程序代写代做 go CSC338 Numerical Methods

CSC338 Numerical Methods
Lecture 12
April 2, 2020

􏰌 Exam
􏰌 Principal Component Analysis 􏰌 Course Evaluation

Exam Logistics
We’re still working on the exam logistics, here’s what we currently have in mind:
􏰌 Exam paper will be downloadable on the day of the exam (most likely via a link on Markus). There will be different versions of the exam
􏰌 We will log the time that you access your exam script
􏰌 We will expect you save your exam script locally and cut
􏰌 You will have 2 hours to write the exam (e.g. on a piece of
paper, type your answers . . . )
􏰌 You will write a declaration stating the time you start/complete
the exam, and that you did not use any unauthorized aid
􏰌 You will have 30 minutes to upload your solutions and your
aid sheet

Exam Office Hours
Starting April 6th:
􏰌 MW 3:00pm-4:00pm
I will wait 15 minutes, and if no one is online the office hours will be cancelled.
If you intend to come later in the office hour time, please email me in advance.

Mock Exam
We’ll hold a 30 minute mock exam available between April 9th-April 11th.
􏰌 Download the exam script (e.g. from the link on Markus)
􏰌 We will log the time that you access your exam script (you
won’t see this)
􏰌 The mock test should take ~30 minutes
􏰌 Upload your solutions on Markus

CSC321 Social: Evening of Go
Learn Go with Lisa: Friday, April 3rd, 4pm-5pm on Bb Collaborate https://ca.bbcollab.com/guest/f3dfb9707f304c0f8f016dcffce03eaf
AlphaGo Documentary: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXuK6gekU1Y
AlphaGo/Reinforcement Learning Discussions: Friday, April 3rd, 8pm-9pm

CSC338 “Exam Jam”
Is there interest in making April 6th office hours an Exam Jam session?

Dimensionality Reduction
We want to represent data in a new coordinate system with fewer dimensions, while preserving as much information as possible
􏰌 Can’t easily visualize high dimensional data, but can easily plot 2D (and 3D data)
􏰌 We want to extract features from the data (e.g. to build a linear regression model like in Hw6)
􏰌 We want to compress the data while preserving most of the information

Preserving Information
What does it mean to preserve as much information as possible?
􏰌 Preserve distance between data points 􏰌 Preserve variations in the data

Principal Component Analysis
PCA is a linear dimensionality reduction technique
The transformed data is a linear transformation of the original data
We want to find a hyperplane that the data lies in and project the data onto that hyperplane

PCA 2D to 1D

PCA: Key Idea
1. Rotate the data with some rotation matrix R so that the new features are uncorrelated
2. Keep only the dimensions with the highest variance (same as preserving distance)

PCA Rotation Picture

PCA Derivation
We want to identify directions in our data dimension with high variance
Let A be our data, where A is m×n, and A is normalized (so the mean of each column of A is zero)
Look at the covariance matrix E = AT A. The spectral theorem says that we can diagonalize E:
Where D is diagonal and R is orthogonal. The diagonals of D are the eigenvalues. The columns of R are eigenvectors of E.

Do you remember what eigenvectors are?

RT AT AR = D (RA)T (AR) = D
So if we rotate A using R, the covariance of the transformed data will be diagonal.
The columns of AR is uncorrelated.

Numerical Problem
Given E = AT A, find orthogonal R, diagonal D such that E = RDRT

Finding one eigenvector/eigenvalues
Finding the largest eigenvalue and the corresponding eigenvector is straightforward using Power Iteration.
Start with a random vector x in IRn, and repeatedly compute
x = Ax
(Does this remind you of fixed-point iteration?)

Finding one eigenvector/eigenvalues
Note: the norm of x might grow, so normalize instead
x = Ax
x=x ||x||

Finding many eigenvectors/eigenvalues
In linear algebra class, you might have used the characteristic polynomial
In numerical computing, we use simnultaneous iteration: similar idea to power iteration, but we try to find multiple eigenvectors/eigenvalues at the same time! Use a matrix X instead of x
We need to make sure that we find different eigenvectors/eigenvalues, so we want the columns of X to be orthogonal!
Compute QR factorization of X in each iteration

Finding many eigenvectors/eigenvalues
In each iteration:
􏰌 Compute the QR factorization of X
􏰌 Replace X with AQ
We can find all the eigenvectors/eigenvalues in the same way.
(We’ll skip the discussion on sensitivity and conditioning. Generally, the problem becomes ill-conditioned when you have eigenvalues that are close to each other)

Singular Value Decomposition
Instead of computing the eigenvalue decomposition of AT A, computing the singular value decomposition of A is a better conditioned problem.
Where U is m × m and orthogonal, V is n × n and orthogonal, and
Σ is m × n and diagonal.
The diagonal entries of Σ are called singular values

SVD vs Eigendecomposition
The eigenvalues of AT A are squares of the singular values of A. If wehavetheSVDofA=UΣVT then
Which gives us the eigenvalue decomposition AT A = RDRT

SVD and QR Decomposition
QR Decomposition: 􏰍R􏰎
Where Q is m × m and orthogonal, F is n × n and upper triangular. Singular Value Decomposition:
Where U is m × m and orthogonal, V is n × n and orthogonal, and Σ is m × n and diagonal.

1. SVD on MNIST digits
2. Visualize Eigenvalues & Eigenvectors 3. Eigenvalues


Course Evaluations