程序代写代做 algorithm compiler computer architecture interpreter C data structure concurrency file system assembly Welcome to OS @ UNSW

Welcome to OS @ UNSW
COMP3231/9201/3891/9283 (Extended) Operating Systems Dr. Kevin Elphinstone

System Software Structure
Compiled C Code
System Libraries System Calls
Operating System

Python Code
Python Libraries
Python Compiler and Interpreter
System Libraries
System Calls
Operating System

Major OS Topics
Processes and Threads
Memory and Virtual Memory Management
Concurrency and Deadlock
Operating System
File Systems Scheduling

Why Learn Operating Systems?
• Understand the whole software stack
• Develop OS code
• Develop concurrent code
• Application performance
• Understand operating system behaviour and how best to interface with it.
• Diagnose system performance issues.
Compiled C Code
System Libraries
System Calls
Operating System

How will we learn about Operating Systems?
• Introduce OS theory and case studies
• Re-enforce theory
• Provide guidance on the assignments
• Opportunity to write real OS code
• OS/161 is a simplified UNIX-clone intended for teaching
• Consist of the following
• Warm-up exercise
• Concurrency and synchronisation
• OS Structure involving system calls and file system
• Memory management

Intended schedule*
• Lectures
• Weeks 1-5, 7-9
• Tutorials
• Weeks 2-10
• Assignments
• ASST0 – Week 4 (Coronavirus)
• ASST1 – Week 4
• ASST2 – Week 7
• ASST3 – Week 10/11
* Subject to change

Overview of Course Outline

• COMPXXXX Data structures and algorithms
• Stacks, queues, hash tables, lists, trees, heaps,….
• COMPXXXX Microprocessor and Interfacing or Computer Systems Fundamentals
• Assembly programming
• Mapping of high-level procedural language to assembly language • Interrupts

Assumed Knowledge
• Computing Theory and Background
• Basic computer architecture
• CPUs,memory,buses,registers,machineinstructions,interrupts/exceptions.
• Common CS algorithms and data structures
• Linkslists,arrays,hashing,trees,sorting,searching…
• Ability to read assembly language
• Exposure to programming using low-level systems calls (e.g. reading and
writing files)
• Practical computing background
• Capable UNIX command line users
• Familiar with the git revision control system
• Competent C programmers
• Understandpointers,pointerarithmetic,functionpointers,memoryallocation(malloc()) • ThedominantlanguageforOS(andembeddedsystems)implementation.
• Comfortable navigating around a large-ish existing code base. • Able to debug an implementation.

Why does this fail?
void set(int *x)
*x = 1; }
void thingy()
int *a;
printf(“%d %d\n”,*a);
Operating System Coding

Why does this fail?
void set(int *x)
*x = 1; }
void thingy()
int a;
printf(“%d %d\n”,a);

• Common for all courses (3231/3891/9201/9283)
• The lecture notes will be available on the course web site • http://www.cse.unsw.edu.au/~cs3231
• Available prior to lectures, when possible.
• Slide numbers for note taking, when not.
• The lecture notes and textbook are NOT a substitute for attending lectures.
• Video might be…..
• Will attempt to have “video” available, baring technical hitches.
• Echo360 is a backup

Extended OS Comp3891/9283
Starts in week 2
• A combination of:
• Examination of topics in more depth
• Looking at research in areas (past/present) • OS/161 internals in more depth
• Stuff that used to fit 
• Separate Assessment
• 80%-ish of final exam common with base course
• 20%-ish targeted to extended students
• Advanced assignment components part of the assessment
• Assumes the tutorials are not challenging enough
• Effectively replaces the tutorial with extra interactive lecture.

• Start in week 2
• Attendance is strongly recommended
• but not marked.
• Tutorial questions cover a broad range of examples
• Answers available online the week after.
• Use the tutorial to focus where needed
• Review the questions beforehand
• We’ll experiment with prioritising with online polls or similar

• Assignments form a substantial component of your assessment.
• They are challenging!!!!
• Because operating systems are challenging
• We will be using OS/161,
• an educational operating system
• developed by the Systems Group At Harvard • With local changes.
• It contains roughly 20,000 lines of code and comments • Comments are part of the documentation

• Don’t underestimate the time needed to do the assignments.
• 80% is understanding • 20% programming
• Avoid
• 1% understanding • 9% programming • 90% debugging
• If you start a couple days before they are due, you will be late.
• To encourage you to start early,
• Bonus 2% of awarded mark per day early, capped at 10% • See course outline for exact details
• Read the fine print!!!!

Assignment Submission Times
60 50 40 30 20
14.4 10
16% late
Historical Assignment Submission Statistics
Percentage of Students
1.6 1
1 3 2.8
2.4 1.2 1.6 0.8 0.7 1.1 3
-8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Relative submission day

• Late penalty
• 4% of total assignment value per day • Assignmentisworth20%
• Youget18,andare2dayslate
• Finalmark=18–(20*0.04*2)=16(16.4)
• Assignments are only accepted up to one week late. >5 days = 0

• Warmup assignment (ASST0) • Done individually
• AvailableNOW!!!!
• ASST2 and ASST3 are in pairs
• Info on how to pair up available soon
• Additionally, advanced versions of the assignment 2 & 3
• Available bonus marks are small compared to amount of effort required.
• Student should do it for the challenge, not the marks.
• Attempting the advanced component is not a valid excuse for failure to complete the normal component of the assignment
Week 4
Week 4
Week 7
Week 10

Assignment 0
• Warm-up exercise due in week 4
• It’s a warm-up to have you familiarize yourself with the environment and easy marks.
• Practicewithgitrevisioncontrol
• Practicesubmittingasolution
• Practiceusingcodebrowser/editor
• Do not use it as a gauge for judging the difficulty of the following assignments.

Submission test failed. Continue with submission (y/n)? y
• Lazy/careless submitter penalty: 15%
• Submitted the wrong assignment version penalty: 15% • Assuming we can validly date the intended version

• To help you with the assignments
• We dedicate a tutorial per-assignment to discuss issues related to the
• Prepare for them!!!!!

Group Work Policy
• Groups of two
• Group members do not have to be in the same tutorial
• Group assignments will be marked as a group • Including ‘groups’ of one.
• Group members are expected to contribute equally to each assignment.
• No “I’ll do the 2nd if you do the 3rd assignment”
• We accept statements of unequal contributions and do adjust marks of the
lessor contributor down.
• Submissions are required to have significant contributions attributable to individual group members.
• E.g.verifiableusingthegitrevisioncontrolsystem

• We take cheating seriously!!!
• We systematically check for plagiarised code
• Penalties are generally enough to make it difficult to pass
• We can google as easy as you can
• Some solutions are wrong
• Some are greater scope than required at UNSW
• You do more than required
• Makes your assignment stick out as a potential plagiarism case
• We do vary UNSW requirements

• There is NO mid-session
• The final written exam is 2 hours
• Supplementary exam are available according to UNSW & school policy, not as a second chance.
• Medical or other special consideration only

• Exam Mark Component • Maxmarkof100
• Based solely on the final exam
• Class Mark Component • Maxmarkof100
• 100% Assignments
* Course outline is authoritative.

• The final assessment is a weighted geometric mean of 60% exam (E) and 40% class (C) component.
• Additionally, minimum of 40 required in exam (E) and class (C) components to pass.

• You need to perform reasonably consistently in both exam and class components.
• Geometric mean only has significant effect with significant variation.
• Reserve the right to moderate marks, and moderate courses individually
if required.
• Warning: We have not moderated marks in the past.

• Andrew Tanenbaum, Modern Operating Systems, 3rd/4th Edition, Prentice Hall

• A. Silberschatz and P.B. Galvin, Operating System Concepts, 5th, 6th, or 7th edition, Addison Wesley
• William Stallings, Operating Systems: Internals and Design Principles, 4th or 5th edition, Prentice Hall.
• A. Tannenbaum, A. Woodhull, Operating Systems–Design and Implementation, 2nd edition Prentice Hall
• John O’Gorman, Operating Systems, MacMillan, 2000
• Uresh Vahalla, UNIX Internals: The New Frontiers, Prentice Hall, 1996
• McKusick et al., The Design and Implementation of the 4.4 BSD Operating System, Addison Wesley, 1996

Piazza Forums
• Forum for Q/A about assignments and course • Ask questions there for the benefit of everybody
• Share your knowledge for the benefit of your peers • Look there before asking
• https://piazza.com/
• Longer link on class web page
• YouwillhavereceivedaninvitefromthemtoyourUNSWemailaddress. • z8888888@unsw.edu.au
• Please join and contribute.
• Youdon’thavetojointhe“PiazzaNetwork” • Youopt-inoropt-outinAccountSettings

You can control volume of Piazza mail
• Select your preferred latency of notification

Piazza Etiquette
Search first!
•You are probably not the first to experience the problem, so see if the question is answered before asking again.
Add to an existing post if directly related
•If you are experiencing a variant of the same issue, add to an existing post.
Start a new post for a separate issue
•Try to have an accurate title
•Avoid adding an unrelated question to a hot topic because you just happen to be there when you had the thought. It makes it hard to find for others.
Avoid bitmaps (screenshots)
•Bitmaps are not searchable so you limit the chances of fellow students finding your post, and indirectly make us less enthusiastic about providing a detailed answer to your non- searchable post.
Provide some context
•Cut-n-paste the error if appropriate, and include the preceding output to provide a chance for others to understand what is going on. Mention the OS/machine/environment your using if it’s not clear from the cut-n-paste.
Mark follow-ups resolved if they are!
•Don’t leave follow-ups unresolved if you have fixed your issue.
Leave follow-ups unresolved if they are!
•I filter using ‘unresolved’ to find outstanding issues, I won’t find them unless they are marked unresolved.
You’re very welcome to post if you know the answer to an issue.
•The course staff do not have a monopoly on answers, nor do we monitor the forum 24hrs a day. A quick answer can make somebody’s day (or at least avoid wasting it). A responsive forum can be an awesome resource for the entire course.

Enforcing standards
• Don’t be offended if we move your post to the “sin bin” • Simply post again following the guide

• Questions should be directed to the forum.
• Admin and Personal queries can be directed to the class account cs3231@cse.unsw.edu.au
• Don’t PM me in Piazza
• We reserve the right to ignore email sent directly to us (including tutors) if it should have been directed to the forum.
• Consultation Times
• See course web site.
• Must email (cs3231@cse) at least an hour in advance and show up on time.
• If we get at least one email, we’ll run the consult.

What next?