程序代写代做 COMP9315 Sample Exam

COMP9315 Sample Exam
The University of New South Wales
COMP9315 DBMS Implementation
Sample Exam
DBMS Implementation
[Instructions] [Notes] [PostgreSQL] [C]
[Q1] [Q2] [Q3] [Q4] [Q5] [Q6] [Q7] [Q8]

Question 4 (10 marks)
Consider a DBMS which has a range of possible buffer-management policies. You can specify the total number of buffers to be allocated in the buffer pool. For replacement, unpinned buffers are favoured over pinned buffers. You can specify that the buffer manager should use either least-recently-used (LRU) or most-recently-used (MRU) in determining which buffer to re-use. This DBMS defines recency relative to “the time of the last request or release operation on the buffer”, not relative to the last time the buffer was accessed, because it is simpler to keep track of the time of request/release operations. The buffer manager also allows you to allocate multiple buffer pools of varying sizes and specify how tables should be associated to pools.
For each of the scenarios below, do the following:
i. Calculate the total numbers of requests on each buffer pool

ii. Calculate the total number of hits on each buffer pool

iii. Calculate the total number of disk reads on each buffer pool

iv. Show the state of the buffer pools after exactly 15 requests; show all pools and all slots. For each slot, show the table name and page number for the current contents of that slot

The following shows what your state should look like (this shows the state after 3 requests for scenario (a)):
Pool [0]
Buffers [0] [1] [2] [3] [4]
Contents P0 P1 P2 – –
a. One sequential scan of a single table P (with bP=20 pages) using a single buffer pool with LRU replacement strategy and 5 buffers. The scan behaves as follows: 
for i in 0..19 { request page i from P; process page i; release page i }

c. Two sequential scans of a single table R (with bR=10 pages) using a single buffer pool with MRU replacement strategy and 5 buffers. The scans behave as follows: 
for i in 0..9 { request page i from R; process page i; release page i }
d. for i in 0..9 { request page i from R; process page i; release page i }

f. Simple nested loop join on two tables S and T (with bS=5 and bT=10) using a buffer pool with MRU replacement strategy and 10 buffers. The join behaves as follows.
for i in 0..4 {
g. request page i of S
h. for j in 0..9 {
i. request page j of T
j. process join on page i of S and page j of T
k. release page j of T
l. }
m. release page i of S
n. }

In all scenarios, assume that the buffer pool initially starts empty and that empty slots are used first, before any replacement is considered. Assume also that pools, buffers and pages are indexed starting from 0.
Show enough working; you don’t need to show the state after every request/release.
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End of Question