程序代写代做 file system C File Management Tanenbaum, Chapter 4

File Management Tanenbaum, Chapter 4
COMP3231 Operating Systems
Kevin Elphinstone

• Files and directories from the programmer (and user) perspective
• Files and directories internals – the operating system perspective

A brief history of file systems
Early batch processing systems
–No OS
–I/O from/to punch cards
–Tapes and drums for external storage, but no FS
–Rudimentary library support for reading/writing tapes and drums
IBM 709 [1958]

A brief history of file systems
•The first file systems were single- level (everything in one directory)
•Files were stored in contiguous chunks
–Maximal file size must be known in advance
•Now you can edit a program and save it in a named file on the tape!
PDP-8 with DECTape [1965]

A brief history of file systems
•Time-sharing OSs –Required full-fledged file systems
–Multilevel directory structure (keep files that belong to different users separately)
–Access control lists –Symbolic links
Honeywell 6180 running MULTICS [1976]

A brief history of file systems
–Based on ideas from MULTICS
–Simpler access control model
–Everything is a file!

Overview of the FS abstraction
User’s view
Under the hood
Uniform namespace
Heterogeneous collection of storage devices
Hierarchical structure
Flat address space (block numbers)
Arbitrarily-sized files
Fixed-size blocks
Symbolic file names
Numeric block addresses
Contiguous address space inside a file
Access control
No access control
Tools for
• Formatting
• Defragmentation
• Backup
• Consistency checking

File Names
• File system must provide a convenient naming scheme • Textual Names
• May have restrictions
• Only certain characters • E.g.no‘/’characters
• Limited length
• Only certain format
• E.gDOS,8+3 • Case (in)sensitive
• Names may obey conventions (.c files for C files)
• Interpreted by tools (e.g. UNIX)
• Interpreted by operating system (e.g. Windows “con:”)

File Structure • Sequence of Bytes
• OS considers a file to be unstructured
• Applications can impose their own structure
• Used by UNIX, Windows, most modern OSes

•Regular files •Directories •Device Files
File Types
–May be divided into
•Character Devices – stream of bytes •Block Devices
•Some systems distinguish between regular file types –ASCII text files, binary files

File Access Types (Patterns)
•Sequential access
–read all bytes/records from the beginning –cannot jump around, could rewind or back up –convenient when medium was magnetic tape
•Random access
–bytes/records read in any order
–essential for data base systems
–read can be …
•move file pointer (seek), then read or –lseek(location,…);read(…)
•each read specifies the file pointer –read(location,…)

File Attributes

Typical File Operations
Get attributes Set Attributes Rename
Create Delete Open Close Read
• • • • •

• Write

An Example Program Using File System Calls (1/2)

An Example Program Using File System Calls (2/2)

File Organisation and Access Programmer’s Perspective
•Given an operating system supporting unstructured files that are a stream-of-bytes,
how can one organise the contents of the files?
E.g. Executable Linkable Format (ELF)

File Organisation and Access Programmer’s Perspective
•Some possible access patterns: –Read the whole file
–Read individual records from a file
– record = sequence of bytes containing the record –Read records preceding or following the current one –Retrieve a set of records
–Write a whole file sequentially
–Insert/delete/update records in a file
Programmers are free to structure the file to suit the application.

Criteria for File Organization
Things to consider when designing file layout
•Rapid access
–Needed when accessing a single record
–Not needed for batch mode •read from start to finish
•Ease of update
–File on CD-ROM will not be updated, so this is not a concern
•Economy of storage
–Should be minimum redundancy in the data
–Redundancy can be used to speed access such as an index

File Directories
•Provide mapping between file names and the files themselves
•Contain information about files –Attributes
–Location –Ownership
•Directory itself is a file owned by the operating system


Hierarchical (Tree-Structured) Directory
•Files can be located by following a path from the root, or master, directory down various branches
–This is the absolute pathname for the file
•Can have several files with the same file name as long as they have unique path names

Current Working Directory •Always specifying the absolute pathname
for a file is tedious!
•Introduce the idea of a working directory –Files are referenced relative to the working
•Example: cwd = /home/kevine .profile = /home/kevine/.profile

Relative and Absolute Pathnames
•Absolute pathname
–A path specified from the root of the file system to the file
•A Relative pathname
–A pathname specified from the cwd
•Note: ‘.’ (dot) and ‘..’ (dotdot) refer to current and parent directory
Example: cwd = /home/kevine
/etc/passwd ../kevine/../.././etc/passwd Are all the same file

• • • •
Create Delete Opendir Closedir
● ● ● ●
Readdir Rename Link
Typical Directory Operations

Nice properties of UNIX naming
•Simple, regular format
–Names referring to different servers, objects, etc., have the same syntax.
•Regular tools can be used where specialised tools would be otherwise be needed.
•Location independent
–Objects can be distributed or migrated, and continue with the same names.
Where is /home/kevine/.profile? You only need to know the name!

An example of a bad naming convention
•From, Rob Pike and Peter Weinberger, “The Hideous Name”, Bell Labs TR

File Sharing
•In multiuser system, allow files to be shared among users
•Two issues
–Access rights
–Management of simultaneous access

Access Rights
–User may not know of the existence of the file
–User is not allowed to read the directory that includes the file
–User can only determine that the file exists and who its owner is

Access Rights
–The user can load and execute a program but cannot copy it
–The user can read the file for any purpose, including copying and execution
–The user can add data to the file but cannot modify or delete any of the file’s contents

Access Rights
–The user can modify, delete, and add to the file’s data. This includes creating the file, rewriting it, and removing all or part of the data
•Changing protection
–User can change access rights granted to other users
–User can delete the file

Access Rights
–Has all rights previously listed
–May grant rights to others using the following classes of users
•Specific user •User groups
•All for public files

Simultaneous Access
•Most OSes provide mechanisms for users to manage concurrent access to files
–Example: flock(), lockf(), system calls
–User may lock entire file when it is to be updated
–User may lock the individual records (i.e. ranges) during the update
•Mutual exclusion and deadlock are issues for shared access