Molecular Ecology Resources (2010) 10, 821–830 doi: 10.1111/j.1755-0998.2010.02873.x
METHODOLOGICAL ADVANCES – INFERENCE OF SPATIAL STRUCTURE Quantifying population structure using the F-model
*Laboratoire d’Ecologie Alpine, UMR CNRS 5553, Universite ́ Joseph Fourier, BP 53, 38041 GRENOBLE, France, †CMPG, Institute of Ecology and Evolution, University of Berne, 3012 Berne, Switzerland
We review a model-based approach to estimate local population FST’s that is based on the multinomial-Dirichlet distribution, the so-called F-model. As opposed to the standard method of estimating a single FST value, this approach takes into account the fact that in most if not all realistic situations, local populations differ in their effective sizes and migration rates. Therefore, the use of this approach can help better describe the genetic structure of pop- ulations. Despite this obvious advantage, this method has remained largely underutilized by molecular ecologists. Thus, the objective of this review is to foster its use for studying the genetic structure of metapopulations. We present the derivation of the Bayesian formulation for the estimation of population-specific FST’s based on the multinomial-Dirichlet distribu- tion. We describe several recent applications of the F-model and present the results of a small simulation study that explains how the F-model can help better describe the genetic structure of populations.
Keywords: Bayesian statistics, F-statistics, genetic structure, metapopulation, multinomial-Dirich- let
Received 17 January 2010; revision received 9 April 2010; accepted 15 April 2010
Many if not most species exhibit discontinuities in their spatial distribution. Such spatial structuring has impor- tant effects on their evolutionary potential, a fact that was recognized early on by Sewall Wright who introduced the so-called island model of population structure (Wright 1931) to explain how migration changed allele frequencies in a semi-isolated population. Under this model, genetic diversity is structured into within and among population components that can be quantified using Wright’s (1951) F-statistics: FIS, FST, and FIT, which measure respectively the shared ancestry between alleles of an individual relative to the population, the shared ancestry within the population relative to the metapopu- lation, and the shared ancestry between alleles of an indi- vidual relative to the metapopulation.
Of the three F-statistics, FST is the one that attracted most attention because of the important insights that it can bring into the understanding of how different evolu- tionary forces influence the genetic structure of popula- tions (Holsinger & Weir 2009). In a strict island model
Correspondence: Oscar E. Gaggiotti, Fax: +33 476514279; E-mail:
where all populations have the same effective size and immigration rates, a single ‘global’ FST value suffices to characterize the genetic structure. Moreover, under this model, one of the simplest interpretations of FST is the heterozygote deficit because of population subdivision (e.g. Excoffier 2007). This has become the prevailing inter- pretation among molecular ecologists and has fostered the adoption of a single estimate of FST as the standard approach to measuring genetic differentiation. This approach, however, ignores the fact that in most if not all realistic situations, local populations differ in their effec- tive sizes and migration rates making it necessary to esti- mate population-specific FST’s. This alternative strategy has been completely ignored in the empirical studies. Instead, the study of more complex scenarios of spatial subdivision is carried out using pair-wise FST’s. This is particularly the case when the main focus is on the detec- tion of isolation by distance patterns (Slatkin 1993).
Several interpretations of Wright’s definitions of FST exist in the literature (reviewed by Balding 2003). Here, we adopt a model-based approach that allows us to define the FST of a given population j, noted, FjST as the probability that two genes chosen randomly from the population share a common ancestor within that popula- tion without immigration or colonization (Balding 2003).
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Such a definition allows for differences in local popula- tion sizes and migration rates. Moreover, using the prop- erties of the Dirichlet distribution, it can be shown that it leads to the well-known expression
ij Varð~pijk Þ FST 1⁄4pikð1pikÞ;
where,~pijk is the frequency of allele k at locus i and popu- lation j, and pik is the frequency of this same allele and locus but for the metapopulation as a whole. This expres- sion is true for all alleles at a locus, and therefore shows that FST is constant over alleles.
The idea of estimating population-specific FST’s is somewhat old, having been introduced by Balding & Nichols (1995). It has been revisited many times in the recent statistical genetics literature (Balding 2003; Falush et al. 2003; Beaumont & Balding 2004; Beaumont 2005; Foll & Gaggiotti 2006, 2008; Faubet & Gaggiotti 2008) but mostly in the context of methods aimed at identifying outlier loci or estimating migration rates.
The purpose of this review is to foster the adoption of this approach as a standard practice in molecular ecol- ogy. We will focus on a particular model-based approach that has received a lot of recent attention, the F-model (Falush et al. 2003), which is based on the multinomial- Dirichlet distribution. We note, however, that local FST’s can be calculated using other approaches, including the method of moment estimator of Weir & Hill (2002) as well as descriptive ones such as that proposed by Nei. This and many other important details are explained by Balding (2003), who presents a very rigorous albeit rather technical review of all the different approaches that can be used to estimate FST. Several other more general reviews exist (e.g. Chakrabory & Danker-Hopfe 1991; Weir & Hill 2002; Holsinger & Weir 2009) but they only address the estimation of the global FST.
We first present a review of the theoretical develop- ments that gave rise to the F-model and then provide a derivation of the Bayesian formulation for the estimation of population-specific FST’s based on this model. We describe several recent applications of the F-model and present the results of a small simulation study that explains how it can help better describe the genetic struc- ture of populations.
Theoretical developments leading to the F-model
The estimation of local FST’s is most often carried out using likelihood approaches (either Maximum Likeli- hood or Bayesian) based on the multinomial-Dirichlet (or multivariate-Polya) distribution, a multidimensional gen- eralization of the Beta-binomial (Johnson et al. 1997). This distribution arises naturally when modelling the sam- pling of alleles from one of the local populations of a
metapopulation (Rannala & Hartigan 1996). The basic idea is that the sample of allele counts at locus i and pop- ulation j, {aij1, aij2, …, aijK}, is obtained from a multino- mial distribution with probability vector p~ ij 1⁄4 ~pij1 ; ~pij2 ; . . . ; ~pijKi , corresponding to the unknown allele frequency distribution. Furthermore, as Wright (1949) showed, under an island model at equilibrium, this allele frequency distribution follows a finite Dirichlet distribution with parameter vector {hp1, hp2, …, hpk}, where h = 1 ⁄ FST ) 1. As noted by Rannala & Hartigan (1996), these two distributions give rise to the multino- mial-Dirichlet, which can be used as the likelihood to be employed for making inferences about population struc- ture under both a discrete-generation and a continuous- generation island model. It is worth noting that sometime before them, Balding & Nichols (1995) provided a recur- sive formula for sampling alleles at a multiallelic locus in an island model but they did not explicitly mention that it was a recursive formulation of the multinomial-Dirich- let distribution. In the next section, we provide a step-by- step derivation of this useful distribution.
Rannala & Hartigan (1996) used the multinomial-Di- richlet to develop maximum likelihood and pseudo-max- imum likelihood methods to estimate the rate of gene flow into island populations. Holsinger (1999) proposed the use of a Bayesian framework and showed that it can be used to obtain estimates of FST under the fixed-effect model of population sampling corresponding to Nei’s (1973) GST and also under the random-effect model of population sampling corresponding to Weir & Cocker- ham’s (1984) h. He also showed that it is possible to extend it to consider scenarios with hierarchical popula- tion structure.
Balding et al. (1996) were the first to note that the use of a hierarchical Bayesian approach based on the multi- nomial-Dirichlet likelihood allows taking into account the fact that FST is likely to vary across demes because of differences in population size, and migration and repro- duction patterns. This idea was further developed by Balding (2003). However, neither provides a full deriva- tion of the Bayesian model, something that we do in the following section to better explain the details of the estimation method.
A Bayesian Formulation for the estimation of local population FST’s
For the sake of simplicity, we will derive the Bayesian formulation for the case of a discrete island model at migration-drift equilibrium but we note that it can also be used under more complex demographic scenarios pro- vided that it is possible to assume that sampled popula- tions exchange genes through a unique and common migrant pool (Balding 2003; Beaumont 2005).
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The objective of the statistical model (presented in Fig. 1a) is to estimate population-specific FST’s from a sample of alleles drawn from J populations that have unknown allele frequency distributions at a set of I loci. If we let Ki represent the number of distinct alleles at locus i, then the data set consists of a matrix A = {aij}, where the vector aij = {aij1, aij2, …, aijKi} contains the number of copies of each one of the Ki distinct alleles observed at locus i in the sample from population j. Equivalently, we will use the matrix P = {p~ ij } to represent the unknown allele frequency distributions at locus i in population j, p~ ij 1⁄4 f~pij1 ; ~pij2 ; . . . ; ~pijKi g. Finally, the degree of genetic differentiation between population j and the migrant pool is noted FjST.
The use of a Bayesian framework requires the defini- tion of prior distributions for the unknown parameters, in our case, the allele frequency distributions and the FjSTs, and the definition of a likelihood function that relates the observed allele frequencies with these unknown parameters.
As noted by Rannala & Hartigan (1995), the popula- tion genetics theory developed by Wright (1949) shows that the appropriate prior for the allele frequency distri- butions p~ij is a Dirichlet with parameters hjpi, where pi = {pi1, pi2, …, piKi} is the allele frequency distribution at locus i in the migrant pool, and hj 1⁄4 1=FjST 1 1⁄4 4Njmj is the effective number of migrants in population j as Nj and mj are respectively the effective size and the migra- tion rate for population j. The prior for pi is then,
THE F-MODEL 823 The likelihood function for the allele counts aij is easily
obtained by noting that the observed allele counts can be viewed as sampled from the true allele frequencies p~ij (Rannala & Hartigan 1996; Holsinger 1999). Thus, the appropriate likelihood function is the multinomial distri- bution:
nij! aij1 aij2 aijKi
P aijjp~ij 1⁄4aij1!aij2!aij1Ki!pij1pij1 pij1 ; ð2Þ
where nij 1⁄4 k aijk:
In principle, we could formulate the Bayesian model using the prior distributions and likelihood function described previously (see Fig. 1a). However, it is possible to calculate the marginal distribution of aij so as to obtain a likelihood function that directly links the observed allele frequency counts with the unknown parameters hjs and the allele frequency distributions in the migrant pool, pi. It suffices to note that the Dirichlet distribution is the conjugate prior of the multinomial, which allows us to eliminate the nuisance parameters p~ij by integrating over them:
P aijjpi; FST 1⁄4 P aijjp~ij pðp~ijjpi; hjÞd~pij1 d~pijKi:
The solution to this integral is the multinomial-Dirichlet distribution:
jYKi~pijkhjpik1 p p~ijjpi; FST 1⁄4 C hj Chjpik:
Directed acyclic graph describing the Bayesian formulation of the F-model. Square nodes represent known quantities and circles represent parameters to be estimated. Dashed circles represent quantities that are directly determined by other parameters of the model and therefore are not actual parameters. Lines between the nodes represent direct stochastic relationships within the model. (a) the Bayesian model without integrating the Dirichlet likelihood and the multinomial prior, (b) the simpler Bayesian model obtained after integrating the Dirichlet prior and the multinomial likelihood to obtain the multinomial-Dirichlet likelihood.
j P aijjpi; FST
nij!Chj YKi Caijk þhjpik
1⁄4 Cnij þ hj aijk!Chjpik : ð3Þ
We can then obtain a likelihood function to carry out statistical inference by multiplying across all loci and subpopulations,
Fig. 1
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Lðp;FSTÞ1⁄4 Paijjpi;FjST; ð4Þ
Beaumont & Balding (2004) present a genome-scan method to identify outlier loci based on the fact that FST is controlled by locus-specific effects, such as selection and mutation, and genome-wide effects, such as demo- graphic history and migration rates. Thus, they consider locus and population-specific FSTs using indices i for locus and j for population. They describe this relation- ship using a hierarchical formulation (see Fig. 2a) based on the logistic regression model:
ji whereFST1⁄4nF1 ;F2 ;…;FJ o:
Therefore, we can use a simpler Bayesian formulation
that uses this equation as the likelihood and a uniform prior for the FjSTs. The directed acyclic graph for this model is shown in Fig. 1b and its full posterior distribu- tion is given by
ij !
FST 1⁄4ai þbj þcij;
where ai is a locus effect, bj is a population effect and cij is a locus-by-population effect. The Bayesian formulation (4) can now be rewritten in terms of the logistic regres- sion parameters,
pðp; a; b; cjAÞ / Lðp; a; b; cÞpðpÞpðaÞpðbÞpðcÞ; ð6Þ
where the priors p(a), p(b), and p(c) are all Gaussian. The criterion for deciding if a locus is an outlier or not is based on the posterior distribution of ai. Riebler et al. (2008) propose an alternative criterion based on the use of an auxiliary variable. Foll & Gaggiotti (2008) employ the RJMCMC approach that allows a rigorous and direct estimation of the probability that a locus is an outlier. They also extended the method so as to make it applica- ble to dominant markers such as amplified fragment- length polymorphisms, AFLPs.
Foll & Gaggiotti (2006) present a second example of how the Bayesian formulation (4) can be modified to address interesting evolutionary questions. Their method addresses the important problem of identifying the envi- ronmental factors responsible for the structuring of
pðp; FST jAÞ / Lðp; FST ÞpðpÞpðFST Þ;
1 Fij ST
where p(p) = Dir (1,1,…,1) and p(FST) = U(0,1).
This Bayesian formulation corresponds to that imple- mented in GESTE (Foll & Gaggiotti 2006) when the user chooses not to incorporate environmental data into the analysis.
One likelihood function with many uses
The use of a Bayesian formulation that incorporates the multinomial-Dirichlet distribution allows us to address many different questions concerning the genetic struc- ture of populations. All that is needed is to change the prior distribution used for FST by adding hyper-parame- ters that model the effect of evolutionary forces on the degree of genetic differentiation. This strategy in combi- nation with the Reversible Jump Markov Chain Monte Carlo (RJMCMC) method introduced by Gaggiotti et al. (2004) allows the testing of specific hypothesis concern- ing the factors responsible for genetic differentiation. Here, we provide some examples that illustrate how the Bayesian formulation (5) can be extended to achieve this goal.
(a) (b)
Fig. 2 Directed acyclic graph describing the Bayesian formulations of (a) the gen- ome-scan method of Beaumont & Balding (2004) and (b) the method of Foll & Gag- giotti (2006) to identify environmental fac- tors with an important effect on the population genetic structure. Both formu- lations are obtained from the Bayesian model presented in Fig. 1b by further modelling FST using hyperpriors.
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neutral genetic diversity. Thus, they propose a hierarchi- cal formulation that uses environmental data to obtain priors for FST. More specifically, they focus on the popu- lation-specific effect, bj, described previously and decom- pose it into several effects because of various environmental factors using a logistic function:
because either there is gene flow among them and ⁄ or they are all descended from a common ancestral popula- tion. However, some widely used methods such as assignment tests (e.g. Paetkau et al. 2004) make this simplifying assumption.
The multinomial-Dirichlet distribution represents an intuitive and easy to implement model for introducing a dependency among population allele frequencies. For example, Falush et al. (2003) extended the model-based clustering method of Pritchard et al. (2000) by assuming that population allele frequencies followed the multino- mial-Dirichlet distribution. Following Nicholson et al. (2002), they described the rationale underlying their approach using an instantaneous fission model where all populations are descended from the same ancestral pop- ulation but then evolve in isolation after the split. In this case, the vector pi in equation (1) represents the allele fre- quency distribution at locus i in the ancestral population, and measures the degree of differentiation between descendant population j and the ancestral population. We note that the multinomial-Dirichlet model represents an approximation to this scenario and there are several alternative approaches that may be more appropriate to describe it at the cost of an increased complexity (see Balding 2003). Nevertheless, the use of this approach improved the performance of the genetic clustering method, in particular, when genetic differentiation among populations is weak.
Faubet & Gaggiotti (2008) also used the multinomial- Dirichlet model to introduce a dependency among allele frequency distributions in their method for estimating migration rates. In their application, the underlying model corresponds exactly to the island model described previously and local populations are related in the sense that they all receive migrants from the same migrant pool. This approach allowed them not only to better approach reality but also improve the convergence prop- erties of the MCMC approach they used to estimate migration rates.
Simulation study
To illustrate some of the advantages of the use of popula- tion-specific FST’s, we carried out a simulation study that considers various demographic scenarios. The main objective is to show that this approach allows us to better describe the genetic structuring of the metapopulation and, in particular, easily identify populations that are somewhat distinct in terms of their genetic composition. Additionally, we explored the effect of departures from the assumption of a single migrant pool model by consid- ering scenarios where the metapopulation was hierarchi- cally structured into two regions each containing three populations.
1! log Fj 1 1⁄4log4Njmj N bj;r2 ;
bj 1⁄4d0 þd1G1j þd2G2j þ þdlGlj þ;
where,Glj is the observed value of the l-th environmental factor for population j, and dl measures the effect of envi- ronmental factor l on the genetic structure of the popula- tion. The Bayesian model (4) can now be formulated using the regression parameters and environmental fac- tors (Fig. 2b):
pp;FST;d;r2jA/Lðp;FSTÞpðpÞpFSTjd;r2pðdÞpr2; ð7Þ
where priors p(d = {dl}) are Gaussian and p(r2) is inverse Gamma. Using this method, it is possible to investigate the effects of geographic distance, insularity, local population size, etc. and then identify the most important factors using the RJMCMC approach.
These two applications of the multinomial-Dirichlet likelihood illustrate the great flexibility of the Bayesian approach as applied to population genetics problems. Furthermore, these two methods have been used by Gag- giotti et al. (2009) to develop a framework that allows the identification of genome regions that may be influenced by selection and simultaneously infer the environmental factors that may be responsible for the selective pressure. It consists of first using the genome-scan method corre- sponding to the Bayesian formulation (6) and then carry- ing out analyses using the Bayesian approach described by equation (7). This second step involves an analysis that only considers those markers that have been identi- fied as neutral and then analyses using all neutral mark- ers and only one outlier locus. If a given environmental factor does not show an effect in the analysis with neutral markers but it does so when an outlier locus is included, we can conclude that it may be the selective force respon- sible for its outlier behaviour. They applied this frame- work to the herring population that inhabits the North and Baltic seas and concluded that salinity may be exert- ing a selective pressure on a gene linked to one of the microsatellite loci they studied.
Other applications of the multinomial-Dirichlet model
In a metapopulation, allele frequencies in the different populations cannot be considered as independent
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We carried out the simulations using SIMCOAL (Excoffier et al. 2000). For all the scenarios considered, we used sample sizes of 25 diploid individuals per popula- tion and assumed that they were genotyped for 50 micro- satellite loci that followed a strict stepwise mutation model with mutation rate l = 10)5. Population sizes depended on the scenario being considered: the propor- tion of migrants under the island model was m = 0.01 for all populations, while for the stepping-stone scenarios was m = 0.01 for the four central populations and 0.005 for the two marginal populations. In the case of the hier- archically structured scenarios, we assumed that migra- tion rates between any two populations within the same region was twice as high as that between any two popu- lations belonging to different regions but that the overall proportion of migrants in a given population was m = 0.01.
The results can be more easily understood if we keep in mind that under the assumption of an island model, the FST of a population can be interpreted as the degree of differentiation between its allele frequency and that of the whole metapopulation. Thus, a small FST indicates that the genetic composition of the population resembles that of the metapopulation as a whole. A large value, on the other hand, indicates that it is different.
Figure 3 shows the results of a simulation of an island model where N = 100 for all populations. As expected, local FST’s are almost identical across all populations and very close to the theoretical expectation of 0.2 when Nm = 1. This result indicates that they all contribute equally to the genetic structure.
Figure 4 shows the results of a simulation with four small populations (N1–4 = 100) and two large populations
(N5 = 500 and N6 = 1000) but all with the same propor- tion of migrants (m = 0.01). In this case, the local FST anal- ysis (Fig.4a) clearly shows that there are four populations that are genetically differentiated from the metapopulation and two other that differ little. Although it is not possible to say if these differences are because of differences in population size or in migration rates, the analysis clearly indicates that there are three types of populations that differ in the strength of genetic drift. The results of the pair-wise analysis (Fig. 4b) are much harder to interpret. High pair-wise FST values are observed between small populations, a much lower value is observed between two large populations, while inter- mediate values are observed for pairs including one large and one small population. Note that this analysis does not allow us to clearly identify differences between demes 5 and 6 as there is extensive overlap in the pair-wise FST’s between each one of them and the smaller populations.
Figure 5 shows the results of a stepping-stone model where all populations have the same size, N1–6 = 100. Under this scenario, the proportion of immigrants in the two populations at the extremes of the linear habitat (populations 1 and 6) is one half that of the other popula- tions. The local FST analysis easily uncovers these two iso- lated populations but it also leads to biases in the local FST estimates of the four central populations, which should all be equal. These biases are because of the strong violation to the assumption of a unique migrant pool. The pair-wise analysis uncovers the isolation by distance pattern but it does not reveal the increased effect of genetic drift in the two marginal populations. This exam- ple highlights the complementarities of the two approaches; by looking at the results of both analyses, it is possible to obtain a comprehensive understanding of the genetic structure of the population. It should be men- tioned, however, that the effect of distance could also be revealed by the population-specific FST approach by incorporating the connectivity of each local population into the analysis (e.g. Foll & Gaggiotti 2006; Kittlein & Gaggiotti 2008).
We also carried out simulations of a hierarchically structured metapopulation to determine whether viola- tions to the single migrant pool model could introduce biases in the estimation of the population genetic structure. Figure 6 shows the result of simulations of a scenario where all populations had the same size, N1–6 = 100. In this case, the use of local FST’s correctly shows that the strength of genetic drift is the same in all populations but it fails to show any evidence for a lower migration rate between populations from different regions than between populations from the same region. Instead, it overestimates the FST of all populations by 2% to 5% (compare with the results obtained for the standard
Pop1 Pop2 Pop3 Pop4 Pop5 Pop6
Fig. 3 Results of the simulations of an island scenario consist- ing in six populations with equal sizes and migration rates. Nj = 100andmj = 0.01forallj.
● ●
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0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30
Fig. 4 Results of the simulations of an island model with six populations that dif- fer in size: N1–4 = 100, N5 = 500, N6 = 1000. Migration rate is constant across populations: mj = 0.01 for all j. (a) Local FST estimates obtained with GESTE, (b) pair-wise FST’s.
Pop1 Pop2 Pop3 Pop4 Pop5 Pop6
1−2 1−5
1−6 5−6
● ●
Fig. 5 Results of simulations of a step-
ping-stone model with populations of
equal sizes: Nj = 100 for all j. The migra-
tion rate of the two marginal populations
is lower because they only receive
migrants from one neighbouring popula- ● tion: m1 = m6 = 0.005, m2–5 = 0.01. (a)
Local FST estimates obtained with GESTE, (b) pair-wise FST’s.
● ●
Pop1 Pop2 Pop3 Pop4 Pop5 Pop6
1−2 1−3 1−4
1−5 1−6
● ●
Fig. 6 Results of simulations of a hierar-
chical island model with populations of
equal sizes (Nj = 100 for all j). There are
two regions, each containing three local
populations. Although the proportion of
migrants is the same for all populations
(mj = 0.01 for all j), the migration rates
between any two populations within the
same region is twice that between any two
populations belonging to different
● ● ●
● ●
Pop1 Pop2 Pop3 Pop4 Pop5 Pop6
regions. (a) Local F estimates obtained
ST ●
with GESTE, (b) pair-wise FST’s.
1−2 1−4
● ●
island model, Fig. 3). On the other hand, pair-wise FST’s indicate that migration rates are lower between popula- tions from different regions.
Figure 7 shows the result of a hierarchically struc- tured metapopulation where there is one population in each region that is larger (N1 = N4 = 500) than the others (N2 = N3 = N5 = N6 = 100). The use of population-spe- cific FST’s allows us to correctly infer that genetic drift is weaker in the two large populations but it cannot identify
differences in migration rates. The pair-wise analyses, on the other hand, can mislead us to believe that there is more migration between populations that belong to dif- ferent regions (e.g. 1 and 4) than between populations from the same region (e.g. 1 and 2 or 2 and 3).
This limited simulation study shows that the estima- tion of population-specific FST’s can provide useful infor- mation about the strength of genetic drift in each population but it does not represent an alternative to the
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0.0 0.1
0.2 0.3
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
0.0 0.1
0.2 0.3
Fst Fst
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30
● ●
● ●
● ● ●
● ●
● ●
Fig. 7
Pop1 Pop2 Pop3 Pop4 Pop5 Pop6
1−2 1−4 1−5 2−3 2−5
Results of simulations of a hierarchical island model with populations that differ in size. There are two regions with three popu- lations each. One of the populations in each region is larger than the other two: N1 = N2 = 100 and N3 = 500 for region 1 and N4 = N5 = 100 and N6 = 500 for region 2. The proportion of migrants is the same for all populations (mj = 0.01 for all j), but the migration rates between any two populations within the same region is twice that between any two populations belonging to different regions. (a) Local F estimates obtained with GESTE, (b) pair-wise F ’s.
use of pair-wise FST’s. Instead, the two approaches are complementary.
The main objective of this review is to foster the use of a model-based method for the estimation of local FST’s. Although this approach is well known to statistical genet- icists, we believe that it has remained largely underuti- lized by molecular ecologists. Furthermore, the applications to conservation genetics seem obvious as the identification of populations that are genetically distinct or that differ little from the migrant pool of the metapop- ulation constitutes important information that can help devise better management plans for endangered species. In combination with measures of allelic richness, such as those proposed by Petit et al. (1998), it can help evaluate the conservation value of individual populations.
Our simulation study is very limited but it does illus- trate the advantages of using the F-model to study popu- lation genetic structure. The effect of sample size and number of loci used on the quality of the estimates was explored in some detail by Foll & Gaggiotti (2006), who show that moderate values of sample sizes (20 individu- als per population) and number of loci (10) provide very reliable estimates of population-specific FST’s.
The multinomial-Dirichlet-based approach is not the only one that allows for the estimation of population-spe- cific FST’s. Indeed, Weir & Hill (2002) extend Weir & Cockerham (1984) method of moments approach to esti- mate coancestry coefficients by allowing different levels of coancestry for the different populations and by allow- ing non-zero coancestries between populations. This approach is particularly suited for multiallelic markers, but can also be applied to Single Nucleotide Polymorph- ism (SNPs) when multiple loci are available. To obtain estimators that are independent of sample sizes, they
propose a normal theory approach whereby the multino- mial distribution describing the sampling of alleles from a single population is approximated by the multivariate normal distribution. The underlying model assumes an ancestral population from which subpopulations have descended in isolation under the same evolutionary pro- cesses. The multinomial-Dirichlet has also been used to model this situation (e.g. Falush et al. 2003) but it should be noted that it only represents an approximation to this scenario. Using Weir & Hill (2002) method in this case may be more appropriate. In the case of bi-allelic markers such as SNPs, it may also be more appropriate to use the approach of Nicholson et al. (2002), which uses a trun- cated normal as the prior of their Bayesian formulation and a Binomial distribution for the likelihood. To the extent of our knowledge, there is no simulation study that compares the performance of these three alternative methods of estimating population-specific FST’s under different scenarios of population structure and demo- graphic history.
It is important to note that the F-model is more realis- tic than the standard island model but it is still a very simplistic approximation to reality. Although it allows for differences in population sizes and immigration rates, it assumes that there is a single migrant pool from which each subpopulation receives migrants each generation. This assumption is clearly violated if populations are hierarchically structured into regions or if there is isola- tion by distance, in which case, local FST’s are overesti- mated (see Figs 5 and 6). Note, however, that in this latter case, the upward bias is small, varying between 2% and 5%. Another simplifying assumption is that the Dirichlet prior used to obtain the multinomial-Dirichlet likelihood assumes equilibrium between migration and genetic drift. This assumption, however, is less critical as the multinomial-Dirichlet formula provides most of the information needed to model the gene frequencies under
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0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
any neutral-structured population model provided that the so-called ‘separation-of-timescales’ approximation is valid (Beaumont 2005). Under this approximation (Nord- borg 1997; Wakeley & Aliacar 2001; Wakeley 2004; Wilkins 2005), sample genealogies exhibit a recent burst of coalescent events among samples taken from the same locality –the so-called ‘scattering phase’, followed by a more ancient historical process for the remaining ances- tral lineages – the ‘collecting phase’. This later phase behaves as the standard coalescent as the number of demes goes to infinity. If this approximation holds, we can use samples from independent populations to estimate the collecting-phase gene frequency without the need to model its demographic history, and thereby estimate FST from the population samples. Under the F-model, inde- pendence among local populations is obtained by condi- tioning on the migrant pool allele frequencies and the local FST’s. Furthermore, Wakeley (2004) shows that the ‘separation-of-timescales’ is valid for a broad range of specific metapopulation structures that have a large number of demes in common. This includes scenarios where local populations are grouped into regions and where there are extinction and recolonization events (Wakeley 2004).
The multinomial-Dirichlet model seems to be robust to deviations from the island model when used to identify the environmental factors responsible for the genetic structure (Foll & Gaggiotti 2006; Kittlein & Gaggiotti 2008). However, ignoring hierarchical structure leads to strong biases in the estimation of FST (Song et al. 2006) and to a high false positive rate in genome scans aimed at identifying outlier loci (Excoffier et al. 2009). These biases can be avoided by using alternative modelling strategies. For example, Fu et al. (2005) and Song et al. (2006) present Bayesian methods to estimate genetic differentiation that can take into account hierarchical structure but they are limited to biallelic loci. Also, they are less amenable to applications such as the identification of the causes of genetic structuring or the identification of outlier loci. Excoffier et al. (2009) present a simulation-based approach to carry out genome scans under scenarios where subpop- ulations are clustered into regions. The simulation study they carried out shows that this method is able to greatly reduce the false positive rate. We note, however, that these biases may become negligible if the number of local populations is very large; in which case, the ‘separation- of-timescales’ approximation is valid for a wide range of metapopulation scenarios. It may be useful to carry out a detailed simulation study to determine how large this number must be before the biases become negligible.
There is still much work to be performed to introduce more reality into statistical genetics methods in general. In the particular case of the multinomial-Dirichlet approach, we note that we are currently working on an
extension of the F-model that will take into account hier- archical structuring and will overcome the limitations mentioned previously (Foll et al., in preparation). Ultimately, however, the consideration of very complex situations can only be achieved using approximate methods such as approximate Bayesian computation approach as performed by Estoup et al. (2010) in an arti- cle published in this same issue.
We hope that this review and the availability of GE- STE, a user-friendly program to carry out genetic struc- ture inferences, will help popularize the use of local FSTs within the molecular ecology community.
The comments of three anonymous reviewers have allowed us to greatly improve the original version of the manuscript.
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