CS代写 TUT06 – Machine Language II

PowerPoint Presentation

TUT06 – Machine Language II
COMP1411: Introduction to Computer Systems

Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder

Dr. Xianjin XIA
Department of Computing
The Polytechnic University
Spring 2022
These slides are only intended to use internally. Do not publish it anywhere without permission.

Question 1
Suppose that the following C code
int comp(data_t a, data_t b) {
return a COMP b;
Suppose that a is stored in some portion of register %rdi, and b is stored in some portion of register %rsi. The return value is stored in register %al.
For each case below, infer the data type data_t (e.g., char, short, int, long, their unsigned versions) and the comparison operator COMP (e.g., <, >, ==, >=, <=, !=)   Assembly code Data type data_t Comparison operator COMP Case 1 cmpl %esi, %edi setl %al ? ? Case 2 cmpw %si, %di setge %al ? ? Case 3 cmpb %sil, %dil setbe %al ? ? Question 1 (Answer)   Assembly code Data type data_t Comparison operator COMP Case 1 cmpl %esi, %edi Case 2 cmpw %si, %di Case 3 cmpb %sil, %dil SetX Condition Description sete ZF Equal / Zero setne ~ZF Not Equal / Not Zero sets SF Negative setns ~SF Nonnegative setg ~(SF^OF)&~ZF Greater (Signed) setge ~(SF^OF) Greater or Equal (Signed) setl (SF^OF) Less (Signed) setle (SF^OF)|ZF Less or Equal (Signed) seta ~CF&~ZF Above (unsigned) setb CF Below (unsigned) unsigned char Variable register Return val %al Question 2 In the following C function, the definition of operation OP is missing. # define OP __________ long arith(long x) { return x OP 8; After compilation, we obtain the following assembly code. leaq 7(%rdi), %rax testq %rdi, %rdi cmovns %rdi, %rax sarq $3, %rax Suppose that x is stored in register %rdi (a) What operation is OP? (b) Annotate the code to explain how it works Question 2 (Answer) leaq 7(%rdi), %rax testq %rdi, %rdi cmovns %rdi, %rax sarq $3, %rax ==> t = x + 7, t in %rax
register Variable

Question 2 (Answer)
leaq 7(%rdi), %rax
testq %rdi, %rdi
cmovns %rdi, %rax
sarq $3, %rax

==> x & x, set conditional codes
==> t = x + 7, t in %rax
==> if (x&x >= 0), t = x
==> t = t >> 3
# define OP __________
long arith(long x) {
return x OP 8;

register Variable

Question 2 (Answer)
leaq 7(%rdi), %rax
testq %rdi, %rdi
cmovns %rdi, %rax
sarq $3, %rax

==> x & x, set conditional codes
==> t = x + 7, t in %rax
==> if (x&x >= 0), t = x
==> t = t >> 3 (t = t / 8)
64-bit signed value >>3 value
1…1111 -1 111…11 -1
1…1110 -2 111…11 -1
1…1101 -3 111…11 -1
1…1100 -4 111…11 -1
1…1011 -5 111…11 -1
1…1010 -6 111…11 -1
1…1001 -7 111…11 -1
1…1000 -8 111…11 -1

-7 / 8 = 0
-1 / 8 = 0
-2 / 8 = 0
-8 / 8 = -1

Question 2 (Answer)
leaq 7(%rdi), %rax
testq %rdi, %rdi
cmovns %rdi, %rax
sarq $3, %rax

==> x & x, set conditional codes
==> t = x + 7, t in %rax
==> if (x&x >= 0), t = x
==> t = t >> 3 (t = t / 8)
64-bit signed value >>3 value
1…1111 -1 000…00 0
1…1110 -2 000…00 0
1…1101 -3 000…00 0
1…1100 -4 000…00 0
1…1011 -5 000…00 0
1…1010 -6 000…00 0
1…1001 -7 000…00 0
1…1000 -8 111…11 -1

Question 2 (Answer)
leaq 7(%rdi), %rax
testq %rdi, %rdi
cmovns %rdi, %rax
sarq $3, %rax

==> x & x, set conditional codes
==> t = x + 7, t in %rax
==> if (x&x >= 0), t = x
==> t = t >> 3 (t = t / 8)
64-bit signed value >>3 value
1…1111 -1 000…00 0
1…1110 -2 000…00 0
1…1101 -3 000…00 0
1…1100 -4 000…00 0
1…1011 -5 000…00 0
1…1010 -6 000…00 0
1…1001 -7 000…00 0
1…1000 -8 111…11 -1

1…11111 (-1)

Question 2 (Answer)
leaq 7(%rdi), %rax
testq %rdi, %rdi
cmovns %rdi, %rax
sarq $3, %rax

==> x & x, set conditional codes
==> t = x + 7, t in %rax
==> if (x&x >= 0), t = x
==> t = t >> 3 (t = t / 8)
64-bit signed value >>3 value
1…1111 -1 000…00 0
1…1110 -2 000…00 0
1…1101 -3 000…00 0
1…1100 -4 000…00 0
1…1011 -5 000…00 0
1…1010 -6 000…00 0
1…1001 -7 000…00 0
1…1000 -8 111…11 -1

1…11010 (-6)

Question 2 (Answer)
leaq 7(%rdi), %rax
testq %rdi, %rdi
cmovns %rdi, %rax
sarq $3, %rax

==> x & x, set conditional codes
==> t = x + 7, t in %rax
==> if (x&x >= 0), t = x
==> t = t >> 3 (t = t / 8)
64-bit signed value >>3 value
1…1111 -1 000…00 0
1…1110 -2 000…00 0
1…1101 -3 000…00 0
1…1100 -4 000…00 0
1…1011 -5 000…00 0
1…1010 -6 000…00 0
1…1001 -7 000…00 0
1…1000 -8 111…11 -1

1…11001 (-7)

Question 2 (Answer)
leaq 7(%rdi), %rax
testq %rdi, %rdi
cmovns %rdi, %rax
sarq $3, %rax

==> x & x, set conditional codes
==> t = x + 7, t in %rax
==> if (x&x >= 0), t = x
==> t = t >> 3 (t = t / 8)
64-bit signed value >>3 value
1…1111 -1 000…00 0
1…1110 -2 000…00 0
1…1101 -3 000…00 0
1…1100 -4 000…00 0
1…1011 -5 000…00 0
1…1010 -6 000…00 0
1…1001 -7 000…00 0
1…1000 -8 111…11 -1

1…11000 (-8)

Question 3
Convert the following C function to assembly code.
long fun(long a, long b) {
long result = b;
while (b>0) {
result = result * a;
b = b – a;
return result;
Assume that a, b, result are stored in registers %rdi, %rsi, %rax, respectively.

Question 3 (Answer)
long fun(long a, long b) {
long result = b;
while (b>0) {
result = result * a;
b = b – a;
return result;
GOTO Version (jump-to-middle)
long result = b;
goto TEST;
result = result * a;
b = b – a;
if (b>0) goto LOOP;
return result;

Question 3 (Answer)
long fun(long a, long b) {
long result = b;
while (b>0) {
result = result * a;
b = b – a;
return result;
GOTO Version (jump-to-middle)
long result = b;
goto TEST;
result = result * a;
b = b – a;
if (b>0) goto LOOP;
return result;
GOTO Version (do-while)
long result = b;
if (!(b>0)) goto DONE;
result = result * a;
b = b – a;
if (b>0) goto LOOP;
return result;

Question 3 (Answer)
GOTO Version (do-while)
long result = b;
if (!(b>0)) goto DONE;
result = result * a;
b = b – a;
if (b>0) goto LOOP;
return result;
movq %rsi, %rax # result = b
cmpq $0, %rsi # compare b and 0
jng DONE # if (!(b>0)) goto DONE
imulq %rdi, %rax # result = result * a
subq %rdi, %rsi # b = b – a
cmpq $0, %rsi # compare b and 0
jg LOOP # goto LOOP
Variable register
result %rax

Question 3 (Answer)
movq %rsi, %rax # result = b
cmpq $0, %rsi # compare b and 0
jg L3 # if (b>0) goto L3
ret # return result
imulq %rdi, %rax # result = result * a
subq %rdi, %rsi # b = b – a
jmp L2 # goto L2

Variable register
result %rax

long fun(long a, long b) {
long result = b;
while (b>0) {
result = result * a;
b = b – a;
return result;


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