(* Question 1 : String to Characters to String *)
Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder
(* 1.1 Turn a string into a list of characters. *)
let string_explode (s : string) : char list =
raise NotImplemented
(* 1.2 Turn a list of characters into a string. *)
let string_implode (l : char list) : string =
raise NotImplemented
(* Question 2: unfolding is like folding in reverse *)
(* 2.1 Compute the even natural numbers up to an exclusive limit. *)
let evens (max : int) : int list =
raise NotImplemented
(* 2.2 Compute the fibonacci sequence up to an exclusive limit. *)
let fib (max : int) : int list =
raise NotImplemented
(* 2.3 Compute Pascal’s triangle up to a maximum row length. *)
let pascal (max : int) : int list list =
raise NotImplemented
(* 2.4 Implement zip, which converts two lists into a list of tuples.
e.g. zip [1; 2] [‘a’; ‘c’] = [(1, ‘a’); (2, ‘c’)]
Note that if one list is shorter than the other, then the
resulting list should have the length of the smaller list. *)
let zip (l1 : ‘a list) (l2 : ‘b list) : (‘a * ‘b) list =
raise NotImplemented
(* Question 3 : Let’s *safely* have cake! *)
(* 3. Return the cupcakes from the cupcake list that contain none of the
allergens. *)
let allergy_free (allergens : ingredient list) (cupcakes : cupcake list)
: cupcake list =
raise NotImplemented
程序代写 CS代考 加微信: powcoder QQ: 1823890830 Email: powcoder@163.com