COMS W3157 Advanced Programming, Lab #5
Please read this assignment carefully and follow the instructions
Please refer to the lab retrieval and submission instruction.
The requirements regarding subdirectory for each part, README.txt and
Makefiles remain the same as the previous labs.
Checking memory errors with valgrind
Do not include valgrind output in README.txt. You should keep using
valgrind to check your program for memory error (and the TAs will do
the same when grading), but you don¡¯t have to include the output in
README.txt anymore.
Guarding against “fork-bomb”:
In this lab, you experiment with forking new processes. It is easy to
make a mistake while you¡¯re coding and create a “fork-bomb”. A fork-bomb
refers to a program which continues to fork child processes in an infinite
loop. A fork-bomb will eventually drain the system resources and make the
machine unresponsive, not only for you, but for all users on that machine.
In all likelihood, your system is already configured to limit the number
of processes you can create. Type the following command in your bash
shell, which will display all resource limits currently in place:
ulimit -a
If “max user processes” is some reasonable number like 2048, you¡¯re all
set. This will prevent you from creating more than that number of
processes during your login session, effectively preventing you from
accidentally creating a fork-bomb.
If “max user processes” says “unlimited” or a number significantly higher
than 2048, you should voluntarily limit the number of processes to 2048.
Please add the following line at the end of the .bashrc file in your home
ulimit -u 2048
And don¡¯t forget to logout and login again, so that the new .bashrc will
take effect.
Part 1: Remote access to mdb-lookup-cs3157 using netcat (100 points)
You learned in class how to use a named pipe (aka FIFO) and the netcat
(nc) program to turn mdb-lookup-cs3157 into a network server.
mkfifo mypipe
cat mypipe | nc -l some_port_num | /some_path/mdb-lookup-cs3157 > mypipe
Write a shell script that executes the pipeline.
– The name of the script is “”
– A shell script starts with the following line (the ¡¯#¡¯ is the 1st
character without any leading space):
And the line must be the VERY FIRST LINE in the script.
– You must make the file executable using “chmod” command.
– The script takes one parameter, port number, on which nc will
– The script should create a named pipe named mypipe-
named pipe should be removed at the end of the script.
– See section 3.4 in the Bash Reference Manual
( for how to
refer to the arguments and the process ID from your script.
– Because the named pipe gets removed only at the end of the script, if you
quit out of the script by hitting Ctrl-C while it¡¯s running, the FIFO will
not get removed. This is ok. You can manually clean up the FIFOs in the
directory. If this annoys you, you can optionally add the following lines
to your script after the first line:
on_ctrl_c() {
echo “Ignoring Ctrl-C”
# Call on_ctrl_c() when the interrupt signal is received.
# The interrupt signal is sent when you press Ctrl-C.
trap on_ctrl_c INT
Here is a program that runs the shell script from (a) as a child
process (mdb-lookup-server-nc-1.c):
static void die(const char *s)
int main(int argc, char **argv)
if (argc != 2) {
fprintf(stderr, “usage: %s
pid_t pid = fork();
if (pid < 0) {
die("fork failed");
} else if (pid == 0) {
// child process
fprintf(stderr, "[pid=%d] ", (int)getpid());
fprintf(stderr, "mdb-lookup-server started on port %s\n", argv[1]);
execl("./", "",
argv[1], (char *)0);
die("execl failed");
} else {
// parent process
if (waitpid(pid,
NULL, // no status
0) // no options
!= pid)
die("waitpid failed");
fprintf(stderr, "[pid=%d] ", (int)pid);
fprintf(stderr, "mdb-lookup-server terminated\n");
return 0; }
Study this program and the man pages for the system calls used in it.
Run it to make sure it works with your shell script from (a). Make
sure you understand how everything works.
While this program is running, run the following command from another
terminal window logged into the same machine:
ps ajxfww
Find the process tree that contains ALL ancestors and children of this
program, and include it in your README.txt.
Make sure you understand the process relationships in that tree.
Identify the files that are shell scripts and list them in your
Write an improved version: mdb-lookup-server-nc-2.c
mdb-lookup-server-nc-1.c from (b) forked once, exec¡¯ed the script,
waited until it¡¯s done, and then exited.
mdb-lookup-server-nc-2.c will do the following:
- It has a loop in which it displays a prompt, "port number: ". It
reads the port number typed in by the user and then fork/exec the
script from (a) using that port number. It also prints out a
message stating that an instance of mdb-lookup-server has started.
The message should include the child¡¯s process ID and the port
number on which it¡¯s listening.
- Hitting ENTER on the prompt should simply display another prompt.
- On every iteration, before it displays a prompt, it should check if any of
the child processes have terminated. It should display the process IDs of
all mdb-lookup-server processes that have terminated since the last prompt
was displayed, along with messages saying that they have terminated. For
this, you need to use the non-blocking version of waitpid() system call.
Here is how you use it:
pid = waitpid( (pid_t) -1, NULL, WNOHANG);
- Use Ctrl-C to quit.
Part 2: Orphan and Zombie (0 points)
Part 2 of this lab is optional and will not be graded. You don¡¯t have
to do it if you don¡¯t have time. If you have time, do it for
learning. Do it for fun!
When a child process gets orphaned, it gets adopted by the ¡¯init¡¯
process (whose pid is 1). Write a program that creates this
condition. Capture this condition using ps command and include the
output in your README.txt. Explain the output.
A child process that has terminated, but has not been reaped by its
parent (using waitpid()), is called a zombie. Write a program that
creates this condition. Capture this condition using ps command and
include the output in your README.txt. Explain the output.
Good luck!