程序代写代做 data structure C algorithm CIS 121 — Data Structures and Algorithms

CIS 121 — Data Structures and Algorithms
Solution Sketches to Practice Problems for Exam I February 21, 2020
1. Prove using induction that n is O(2n).
Solution. We will prove that there exists c > 0 and n0 such that n < c2n for all n >= n0. We pick
c=1andn0 =1.
Induction Hypothesis: Assume that the claim is true when n = k, for some k ≥ 1. In other words, we assume that k ≤ 2k, for some k ≥ 1.
Base Case: 1≤1·21
Induction Step: We want to prove the claim when n = k + 1.
k+1≤2k +1≤2k +2k =2k+1.
2. Prove that 2(n2) is not O(5n). Do not use any theorems about Big-Oh that you might happen to
know other than the definitions.
Solution. We need to prove that for all real constants c > 0 and positive integers N, there exists an
n > N such that 2n2 > c · 5n. By taking logarithms of both parts, we have that
n2 >logc+nlog5⇒n2 −nlog5−logc>0 (1)
First suppose that c ≤ 1, which means that logc ≤ 0 ⇒ −logc ≥ 0. Rewrite (1) as n (n − log 5) + (− log c) > 0
and notice that this trivially holds for all n > log 5.
Now suppose that c > 1, so that log c > 0. Rewrite (1) as
n (n − log 5) > log c and notice that this trivially holds for all n > log 5 + log c.
As a result, pick n = max {⌈log 5⌉ + 1, ⌈log 5 + log c⌉ + 1, N + 1} and we are done.
3. Solve the following recurrence. Give a tight bound, i.e., express your answer using the Θ notation.
Assume that T(n) = 1, when n = 1.
T (n) = T (n − 1) + 1/n
T (n) = T (n − 1) + 1/n
= T (n − 2) + 1/(n − 1) + 1/n
= T (n − 3) + 1/(n − 2) + 1/(n − 1) + 1/n
······ ······
= T (n − k) + 1/(n − (k − 1)) + 1/(n − (k − 2)) + · · · + 1/(n − 1) + 1/n
T(n) = 1+􏰄1/i = 􏰄1/i = Θ(logn) i=2 i=1
When k = n − 1, we get

February 21, 2020 Solution Sketches to Practice Problems for Exam I 2 4. Consider the following code fragment
for(int i=1;i<=n;i=2*i) for (int k = i; k >0; k = k/2)
a. Compute the number of stars printed as a function of n. You can assume that n = 2m. b. Give a Θ-bound.
Solution. Outer loop gets executed m times where n = 2m. Inner loop gets executed log i + 1 times for each iteration i of the outer loop, so in total we have
(log(1)+1)+(log(2)+1)+(log(4)+1)+(log(8)+1)+···+(log(2m)+1) = 1 + m(m + 1) + m + 1
= (m+1)(m+2)
2 hence it is Θ((log n)2).
5. Modify the quicksort algorithm so that its running time is O(nlogn) in the worst case. You may assume that all elements are distinct.
Solution. We modify the algorithm that was done in class. Instead of picking an arbitrary pivot, we now use the selection algorithm done in class to obtain the median of the input array (first two lines in Partition). These changes take an additional O(n) time (note that we could have found the pivotIndex more efficiently, but that would not affect the asymtotic running time).
if hi <= lo then return else mid = Partition(A, lo, hi) QSort(A[lo..mid-1]) QSort(A[mid+1..hi]) Partition(A, lo, hi, pIndex) pivot = Select(A, floor(lo+hi/2)) pivotIndex = location of pivot in A swap(A, pivotIndex, hi) left = lo right = hi-1 while left <= right do if (A[left] <= pivot) then left = left + 1 else swap(A, left, right) right = right - 1 swap(A, left, hi) return left February 21, 2020 Solution Sketches to Practice Problems for Exam I 3 Since we partition around the median of the input array, we have the following recurrence (remember to include the base case, otherwise, you will lose points). 􏰅 1, n = 1 T(n)= 2T(n/2)+n, n≥2 This recurrence results in T (n) = Θ(n log n), as done in class. 6. Suppose that you have a “black box” worst-case linear-time median subroutine. Give a simple, linear- time algorithm that solves the selection problem for any arbitrary order statistic, i.e., given an unsorted array A containing n elements and an integer i, in O(n) time, your algorithm should return the element in A, which is the ith smallest element in A. Your algorithm must use the black-box median-finding subroutine. You may assume that i lies within the bounds of the input array A and that n is a power of 2. Solution. Let the black-box median finding function be called Median. The following algorithm finds the element of rank i. ModifiedSelect(A[lo,hi], i) if lo==hi then return A[lo] m = Median(A[lo,hi]) // m is the median element pIndex = index of m in A mIndex = Partition(A[lo,hi], pIndex) // use Partition from QuickSort if (i == mIndex) then return m else if (i < mIndex) then return ModifiedSelect(A[lo,mIndex-1], i) else return ModifiedSelect(A[mIndex+1,hi], i-mIndex) The running time of the algorithm is given by the recurrence T (n) = T (n/2) + n, with the base case being T(1) = 1. This recurrence yields a running time of T(n) = O(n), using case 3 of the simplified master theorem.