程序代写代做 kernel chain go algorithm C Bayesian graph Bioinformatics J. R. Soc. Interface (2009) 6, 187–202 doi:10.1098/rsif.2008.0172 Published online 9 July 2008

J. R. Soc. Interface (2009) 6, 187–202 doi:10.1098/rsif.2008.0172 Published online 9 July 2008
Approximate Bayesian computation scheme for parameter inference and model selection in dynamical systems
Tina Toni1,2,*, David Welch3,†, Natalja Strelkowa4, Andreas Ipsen5 and Michael P. H. Stumpf1,2,*
1Centre for Bioinformatics, Division of Molecular Biosciences, 2Institute of Mathematical Sciences, 3Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, 4Department of Bioengineering, and 5Department of Biomolecular Medicine, Imperial College London, London SW7 2AZ, UK
Approximate Bayesian computation (ABC) methods can be used to evaluate posterior distributions without having to calculate likelihoods. In this paper, we discuss and apply an ABC method based on sequential Monte Carlo (SMC) to estimate parameters of dynamical models. We show that ABC SMC provides information about the inferability of parameters and model sensitivity to changes in parameters, and tends to perform better than other ABC approaches. The algorithm is applied to several well-known biological systems, for which parameters and their credible intervals are inferred. Moreover, we develop ABC SMC as a tool for model selection; given a range of different mathematical descriptions, ABC SMC is able to choose the best model using the standard Bayesian model selection apparatus.
Keywords: sequential Monte Carlo; Bayesian model selection; sequential importance sampling; parameter estimation; dynamical systems; sloppy parameters
Most dynamical systems studied in the physical, life and social sciences and engineering are modelled by ordinary, delay or stochastic differential equations. However, for the vast majority of systems and particu- larly for biological systems, we lack reliable information about parameters and frequently have several competing models for the structure of the underlying equations. Moreover, the biological experimental data are often scarce and incomplete, and the likelihood surfaces of large models are complex. The analysis of such dynamical systems therefore requires new, more realistic quantita- tive and predictive models. Here, we develop novel statistical tools that allow us to analyse such data in terms of dynamical models by (i) providing estimates for model parameter values, and (ii) allowing us to compare the performance of different models in describing the overall data.
In the last decade, extensive research has been conducted on estimating the parameters of deterministic systems. Much attention has been given to local and global nonlinear optimization methods (Mendes & Kell 1998; Moles et al. 2003) and, generally, parameter estimation
*Authors and address for correspondence: Centre for Bioinfor- matics, Imperial College London, London SW7 2AZ, UK (ttoni@ imperial.ac.uk; m.stumpf@imperial.ac.uk).
†Present address: Department of Statistics, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802, USA.
Electronic supplementary material is available at http://dx.doi.org/ 10.1098/rsif.2008.0172 or via http://journals.royalsociety.org.
Received 30 April 2008
Accepted 12 June 2008 187
has been performed by maximum-likelihood estimation (Muller et al. 2004; Timmer & Muller 2004; Baker et al. 2005; Bortz & Nelson 2006). The methods developed for ordinary differential equations have been extended to ordinary differential equations with time delays (Horbelt et al. 2002). Deterministic models have also been parametrized in a Bayesian framework using Bayesian hierarchical models (Putter et al. 2002; Banks et al. 2005; Huang et al. 2006). Simulated annealing, which attempts to avoid getting trapped in local minima, is another well-known optimization algorithm that has been found successful in various applications (Kirkpatrick et al. 1983; Mendes & Kell 1998). There are also several Monte Carlo-based approaches applied to the parameter estimation of deterministic (Battogtokh et al. 2002; Brown & Sethna 2003) and stochastic (Sisson et al. 2007) systems. The parameter estimation for stochastic models has been extensively explored in financial mathematics (Johannes & Polson 2005) and has been applied to biological systems in a frequentist maximum likelihood (Reinker et al. 2006) and Bayesian (Golightly & Wilkinson 2005, 2006; Wilkinson 2006) framework.
Most commonly, model selection has been performed by likelihood ratio tests (in the case of nested models) or the Akaike information criterion (in the case of non-nested models). Recently, Bayesian methods have increasingly been coming into use. Vyshemirsky & Girolami (2008) have investigated different ways of computing the Bayes factors for model selection of deterministic differential equation models, and
This journal is q 2008 The Royal Society

188 ABC for dynamical systems T. Toni et al.
Brown & Sethna (2003) have used the Bayesian information criterion. In population genetics, model selection has been performed using approximate Bayesian computation (ABC) in its basic rejection form (Zucknick 2004; Wilkinson 2007) and coupled with multinomial logistic regression (Beaumont 2008a; Fagundes et al. 2007).
There is thus a wide variety of tools available for parameter estimation and, to a lesser extent, model selection. However, to our knowledge, no method avail- able can be applied to all different kinds of modelling approaches (e.g. ordinary or stochastic differential equations with and without time delay) without sub- stantial modification, estimate credible intervals from incomplete or partially observed data, reliably explore the whole parameter space without getting trapped in local extrema and be employed for model selection.
In this paper, we apply an ABC method based on sequential Monte Carlo (SMC) to the parameter estimation and model selection problem for dynamical models. In ABC methods, the evaluation of the likelihood is replaced by a simulation-based procedure (Pritchard et al. 1999; Beaumont et al. 2002; Marjoram et al. 2003; Sisson et al. 2007). We explore the information provided by ABC SMC about the infer- ability of parameters and the sensitivity of the model to parameter variation. Furthermore, we compare the performance of ABC SMC with other ABC methods. The method is illustrated on two simulated datasets (one from ecology and another from molecular systems biology), and real and simulated epidemiological datasets. As we will show, ABC SMC yields reliable parameter estimates with credible intervals, can be applied to different types of models (e.g. deterministic as well as stochastic models), is relatively computa- tionally efficient (and easily parallelized), allows for discrimination among sets of candidate models in a formal Bayesian model selection sense and gives us an assessment of parameter sensitivity.
In this section, we review and develop the theory underlying ABC with emphasis on applications to dynamical systems, before introducing a formal Baye- sian model selection approach in an ABC context.
2.1. Approximate Bayesian computation
ABC methods have been conceived with the aim of inferring posterior distributions where likelihood func- tions are computationally intractable or too costly to evaluate. They exploit the computational efficiency of modern simulation techniques by replacing the calculation of the likelihood with a comparison between the observed and simulated data.
Let q be a parameter vector to be estimated. Given the prior distribution p(q), the goal is to approximate the posterior distribution, p(qjx)ff(xjq)p(q), where f(xjq) is the likelihood of q given the data x. The ABC methods have the following generic form.
1. Sample a candidate parameter vector q􏰌 from some proposal distribution p(q).
2. Simulate a dataset x􏰌 from the model described by a conditional probability distribution f(xjq􏰌).
3. Compare the simulated dataset, x􏰌, with the experi- mental data, x0, using a distance function, d, and tolerance e; if d(x0, x􏰌)%e, accept q􏰌. The tolerance eR0 is the desired level of agreement between x 0 and x􏰌.
The output of an ABC algorithm is a sample of parameters from a distribution p(qjd(x0, x􏰌)%e). If e is sufficiently small, then the distribution p(qjd(x0, x􏰌)%e) will be a good approximation for the posterior distri- bution p(qjx0). It is often difficult to define a suitable distance function d(x0, x􏰌) between the full datasets, so one may instead replace it with a distance defined on summary statistics, S(x0) and S(x􏰌), of the datasets. That is, the distance function may be defined as d(x0, x􏰌)Z d0(S(x0), S(x􏰌)), where d0 is a distance function defined on the summary statistic space. However, here, as we consider values of a dynamical process at a set of time points, we are able to compare the datasets directly without the use of summary statistics. In any case, the algorithms take the same form.
The simplest ABC algorithm is the ABC rejection sampler (Pritchard et al. 1999), which is as follows.
R1 Sample q􏰌 from p(q).
R2 Simulate a dataset x􏰌 from f(xjq􏰌).
R3 If d(x0, x􏰌)%e, accept q􏰌, otherwise reject. R4 Return to R1.
The disadvantage of the ABC rejection sampler is that the acceptance rate is low when the prior distri- bution is very different from the posterior distribution. To avoid this problem, an ABC method based on Markov chain Monte Carlo was introduced (Marjoram et al. 2003). The ABC MCMC algorithm proceeds as follows.
M1 Initialize qi , iZ0.
M2 Propose q􏰌 according to a proposal distribution
q (qjqi).
M3 Simulate a dataset x􏰌 from f(xjq􏰌).
M4 If d(x0, x􏰌)%e, go to M5, otherwise set qiC1Zqi
and go to M6.
M5 Set qiC1Zq􏰌 with probability
􏰎 pðq􏰌Þqðqijq􏰌Þ􏰆 aZmin 1;pðqiÞqðq􏰌jqiÞ
and qiC1Zqi with probability 1Ka. M6 Set iZiC1, go to M2.
The outcome of this algorithm is a Markov chain with the stationary distribution p(qjd(x0, x􏰌)%e) (Marjoram et al. 2003). That is, ABC MCMC is guaranteed to converge to the target approximate posterior distri- bution. Note that if the proposal distribution is sym- metric, q (qi jq􏰌)Zq (q􏰌jqi), then a depends only on the prior distribution. Furthermore, if the prior is uniform, then aZ1 in M5. Potential disadvantages of the ABC MCMC algorithm are that the correlated nature of samples coupled with the potentially low acceptance probability may result in very long chains and that the chain may get stuck in regions of low probability for long periods of time.
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The above-mentioned disadvantages of ABC rejec- tion and ABC MCMC methods can, at least in part, be avoided in ABC algorithms based on SMC methods, first developed by Sisson et al. (2007). In this paper, we derive ABC SMC from a sequential importance sampling (SIS) algorithm (Del Moral et al. 2006); see appendix A for the derivation and appendix B for a comparison with the algorithm of Sisson et al. (2007).
In ABC SMC, a number of sampled parameter values (called particles), {q(1), ., q(N )}, sampled from the prior distribution p(q), are propagated through a sequence of intermediate distributions, p(qjd (x0, x􏰌)%ei), iZ1, ., TK1, until it represents a sample from the target distribution p(qjd (x0, x􏰌)%eT). The tolerances ei are chosen such that e1O/OeTR0, thus the distributions gradually evolve towards the target posterior. For sufficiently large numbers of particles, the population approach can also, in principle, avoid the problem of getting stuck in areas of low probability encountered in ABC MCMC. The ABC SMC algorithm proceeds as follows.1
S1 Initialize e1, ., eT.
Set the population indicator tZ0.
S2.0 Set the particle indicator iZ1.
S2.1 If tZ0, sample q􏰌􏰌 independently from p(q).
Else, sample q􏰌 from the previous population fqðiÞ g with weights w and perturb the
ABC for dynamical systems T. Toni et al. 189 Table 1. Interpretation of the Bayes factor (adapted from
Kass & Raftery 1995).
the value of the Bayes
factor B12
1–3 3–20 20–150 O150
evidence against m 2 (and in favour of m1)
very weak positive strong
very strong
m2 be two models; we would like to choose which model explains the data x better. The Bayes factor is
defined as
B12 Z Pðm1jxÞ=Pðm2jxÞ ; ð2:1Þ Pðm1Þ=Pðm2Þ
where P(mi) is the prior and P(mijx) is the marginal posterior distribution of model mi , iZ1, 2. If the priors are uniform, then (2.1) simplifies to
B12 Z Pðm1jxÞ : Pðm2jxÞ
tK1 􏰌􏰌 tK1 􏰌
particle to obtain q wKt(qjq ), where Kt is a
The Bayes factor is a summary of the evidence provided by the data in favour of one statistical model over another (see table 1 for its interpretation).
There are several advantages of Bayesian model selection when compared with traditional hypothesis testing. First, the models being compared do not need to be nested. Second, the Bayes factors do not only weigh the evidence against a hypothesis (in our case m2), but can equally well provide evidence in favour of it. This is not the case for traditional hypothesis testing where a small p-value only indicates that the null model has insufficient explanatory power. However, one cannot conclude from a large p-value that the two models are equivalent, or that the null model is superior, but only that there is not enough evidence to distinguish between the two. In other words, ‘failing to reject’ the null hypothesis cannot be translated into ‘accepting’ the null hypothesis (Cox & Hinkley 1974; Kass & Raftery 1995). Third, unlike the posterior probability of the model, the p-value does not provide any direct interpretation of the weight of evidence (the p-value is not the probability that the null hypothesis is true).
Here, we approach the model selection problem by including a ‘model parameter’ m2{1, ., M}, where M is the number of models, as an additional discrete parameter and denote the model-specific parameters as qðmÞZðqðmÞð1Þ;.;qðmÞðkmÞÞ, mZ1, ., M, where km denotes the number of parameters in model m.
In each population, we start by sampling a model indicator m from the prior distribution p(m). For model m, we then propose new particles by perturbing the particles from the previous population specific to m; this step is the same as in the parameter estimation algorithm. The weights for particles q(m) are also calcu- lated in a similar way as in the parameter estimation algorithm for m.
The ABC SMC algorithm for model selection proceeds as follows.2
2In the stochastic framework, we again suggest using the general form of the algorithm with BtO1; see appendix A.
perturbation kernel.
If p(q􏰌􏰌)Z0, return to S2.1.
Simulate a candidate dataset x􏰌 wf ðxjq􏰌􏰌Þ. If d(x􏰌, x0)Ret, return to S2.1.
S2.2 Set qðiÞ Z q􏰌􏰌 t ðiÞ
particle qt , 8>
< pðqðiÞÞ t and 1; XN weight if t Z 0; ; iftO0: for wðiÞ Z t > > >:
If i!N, set iZiC1, go to S2.1. S3 Normalize the weights.
If t!T, set tZtC1, go to S2.0.
calculate the
wð jÞ K ðqð jÞ ; qðiÞÞ tK1 t tK1 t
Particles sampled from the previous distribution are denoted by a single asterisk, and after perturbation these particles are denoted by a double asterisk. Here, we choose the perturbation kernel Kt to be a random walk (uniform or Gaussian). Note that for the special case when TZ1, the ABC SMC algorithm corresponds to the ABC rejection algorithm.
2.2. Model selection
Here, we introduce an ABC SMC model selection framework that employs standard concepts from Bayesian model selection, including Bayes factors (a comprehensive review of Bayesian model selection can be found in Kass & Raftery 1995). Let m1 and
1For a more general version of the algorithm, suitable especially for application to stochastic models, see appendix A.
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190 ABC for dynamical systems T. Toni et al.
MS1 Initialize e1, ., eT.
Set the population indicator tZ0.
MS2.0 Set the particle indicator iZ1.
MS2.1 Sample m􏰌 from p(m).
If tZ0, sample q􏰌􏰌 from p(q(m􏰌)).
If tO0, sample q􏰌 from the previous population {q(m􏰌)tK1} with weights w(m􏰌)tK1.
Perturb the particle q􏰌 to obtain q􏰌􏰌w Kt(qjq􏰌).
If p(q􏰌􏰌)Z0, return to MS2.1.
Simulate a candidate dataset x􏰌wf(xjq􏰌􏰌,m􏰌). If d(x􏰌, x0)Ret, return to MS2.1.
MS2.2 Set mði Þ Z m􏰌 and add q􏰌􏰌 to the population of t􏰌
2.3. Implementation of the algorithm
The algorithm is implemented in CCC. For the ODE solver code, the fourth-order classical Runge–Kutta algorithm from the GNU Scientific Library (Galassi 2003) is used; for the simulation of stochastic models, we use the Gillespie algorithm (Gillespie 1977); and for the simulation of delay differential equations, we implemented the algorithm based on the adaptive step- size ODE solvers from Numerical recipes in C (Press et al. 1992) extended by code handling the delay part according to Paul (1992) and Enright & Hu (1995).
We demonstrate the performance of the ABC algori- thms using the simulated data from deterministic and stochastic systems. The data points were obtained by solving the systems for some fixed parameters at chosen time points. The sizes of the input datasets were chosen to reflect what can typically be expected in real-world datasets in ecology, molecular systems biology and epidemiology. The first two examples highlight the computational performance of ABC SMC, the problem of inferability of dynamical models and its relationship to parameter sensitivity. The third example illustrates the use of ABC SMC for model selection, which is then further demonstrated in an application to a real dataset.
3.1. Parameter inference for the deterministic and stochastic Lotka–Volterra model
The first model is the Lotka–Volterra (LV) model (Lotka 1925; Volterra 1926) describing the interaction between prey species, x, and predator species, y, with parameter vector qZ(a, b),
particles {q(m )t}, and calculate its weight as,
8> 1; if t Z 0;
>< >XN ; iftO0:
> wðjÞ K ðqðjÞ ; q􏰌􏰌Þ
wðiÞ Z t
If i!N, set iZiC1, go to MS2.1. MS3 For every m, normalize the weights.
If t!T, set tZtC1, go to MS2.0.
The outputs of the ABC SMC algorithm are the approximations of the marginal posterior distribution of the model parameter P(mjx) and the marginal posterior distributions of parameters Pðqijx;mÞ, mZ 1, ., M, iZ1, ., km. Note that it can happen that a model dies out (i.e. there are no particles left that belong to a particular model) if it offers only a poor description of the data. In this case, the sampling of particles continues from the remaining models only.
The Bayes factors can be obtained directly from P(mjx) using equation (2.2). However, in many cases there will not be a single best and most powerful/explan- atory model (Stumpf & Thorne 2006). More commonly, different models explain different parts of the data to a certain extent. One can average over these models to obtain a better inference than from a single model only. The approximation of the marginal posterior distri- bution of the model, P(mjx), which is the output of the above algorithm, can be used for Bayesian model averaging (Hoeting et al. 1999).
The parameter estimation for each of the models is performed simultaneously with the model selection. The model with the highest posterior probability will typically have the greatest number of particles, thereby ensuring a good estimate of the posterior distribution of the parameters. However, some models are poorly represented in the marginal posterior distribution of m (i.e. only a small number of particles belong to these models), and so the small number of particles does not provide a very good estimate of the posterior distri- butions of the parameters. Therefore, one might wish to estimate parameters for these models independently.
We note that the ABC SMC model selection algorithm implicitly penalizes the models with a large number of parameters; the higher the parameter dimension is, the smaller is the probability that the perturbed particle is accepted.
: tK1 t tK1 jZ1
dt ZaxKxy;
dt ZbxyKy:
ð3:1aÞ ð3:1bÞ
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3.1.1. Computational efficiency of ABC SMC applied to deterministic LV dynamics. The data {(xd, yd)} are noisy observations of the simulated system with parameter values set at (a, b)Z(1, 1). We sample eight data points (for each of the species) from the solution of the system for parameters (a, b)Z(1, 1) and add Gaussian noise N (0, (0.5)2) (figure 1a). Let the distance function d((xd, yd), (x, y)) between the data {xd[i ], yd[i ]}, iZ1, ., 8, and a simulated solution for proposed parameters, {(x[i ], y[i ])}, be the sum of squared errors,
dððx; yÞ;ðxd;ydÞÞZX􏰃ðx1⁄2i􏰍Kxd1⁄2i􏰍Þ2 Cðy1⁄2i􏰍Kyd1⁄2i􏰍Þ2􏰇: i
In appendix C we show that this distance function is, in fact, related to the conventional likelihood treatment of ODEs.
The distance between our noisy data and the deterministic solution for (a, b)Z(1, 1) from which the data were generated is 4.23, so the lowest distance to be

4 3 2 1
ABC for dynamical systems
T. Toni et al. 191
(a) (b)
00 0 5 10 15
0.7 0.9 1.1 1.3
0.6 1.0
Figure 1. (a) Trajectories of prey (solid curve) and predator (dashed curve) populations of the deterministic LV system and the data points (circles, prey data; triangles, predator data). (b) Parameters inferred by the ABC rejection sampler.
Table 2. Cumulative number of data generation steps needed to accept 1000 particles in each population for deterministic LV dynamics.
population 1 2 3 4 5
number of data generation steps as the adaptive ABC MCMC algorithm.
The analyses were repeated with different distance
data generation steps
26 228
36 667
46 989
49 271
52 194
functions, such as X dððx; yÞ;ðxd;ydÞÞZ
ðjx1⁄2i􏰍Kxd1⁄2i􏰍jCjy1⁄2i􏰍Kyd1⁄2i􏰍jÞ ð3:3Þ
dððx; yÞ;ðxd;ydÞÞZ2KkxkkxdkKkykkydk;
x$xd y$yd
reached is expected to be close to this number and we choose the tolerance e accordingly.
First, we apply the ABC rejection sampler approach with eZ4.3. The prior distributions for a and b are taken to be uniform, a, bwU(K10, 10). In order to obtain 1000 accepted particles, approximately 14.1 million data generation steps are needed, which means that the acceptance rate (7!10K5) is extremely low. The inferred posterior distributions are shown in figure 1b.
Applying the ABC MCMC scheme outlined above yields results comparable to those of ABC rejec- tion, and after a careful calibration of the approach (using an adaptive Gaussian proposal distribution), we manage markedly to reduce the computational cost (including burn-in, we had to generate between 40 000 and 60 000 simulations in order to obtain 1000 independent particles).
Next, we apply the ABC SMC approach. The prior distributions for a and b are taken to be uniform, a, bwU(K10, 10), and the perturbation kernels for both parameters are uniform, KtZsU(K1, 1), with sZ0.1. The number of particles in each population is NZ1000. To ensure the gradual transition between populations, we take TZ5 populations with eZ(30.0, 16.0, 6.0, 5.0, 4.3). The results are summarized in table 2 and figure 2. From the last population (population 5), it can be seen that both parameters are well inferred (a: medianZ1.05, 95% quantile rangeZ[1.00,1.12]; b: medianZ1.00, 95% quantile rangeZ[0.87,1.11]). The outcome is virtually the same as previously obtained by the ABC rejection sampler (figure 1b); however, there is a substantial reduction in the number of steps needed to reach this result. For this model, the ABC SMC algorithm needs 50 times fewer data generation steps than the ABC rejection sampler, and about the same
where the dot denotes the inner product. As expected, the resulting approximations of posterior distributions are very similar (histograms not shown). Replacing the uniform perturbation kernel by a Gaussian kernel also yields the same results, but requires more simulation steps (results not shown).
3.1.2. ABC SMC inference for stochastic LV dynamics.
Having obtained good estimates for the deterministic case, next, we try to infer parameters of a stochastic LV model. The predator–prey process can be described by the following rate equations:
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aCX/2X withratec1; X CY /2Y with rate c2;
Y//0 withratec3;
ð3:5aÞ ð3:5bÞ
where X denotes the prey population; Y is the predator population; and a is the fixed amount of resource available to the prey (we fix it to aZ1). These reactions define the stochastic master equation (van Kampen 2007)
vPðx; y; tÞ Z c1aðx K1ÞPðx K1; y; tÞ vt
Cc2ðxC1ÞðyK1ÞPðxC1; yK1;tÞ Cc3ðyC1ÞPðx; yC1;tÞ
Kðc1axCc2xyCc3yÞPðx; y;tÞ:
The ABC approach can easily be applied to inference problems involving master equations, because there exists an exact simulation algorithm (Gillespie algorithm; Gillespie 1977; Wilkinson 2006).
Our simulated data consist of 19 data points for each species with rates (c1, c2, c3)Z(10, 0.01, 10) and initial

192 ABC for dynamical systems
T. Toni et al. (ii)
400 (i) 200
–10 –5 0 5 10
–10 –5 0 5 10 (ii)
–10 –5 0 5 10 (ii)
0 1.0 2.0 3.0 (ii)
0.6 1.0 1.4 (ii)
0.6 1.0 1.4 (ii)
0.6 1.0 1.4
(a) 40 30 20 10
(b) 40 30 20 10
(c) 40 30 20 10
400 200 0
400 200 0
–2 (i)
0 1 2 3
0 5 10 15 20 25 c1
(d) 400 200 0
(e) 400 200 0
(f) 400 200 0
0 (i)
0.8 (i)
0.8 (i)
1.0 1.2 1.4
1.0 1.2 1.4
1.0 1.2 1.4
0.010 0.020 c2
5 10 15 20 25
Figure 2. Histograms of populations (a) 0 (uniform prior distribution), (b) 1, (c) 2, (d ) 3, (e) 4 and ( f ) 5 (approximation of posterior distribution) of parameters (i) a and (ii) b of the LV system.
conditions (X0, Y0)Z(1000, 1000). The distance func- tion is the square root of the sum of squared errors (3.2) and the SMC algorithm is run for TZ5 populations with eZ(4000, 2900, 2000, 1900, 1800). Especially in labora- tory settings, the results from several replicate experi- ments are averaged over; here, we therefore also use data averaged over three independent replicates. The simulated data at every run are then, just as the experimental data, averaged over three runs. For inference purposes, the average over several runs tends to hold more information about the system’s mean dynamics than a single stochastic run. If the experi- mental data consisted of one run only, i.e. if there were no repetitions, then the inference could in principle proceed in the same way, by comparing the experimental data with a single simulated run. This would result in a lower acceptance rate and, consequently, more data generation steps to complete the inference.
We generate NZ100 particles per population and assign the prior distributions of the parameters to be p(c1)ZU(0, 28), p(c 2)ZU(0.0, 0.04) and p(c 3)Z U(0, 28), reflecting the respective orders of magnitude of the simulated parameters (if a larger domain for p(c2)
Figure 3. Histograms of the approximated posterior distri- butions of parameters (a) c1, (b) c2 and (c) c3 of the stochastic LV dynamics.
is taken, there are no accepted instances for c2O0.04). Perturbation kernels are uniform with sc1Z sc3 Z1:0 and sc2 Z0:0025, and BtZ10. The results are sum- marized in figure 3.
3.2. Parameter inference for the deterministic and stochastic repressilator model
The repressilator (Elowitz & Leibler 2000) is a popular toy model for gene regulatory systems and consists of three genes connected in a feedback loop, where each gene transcribes the repressor protein for the next gene in the loop. The model consists of six ordinary differential equations and four parameters, which are as follows:
dm1 a
dt ZKm1C1CpnCa0;
dp1 ZKbðp1Km1Þ; dt
dt ZKm2C1CpnCa0;
ð3:7aÞ ð3:7bÞ
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(a) 200
100 50 0
250 150 50
b10 5 0
b 10 5 0
0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4
0 2 4 6 8 10 population
a0 n 200 (iv)
50 00
8001000 1400
00 0 2 4 6 8 10
0.8 0.4
1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4
0.4 00
0.8 0.4
ABC for dynamical systems
T. Toni et al. 193
b (qr) a0 (qr)
a (qr) n (qr)
1.0a aa0
500 1000150020002500
a a0
0.4 0.2 0
4 5
comp. 1
comp. 2
comp. 3
comp. 4
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dp2 ZKbðp2Km2Þ; dt
dt ZKm3 C1Cpn Ca0;
dp3 ZKbðp3Km3Þ: dt
ð3:7dÞ ð3:7eÞ
3.2.1. Inferability and sensitivity in deterministic repres-
silator dynamics. Let qZ(a0,n, b, a) be the parameter
vector. For the simulated data, the initial conditions are
(m ,p ,m ,p ,m ,p )Z(0,2,0,1,0,3)andthevaluesof 112233
parameters are qZ(1, 2, 5, 1000); for these parameters the repressilator displays limit-cycle behaviour. We assume that only the mRNA (m1,m2,m3) measurements are available and the protein concentrations are
b n a0 a
5 4 3 2 1
–2 0 2 4 6 8 10 (iv)
–2 0 2 4 6 8 10
Figure 4. (a) Histograms of the approximate marginal posterior distributions of parameters a0, n, b and a of the deterministic repressilator model. (b) The normalized 95% interquantile ranges (qr) of each population. The narrower the interval for a given tolerance et, the more sensitive the model is to the corresponding parameter. The interquantile range reached in population 9 is determined by the added experimental noise. As e9 was chosen accordingly, one cannot proceed by lowering the tolerance further. The sharp change in the interquantile ranges, which occurs, for example, for parameter a0 between populations 1 and 2, can be explained by the steep gradient of the likelihood surface along a0. (c) The output (i.e. the accepted particles) of the ABC SMC algorithm as two-dimensional scatterplots. The particles from population 1 are in yellow, particles from population 4 in black, particles from population 7 in blue and those from the last population in red. Islands of particles are observed in population 4 and they can be explained by the multimodality of the fourth intermediate distribution. (d ) PCA of the set of accepted particles (population 9). Owing to the dependence of the PCA on the scaling of original variables, the PCA was performed on the correlation matrix. The first PC explains 70.0% of the total variance, the second 24.6%, the third 5.3% and the fourth 0.1% of the variance. Pie charts show the fraction of the length of PCs explained by individual parameters.
babb 0.80nnb

194 ABC for dynamical systems T. Toni et al.
considered as missing data. Gaussian noise N (0, 52) is added to the data points. The distance function is defined to be the square root of the sum of squared errors. The prior parameter distributions are chosen as follows: p(a0)ZU(K2, 10); p(n)ZU(0, 10); p(b)Z U(K5, 20); and p(a)ZU(500, 2500). We assume that the initial conditions are known.
The results are summarized in figure 4a–d, where we show the approximate posterior distributions, the changes in 95% interquantile ranges of parameter estimates across the populations and scatterplots of some of the two-dimensional parameter combinations. Each parameter is easily inferred when the other three parameters are fixed (histograms not shown). When the algorithm is applied to all four parameters simultaneously, parameter n is inferred the quickest and has the smallest posterior variance, while parameter a is barely inferable and has large credible intervals (figure 4a,c).
We find that ABC SMC recovers the intricate link between model sensitivity to parameter changes and inferability of parameters. The repressilator system is most sensitive to changes in parameter n and least sensitive to changes in a. Hence, the data appear to contain little information about a. Thus, ABC SMC provides us with a global parameter sensitivity analysis (Sanchez & Blower 1997) on the fly as the intermediate distributions are being constructed. Note that the intermediate distributions are nested in one another (as should be the case in SMC; figure 4c). An attempt to visualize the four-dimensional posterior distributions can be accessed in the electronic supplementary material where we provide an animation in which the posterior distribution in the four-dimensional parameter space is projected onto two-dimensional planes.
The interquantile ranges and the scatterplots provide an initial impression of parameter sensitivity; however, the first problem with scatterplots is that it is increas- ingly difficult to visualize the behaviour of the model with increasing parameter dimension. Second, we have to determine the sensitivity when a combination of para- meters is varied (and not just individual parameters), and this cannot be visualized via simple one-dimensional interquantile ranges or two-dimensional scatterplots.
We can use principal component analysis (PCA) to
quantify the sensitivity of the system (Saltelli et al. 2008).
The output of the ABC SMC algorithm, which we are
going to use for our sensitivity analysis, is the last
population of N particles. Associated with the accepted
particles is their variance–covariance matrix, S, of
rank p, where p denotes the dimension of the parameter
vector. The principal components (PCs) are the eigen-
vectors of S, which define a set of eigenparameters,
ciZai1q1C/Caipqp. Here, aiZ(ai1, ., aip) is the
normalized eigenvector associated with the i th eigenvalue
of S, li , and aij describes the projection of parameter qj
onto the ith eigenparameter. The PCA provides an
orthogonal transformation of the original parameter
space and the PCs can be taken to define a p-dimensional
ellipsoid that approximates the population of data points
(i.e. the accepted particles), and the eigenvalues specify
the p corresponding radii. The variance of the ith PC is
associated with the ith PC explains a proportion li
given by l and the total variance of all PCs equals Pp i
where iZ1, 2, 3 and, correspondingly, jZ3, 1, 2. The stochastic process defined by these reactions can be simulated with the Gillespie algorithm. True parameters and initial conditions correspond to those of the deterministic case discussed previously. The data include both mRNA and protein levels at 19 time points. Tolerances are chosen as eZ{900, 650, 500, 450, 400}, the number of parti- cles NZ200 and BtZ5. The prior distributions are chosen as follows: p(a0)ZU(0, 10); p(n)ZU(0, 10); p(b)ZU(K5, 20); and p(a)ZU(500, 2500).
The inference results for comparing the average over 20 simulations with the data generated from the average of 20 simulations are summarized in figure 5a,b. Figure 5a,b shows that parameters n and b get reasonably well inferred, while a0 and a are harder to
iZ1 li Z traceðSÞ. Therefore, the eigenvalue li J. R. Soc. Interface (2009)
of the variation in the population of points. The smaller the li , the more sensitive the system is to the variation of the eigenparameter ci. The PCA yields only an approximate account of sensitivity similar to what would be obtained by computing the Hessian around the mode of the posterior distribution.
Figure 4d summarizes the output of the PCA. It shows how much of the variance is explained by each PC, and which parameters contribute the most to these PCs. In contrast to the interest in the first PC in most PCA applications, our main interest lies in the smallest PC. The last PC extends across the narrowest region of the posterior parameter distribution, and therefore provides information on parameters to which the model is the most sensitive. In other words, the smaller PCs correspond to stiff parameter combinations, while the larger PCs may correspond to sloppy parameter combinations (Gutenkunst et al. 2007).
The analysis reveals that the last PC mainly extends in the direction of a linear combination of parameters n and b, from which we can conclude that the model is most sensitive to changes in these two parameters. Looking at the third component, the model is somewhat less sensitive to variation in a0. The model is therefore the least sensitive to changes in parameter a, which is also supported by the composition of the second PC. This outcome agrees with the information obtained from the interquantile ranges and the scatterplots.
3.2.2. Inference of the stochastic repressilator dynamics.
Next, we apply ABC SMC to the stochastic repressilator model. We transformed the deterministic model (3.7) into a set of the following reactions:
/0/mi mi / /0
mi / mi C pi pi //0
withhazard 1Cpn Ca0; ð3:9aÞ
with hazard mi ;
with hazard bmi ;
with hazard bpi;

infer. It is clearly noticeable that parameters are better inferred in the deterministic case (figure 4a).
3.2.3. Contrasting inferability for the deterministic and stochastic dynamics. Analysing and comparing the results of the deterministic and stochastic repressilator dynamics shows that parameter sensitivity is intimately linked to inferability. If the system is insensitive to a parameter, then this parameter will be hard (or even impossible) to infer, as varying such a parameter does not vary the output—which here is the approximate posterior probability—very much. In stochastic pro- blems, we may furthermore have the scenario where the fluctuations due to small variations in one parameter overwhelm the signals from other parameters.
3.3. Model selection on different SIR models
We illustrate model selection using a range of simple models that can describe the epidemiology of infectious diseases. SIR models describe the spread of such disease in a population of susceptible (S), infected (I) and recovered (R) individuals (Anderson & May 1991). The simplest model assumes that every individual can be infected only once and that there is no time delay between the individual getting infected and their ability to infect other susceptible individuals,
ABC for dynamical systems T. Toni et al. 195 (with rate e),
S_ Z aKgSI KdS; I_ Z gSI KvI KdI ;
R_ Z vI KdR;
ð3:10aÞ ð3:10bÞ
There are obviously many more ways of extending the basic model, but here we restrict ourselves to the four models described above. Given the same initial con- ditions, the outputs of all models are very similar, which makes it impossible to choose the right model by visual inspection of the data alone. Therefore, some more sophisticated, statistically based methods need to be applied for selecting the best available model. Therefore, we apply the ABC SMC algorithm for model selection, developed in §2.2. We define a model parameter m2 {1, 2, 3, 4}, representing the above models in the same order, and model-specific parameter vectors q(m): qð1ÞZ ða;g;d;vÞ; qð2ÞZða;g;d;v;tÞ; qð3ÞZða;g;d;v;dÞ; and qð4ÞZða;g;d;v;eÞ.
The experimental data consist of 12 data points from each of the three groups (S, I and R). If the data are very noisy (Gaussian noise with standard deviation sZ1 was added to the simulated data points), then the algorithm cannot detect a single best model, which is not surprising given the high similarity of model outputs. However, if intermediate noise is added (Gaussian noise with standard deviation sZ0.2), then the algorithm produces a posterior estimate with the most weight on the correct model. An example is shown in figure 6, where the experimental data were obtained from model 1 and perturbed by Gaussian noise, N (0, (0.2)2). Parameter inference is performed simultaneously with the model selection (posterior parameter distributions not shown).
The Bayes factor can be calculated from the marginal posterior distribution of m, which we take from the final population. From 1000 particles, model 1 (basic model) was selected 664 times, model 2 230 times, model 4 106 times and model 3 was not selected at all in the final population. Therefore, we can conclude from the Bayes factors
where x_ denotes the time derivative of x, dx/dt. Individuals, who are born at rate a, are susceptible; d is the death rate (irrespective of the disease class, S, I or R); g is the infection rate; and v is the recovery rate.
The model can be made more realistic by adding a time delay t between the time an individual gets infected and the time when they become infectious,
S_ Z aKgSIðtKtÞKdS;
I_ Z gSIðtKtÞKvI KdI;
R_ ZvIKdR:
B1;2 Z 664 Z 2:9; 230
B1;4 Z 106 Z 6:3;
B2;4 Z 230 Z 2:2; 106
ð3:14Þ ð3:15Þ
S_ ZaKgSIKdSCeR; I_ Z gSI KvI KdI ;
R_ ZvIKðdCeÞR:
ð3:13aÞ ð3:13bÞ
Another way of incorporating the time delay into the model is by including a population of individuals in a latent (L) phase of infection; in this state, they are infected but cannot yet infect others. The equations then become
that there is weak evidence in favour of model 1 when compared with model 2 and positive evidence in favour of model 1 when compared with model 4. Increasing the amount of data will, however, change the Bayes factors in favour of the true model.
3.4. Application: common-cold outbreaks on Tristan da Cunha
Tristan da Cunha is an isolated island in the Atlantic Ocean with approximately 300 inhabitants, and it was observed that viral diseases, such as common cold, break
S_ Z aKgSI KdS; L_ Z gSI KdLKdL;
ð3:12bÞ I_ZdLKvIKdI; ð3:12cÞ
R_ Z vI KdR: ð3:12dÞ
Here, d denotes the transition rate from the latent to the infective stage.
Another extension of the basic model (3.10) allows the recovered individuals to become susceptible again
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ABC for dynamical systems
T. Toni et al.
(a) 60
40 20 0
60 40 20
1.0 2.0
2.5 3.0
1500 2000 2500
0 2
8 10
2 000
out on the island after the arrival of ships from Cape Town. We use the 21-day common-cold data from October 1967. The data, shown in table 3, were obtained from Hammond & Tyrrell (1971) and Shibli et al. (1971). The data provide only the numbers of infected and recovered individuals, I(t) and R(t), whereas the size of the initial susceptible population S(0) is not known. Therefore, S(0) is an extra unknown parameter to be estimated.
The four epidemic models from §3.3 are used and because there are no births and deaths expected in the short period of 21 days, parameters a and d are set to 0. The tolerances are set to eZ{100, 90, 80, 73, 70, 60, 50, 40, 30, 25, 20, 16, 15, 14, 13.8} and 1000 particles are used. The prior distributions of parameters are chosen as follows: gwU(0, 3); vwU(0, 3); twU(K0.5, 5); dwU(K0.5,5); ewU(K0.5,5); S(0)wU(37,100); and mwU(1, 4), where S(0) and m are discrete. Perturbation kernels are uniform, KtZsU(K1, 1), with sgZsvZ0.3, stZsdZseZ1.0 and sS(0)Z3.
The target and intermediate distributions of model parameters are shown in figure 7. The model selection algorithm chooses model (3.12), i.e. the model with a latent class of disease carriers, to be the most suitable one for describing the data; however, it is only marginally better than models (3.10) and (3.11). Therefore, to draw reliable conclusions from the inferred parameters, one might wish to use model averaging over models (3.10)–(3.12). The marginal posterior distri- butions for the parameters of model (3.12) are shown in figure 8. However, the estimated initial susceptible population size S(0) is low compared with the whole population of the island, which suggests that either the majority of islanders were immune to a given strand of cold or (perhaps more plausibly) the system is not well
(a) 600
200 0
(d) 600
200 0
(g) 600
(b) (c)
(e) (f)
(h) (i)
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20 15 10
5 0
500 1000
a0 n a a0
4 6
0 2 4 6 8 10 400 800 1200 1600 0 2 4 6 8 10
b a n a0
Figure 5. (a) Histograms of the approximated posterior distributions of parameters a0, n, b and a of the stochastic repressilator model. (b) The output of the ABC SMC algorithm as two-dimensional scatterplots. The particles from population 1 are in yellow, particles from population 2 in black, particles from population 3 in blue and those from the last population in red. We note that the projection to parameter n in population 2 is a sample from a multimodal intermediate distribution, while this distribution becomes unimodal from population 3 onwards.
20 (iii) 15
b 10 5
1234 1234 1234
model model model
Figure 6. Histograms show populations (a – i ) 1–9 of the model parameter m. Population 9 represents the final posterior marginal estimate of m. Population 0 (discrete uniform prior distribution) is not shown.
represented by our general epidemic models with homogeneous mixing. The estimated durations of the latent period t (from model (3.11)) and 1/d (from model (3.12)), however, are broadly in line with the established aetiology of common cold (Fields et al. 1996). Thus, within the set of candidate epidemiological models, the ABC SMC approach selects the most plausible model and results in realistic parameter estimates.
0 2 4 6 8 10

Table 3. Common-cold data from Tristan da Cunha collected in October 1967.
day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 I(t) 1 1 3 7 6 10 13 13 14 14 17 10 6 6 4 3 1 1 1 1 0
R(t) 0
(a) 500
200 0
0 0
8 13 13 16 16 24 30 31 33 34 36 36 36 36 37
ABC for dynamical systems T. Toni et al. 197
than merely the point estimates for the optimal para- meter values. Moreover, in the context of hypothesis testing, the Bayesian perspective (Cox & Hinkley 1974; Robert & Casella 2004) has a more intuitive meaning than the corresponding frequentist point of view. ABC methods share these characteristics.
Another advantage of our ABC SMC approach is that observing the shape of intermediate and posterior distributions gives (without any further computational cost) information about the sensitivity of the model to different parameters and about the inferability of para- meters. All simulations are already part of the parameter estimation, and can be conveniently re-used for the sensitivity analysis via scatterplots or via the analysis of the posterior distribution using, for example, PCA. It can be concluded that the model is sensitive to parameters that are inferred quickly (in earlier populations) and that have narrow credible intervals, while it is less sensitive to those that get inferred in later populations and are not very localized by the posterior distribution. If the distribution does not change much between populations and resembles the uniform distribution from population 0, then it can be concluded that the corresponding parameter is not inferable given the available data.
While the parameter estimation for individual models is straightforward when a suitable number of particles are used, more care should be taken in model selection problems; the domains of the uniform prior distributions should be chosen with care and acceptance rates should be closely monitored. These measures should prevent models being rejected in early populations solely due to inappropriately chosen (e.g. too large) prior domains. Apart from a potentially strong dependence on the chosen prior distributions (which is also inherent in the standard Bayesian model selection; Kass & Raftery 1995), we also observe the dependency of the Bayes factors on changes in the tolerance levels et and perturbation kernel variances. Therefore, care needs to be taken when applying the ABC SMC model selection algorithm.
Finally, we want to stress the importance of moni- toring convergence in ABC SMC. There are several ways to see whether a good posterior distribution has been obtained: we can use interquantile ranges or tests of goodness of fit between successive intermediate distri- butions. A further crucial signature is the number of proposals required to obtain a specified number of accepted particles. This will also impose a practical limit on the procedure.
For the problems in this paper, the algorithm was efficient enough. Examples here were chosen to highlight different aspects of ABC SMC’s performance and usability. However, for the use on larger systems, the algorithm can be made more computationally efficient by optimizing the number of populations, the distance
(d) (e) (f) 500
200 0
(g) (h) (i) 500
200 0
(j) (k) (l) 500
200 0
(m) (n) (o) 500
1234 1234 1234
model model model
Figure 7. Populations of the marginal posterior distribution of m. Models 1–4 correspond to equations (3.10)–(3.13), respectively. An interesting phenomenon is observed in populations 1–12, where model 2 has the highest probability, in contrast to model 3 having the highest inferred probability in the last population. The most probable explanation for this is that a local maximum favouring model 2 has been passed on route to a global maximum of the posterior probability favouring model 3. Populations (a–o) 1–15. Population 0 (discrete uniform prior distribution) is not shown.
Our study suggests that ABC SMC is a promising tool for reliable parameter inference and model selection for models of dynamical systems that can be efficiently simulated. Owing to its simplicity and generality, ABC SMC, unlike most other approaches, can be applied without any change in both deterministic and stochastic contexts (including models with time delay).
The advantage of Bayesian statistical inference, in contrast to most conventional optimization algorithms (Moles et al. 2003), is that the whole probability distribution of the parameter can be obtained, rather
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ABC for dynamical systems
T. Toni et al.
(a) 250
(b) 250
Let p be the distribution we want to sample from, our target distribution. If it is impossible to sample from p directly, one can sample from a suitable proposal distribution, h, and use importance sampling weights to approximate p. The Monte Carlo approxi- mation of h is
1 XN h^NðxÞZN dXðiÞðxÞ;
where XðiÞwiidh and dx0ðxÞ is the Dirac delta function,
50 00
0.020 0.025 0.030 0.035 0.040
250 500
150 300
defined by ð
If we assume p(x)O00h(x)O0, then the target
distribution p can be approximated by
1 XN
0.28 0.32
fðxÞdx0ðxÞdx Zfðx0Þ: x
50 00
0 2 4 6 8 10
wðXðiÞÞdXðiÞ ðxÞ; pðx Þ
p^N ðxÞ Z N
with importance weights defined as
36 37 38 39 40 41
Figure 8. Histograms of the approximated posterior distri- butions of parameters (a) g, (b) v, (c) d and (d ) S(0) of the SIR model with a latent phase of infection (3.12).
function, the number of particles and perturbation kernels (e.g. adaptive kernels). Moreover, the algorithm is easily parallelized.
We have developed a SMC ABC algorithm that can be used to estimate model parameters (including their credible intervals) and to distinguish among a set of competing models. This approach can be applied to deterministic and stochastic systems in the physical, chemical and biological sciences, for example bio- chemical reaction networks or signalling networks. Owing to the link between sensitivity and inferability, ABC SMC can, however, also be applied to larger systems: critical parameters will be identified quickly, while the system is found to be relatively insensitive to parameters that are hard to infer.
Financial support from the Division on Molecular Biosciences (Imperial College), MRC and the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts (to T.T.), EPSRC (to D.W.), the Wellcome Trust (to N.S., A.I. and M.P.H.S.) and EMBO (to M.P.H.S.) is gratefully acknowledged. We thank Ajay Jasra and James Sethna for their helpful discussions and Paul Kirk, David Knowles and Sarah Langley for commenting on this manuscript. We are especially grateful to Mark Beaumont for providing his helpful comments on an earlier version of this manuscript.
Here we derive the ABC SMC algorithm from the SIS algorithm of Del Moral et al. (2006) and in appendix B we show why this improves on the ABC partial rejection control ( PRC) algorithm developed by Sisson et al. (2007). We start by briefly explaining the basics of importance sampling and then present the SIS algorithm.
wðxÞ Z hðxÞ :
In other words, to obtain a sample from the target distribution p, one can instead sample from the proposal distribution, h, and weight the samples by importance weights, w.
In SIS, one reaches the target distribution pT through a series of intermediate distributions, pt, tZ1,.,TK1. If it is hard to sample from these distributions, one can use the idea of importance sampling described above to sample from a series of proposal distributions ht and weight the obtained samples by importance weights
ptðxtÞ wtðxtÞ Z h ðx Þ :
In SIS, the proposal distributions are defined as
ðA 1Þ
ðA 2Þ
htðxtÞ Z
where htK1 is the previous proposal distribution and kt is a Markov kernel.
In summary, we can write the SIS algorithm as follows.
Initialization Set tZ1. ðiÞ
For iZ1, ., N, draw X1 wh1.
Evaluate w ðXðiÞÞ using (A 1) and normalize. 11
Iteration Set tZtC1, if tZTC1, stop. For iZ1, ., N, draw X wk ðXðiÞ ; $Þ.
t t tK1
Evaluate w ðXðiÞÞ using (A 1) with h (x ) from (A 2)
tt tt
and normalize.
To apply SIS, one needs to define the intermediate and the proposal distributions. Taking this SIS frame- work as a base, we now define ABC SMC to be a special case of the SIS algorithm, where we choose the intermediate and proposal distributions in an ABC fashion, as follows. The intermediate distributions are defined as
pðxÞXBt 􏰃 􏰇 ptðxÞZ B 1 dðD0;DðbÞðxÞÞ%et ;
t bZ1
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where p(x) denotes the prior distribution; Dð1Þ ; .; DðBt Þ are Bt datasets generated for a fixed parameter x, DðbÞ wpðDjxÞ; 1(x) is an indicator function; and et is the tolerance required from particles contributing
S2.0 Set the particle indicator iZ1.
S2.1 If tZ0, sample x􏰌􏰌 independently from p(x).
to the intermediate distribution p . This allows us to
PB􏰃t􏰇 tt
define b ðxÞZ t 1 dðD ;D ðxÞÞ%e . We define t bZ1 0 ðbÞ t
the first proposal distribution to equal the prior distribution, h1Zp. The proposal distribution at time t (tZ2, ., T ), ht, is defined as the perturbed inter- mediate distribution at time tK1, ptK1, such that for every sample, x, from this distribution we have
(i) bt(x)O0 (in other words, particle x is accepted at least one out of Bt times), and
If p(x )Z0, return to S2.1.
Simulate a candidate dataset DðbÞðx􏰌􏰌Þw
(ii) p(x)O0 (in order for a condition 00ht(x)O0 to be satisfied),
htðxtÞZ1ðptðxtÞO0Þ1ðbtðxtÞO0Þ ð
ptK1ðxtK1ÞKtðxtK1;xtÞdxtK1 Z1ðp ðx ÞO0Þ1ðb ðx ÞO0Þ
8> b ðxðiÞÞ; > t t
(random walk around the particle). To calculate the weights defined by
ptðxtÞ wtðxÞ Z htðxtÞ ;
ðA 4Þ
ABC for dynamical systems T. Toni et al. 199
If tO0, sample x􏰌 from the previous population fxðiÞ g with weights w and perturb the
tK1 􏰌􏰌 tK1 􏰌
particle to obtain x wK (xjx ), where K is a perturbation kernel.
f ðDjx􏰌􏰌Þ Bt times (bZ1, ., Bt) and calculate bt(x􏰌􏰌).
If bt(x􏰌􏰌)Z0, return to S2.1.
S2.2 Set xðiÞZx􏰌􏰌 and calculate the weight for
t ðiÞ particle xt
if t Z 0; wtZ> ttt ;iftO0:
>< ðiÞ ðiÞ ðiÞ jZ1 If i!N, set iZiC1, go to S2.1. Normalize the weights. If t!T, set tZtC1, go to S2.0. ! > XN ðjÞ ðjÞ ðiÞ >: wtK1KtðxtK1;xtÞ
ðtt tt
! htK1ðxtK1ÞwtK1ðxtK1ÞKtðxtK1;xtÞdxtK1;
ðA 3Þ where Kt denotes the perturbation kernel
When applying ABC SMC to deterministic systems, we take BtZ1, i.e. we simulate the dataset for each particle only once.
OF SISSON et al.
In this section, we contrast the ABC SMC algorithm, which we developed in appendix A, and the ABC PRC algorithm of Sisson et al. (2007). The algorithms are very similar in principle, and the main difference is that we base ABC SMC on an SIS framework whereas Sisson et al. use a SMC sampler as a basis for ABC PRC, where the weight calculation is performed through the use of a backward kernel. Both algorithms are explained in detail in Del Moral et al. (2006). The disadvantage of the SMC sampler is that it is impossible to use an optimal backward kernel and it is hard to choose a good one. Sisson et al. choose a backward kernel that is equal to the forward kernel, which we suggest can be a poor choice.3 While this highly simplifies the algorithm since in the case of a uniform prior distribution all the weights become equal, the resulting posterior distributions can result in bad approxi- mations to the true posterior. In particular, using equal weights can profoundly affect the posterior credible intervals.4
Here, we compare the outputs of both algorithms using the toy example from Sisson et al. (2007). The goal is to generate samples from a mixture of two normal distributions, ð1=2Þfð0;1=100ÞCð1=2Þfð0;1Þ,
where f(m,s2) is the density function of a N(m, s2) random
3See also http://web.maths.unsw.edu.au/scott/papers/paper_sm- cabc_optimal.pdf.
4 This, including the experiment below, was suggested by Beaumont (2008b).
Þb ðx
we need to find an appropriate way of evaluating ht(xt) defined in equation (A 3). This can be achieved through the standard Monte Carlo approximation,
htðxtÞZ1ðptðxtÞO0Þ1ðbtðxtÞO0Þ ð
ptK1 ðxtK1 ÞKt ðxtK1 ; xt ÞdxtK1 z1ðp ðx ÞO0Þ1ðb ðx ÞO0Þ 1 X
where N denotes the number of particles and fxðiÞ g, tK1
iZ1, ., N, are all the particles from the intermediate distribution ptK1. The unnormalized weights (A 4) can then be calculated as
pðxt Þbt ðxt Þ wtðxtÞZPðiÞ KðxðiÞ ;xÞ; xtK1wptK1 t tK1 tP
K 􏰊xðiÞ ;x 􏰋; tt tt N ttK1t
xðiÞ wp tK1 tK1
where p is the prior distribution; b ðx ÞZ Bt DðbÞðxtÞÞ%etÞ; and D(b), bZ1, ., Bt, are the Bt simu- lated datasets for a given parameter xt. For BtZ1, the weights become
for all accepted particles xt.
pðxt Þ
􏰊 ðiÞ
xðiÞ wp Kt xtK1;xt
The ABC SMC algorithm can be written as follows.
1ðdðD ; tt bZ1 0
S1 Initialize e1, ., eT.
Set the population indicator tZ0.
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tK1 tK1

200 ABC for dynamical systems (a)
T. Toni et al. (b)
(c) 1.4
1.2 1.0 0.8
2.0 1.5
1.0 0.5 0
1.4 1.2
1.0 0.8
0 2 4 6 8 10
0 2 4 6 8 10
Figure 9. (a) The probability density function of a mixture of two normal distributions, ð1=2Þfð0;1=100ÞCð1=2Þfð0;1Þ, taken as a toy example used for a comparison of ABC SMC with ABC PRC. (b,c) Plots show how the variance of approximated intermediate distributions pt changes with populations (t Z1, ., 10 on the x -axis). The red curves plot the variance of the ABC SMC population and the blue curves the variance of the non-weighted ABC PRC populations. The perturbation kernel in both algorithms is uniform, Kt Z sU ðK1; 1Þ. In (b), sZ1.5 and this results in poor estimation of the posterior variance with the ABC PRC algorithm. In (c), s is updated in each population so that it expands over the whole population range. Such s is big enough for non-weighted ABC PRC to perform equally well as ABC SMC.
variable (figure 9a). Sisson et al. approximate the dis- tribution well by using three populations with e1Z2, e2Z0.5 and e3Z0.025, respectively, starting from a uniform prior distribution. However, ABC PRC would perform poorly if they had used more populations. In figure 9b,c, we show how the variance of the approxi- mated posterior distribution changes through popu- lations. We use 100 particles and average over 30 runs of the algorithm, with tolerance schedule eZ{2.0, 1.5, 1.0, 0.75, 0.5, 0.2, 0.1, 0.075, 0.05, 0.03, 0.025}. The red line shows the variance from ABC SMC, the blue line the variance from the ABC PRC and the green line the variance from the ABC rejection algorithm (figure 9b,c). In the case when the perturbation is relatively small, we see that the variance resulting from improperly weighted particles in ABC PRC is too small (blue line in figure 9b), while the variance resulting from ABC SMC is ultimately comparable to the variance obtained by the ABC rejection algorithm (green line).
However, we also note that when using many populations and too small a perturbation, e.g. uniform perturbation KtZsU(K1, 1) with sZ0.15, the approxi- mation is not very good (results not shown). One therefore needs to be careful to use a sufficiently large perturbation, irrespective of the weighting scheme. However, at the moment, there are no strict guidelines of how best to do this and we decide on the perturbation kernel based on experience and experimentation.
For the one-dimensional deterministic case with a uniform prior distribution and uniform perturbation, one can show that all the weights will be equal when s of the uniform kernel is equal to the whole parameter range. In this case, the non-weighted ABC PRC yields the same results as ABC SMC (figure 9c). However, when working with complex high-dimensional systems, it simply is not feasible to work with only a small number of populations, or a very big perturbation kernel spreading over the whole parameter range. Therefore, we conclude that it is important to use the ABC SMC algorithm owing to its correct weighting.
Another difference between the two algorithms is that ABC PRC includes the resampling step in order to maintain a sufficiently large effective sample size
(Liu & Chen 1998; Liu 2001; Del Moral et al. 2006). In contrast to non-ABC SIS or SMC frameworks, ABC algorithms, by sampling with weights in step S2.1 prior to perturbation, we suggest, do not require this additional resampling step.
We note that in SIS, the evaluation of weights after each population is computationally more costly, i.e. O(N 2 ), than the calculation of weights in SMC with a backward kernel, which is O(N ), where N denotes the number of particles. However, this cost is negligible in the ABC case, because the vast proportion of computational time in ABC is spent on simulating the model repeatedly. While thousands or millions of simulations are needed, the weights only need to be updated after every population. Therefore, we can easily afford spending a bit more computational time in order to use the correctly weighted version and circumvent the issues related to the backward kernel choice.
We would like to note that the ABC algorithm with the distance function chosen to be squared errors is equivalent to the maximum-likelihood problem for a dynamical system for which Gaussian errors are assumed. In other words, minimizing the distance function
Xn Xm iZ1 jZ1
ðC 1Þ
where gðt; qÞ 2 Rm is the solution of the m-dimensional dynamical system and DZðxiÞfiZ1;.;ng, xi 2Rm, are (m -dimensional) data points measured at times t1, ., tn, is equivalent to maximizing the likelihood function
Yn 1 eKð1=2ÞðxiKgðti;qÞÞT SK1ðxiKgðti;qÞÞ; iZ1 ð2pÞm=2jSj1=2
where S is diagonal and its entries equal. This can straightforwardly be generalized for the case of multiple time-series measurements. Thus, ABC is for determinis- tic ODE systems closely related to standard Bayesian
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