41004 Analytics Capstone Project Assignment 1: plan and proposal
Due date
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Week 5, 17 April 2020, 11:59pm
Out of 100, weighted to 20% of your final mark.
Adobe PDF (preferable) or MS Word Doc.
acp_a1_xxxxxxxx.pdf or acp_a1_xxxxxxxx.doc where xxxxxxxx is your group name.
Ten pages maximum in your company format. Use 11 or 12 point Times or Arial fonts.
Mentor at the start of your group meeting also submit a soft copy through email to your mentor.
Based on the data mining problem you chose in week 2 and the group that you formed in week1, this task involves describing your group, the role of each team member, your proposal for solving the data mining problem and your plan for solving it.
Remember that you are representatives of a professional consulting organisation and that this document is for your customer. So, write it with that audience in mind.
Your document should contain the following information:
1. Name, short description and mission statement of the company.
2. Description of the team, with name, short biography (1-2 paragraphs) and
the role that each team member will play (and what that involves).
3. Describe the project that you have chosen. i.e. the business problem and
the objectives of the project.
4. Describe how you see this as a data mining problem. (Remember your
5. Describe broadly a proposal for how your group plans to solve the
problem – where you will get the data; resources required; initial thoughts for the type of analysis that you think is appropriate and why; deliverables; and anything else you think is needed.
6. Give a plan for achieving this with milestones (internal and external) and tasks allocated to team members.
This assignment is group work.
41004 Assignment 1 1
This assignment is assessed as group work. The assessment criteria are:
• Description and completeness of team and roles — 33%;
• Quality of proposal and plan (i.e. the document) — 33%
• Plausibility of proposal and plan — 33%;
Relationship to Objectives
This assignment addresses subject objectives 1 and 4.
Return of Assignments
Assignments will be discussed in the group meeting following submission. Marks with feedback will be given a week or two later in the group meeting.
Academic Standards
All text in your assignment should be paraphrased into your own words and referenced using the Harvard referencing style. Please refer to the Subject Outline for details about penalties for Academic Misconduct.
Late Penalties
A late penalty of up to 50% may be applied to submitted work unless prior arrangements have been made with the subject coordinator.
Special Consideration
You may apply for special consideration (SC) due to unforeseen circumstances as described in the subject outline. You must provide documentary evidence to support your claim, such as a doctor’s certificate, a statutory declaration, or a letter from your employer.
The assignments will be checked through the Turnitin ® Plagiarism Prevention system, for identifying unoriginal material, copied (without reference to the source) from an electronic source on the Internet, electronic libraries, other assignments.
41004 Assignment 1 2