#lang racket
;; Adding Functions & Closures
Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder
We will add functions (as lambda expressions) and function applications to our
language. Our functions will have exactly one formal parameter each.
– lambda definition: `(lambda (x) (+ x 1))`
– function application: `((lambda (x) (+ x 1)) 10)`
Though our language will not support named functions a la Racket’s `define`,
we can use `let` to bind identifiers to lambdas. E.g.,
(let ([f (lambda (x) (+ x 1))])
;; Some test cases
(define p1 ‘(lambda (x) (+ x 1)))
(define p2 ‘((lambda (x) (+ x 1)) 10))
(define p3 ‘(let ([f (lambda (x) (+ x 1))])
;; p4-p5 for testing strict/lazy eval
(define p4 ‘(let ([x (+ 1 2)])
(define p5 ‘(let ([f (lambda (x) 10)])
(f (+ 1 2))))
;; p6-p9 for testing closures
(define p6 ‘(let ([x 10])
(lambda (y) (+ x y))))
(define p7 ‘(let ([x 10])
((lambda (y) (+ x y)) 20)))
(define p8 ‘(let ([f (let ([x 10])
(lambda (y) (+ x y)))])
(let ([x 20])
(define p9 ‘(let ([f (let ([x 10])
(lambda (y) (+ x y)))])
;; integer value
(struct int-exp (val) #:transparent)
;; arithmetic expression
(struct arith-exp (op lhs rhs) #:transparent)
;; variable
(struct var-exp (id) #:transparent)
;; let expression
(struct let-exp (ids vals body) #:transparent)
;; lambda expression
(struct lambda-exp (id body) #:transparent)
;; function application
(struct app-exp (fn arg) #:transparent)
(define (parse sexp)
(match sexp
;; integer literal
[(? integer?)
(int-exp sexp)]
;; arithmetic expression
[(list (and op (or ‘+ ‘*)) lhs rhs)
(arith-exp (symbol->string op) (parse lhs) (parse rhs))]
;; identifiers (variables)
[(? symbol?)
(var-exp sexp)]
;; let expressions
[(list ‘let (list (list id val) …) body)
(let-exp (map parse id) (map parse val) (parse body))]
;; lambda expressions
[(list ‘lambda (list id) body)
(lambda-exp id (parse body))]
;; function application
[(list f arg)
(app-exp (parse f) (parse arg))]
;; basic error handling
[_ (error (format “Can’t parse: ~a” sexp))]))
;; Interpreter (functions with dynamic scoping & strict evaluation)
(define (eval-dyn-strict expr)
(let eval-env ([expr expr]
[env ‘()])
(match expr
;; int literals
[(int-exp val) val]
;; arithmetic expressions
[(arith-exp “+” lhs rhs)
(println (format “(+ ~a ~a)” lhs rhs))
(+ (eval-env lhs env) (eval-env rhs env))]
[(arith-exp “*” lhs rhs)
(println (format “(* ~a ~a)” lhs rhs))
(* (eval-env lhs env) (eval-env rhs env))]
;; variable binding
[(var-exp id)
(let ([pair (assoc id env)])
(cdr pair)
(error (format “~a not bound!” id))))]
;; let expression with multiple variables
[(let-exp (list (var-exp id) …) (list val …) body)
(let ([vars (map cons id
(map (lambda (v) ; evaluate values at bind-time
(eval-env v env))
(eval-env body (append vars env)))]
;; lambda expression
[(lambda-exp id body)
(lambda-exp id body)] ; why don’t we evaluate the body?
;; function application (in dynamic scope)
[(app-exp f arg)
(match-let ([(lambda-exp id body) (eval-env f env)]
[arg-val (eval-env arg env)]) ; call-by-value
(eval-env body (cons (cons id arg-val) env)))]
;; basic error handling
[_ (error (format “Can’t evaluate: ~a” expr))])))
;; Interpreter (functions with dynamic scoping & lazy evaluation)
(define (eval-dyn-lazy expr)
(let eval-env ([expr expr]
[env ‘()])
(match expr
;; int literals
[(int-exp val) val]
;; arithmetic expressions
[(arith-exp “+” lhs rhs)
(println (format “(+ ~a ~a)” lhs rhs))
(+ (eval-env lhs env) (eval-env rhs env))]
[(arith-exp “*” lhs rhs)
(println (format “(* ~a ~a)” lhs rhs))
(* (eval-env lhs env) (eval-env rhs env))]
;; variable binding
[(var-exp id)
(let ([pair (assoc id env)])
;; evaluate when derefenced (not very efficient!)
(eval-env (cdr pair) env)
(error (format “~a not bound!” id))))]
;; let expression with multiple variables
[(let-exp (list (var-exp id) …) (list val …) body)
(let ([vars (map cons id val)]) ; no value evaluation!
(eval-env body (append vars env)))]
;; lambda expression
[(lambda-exp id body)
(lambda-exp id body)]
;; function application (in dynamic scope)
[(app-exp f arg)
(match-let ([(lambda-exp id body) (eval-env f env)])
(eval-env body (cons (cons id arg) env)))] ; call-by-name
;; basic error handling
[_ (error (format “Can’t evaluate: ~a” expr))])))
(define (repl)
(let ([stx (parse (read))])
(println (eval stx))
;; Closures
Idea: free identifiers in a function are bound *at the time of definition*.
This is called “lexical scoping”. It requires that we attach a copy of the
environment (including all relevant bindings) to the function value at the time
the creating lambda expression is evaluated.
A function therefore “closes over” bindings in its environment. We call such a
function a “closure”.
;; function value + closure
(struct fun-val (id body env) #:transparent)
;; Interpreter (functions with lexical scoping / closures & strict evaluation)
(define (eval expr)
(let eval-env ([expr expr]
[env ‘()])
(match expr
;; int literals
[(int-exp val) val]
;; arithmetic expressions
[(arith-exp “+” lhs rhs)
(+ (eval-env lhs env) (eval-env rhs env))]
[(arith-exp “*” lhs rhs)
(* (eval-env lhs env) (eval-env rhs env))]
;; variable binding
[(var-exp id)
(let ([pair (assoc id env)])
(if pair (cdr pair) (error (format “~a not bound!” id))))]
;; let expression with multiple variables
[(let-exp (list (var-exp id) …) (list val …) body)
(let ([vars (map cons id
(map (lambda (v) (eval-env v env)) val))])
(eval-env body (append vars env)))]
;; lambda expression
[(lambda-exp id body)
(fun-val id body env)] ; store current env in closure
;; function application (in lexical scope)
[(app-exp f arg)
(match-let ([(fun-val id body clenv) (eval-env f env)]
[arg-val (eval-env arg env)])
(eval-env body (cons (cons id arg-val) clenv)))] ; eval in closure
;; basic error handling
[_ (error (format “Can’t evaluate: ~a” expr))])))
程序代写 CS代考 加微信: powcoder QQ: 1823890830 Email: powcoder@163.com