construction work
40 charatcter string
Hourly rate charged to the customer
Number (currency format: two digits after decimal point, unit: Euro)
>= 0 AND >= HourlyRateEmployee
Hourly rate of the employee working on the type of construction work
Number (currency format: two digits after decimal point, unit: Euro)
>= 0
Unique code* of a quotation for construction works
Number (Integer)
automatically generated
Date when the quotation is created
Date (format: DD/MM/YYYY)
<= current date DateEndQ Date of end of validity of the quotation Date (format: DD/MM/YYYY) > DateQ
Number of hours planned for a type of work in a quotation
Number (real)
>= 0
Date when a type of construction work in a quotation is done
Date (format: DD/MM/YYYY)
<= current date NBHoursWQ Number of hours spent on a type of construction work in quotation Number (real) >= 0
Date when a type of construction work out of a quotation is done
Date (format: DD/MM/YYYY)
<= current date NBHoursWOQ Number of hours spent on a type of construction work out of a quotation Number (real) >= 0
*Warning: there are two CodeQ attributes that correspond to different different attributes.
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