程序代写代做 data structure algorithm Assigned: February 3, 2020

Assigned: February 3, 2020
Due: February 10, 2020
CIS 121 — Data Structures and Algorithms Homework Assignment 3
Note: The homework is due electronically on Gradescope on February 10, 2020 by 11:59 pm ET. For late submissions, please refer to the Late Submission Policy on the course webpage. You may submit this assignment up to 2 days late.
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C. Solutions: Please write concise and clear solutions; you will get only a partial credit for correct solutions that are either unnecessarily long or not clear. Please refer to the Written Homework Guidelines for all the requirements.
D. Algorithms: Whenever you present an algorithm, your answer must include 3 separate sections.
1. A precise description of your algorithm in English. No pseudocode, no code. 2. Proof of correctness of your algorithm
3. Analysis of the running time complexity of your algorithm
E. Collaboration: You are allowed to discuss ideas for solving homework problems in groups of up to 3 people but you must write your solutions independently. Also, you must write on your homework the names of the people with whom you discussed. For more on the collaboration policy, please see the course webpage.
F. Outside Resources: Finally, you are not allowed to use any material outside of the class notes and the textbook. Any violation of this policy may seriously affect your grade in the class. If you’re unsure if something violates our policy, please ask.
Note the following: lg n means log2 n.

February 3, 2020 Homework Assignment 3 2 1. [5 pts] Max on Max on Max
Let f(n) and g(n) be asymptotically non-negative functions. Prove that max{f(n), g(n)}=Θ(f(n)+g(n))
Note that max{f(n), g(n)} refers to the maximum value at any given point in time, meaning that for some given value of n = i, we take the maximum of max{f(i), g(i)}
2. [10 pts] Rush Big ΩΘO
For each of the parts below, list the functions in increasing asymptotic order. In some cases functions may be asymptotically equivalent (that is f(n) is Θ(g(n))). In such cases indicate this by writing f(n) = g(n). When one is asymptotically strictly less than the other (that is, f(n) is O(g(n)) but f(n) is not Θ(g(n))), express this as f(n) < g(n). For example, given the set: n4 nlogn 1n+nlogn, 4 the first function is Θ(n4) and the other two are Θ(nlogn), and therefore the answer would be nlogn = 1n+nlogn < n4. 4 You are not required to show your work; just writing your answer suffices. (a) 3(n/4) (b) lgn (c) 2(4 lg n) (d) max(2000n2, 0.002n3) (e) ⌈n2 /11⌉ 3. [15 pts] Prime Time 4(n/3) lnn 2lg n min(2000n2, 0.002n3) ⌊n2 /11⌋ (4/3)n lg(n100) nlg 32 2000n2 + 0.002n3 n2 /11 Consider the following IsPrime algorithm for determining if a given input, n where n > 1, is a prime.
(a) Prove that the algorithm correctly determines if the input integer n > 1 is a prime or not.
(b) Give a Θ-bound of the worst-case running time of the algorithm in terms of the input integer n.
(c) Let b denote the size of the input to IsPrime, i.e., b is the number of bits needed to represent n. Give a Θ-bound of the worst-case running time of the algorithm as a function of b.
(d) Is IsPrime a polynomial-time algorithm or exponential-time algorithm in the size of the input b?
IsPrime(n): √ fori=2→ n:
if nmodi=0then return NO
return YES

February 3, 2020 Homework Assignment 3 3 4. [18 pts] Ode to Code
For each of the code fragments given below, give a bound of the form Θ(f(n)) on its running time on an input of size n. Justify your answer.
(a) for (i = 1; i ≤ n ; i = i ∗ 2) do 2
for(j=i; j≤4∗i; j=j∗2)do print (“ihdnag vijar”)
(b) for(i=2; i≤n; i=i2)do
for(j= n ; j≤n2; j=j∗2)do
print (“hi”)
(c) for(i=1; ii; j=j−1)do
print (“beep boop boop bop”);
5. [21 pts] Expansions
Solve the following recurrences using the method of expansion (iteration), giving your answer in Θ notation. In answering these questions make sure to include a generalized expression for T(n) (i.e., T (n) expressed in terms of k), the value of k for which the recursion bottoms out, and then any algebra to simplify your answer. In other words, show your work.
(a) T(n) = 3T(n/3) + 2n. Assume that T(n) = 1, for all n ≤ 3. (b) T(n)=6T(n−3). AssumethatT(n)=1,foralln≤3.
(c) T(n)=√nT(√n)+n. AssumeT(n)=1,foralln≤2. 6. [15 pts] What Not to Wear
Robin is a new TA this semester. To celebrate him, the 121 staff is throwing him a party. JJ is nice enough to let Robin borrow clothes from his closet. In JJ’s closet, there are n T-shirts to choose from (you may assume n > 2), some of which are stylish and the rest of which are ugly. Additionally, he learns that either the stylish T-shirts or ugly T-shirts make up at least 85% of JJ’s closet.
Robin wants to impress his fellow TAs so he needs to determine whether JJ’s closet contains mostly stylish or mostly ugly T-shirts.
(a) Give a deterministic algorithm such that Robin only removes the fewest number of T-shirts from JJ’s closet such that he can definitively determine whether or not it contains mostly stylish or ugly T-shirts. Note that Robin cannot see the T-shirts in the closet without removing them from the closet. Provide a proof of correctness and runtime analysis for your algorithm. Use Θ notation to express your answer.

February 3, 2020 Homework Assignment 3 4
(b) Consider the following randomized algorithm for the problem, in which the function randomShirt chooses a random T-shirt from JJ’s closet, where each T-shirt is equally likely to be chosen. The T-shirt is then returned to JJ’s closet. The function isStylish returns 1 if the T-shirt is stylish and 0 if the T-shirt is ugly. State the runtime of the algorithm. You may assume that the functions randomShirt and isStylish both take O(1) time.
i ← randomShirt
j ← randomShirt
k ← randomShirt
if isStylish(i) + isStylish(j) + isStylish(k) ≤ 1 then
return “mostly ugly T-shirts” else
return “mostly stylish T-shirts”
(c) The algorithm can output an incorrect answer. Explain how this can happen.
(d) Suppose exactly 85% of T-shirts in JJ’s closet are ugly. Find the probability that the randomized
algorithm will output “mostly stylish T-shirts.” Justify your answer. 7. [16 pts] Arrays for Days
Consider the following problem. You’re given an array A consisting of n integers A[1], A[2], . . . , A[n]. You’d like to output a two-dimensional n-by-n array B in which B[i, j] (for i < j) contains the sum of array entries A[i] through A[j] – that is, the sum A[i] + A[i + 1] + · · · + A[j]. (The value of the array entry B[i, j] is left unspecified whenever i ≥ j, so it doesn’t matter what is the output of these values. You should ignore these values when summing the array entries.) Here is a simple algorithm to solve this problem. (a) For the above code fragment find the Θ bound of the running time in terms of the input size of n by giving both a Big-Oh and Big-Omega bound. That is, show that the runtime is Θ(f(n)) by showing it is both O(f(n)) and Ω(f(n)) for some function f(n). Justify your answer. (b) Although the algorithm in part (a) is the most natural way to solve the problem – after all, it just iterates through the relevant entries of the array B, filling in a value for each – it contains some highly unnecessary sources of inefficiency. Give a different algorithm to solve this problem, with an asymptotically better running time. In other words, you should design an algorithm with running time O(g(n)), where limn→∞ g(n)/f(n) = 0. Prove why your algorithm works and also analyze the run time. [0 pts] Feedback: No feedback form for this assignment. Feel free to reach out to the Head TAs if you have any comments/concerns. for (i = 1; i <= n; i + +) for (j = i + 1; j <= n; j + +) Add up array entries A[i] through A[j] Store the result in B[i, j]