Choice Under Uncertainty
() Expected Utility 1 / 32
Consider driving from A to B for an appointment.
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If you get there in time with probability π1 = 95%, payo§ is x.
If there is a tra¢ c jam (with probability π2 = 4.8%) you are late and payo§ is 0.
If an accident (with probability π3 = 0.2%) you will be late AND will have to repair your car, so the payo§ is y.
Represent this as a lottery [+x,π1;0,π2; y,π3]
More generally, a lottery is
[x1,π1;…;xS,πS] withπs 0and ∑πs =1
The prizes (x1 , …, xS ) are real numbers (amounts of money). () Expected Utility
Preferences over lotteries
Let L denote the set of all lotteries.
We assume that agents have preferences over this set; that is, just as in ordinal utility theory an agent has a preference relation on L that satisÖes the usual assumptions of ordinal utility theory (asymmetric, transitive, and continuous).
By these assumptions we can represent such preferences over lotteries with a continuous utility function V: L ! R so that
LL0 ()V(L)