程序代写代做 algorithm C cache clock data structure flex assembly kernel arm Virtual Memory II

Virtual Memory II

Learning Outcomes
• An understanding of TLB refill:
– in general,
– and as implemented on the R3000
• An understanding of demand-paged virtual memory in depth, including:
– Locality and working sets
– Page replacement algorithms – Thrashing

TLB Recap
• Fast associative cache of page table entries
– Contains a subset of the page table
– What happens if required entry for translation is not present (a TLB miss)?

TLB Recap
• TLB may or may not be under OS control
– Hardware-loaded TLB
• On miss, hardware performs PT lookup and reloads TLB
• Example: Pentium
– Software-loaded TLB
• On miss, hardware generates a TLB miss exception, and exception handler reloads TLB
• Example: MIPS

Aside: even if filled by software
• TLB still a hardware-based translator

R3000 TLB Handling
• TLB refill is handled by software
– An exception handler
• TLBrefillexceptions accessing kuseg are expected to be frequent
– CPU optimised for handling kuseg TLB refills by having a special exception handler just for TLB refills
0xC0000000 0xA0000000

Exception Vectors
Special exception vector for kuseg TLB refills

Special Exception Vector
• Can be optimised for TLB refill only
– Does not need to check the exception type
– Does not need to save any registers
• It uses a specialised assembly routine that only uses k0 and k1.
– Does not check if PTE exists
• Assumes virtual linear array – see extended OS notes (if interested)
• With careful data structure choice, exception handler can be made very fast
• An example routine
mfc0 k1,C0_CONTEXT
mfc0 k0,C0_EPC # mfc0 delay
# slot
lw k1,0(k1) # may double
# fault (k0 = orig EPC)
mtc0 k1,C0_ENTRYLO
jr k0

MIPS VM Related Exceptions
• TLB refill
– Handled via special exception vector – Needs to be very fast
• Others handled by the general exception vector
– TLB Mod
• TLB modify exception, attempt to write to a read-only page
– TLB Load
• Attempt it load from a page with an invalid translation
– TLB Store
• Attempt to store to a page with an invalid translation
– Note: these can be slower as they are mostly either caused by an error, or non-resident page.
• We never optimise for errors, and page-loads from disk dominate the fault resolution cost.

Amdahl’s law
• States that overall performance improvement is limited by the fraction of time an enhancement can be used
Law of diminishing returns

fraction in enhanced mode = 0.5 (based on old system) Speedup of enhanced mode = 2

Amdahl’s law
• States that overall performance improvement is limited by the fraction of time an enhancement can be used
Speedup  ExecutionTimeWithoutEnhancement ExecutionTimeWithEnhancement

• c0_EPC
c0 Registers
– The address of where to restart after the exception
• c0_status
– Kernel/User Mode bits, Interrupt control
• c0_cause
– What caused the exception
• c0_badvaddr
– The address of the fault

The TLB and EntryHi,EntryLo
c0 Registers
Used to read and write individual TLB entries
Each TLB entry contains
• EntryHi to match page# and ASID
•EntryLo which contains frame# and protection

c0 Registers
• N=Notcacheable
• D = Dirty = Write protect
• G = Global (ignore ASID in lookup)
• V=validbit
• •
64 TLB entries
Accessed via software through Cooprocessor 0 registers
– EntryHi and EntryLo

c0 Index Register
• Used as an index to TLB entries
– Single TLB entries are manipulated/viewed through EntryHi and EntryLo0 registers
– Index register specifies which TLB entry to change/view

Special TLB management Instructions
– TLB read
• EntryHi and EntryLo are loaded from the entry pointer to by the index register.
– TLB probe
– Set EntryHi to the entry you wish to match, index register is loaded with the index to the matching entry
– Write EntryHi and EntryLo to a psuedo-random location in the
– Write EntryHi and EntryLo to the location in the TLB pointed to by the Index register.

Cooprocessor 0 registers on a refill exception
c0.EPC  PC
c0.cause.ExcCode  TLBL ; if read fault c0.cause.ExcCode  TLBS ; if write fault c0.BadVaddr  faulting address
c0.EntryHi.VPN  page number of faulting address c0.status  kernel mode, interrupts disabled. c0.PC  0x8000 0000

Outline of TLB miss handling
• Software does:
– Look up PTE corresponding to the faulting address
– If found:
• load c0_EntryLo with translation
• load TLB using TLBWR instruction • return from exception
– Else, page fault
• TheTLBentry(i.e.c0_EntryLo)canbe:
– (theoretically) created on the fly, or
– stored completely in the right format in page table • more efficient

OS/161 Refill Handler
• After switch to kernel stack, it simply calls the common exception handler
– Stacks all registers
– Can (and does) call ‘C’ code
– Unoptimised
– Goal is ease of kernel programming, not efficiency
• Does not have a page table
– It uses the 64 TLB entries and then panics when it runs out.
• Only support 256K user-level address space

Demand Paging/Segmentation

• •
Demand Paging/Segmentation
With VM, only parts of the program image need to be resident in memory for execution.
Can transfer presently unused pages/segments to disk
Reload non-resident pages/segment on demand.
– Reload is triggered by a page or segment fault
– Faulting process is blocked and another scheduled
– When page/segment is resident, faulting process is restarted
– May require freeing up memory first
• Replace current resident page/segment
• How determine replacement “victim”?
– If victim is unmodified (“clean”) can simply discard it
• This is reason for maintaining a “dirty” bit in the PT

• Why does demand paging/segmentation work?
– Program executes at full speed only when accessing the resident set.
– TLB misses introduce delays of several microseconds
– Page/segment faults introduce delays of several milliseconds
– Why do it?
• Answer
– Less physical memory required per process • Can fit more processes in memory
• Improved chance of finding a runnable one
– Principle of locality

Principle of Locality
• Animportantobservationcomesfromempirical studies of the properties of programs.
– Programs tend to reuse data and instructions they have used recently.
– 90/10 rule
“A program spends 90% of its time in 10% of its code”
• Wecanexploitthislocalityofreferences
• Animplicationoflocalityisthatwecan reasonably predict what instructions and data a program will use in the near future based on its accesses in the recent past.

• Two different types of locality have been observed:
– Temporal locality: states that recently accessed items are likely to be accessed in the near future.
– Spatial locality: says that items whose addresses are near one another tend to be referenced close together in time.

Locality In A Memory-Reference Pattern

Working Set
• The pages/segments required by an application in a time window ( )is called its memory working set.
• Working set is an approximation of a programs’ locality – if  too small will not encompass entire locality.
– if  too large will encompass several localities.
– if  =   will encompass entire program.
– ’s size is an application specific tradeoff
• System should keep resident at least a process’s working set
– Process executes while it remains in its working set
• Working set tends to change gradually
• Get only a few page/segment faults during a time window
• Possible (but hard) to make intelligent guesses about which pieces will be needed in the future
– May be able to pre-fetch page/segments

Working Set Example


• CPU utilisation tends to increase with the degree of multiprogramming
– number of processes in system
• Higher degrees of multiprogramming – less memory available per process
• Some process’s working sets may no longer fit in RAM – Implies an increasing page fault rate
• Eventually many processes have insufficient memory – Can’t always find a runnable process
– Decreasing CPU utilisation
– System become I/O limited
• This is called thrashing.

• Whydoesthrashingoccur?
 working set sizes > total physical memory size 31

Recovery From Thrashing
• In the presence of increasing page fault frequency and decreasing CPU utilisation
– Suspend a few processes to reduce degree of multiprogramming
– Resident pages of suspended processes will migrate to backing store
– More physical memory becomes available
• Less faults, faster progress for runnable processes
– Resume suspended processes later when memory pressure eases

What is the difference?
/* reset array */
int array[10000][10000];
int i,j;
for (i = 0; i < 10000; i++) { Array[a][b] b a for (j = 0; j < 10000;j ++) { array[i][j] = 0; /* array[j][i] = 0 */ } } 33 VM Management Policies 34 VM Management Policies • OperationandperformanceofVMsystemis dependent on a number of policies: – Page table format (may be dictated by hardware) • Multi-level • Inverted/Hashed – Page size (may be dictated by hardware) – Fetch Policy – Replacement policy – Resident set size • Minimum allocation • Local versus global allocation – Page cleaning policy 35 Page Size Increasing page size  Increases internal fragmentation  reduces adaptability to working set size  Decreases number of pages  Reduces size of page tables  Increases TLB coverage  Reduces number of TLB misses  Increases page fault latency  Need to read more from disk before restarting process  Increases swapping I/O throughput  Small I/O are dominated by seek/rotation delays  Optimal page size is a (work-load dependent) trade-off. 36 Working Set Size Generally Increases with Increasing Page Size: True/False? 37 Atlas 512 words (48-bit) Honeywell/Multics 1K words (36-bit) IBM 370/XA 4K bytes DEC VAX 512 bytes IBM AS/400 512 bytes Intel Pentium 4K and 4M bytes ARM 4K and 64K bytes MIPS R4000 4k – 16M bytes in powers of 4 DEC Alpha 8K -4Mbytesinpowersof8 UltraSPARC 8K – 4M bytes in powers of 8 PowerPC 4K bytes + “blocks” Intel IA-64 4K – 256M bytes in powers of 4 38 Page Size • Multiple page sizes provide flexibility to optimise the use of the TLB • Example: – Large page sizes can be use for code – Small page size for thread stacks • Most operating systems support only a single page size – Dealing with multiple page sizes is hard! 39 Fetch Policy • Determines when a page should be brought into memory – Demand paging only loads pages in response to page faults • Many page faults when a process first starts – Pre-paging brings in more pages than needed at the moment • Improves I/O performance by reading in larger chunks • Pre-fetch when disk is idle • Wastes I/O bandwidth if pre-fetched pages aren’t used • Especially bad if we eject pages in working set in order to pre-fetch unused pages. • Hard to get right in practice. 40 Replacement Policy K T S L F E D C B A Page fault on page 14, physical memory full, which page should we evict? T L A K D F C B C S Disk Virtual Memory Physical Address Space 41 Replacement Policy • Which page is chosen to be tossed out? – Page removed should be the page least likely to be references in the near future – Most policies attempt to predict the future behaviour on the basis of past behaviour • Constraint:lockedframes – Kernel code – Main kernel data structure – I/O buffers – Performance-critical user-pages (e.g. for DBMS) • Frame table has a lock (or pinned) bit 42 Optimal Replacement policy • Tossthepagethatwon’tbeusedforthelongest time • Impossibletoimplement • Only good as a theoretic reference point: – The closer a practical algorithm gets to optimal, the better • Example: – Referencestring:1,2,3,4,1,2,5,1,2,3,4,5 – Four frames – How many page faults? 43 FIFO Replacement Policy • First-in, first-out: Toss the oldest page – Easy to implement – Age of a page is isn’t necessarily related to usage • Example: – Reference string: 1,2,3,4,1,2,5,1,2,3,4,5 – Four frames 44 Least Recently Used (LRU) • Tosstheleastrecentlyusedpage – Assumes that page that has not been referenced for a long time is unlikely to be referenced in the near future – Will work if locality holds – Implementation requires a time stamp to be kept for each page, updated on every reference – Impossible to implement efficiently – Most practical algorithms are approximations of LRU 45 Clock Page Replacement • Clock policy, also called second chance – Employs a usage or reference bit in the frame table. – Set to one when page is used – While scanning for a victim, reset all the reference bits – Toss the first page with a zero reference bit. 46 Assume a page fault on page 727 Issue • How do we know when a page is referenced? • Use the valid bit in the PTE: – When a page is mapped (valid bit set), set the reference bit – When resetting the reference bit, invalidate the PTE entry – On page fault • Turn on valid bit in PTE • Turn on reference bit • We thus simulate a reference bit in software 50 Simulated Reference Bit State: Page not referenced Uses “spare” bits in page table (ignored by hardware), or bit in frame table Ref. and valid bit reset by Clock algorithm Frame# R=0 W V=0 Page fault on access, fault handler sets Ref. and Valid bit. Frame# R=1 W V=1 State: Page referenced 51 Hardware Reference Bit State: Page not referenced Frame# R=0 W V=1 Page Accessed Ref. bit reset by Clock algorithm Frame# R=1 W V=1 State: Page referenced 52 • Performance It terms of selecting the most appropriate replacement, they rank as follows 1. Optimal 2. LRU 3. Clock 4. FIFO Note there are other algorithms (Working Set, – WSclock, Ageing, NFU, NRU) – We don’t expect you to know them in this course 53 Resident Set Size • How many frames should each process have? – Fixed Allocation • Gives a process a fixed number of pages within which to execute. • Isolates process memory usage from each other • When a page fault occurs, one of the pages of that process must be replaced. • Achieving high utilisation is an issue. – Some processes have high fault rate while others don’t use their allocation. – Variable Allocation • Number of pages allocated to a process varies over the lifetime of the process 54 Variable Allocation, Global Scope – Easiest to implement – Adopted by many operating systems – Operating system keeps global list of free frames – Free frame is added to resident set of process when a page fault occurs – If no free frame, replaces one from any process • Pro/Cons – Automatic balancing across system – Does not provide guarantees for important activities 55 Variable Allocation, Local Scope • Allocate number of page frames to a new process based on – Application type – Programrequest – Other criteria (priority) • When a page fault occurs, select a page from among the resident set of the process that suffers the page fault • Re-evaluate allocation from time to time! 56 Page-Fault Frequency Scheme • Establish“acceptable”page-faultrate. – If actual rate too low, process loses frame. – If actual rate too high, process gains frame. 57 Cleaning Policy • Observation – Clean pages are much cheaper to replace than dirty pages • Demand cleaning – A page is written out only when it has been selected for replacement – High latency between the decision to replace and availability of free frame. • Precleaning – Pages are written out in batches (in the background, the pagedaemon) – Increases likelihood of replacing clean frames – Overlap I/O with current activity 58