程序代写代做 chain algorithm file system C flex The Effect of Replica Placement on Routing Robustness in Distributed Hash Tables ∗

The Effect of Replica Placement on Routing Robustness in Distributed Hash Tables ∗
Cyrus Harvesf and Douglas M. Blough Georgia Institute of Technology
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering Atlanta, GA 30318
{charvesf, dblough}@ece.gatech.edu
To achieve higher efficiency over their unstructured counterparts, structured peer-to-peer systems hold each node responsible for serving a specified set of keys and cor- rectly routing lookups. Unfortunately, malicious partici- pants can abuse these responsibilities to deny access to a set of keys or misroute lookups. We look to address both of these problems through replica placement. Using Chord as an example, we present an equally-spaced replication scheme and prove that it can be tuned to produce any de- sired number of disjoint routes. To be specific, we prove that d disjoint routes can be produced by placing 2d−1 replicas around a fully populated Chord ring in an equally-spaced fashion. In this situation, we also prove that there exists a route to at least one replica, which contains only uncompro- mised nodes, even if an attacker controls more than a quar- ter of the contiguous identifier space in the system. Simu- lation experiments demonstrate that this scheme performs better than previously proposed replica placement schemes in rings that are sparsely populated, populated in clusters, or populated partially by compromised nodes.
1. Introduction
Structured peer-to-peer networks provide the benefits of efficiency, scalability, resilience, and self-organization when building distributed applications. These systems achieve efficiency by utilizing their structure to reduce re- dundant operations. With this structure comes added re- sponsibility for each node participating in the system. For instance, Chord [16] and other distributed hash table (DHT) implementations depend on each node to efficiently route lookups. Therefore, each node has the power to route and
∗This research was funded in part by the National Science Foundation under Grant ITR-NHS-0427700.
misroute lookups. Malicious routing is not the only vul- nerability; adversaries may act upon several attack vectors. Before DHTs can be applied as real world solutions in ar- eas like the domain name system and voice over IP systems, these vulnerabilities must be addressed.
In our work, we consider two such attacks: malicious routing and storage and retrieval attacks. In a storage and retrieval attack, an adversary may seize control of a key or a set of keys by selecting an appropriate node identifier. The most commonly accepted defenses to these attacks are mul- tipath routing and replication, respectively. Our solution integrates these two approaches into a replica placement scheme that can be tuned to produce a desired number of disjoint routes.
2. Background
Sit and Morris [13] identify the major threats to struc- tured peer-to-peer systems to be:
1. Routing attacks, in which a malicious node may mis- route lookups or attempt to corrupt routing tables;
2. Storage and retrieval attacks, in which a malicious node may claim that a key it serves does not exist; and
3. Miscellaneous attacks, in which a malicious node may act arbitrarily to tamper with the correct operation of the system. These attacks include Sybil and Eclipse attacks [5, 12] as well as denial of service (DoS) at- tacks [7, 15].
Our work mitigates the first two threat types. As suggested in [14], routing attacks can be mitigated with alternative lookup paths. To this end, they propose the notion of in- dependent lookup paths. Two routes are said to be in- dependent if they share no common node other than the

source and destination nodes. Independent routes help im- prove routing robustness, but do not address storage and re- trieval attacks because the routes share a common destina- tion node. We define disjoint routes to be routes that share no common node other than the source. This is a more ro- bust notion of alternative paths.
To address storage and retrieval attacks, we use replica- tion as recommended in [13]. The novel contribution of our approach is that the replica placement naturally produces disjoint routes without significant modification to the un- derlying peer-to-peer system.
In order for disjoint routes to improve the robustness of our system, we require that the keys stored in the system be self-verifying; that is, we assume that a key’s integrity can be verified by the client. This is necessary to detect when a node returns an incorrect entry. For types of data where self-verification is not natural, we can generate key identifiers by hashing the key object as in [4]. The client can verify the key’s integrity by comparing its hash with the key identifier. Castro et al. [2] discuss self-verifying data as well as a method for managing mutable self-verifying data.
Under these assumptions, our system can tolerate attacks by up to d − 1 malicious nodes acting arbitrarily, where d is the number of disjoint routes. We also prove, under the same assumptions, that the approach can tolerate a run of contiguous nodes controlled by an adversary covering more than one-quarter of the identifier space. To our knowledge, this is the first approach to peer-to-peer routing for which properties such as these have been formally proven.
3. Related Work
To our knowledge, no work has been done to use replica placement to mitigate malicious routing behavior in peer-to- peer networks. However, significant work has been done in the areas of peer-to-peer routing security and replica place- ment. In the following subsections, we discuss these previ- ous works and contrast them with our solution.
3.1. Peer-to-Peer Routing Security
Many works have looked to improve the security and robustness of peer-to-peer routing. Many approaches have been centered around the notion of alternative paths [14].
Artigas, et al. [1] use a multipath concept to secure rout- ing. They propose Cyclone, an equivalence-based routing scheme that is built upon an existing peer-to-peer structured overlay. Independent lookup paths can be created by rout- ing along different equivalence classes. The key difference between Cyclone and our work is that Cyclone creates in- dependent lookup paths rather than disjoint paths. Since the paths created do not differ in the destination node, Cyclone
will not prevent storage and retrieval attacks. Our work pro- duces disjoint routes to several appropriately placed repli- cas, thereby preventing a limited number of attacks of this kind. Furthermore, Cyclone requires additional routing overhead per node and employs a complex routing scheme. We use a replica placement scheme that automatically pro- duces disjoint routes without significant modification to the underlying routing mechanism.
The notion of independent paths has been considered in other works as well. In an effort to provide message con- fidentiality, [11] suggest that messages be split, encrypted, and sent to the destination along independent paths. Empir- ically, [11] determines the finger table offsets to minimize route overlap with high probability. We will show analyti- cally that our placement scheme creates disjoint routes.
Castro et al. [2] propose a secure routing primitive us- ing replication and two routing mechanisms. They combine efficient, locality-based routing with constrained routing mechanisms to find diverse routes to the replica set in the event of routing failure. Rather than modifying the underly- ing routing mechanism, we improve routing robustness by carefully placing replicas. Using the robustness properties we prove herein for equally-spaced replica placement, we believe this technique can be combined with Castro’s rout- ing approach to achieve even greater security. Thoroughly investigating the combination of optimized replica place- ment and diverse routing is an interesting topic for future research.
3.2. Replica Placement
Replica placement has long been studied in realms out- side of peer-to-peer systems. As more work has been done within peer-to-peer systems, it has become clear that replica placement can be used to manage load and satisfy capac- ity constraints while improving the quality of service in the system. Many studies have compared the performance of several placement schemes in terms of quality of service, availability, and time to recovery [3, 6, 8, 9]. However, to our knowledge, none have considered routing robustness as it relates to replica placement.
Castro et al. [2] discuss four well-known distributed hash tables–CAN, Tapestry, Pastry, and Chord–within the con- text of secure routing. These systems use two basic types of replica placement: neighborhood-based and random. Pas- try and Chord place replicas at the node locations “closest” to the node storing the master replica. CAN and Tapestry use hash functions to randomly map replicas within the key space. A similar hash function-based, random replica place- ment and enumeration scheme is discussed in [18]. We pro- pose an equally-spaced replica placement scheme that out- performs these existing schemes in terms of routing robust- ness.

4. Equally-Spaced Replication
In this section, we discuss a replica placement scheme that produces disjoint routes for each replica set. The sim- plest method for generating disjoint routes is to ensure that the routes are contained within non-overlapping segments of the ring; this is the premise of our work. Although we discuss equally-spaced replica placement in the context of Chord, it can be applied to distributed hash tables that uti- lize the prefix matching routing technique [10].
As replication is implemented in [16], keys are replicated in a chain of nodes starting at the key’s home node. To access a correct replica, the lookup begins at the first node in the chain and iterates down the chain until a correct replica is found. It is clear that the routes to each of the replicas differ only in the final hop. An adversary could very easily deny access to the entire replica set by controlling a single node in the overlapping portion of the routes.
In our approach, we place replicas at equally-spaced lo- cations over the entire ring. Rather than using the same route for each replica, we initiate separate lookups for each object in the replica set. Our placement scheme generates disjoint routes, which improves routing robustness.
4.1. Evaluation of Disjoint Routes
The proposed solution is simple: replicas are assigned
equally-spaced identifiers starting at the master key identi-
fier and proceeding in a wrap-around fashion over the entire
identifier space. For example, consider a Chord ring of size
256 with a replication degree of 4. The four replicas of key
71 will be assigned identifiers 71, 135, 199, and 7. Note
that the replicas are equally-spaced; that is, the difference
between consecutive replica identifiers is equal to the total
identifier space size divided by the replication degree (e.g.
135 − 71 = 64 = 256 ). We claim that this replication 4
scheme produces a predictable number of disjoint routes. To prove this claim, we first show that routes originating from a common query node that differ in the first hop must be disjoint.
Lemma. Routes originating from a common query node that differ in the first hop are disjoint.
Proof. Consider a query node q and two routes originating at q destined for keys k1 and k21. Suppose that the first hops in the routes to these keys are q + 2i and q + 2j , respectively, where i ̸= j. According to the definition of the Chord proto- col,k1 ∈􏰆q+2i,q+2i+1􏰅andk2 ∈􏰆q+2j,q+2j+1􏰅. Furthermore, each hop in these routes must reside in their respective intervals. Therefore, the routes from q to k1 and k2 are disjoint.
1All identifiers are ordered on an identifier circle modulo n.
This lemma, though straightforward, provides insight into the premise behind our solution. To produce disjoint routes from a common source, the first hops in each route must be different. The first hop in a route is determined by the distance between the source and destination nodes. Therefore, if we place replicas at carefully chosen locations, we can produce disjoint routes.
We prove our claim within the context of a full Chord ring. We define a full Chord ring to be a Chord ring wherein all possible identifiers are represented. In other words, for any key k, k will be located at the node with identifier k.
Theorem. To produce d disjoint routes to a key k from any query node in a full Chord ring of size n with equally- spaced replicas (d ≤ log2 n + 1), k must be replicated at exactly 2d−1 locations in a wrap-around fashion starting at k.
Proof. (by induction) In a full Chord ring of size n with
d=2,kisreplicatedatnodeskandk+n. Considera 2􏰆n􏰅
querynodeq.Letk1bethereplicaintheinterval q,q+2 and k2 be in the interval 􏰆q + n,q􏰅. (Since k1 and k2 are
equally-spaced in the ring, they must reside on different
halves of the ring.) The first hop of the route from q to
k1 must be in 􏰆q,q + n􏰅 and the first hop of the route from 2
qtok2 mustbeq+n.Thus,theroutesfromqtok1 andk2 2
are disjoint.
Assume 2d−1 equally-spaced replicas produce d disjoint
routes to k. Let I be the largest interval 􏰆q, q + 2i􏰅 that
contains exactly one replica of k. Since replicas are equally-
spaced and d < log2 n + 1 (i.e. there are fewer replicas than nodes in the system), the interval I exists. Increasing the replication degree to 2d guarantees that there are two replicas in I. Since the 2d−1 replicas that formed d disjoint routes are a subset of the new set of replicas, it is enough to show that the two replicas in I produce disjoint routes. Let k1 and k2 be the identifiers of these two replicas such 􏰆 i−1􏰅 􏰆 i−1 i􏰅 thatk1 ∈ q,q+2 andk2 ∈ q+2 ,q+2 . The firsthoptok1 isin􏰆q,q+2i−1􏰅andthefirsthoptok2 is q + 2i−1 . Therefore, the routes to k1 and k2 are disjoint. Although these claims are proven for a full Chord ring, we hope to demonstrate that these concepts can be applied to sparsely populated Chord rings with similar performance. A formal analysis of the performance in sparsely populated rings is left for future work. However, extensive simulation results in sparse rings are provided in Section 5.2. 4.2. Toleration of Runs In this section, we introduce the concept of a run, the way in which a run can be used to disrupt the system, and the degree to which equally-spaced replication can tolerate runs. We define a run of length l to be a contiguous set of l nodes from the Chord ring. Equivalently, the run of length l starting at node m is denoted in set notation by [m, m + l). As indicated in [16], an adversary can create imbalance in the distribution of nodes in the ring by appropriately se- lecting identifiers. In the worst case, an adversary can take control of a contiguous sequence of identifiers or, using our terminology, a run of nodes. We claim that equally-spaced replication can tolerate ad- versarial runs with bounded length. Before proving the tol- erable length of a run, we provide some intuition of how a run may be used to disrupt routing in the ring. Consider a query node q. An adversary can reduce the number of repli- The assumption of a fixed system-wide replication de- gree is important because it allows any node to compute the locations of all replicas for a given key. However, this is not a necessary condition. For example, suppose we have a Chord ring wherein the most critical objects should be stored at 16 equally-spaced locations throughout the ring. We can replicate objects that are less critical at 8, 4, or 2 locations in the ring. Since the replicas are equally-spaced, we can guarantee that the actual replica locations will be a subset of the 16 possible locations regardless of the key’s actual replication degree. Note that this technique reduces the replication effort for less critical objects without increas- ing the query routing cost. 4.4. Implementation To uniquely identify each replica, we use a key identifier pair (k,v), where k is the key identifier and v is virtual key identifier. For each replica, v gives the location of the master key. By definition, the master key k is denoted by the pair (k, k). When a key k is inserted into a Chord ring of size n with replication degree d, we first compute the key identifier pairsforeachreplica: (k,k),(k+n,k),(k+2n,k),...(k+ dd (d−1)n , k). For example, consider a Chord ring of size 256 d with replication degree 4. When the key 71 is inserted, we compute (71, 71), (135, 71), (199, 71), and (7, 71). Once the key identifier pair for each replica is computed, we use the traditional Chord key insertion mechanism to insert the replicas. That is, we perform a lookup for each key identifier and store the replica at those locations. In the example above, we lookup keys 71, 135, 199, and 7 and store the replicas at their respective locations. Next, the Chord lookup primitive must be modified to accommodate the new replication scheme. When a node is queried for a key, the query node must first compute the lo- cations of all replicas (using the known ring size and repli- cation degree). The key identifier is used to route to the replicas. Once a replica’s home node is found, the key iden- tifier pairs are compared to return the appropriate replica. It is worth noting that no additional finger table entries are required to route to the replicas. In addition, if the query node dispatches the lookups for the entire replica set simul- taneously, there may be an improvement in performance be- cause the query node can return the first correct response re- ceived (which may have returned along a route shorter than the route to the master key). However, if the added load of the extra lookups puts strain on the system, the perfor- mance may improve only slightly or even degrade. A study of the effect of these extra lookups on system performance is a topic for future work. Finally, when nodes join or leave the ring, traditional Chord node join and leave mechanisms can be used by sim- cas reachable from q by half by controlling the node q + n . 2 This is because all of the replicas in interval [q + n , q) are 2 routedthroughthenodeq+n (halfofthereplicasareinthis 2 interval). If the adversary controls a run of nodes ending at q + n , he can control a larger number of replicas. 2 Theorem. A full Chord ring of size n with 2d−1 (d > 2)
equally-spaced replicas can tolerate any adversarial run of
length1+n(1− 1 ). 2 2d−1
Proof. (by induction) Consider a query node q. For d = 3, there exists a replica k ∈ 􏰆q, q + n 􏰅. (There are four
replicas; one must reside in the first quadrant of the ring starting at q.) If we assume that the adversary has control
ensure that k is not in the run. Thus, the maximum length
runis[q+ n,q+ n +1),whichhaslength n +1or1+ 1142 4
n(2 − 22 ).
Assume that the longest tolerable run in a full Chord ring
of the node q + 2 (which is the worst case), then we must
with 2d−1 equally-spaced replicas has length 1 + n(1 − 12
2d−1 ). Consider a query node q. If we assume that the
adversary takes control of the node q + n , then he does not 2n
control any nodes in the interval [q, q + 2d−1 ). There must
exist at least one replica k in this interval. If we double the
replication degree to 2d, then there are two replicas in this
interval separated by n . Thus, the length of the tolerable 2d
runincreasesby n to1+n(1 − 1 ). 2d 22d
Note that with four equally-spaced replicas, an adversary may control of a run of more than a quarter of the nodes in the system and there will be a route to one replica for ev- ery possible query. As the replication degree approaches the identifier space size, the maximum tolerable length ap- proaches one-half the identifier space.
4.3. Per-key Replication
Thus far, our discussion has assumed a fixed replication degree for every key inserted into the ring. However, it is oftentimes the case that certain objects inserted into the sys- tem are more critical than others. It would be desirable to replicate these objects to a higher degree and maintain the benefits of equally-spaced replication.

ply ignoring the virtual peer identifiers in each key identifier pair. Note that the traditional Chord replica placement re- quires modification to the node join and leave mechanisms. To maintain the replication degree, replicas will need to be shifted for every node join or leave.
5. Experiments
5.1. Experimental Setup
A simulator was designed to model Chord rings at message-level detail; that is, the simulator computes routes from any query node to any key using finger tables. The simulator was used to measure the performance of replica- tion schemes over uniform and clustered node distributions. To simulate a system with little or no malicious activity, a uniform distribution was used to assign node identifiers.
One potential attack on equally-spaced replication is to cluster the node identifiers, leaving unpopulated gaps in the identifier space. With this distribution of identifiers, it is possible that two or more replicas may be managed by a single node, which eliminates one or more possible disjoint routes. We model clustering by selecting an identifier for the cluster mean and randomly sampling node identifiers from a Gaussian distribution centered at the cluster mean. In addition to varying the number of clusters, we can vary the size of overlap by tuning the variances of the distributions. The simulation parameters are summarized in Table 1.
Table 1. Simulation Parameters.
Finally, we compare the performance of equally-spaced replication to other schemes. Namely, we consider the random placement of replicas, a variant of the replica- tion scheme used in [16], and a simple spaced replication scheme. We implement the same placement used in [16]; that is, we place replicas at the chain of nodes starting at the key’s home node. However, rather than using a sin- gle lookup to reach all replicas, we perform independent lookups for each replica, which may slightly increase the number of disjoint routes.
For the spaced replication scheme, we introduce a pa- rameter s that can be used to indicate the spacing between replica identifiers in the chain. Replicas of the key k are placedthelocationsk,k+s,k+2s,..k+(r−1)s,where r is the replication degree. Unlike the Chord replication variant, spaced replication may result in replicas being col-
7.00 6.00 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00
Figure 1. Disjoint Routes for Uniformly Dis- tributed Nodes (N = 8192, n = 512).
located for small spacings. Note that when s = N , this r
scheme is equivalent to the equally-spaced scheme.
To manage our variant of Chord replication and the ran- dom placement scheme, we maintain a mapping of each key to its replica locations. More sophisticated techniques are necessary to efficiently manage the mapping. Chord avoids this complexity by using a single route for all replicas. For equally-spaced replication, replica locations can be com-
puted directly from the key identifier.
5.2. Experimental Results
In each experiment, we consider 10 random node distri- butions. For each distribution, 25 keys are selected at ran- dom and routes are computed from every node in the ring to each replica set. Each data point represents the average over a total of the 250 trials.
The first series of experiments conducted was to mea- sure the performance of each replication scheme with a uni- formly populated Chord ring. A Chord ring with N = 8192 was modeled with a 6.25% load (or n = 512). The average number of disjoint routes per key are shown in Figure 1. The 95% confidence intervals were computed to be less than 0.01 routes for the experiments conducted. Therefore, these results are representative of the relative performance of the schemes tested.
The series marked “Full” reflects the number of disjoint routes expected for a full Chord ring (d for 2d−1 repli- cas). It is clear that equally-spaced replication approximates this curve and outperforms all other replication schemes. A random replication scheme performs well compared to other methods and is only about 10% worse than equally- spaced replication. This is because replica locations are selected at random from a uniform (equally-spaced) distri- bution. As the number of replicas increase, random repli-
0 8 16 24 32
Full Equally-Spaced Random Chord Variant 64-Spaced 128-Spaced 512-Spaced
N n C σ
Identifier Space Size Number of Nodes Number of Clusters Cluster Width (standard deviation)

7.00 6.00 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00
10.00% 8.00% 6.00% 4.00% 2.00% 0.00%
Figure 2. Disjoint Routes with Increasing Uni- form Load for 2, 4, 8, 16, and 32 Equally- Spaced Replicas (N = 220).
cation will better approximate equally-spaced replication. However, as mentioned above, random replication may in- troduce added implementation complexity to store the un- predictable replica locations.
Of the replication schemes tested, the Chord replication variant performs worst in terms of the average number of disjoint routes. As expected, the Chord variant does not sig- nificantly improve robustness against routing attacks with increasing replication degree.
The remaining series show the increase in performance in using spaced replication with spacings of 64, 128, and 512 between replica identifiers. The number of disjoint routes increases linearly with the number of replicas up to
N replicas, where s is the spacing. At this point, the optimal s
number of replicas (as determined by equally-spacing) is reached and no additional disjoint routes can be generated. Once the replication degree surpasses this optimal value, the replicas begin to wrap-around and overlap so that no new disjoint routes are created. This implies that to achieve the best performance, the spacing between replicas should vary with the replication degree, which is precisely what the equally-spaced replication scheme does.
To measure equally-spaced replication performance in sparsely populated Chord rings, N was fixed and n was var- ied. The results are depicted in Figure 2. For these exper- iments, N was fixed at 1048576 (a 20-bit identifier space). n is shown on a logarithmic scale to better reflect the rate of convergence. Equally-spaced replication converges to the expected full Chord ring results for n > 1000 or about a 0.1% load. These results scale well with network size; to achieve a near-theoretical number of disjoint routes for a 32-bit identifier space, the required load is less than 0.1%. Clearly, equally-spaced replication can achieve near-ideal performance for very sparsely populated Chord rings.
Figure 3. Percent Error for Clustered Nodes (N = 8192,n = 512,C = 4,σ = 200).
There does seem to be one anomaly in the convergence of the number of disjoint routes; that is, the number of disjoint routes increases above the theoretical value before converging. This is because a small fraction of the replica sets produces one additional disjoint route. This additional disjoint route comes from the replica which precedes the query node in the ring. Typically, when the ring is moder- ately populated, this replica will be managed by a node that precedes the query node. However, in a sparsely populated ring, this replica may be managed by the query node itself. We count this scenario as an additional route although no routing is actually performed. However, clearly, this replica can be used to satisfy the lookup and should be considered to improve routing robustness.
To model the population distribution that may result from the collusion of several malicious nodes, a series of ex- periments were run on clustered rings. To model a clustered distribution, four node identifiers were randomly selected as cluster means such that the clusters are non-overlapping and unpopulated gaps exist in the identifier space.
Clustering did not affect the relative performance of the schemes tested; however, there was a decrease in the overall performance. To determine which schemes are most resis- tant to clustering, we computed the percent error based on the difference between the number of disjoint routes for uni- formly distributed and clustered nodes (Figure 3).
For a small number of replicas, equally-spaced replica- tion is resistant to the effects of clustering. To have a no- ticeable effect, two or more replicas must fall into an un- populated gap in the identifier space so they are collocated. In the case of equally-spaced replication, the spacing must be smaller than the largest gap size. For eight replicas, the spacing is 1024 for N = 8192. Using two standard devi- ations to capture 95% of the nodes within each cluster, we can estimate the gap size to about 1200 for σ = 200, which
0 8 16 24 32
10 100
Equally-Spaced Random Chord Variant 64-Spaced 128-Spaced 512-Spaced

100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0%
In this case, the chain of replicas may span an unpopulated gap in the identifier space and replicas will be located in two clusters, which will likely produce an additional dis- joint route. The performance of a few replicas spanning an unpopulated gap in the identifier space is similar to that of a chain of many replicas. This is why the benefit decreases and disappears as the replication degree increases.
As discussed, an adversary may use a run of nodes to create imbalance or disrupt the system otherwise. We mea- sure the probability of routing success per query by deter- mining the proportion of nodes for which a correct replica can be found along a route that contains only uncompro- mised nodes. The results are shown in Figure 4. Clearly, equally-spaced and random replication outperform the other replica placement schemes tested. As the theory indicates, equally-spaced replication tolerates compromised runs of length less than one-half of the identifier space well, even with a small replication degree (four replicas).
Furthermore, we investigated the possibility that an ad- versary may compromise a random subset of the nodes in the system. The results, shown in Figure 5, are astound- ing; when the adversary controls 25% of all nodes in the system, equally-spaced replication produces routes with no compromised nodes 98% of the time. Under the same level of attack, the Chord variant and spaced replication schemes successfully route only 25-60% of queries.
With only four equally-spaced replicas, we expect three disjoint routes. This implies that an adversary could prevent the success of a given query by compromising only three nodes. However, with far more nodes than that compro- mised in runs or randomly, almost all queries are resolved successfully. This result is extraordinary and confirms that route diversity does indeed improve routing robustness.
6. Discussion
To our knowledge, no significant work has been done to mitigate the effects of malicious routers in structured peer- to-peer systems using replica placement. We have shown that an equally-spaced replica placement scheme can im- prove routing robustness. To produce d disjoint routes per replica set using this scheme, each key must be replicated 2d−1 times. The solution requires minimal modification to the traditional Chord implementation and produces desir- able results, even for sparsely populated rings. Our exper- iments have shown that equally-spaced replication can be used to successfully route 98% of queries in a ring that is 25% compromised.
A random replication scheme performs nearly as well as equally-spaced replication, but the complexity of the imple- mentation makes it a less than ideal solution. Peers must apply a computationally expensive hash function or main- tain a mapping of master key identifiers to replica locations
100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0%
0% 25% 50%
Compromised Nodes
Equally-Spaced Random Chord Variant 64-Spaced 128-Spaced 512-Spaced
Figure 4. Probability of Routing Success with Compromised Runs for a Replication Degree of 4 (N = 220,n = 1024).
0% 25% 50%
Compromised Nodes
Equally-Spaced Random Chord Variant 64-Spaced 128-Spaced 512-Spaced
Figure 5. Probability of Routing Success with Randomly Compromised Nodes for a Repli- cation Degree of 4 (N = 220,n = 1024).
is greater than the spacing. This correlates well with the data; the error does not significantly increase until a repli- cation degree of eight is reached. Therefore, for a small number of replicas, where the spacing is large compared to the gap size, equally-spaced replication can resist the dense clustering of nodes.
When the number of replicas increase, equally-spaced replication is less resistant to clustering because more repli- cas fall into unpopulated gaps in the ring. However, at higher replication degrees, equally-spaced replication pro- duces a relatively large number of disjoint routes and the 7-9% reduction in the number of routes can be tolerated.
Of the schemes tested, the Chord variant seems to react the best to clustering. In fact, there is a slight improvement in its performance when the number of replicas is small.

for every key. Equally-spaced replication allows peers to compute replica locations directly using addition.
Although we have discussed our work in the context of the Chord peer-to-peer system, we believe that it can be ap- plied to any distributed hash table that routes as in [10]. Note that Chord is a prefix matching system with base equal to two. The equally-spaced replication scheme can be ap- plied to a prefix matching system of any arbitrary base b. In this case, bd−1 equally-spaced replicas produce d disjoint routes. As the base increases, more and more replicas are necessary to achieve the same number of disjoint routes.
Our work has also shed light on several avenues for fu- ture work. In particular, we hope to encourage the study of replica placement as it impacts routing. We have focused on producing disjoint routes by varying the first hop in each route. However, it may be possible to produce semi-disjoint routes by varying intermediate hops within the route. One direction we have considered is the notion of virtual rings. The equally-spaced replication scheme can be modeled as several virtual rings (where the number of virtual rings is equal to the replication degree) implemented over a single real ring. Each virtual ring consists of the same node and key identifiers; however, the node identifiers are shifted to different real nodes. Thus, each virtual ring represents a different rotation of the original ring. However, the virtual rings need not be rotations of the real ring; they may be any arbitrary mapping of virtual nodes to real nodes. This virtual ring representation may lead to an optimal mapping that produces the greatest number of semi-disjoint routes.
In our implementation, we left some flexibility in the timing for each replica query. These queries may be dis- patched in parallel, sequentially, or some combination of the two. At first glance, the dispatch of all queries in parallel might seem optimal since the correct replica with the short- est route will be returned first. However, dispatching all of the lookups in parallel may put excessive load on the system thereby degrading overall performance. The study of a real implementation or a simulation-based study of these effects would be a valuable topic for future research.
Finally, we assume that the data in the system is self- verifying. If we are able to determine the correspondence between each replica and the route along which it was found, it may be possible to select the correct object from a set of possibly incorrect replicas through a voting mecha- nism. This would eliminate the need for self-verifying data.
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