程序代写代做 graph GPU c/c++ clock cuda C cache algorithm compiler data structure assembly kernel Parallel Programming

Parallel Programming
N-Body Simulation in CUDA
Slides based on Martin Burtscher’s tutorial https://userweb.cs.txstate.edu/~burtscher/research/ECL-BH/

• Review: GPU programming • N-body example
• Porting and tuning

CUDA Programming Model
• Non-graphics programming
– Uses GPU as massively parallel co-processor
CPU PCI-Express GPU bus
• SIMT(single-instruction multiple-threads) model
– Thousands of threads neededforfullefficiency
• C/C++ with extensions – Function launch
• Calling functions on GPU – Memory management
• GPU memory allocation, copying data to/from GPU
– Declaration qualifiers
• Device, shared, local, etc.
– Special instructions • Barriers, fences, etc.
– Keywords
• threadIdx,blockIdx

Calling GPU Kernels
• KernelsarefunctionsthatrunontheGPU
– Callable by CPU code
– CPU can continue processing while GPU runs kernel
KernelName<<>>(arg1, arg2, …);
• Launchconfiguration(programmerselectable)
– GPU spawns m blocks of n threads per block (i.e., m*n threads total) that run a copy of the same function
– Normal function parameters: passed conventionally • Different address space

GPU Architecture
• GPUs consist of Streaming Multiprocessors (SMs)
– 1 to 30 SMs per chip (run blocks)
• SMs contain Processing Elements (PEs)
– 8, 32, or 192 PEs per SM (run threads)
Shared Memory
Shared Memory
Shared Memory
Shared Memory
Shared Memory
Shared Memory
Shared Memory
Shared Memory
Adapted from NVIDIA
Global Memory

Block Scalability
• Hardware can assign blocks to SMs in any order
– A kernel with enough blocks scales across GPUs – Not all blocks may be resident at the same time
GPU with 2 SMs
GPU with 4 SMs
Block 0
Block 1
Block 2
Block 3
Block 4
Block 5
Block 6
Block 7
Block 0
Block 1
Block 2
Block 3
Block 4
Block 5
Block 6
Block 7
Block 0
Block 1
Block 2
Block 3
Block 4
Block 5
Block 6
Block 7
Adapted from NVIDIA

GPU Memories
• Separate from CPU memory
– CPU can access GPU’s global & constant mem. via PCIe bus
– Requires slow explicit transfer
• Visible GPU memory types – Registers (per thread)
– Local mem. (per thread) – Shared mem. (per block)
• Software-controlled cache – Global mem. (per kernel) – Constant mem. (read only)
Block (0, 0)
Block (1, 0)
Shared Memory (SRAM)
Shared Memory (SRAM)
Registers Registers
Registers Registers
Thread (0, 0)
Thread (1, 0)
Global + Local Memory (DRAM)
Thread (0, 0)
Thread (1, 0)
Constant Memory (DRAM, cached)
Adapted from NVIDIA

SM Internals (Fermi and Kepler)
• Caches
– Software-controlled shared memory
– Hardware-controlled incoherent L1 data cache
– 64 kB combined size, can be split 16/48, 32/32, 48/16
• Synchronizationsupport
– Fast hardware barrier within block (__syncthreads()) – Fence instructions: memory consistency & coherency
• Specialoperations
– Thread voting (warp-based reduction operations)

Memory Fence Functions
• void __threadfence_block();
– ensures that:
– All writes to all memory made by the calling thread before the call to __threadfence_block() are observed by all threads in the block of the calling thread as occurring before all writes to all memory made by the calling thread after the call to __threadfence_block();
– All reads from all memory made by the calling thread before the call to __threadfence_block() are ordered before all reads from all memory made by the calling thread after the call to __threadfence_block().

Memory Fence Functions (2) • void __threadfence();
– acts as __threadfence_block() for all threads in the block of the calling thread and also ensures that no writes to all memory made by the calling thread after the call to __threadfence() are observed by any thread in the device as occurring before any write to all memory made by the calling thread before the call to __threadfence().
– Note that for this ordering guarantee to be true, the observing threads must truly observe the memory and not cached versions of it; this is ensured by using the volatile keyword for the memory variable

Memory Fence Functions (3) • void __threadfence_system();
– acts as __threadfence_block() for all threads in the block of the calling thread and also ensures that all writes to all memory made by the calling thread before the call to __threadfence_system() are observed by all threads in the device, host threads, and all threads in peer devices as occurring before all writes to all memory made by the calling thread after the call to __threadfence_system().

• •
Warp Voting Functions int __all_sync(unsigned mask, int predicate);
– Evaluate predicate for all non-exited threads in mask and return non-zero if and only if predicate evaluates to non-zero for all of them.
int __any_sync(unsigned mask, int predicate); unsigned __ballot_sync(unsigned mask, int predicate);
– Evaluate predicate for all non-exited threads in mask and return an integer whose Nth bit is set if and only if predicate evaluates to non-zero for the Nth thread of the warp and the Nth thread is active.
unsigned __activemask();
– Returns a 32-bit integer mask of all currently active threads in the calling warp. The Nth bit is set if the Nth lane in the warp is active when __activemask() is called.


• •
Blocks assigned to SMs • – Until first limit reached
Threads assigned to PEs
SM 0 SM 1
Hardware limits
– 8/16 active blocks/SM
– 1024, 1536, or 2048 resident threads/SM
– 512 or 1024 threads/blk
– 16k, 32k, or 64k regs/SM
– 16 kB or 48 kB shared memory per SM
– 216-1 or 231-1 blks/kernel
Block and Thread Allocation Limits
t0 t1 t2 … tm
t0 t1 t2 … tm
Shared Memory
Shared Memory
Adapted from NVIDIA

Warp-based Execution
• 32 contiguous threads form a warp
– Execute same instruction in same cycle (or disabled)
– Warps are scheduled out-of-order with respect to each other to hide latencies
• Threaddivergence
– Some threads in warp jump to different PC than others – Hardware runs subsets of warp until they re-converge – Results in reduction of parallelism (performance loss)

• Non-divergentcode
if (threadID >= 32) { some_code;
} else { other_code;
• Divergentcode
if (threadID >= 13) { some_code;
} else { other_code;
Thread ID: 0123… 31
Thread ID: 0123… 31
Adapted from NVIDIA
Adapted from NVIDIA
Thread Divergence

Parallel Memory Accesses • Coalesced main memory access
– Under some conditions, HW combines multiple (half) warp memory accesses into a single coalesced access
• Bank-conflict-free shared memory access
– No superword alignment or contiguity requirements

Warnings for GPU Programming
• GPUs can only execute some types of code fast
– Need lots of data parallelism, data reuse, & regularity
• GPUs are harder to program and tune than CPUs
– poor tool support
– architecture
– poor support for irregular code

N-body Simulation
• Time evolution of physical system – System consists of bodies
– “n” is the number of bodies
– Bodies interact via pair-wise forces
• Many systems can be modeled in this way – Star/galaxy clusters (gravitational force)
– Particles (electric force, magnetic force)

Simple N-body Algorithm
• Algorithm
Initialize body masses, positions, and velocities
Iterate over time steps {
Accumulate forces acting on each body
Update body positions and velocities based on force
Output result
• More sophisticated n-body algorithms exist – Barnes Hut algorithm
– Fast Multipole Method (FMM)

Key Loops (Pseudo Code)
bodySet = …; // input
for timestep do { // sequential
foreach Body b1 in bodySet { // O(n2) parallel foreach Body b2 in bodySet {
if (b1 != b2) { b1.addInteractionForce(b2);
} }
foreach Body b in bodySet { // O(n) parallel
b.Advance(); }
// output result

Force Calculation C Code
struct Body {
float mass, posx, posy, posz; // mass and 3D position
float velx, vely, velz, accx, accy, accz; // 3D velocity & accel
} *body;
for (i = 0; i < nbodies; i++) { ... for (j = 0; j < nbodies; j++) { if (i != j) { dx = body[j].posx - px; // delta x dy = body[j].posy - py; // delta y dz = body[j].posz - pz; // delta z dsq = dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz; // distance squared dinv = 1.0f / sqrtf(dsq + epssq); // inverse distance scale = body[j].mass * dinv * dinv * dinv; // scaled force ax += dx * scale; // accumulate x contribution of accel ay+=dy*scale; az+=dz*scale;//dittoforyandz } } ... 21 N-body Algorithm Suitability for GPU • Lots of data parallelism – Force calculations are independent – Should be able to keep SMs and PEs busy • Sufficientmemoryaccessregularity – All force calculations access body data in same order – Should have lots of coalesced memory accesses • Sufficientcoderegularity – All force calculations are identical – There should be little thread divergence • Plentyofdatareuse – O(n2) operations on O(n) data – CPU/GPU transfer time is insignificant 22 C to CUDA Conversion • Two CUDA kernels – Force calculation – Advance position and velocity • Benefits – Force calculation requires over 99.9% of runtime • Primary target for acceleration – Advancing kernel unimportant to runtime • But allows to keep data on GPU during entire simulation • Minimizes GPU/CPU transfers 23 C to CUDA Conversion __global__ void ForceCalcKernel(int nbodies, struct Body *body, ...) { ... } __global__ void AdvancingKernel(int nbodies, struct Body *body, ...) { ... } int main(...) { Body *body, *bodyl; ... cudaMalloc((void**)&bodyl, sizeof(Body)*nbodies); cudaMemcpy(bodyl, body, sizeof(Body)*nbodies, cuda...HostToDevice); for (timestep = ...) { ForceCalcKernel<<<1, 1>>>(nbodies, bodyl, …);
AdvancingKernel<<<1, 1>>>(nbodies, bodyl, …); }
cudaMemcpy(body, bodyl, sizeof(Body)*nbodies, cuda…DeviceToHost); cudaFree(bodyl);


Evaluation Methodology • Systemsandcompilers
– CC 1.3: Quadro FX 5800, nvcc 3.2
• 30 SMs, 240 PEs, 1.3 GHz, 30720 resident threads
– CC 2.0: Tesla C2050, nvcc 3.2
• 14 SMs, 448 PEs, 1.15 GHz, 21504 resident threads
– CC 3.0: GeForce GTX 680, nvcc 4.2
• 8 SMs, 1536 PEs, 1.0 GHz, 16384 resident threads
• Inputandmetric
– 1k, 10k, or 100k star clusters (Plummer model)
– Median runtime of three experiments, excluding I/O

1-Thread Performance
• Problemsize
– n=10000, step=1
– n=10000, step=1 – n=3000, step=1
• Slowdown rel. to CPU – CC 1.3: 72.4
– CC 2.0: 36.7 – CC 3.0: 68.1
(Note: comparing different GPUs to different CPUs)
• Performance
– 1 thread is one to two orders of magnitude slower on GPU than CPU
• Reasons
– No caches (CC 1.3)
– Not superscalar
– Slower clock frequency – No SMT latency hiding

Using N Threads
• Approach
– Eliminate outer loop
– Instantiate n copies of inner loop, one per body
• Threading
– Blocks can only hold 512 or 1024 threads
• Up to 8/16 blocks can be resident in an SM at a time
• SM can hold 1024, 1536, or 2048 threads
• Use 256 threads per block (works for all three GPUs)
– Need multiple blocks
• Last block may not need all of its threads

Using N Threads
__global__ void ForceCalcKernel(int nbodies, struct Body *body, …) {
for (i = 0; i < nbodies; i++) { i = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x; // compute i if (i < nbodies) { // in case last block is only partially used for (j = ...) { ... } } } __global__ void AdvancingKernel(int nbodies,...) // same changes #define threads 256 int main(...) { ... int blocks = (nbodies + threads - 1) / threads; // compute block cnt for (timestep = ...) { ForceCalcKernel<<<1, 1blocks, threads>>>(nbodies, bodyl, …);
AdvancingKernel<<<1, 1blocks, threads>>>(nbodies, bodyl, …); }

• Relative to 1 GPU thread – CC 1.3: 7781 (240 PEs)
– CC 2.0: 6495 (448 PEs)
– CC 3.0: 12150 (1536 PEs)
• Relative to 1 CPU thread – CC 1.3: 107.5
– CC 2.0: 176.7
– CC 3.0: 176.2
• Performance
– Speedup much higher than number of PEs
(32, 14.5, and 7.9 times)
– Due to SMT latency hiding • Per-coreperformance
– CPU core delivers up to 4.4, 5, and 8.7 times as much performance as a GPU core (PE)
N Thread Speedup

Using Scalar Arrays
• Data structure conversion
– Arrays of structs are bad for coalescing
– Bodies’ elements (e.g., mass fields) are not
• Optimize data structure
– Use multiple scalar arrays, one per field (need 10) – Results in code bloat but often much better speed
structs in array
scalar arrays

Using Scalar Arrays
__global__ void ForceCalcKernel(int nbodies, float *mass, …) { // change all “body[k].blah” to “blah[k]”
__global__ void AdvancingKernel(int nbodies, float *mass, …) {
// change all “body[k].blah” to “blah[k]”
int main(…) {
float *mass, *posx, *posy, *posz, *velx, *vely, *velz, *accx, *accy,*accz; float *massl, *posxl, *posyl, *poszl, *velxl, *velyl, *velzl, …;
mass = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float) * nbodies); // etc

cudaMalloc((void**)&massl, sizeof(float)*nbodies); // etc cudaMemcpy(massl, mass, sizeof(float)*nbodies, cuda…HostToDevice); // etc for (timestep = …) {
ForceCalcKernel<<>>(nbodies, massl, posxl, …);
AdvancingKernel<<>>(nbodies, massl, posxl, …); }
cudaMemcpy(mass, massl, sizeof(float)*nbodies, cuda…DeviceToHost); // etc
… }

• Problemsize
– n=100000, step=1 – n=100000, step=1 – n=300000, step=1
• Relativetostruct – CC 1.3: 0.83
– CC 2.0: 0.96 – CC 3.0: 0.82
• Performance
– Threads access same memory locations, not adjacent ones
• Always combined but not really coalesced access
– Slowdowns may be due to DRAM page/TLB misses
• Scalararrays
– Still needed (see later)
Scalar Array Speedup

Constant Kernel Parameters
• Kernel parameters
– Lots of parameters due to scalar arrays
– All but one parameter never change their value
• Constant memory
– “Pass” parameters only once
– Copy them into GPU’s constant memory
• Performance implications
– Reduced parameter passing overhead – Constant memory has hardware cache

Constant Kernel Parameters
__constant__ int nbodiesd;
__constant__ float dthfd, epssqd, float *massd, *posxd, …;
__global__ void ForceCalcKernel(int step) {
// rename affected variables (add “d” to name)
__global__ void AdvancingKernel() {
// rename affected variables (add “d” to name)
int main(…) { …
cudaMemcpyToSymbol(massd, &massl, sizeof(void *)); // etc …
for (timestep = …) {
ForceCalcKernel<<<1, 1>>>(step);
AdvancingKernel<<<1, 1>>>();
… }

Constant Mem. Parameter Speedup
• Problemsize
– n=1000, step=10000 – n=1000, step=10000 – n=3000, step=10000
• Speedup
– CC 1.3: 1.015 – CC 2.0: 1.016 – CC 3.0: 0.971
• Performance
– Minimal perf. impact
– May be useful for very short kernels that are often invoked
• Benefit
– Less shared memory
used on CC 1.3 devices

Using the RSQRTF Instruction
• Slowest kernel operation
– Computing one over the square root is very slow
– GPU has slightly imprecise but fast 1/sqrt instruction
(frequently used in graphics code to calculate inverse of distance to a point)
• IEEE floating-point accuracy compliance
– CC 1.x is not entirely compliant
– CC 2.x and above are compliant but also offer faster non-compliant instructions

Using the RSQRT Instruction
for (i = 0; i < nbodies; i++) { ... for (j = 0; j < nbodies; j++) { if (i != j) { dx = body[j].posx - px; dy = body[j].posy - py; dz = body[j].posz - pz; dsq = dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz; dinv = 1.0f / sqrtf(dsq + epssq); dinv = rsqrtf(dsq + epssq); scale = body[j].mass * dinv * dinv * dinv; ax += dx * scale; ay += dy * scale; az += dz * scale; } } ... } 37 • Problemsize – n=100000, step=1 – n=100000, step=1 – n=300000, step=1 • Speedup – CC 1.3: 0.99 – CC 2.0: 1.83 – CC 3.0: 1.64 • Performance – Little change for CC 1.3 • Compiler automatically uses less precise RSQRTF as most FP ops are not fully precise anyhow – 83% speedup for CC 2.0 • Over entire application • Compiler defaults to precise instructions • Explicit use of RSQRTF indicates imprecision okay RSQRT Speedup 38 Using 2 Loops to Avoid If Statement • “if (i != j)” creates code divergence – Break loop into two loops to avoid if statement for (j = 0; j < nbodies; j++) { if (i != j) { dx = body[j].posx - px; dy = body[j].posy - py; dz = body[j].posz - pz; dsq = dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz; dinv = rsqrtf(dsq + epssq); scale = body[j].mass * dinv * dinv * dinv; ax += dx * scale; ay += dy * scale; az += dz * scale; } } 39 Using 2 Loops to Avoid If Statement for (j = 0; j < i; j++) { dx = body[j].posx - px; dy = body[j].posy - py; dz = body[j].posz - pz; dsq = dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz; dinv = rsqrtf(dsq + epssq); scale = body[j].mass * dinv * dinv * dinv; ax += dx * scale; ay += dy * scale; az += dz * scale; } for (j = i+1; j < nbodies; j++) { dx = body[j].posx - px; dy = body[j].posy - py; dz = body[j].posz - pz; dsq = dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz; dinv = rsqrtf(dsq + epssq); scale = body[j].mass * dinv * dinv * dinv; ax += dx * scale; ay += dy * scale; az += dz * scale; } 40 Loop Duplication Speedup • Problemsize – n=100000, step=1 – n=100000, step=1 – n=300000, step=1 • Speedup – CC 1.3: 0.55 – CC 2.0: 1.00 – CC 3.0: 1.00 • Performance – No change for 2.0 & 3.0 • Divergence moved to loop – 45% slowdown for CC 1.3 • Unclear reason • Discussion – Not a useful optimization – Code bloat – A little divergence is okay (only 1 in 3125 iterations) 41 Blocking using Shared Memory • Code is memory bound – Each warp streams in all bodies’ masses and positions • Use shared memory in inner loop – Read block of mass & position info into shared mem – Requires barriers (fast hardware barrier within SM) • Advantage – A lot fewer main memory accesses – Remaining main memory accesses are fully coalesced (due to usage of scalar arrays) 42 Blocking using Shared Memory __shared__ float posxs[threads], posys[threads], poszs[...], masss[...]; j = 0; for (j1 = 0; j1 < nbodiesd; j1 += THREADS) { // first part of loop idx = tid + j1; if (idx < nbodiesd) { // each thread copies 4 words (fully coalesced) posxs[id] = posxd[idx]; posys[id] = posyd[idx]; poszs[id] = poszd[idx]; masss[id] = massd[idx]; } __syncthreads(); // wait for all copying to be done bound = min(nbodiesd - j1, THREADS); for (j2 = 0; j2 < bound; j2++, j++) { // second part of loop if (i != j) { dx = posxs[j2] – px; dy = posys[j2] – py; dz = poszs[j2] - pz; dsq = dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz; dinv = rsqrtf(dsq + epssqd); scale = masss[j2] * dinv * dinv * dinv; ax+=dx*scale; ay+=dy*scale; az+=dz*scale; } } __syncthreads(); // wait for all force calculations to be done } 43 • Problemsize – n=100000, step=1 – n=100000, step=1 – n=300000, step=1 • Speedup – CC 1.3: 3.7 – CC 2.0: 1.1 – CC 3.0: 1.6 • Performance – Great speedup for CC 1.3 – Some speedup for others • Has hardware data cache • Discussion – Very important optimization for memory bound code – Even with L1 cache Blocking Speedup 44 Loop Unrolling • CUDA compiler – Generally good at unrolling loops with fixed bounds – Does not unroll inner loop of our example code • Use pragma to unroll (and pad arrays) #pragma unroll 8 for (j2 = 0; j2 < bound; j2++, j++) { if (i != j) { dx = posxs[j2] – px; dy = posys[j2] – py; dz = poszs[j2] - pz; dsq = dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz; dinv = rsqrtf(dsq + epssqd); scale = masss[j2] * dinv * dinv * dinv; ax+=dx*scale; ay+=dy*scale; az+=dz*scale; } } 45 Loop Unrolling Speedup • Problemsize – n=100000, step=1 – n=100000, step=1 – n=300000, step=1 • Speedup – CC 1.3: 1.07 – CC 2.0: 1.16 – CC 3.0: 1.07 • Performance – Insignificant speedup – All three GPUs • Discussion – Can be useful – May increase register usage, which may lower maximum number of threads per block and result in slowdown 46 CC 2.0 Absolute Performance • Problemsize – n=100000, step=1 • Runtime – 612 ms • FPoperations – 326.7 GFlop/s • Mainmemthroughput – 1.035 GB/s • Not peak performance – Only32%of1030GFlop/s • Peak assumes FMA every cycle – 3 sub (1c), 3 fma (1c), 1 rsqrt (8c), 3 mul (1c), 3 fma (1c) = 20c for 20 Flop – 63% of realistic peak of 515.2 GFlop/s • Assumes no non-FP operations – With int ops = 31c for 20 Flop – 99%ofactualpeakof330.45 GFlop/s 47 Eliminating the If Statement • Algorithmic optimization – Potential softening parameter avoids division by zero – If-statement is not necessary and can be removed • Eliminates thread divergence for (j2 = 0; j2 < bound; j2++, j++) { if (i != j) { dx = posxs[j2] – px; dy = posys[j2] – py; dz = poszs[j2] - pz; dsq = dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz; dinv = rsqrtf(dsq + epssqd); scale = masss[j2] * dinv * dinv * dinv; ax+=dx*scale; ay+=dy*scale; az+=dz*scale; } } 48 If Elimination Speedup • Problemsize – n=100000, step=1 – n=100000, step=1 – n=300000, step=1 • Speedup – CC 1.3: 1.38 – CC 2.0: 1.54 – CC 3.0: 1.64 • Performance – Large speedup – All three GPUs • Discussion – No thread divergence – Allows compiler to schedule code much better 49 Rearranging Terms • Generated code is suboptimal – Compiler does not emit as many fused multiply- add (FMA) instructions as it could – Rearrange terms in expressions to help compiler • Need to check generated assembly code for (j2 = 0; j2 < bound; j2++, j++) { dx = posxs[j2] – px; dy = posys[j2] – py; dz = poszs[j2] - pz; dsq = dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz; dinv = rsqrtf(dsq + epssqd); dsq = dx*dx + (dy*dy + (dz*dz + epssqd)); dinv = rsqrtf(dsq); scale = masss[j2] * dinv * dinv * dinv; ax+=dx*scale; ay+=dy*scale; az+=dz*scale; } 50 • Problemsize – n=100000, step=1 – n=100000, step=1 – n=300000, step=1 • Speedup – CC 1.3: 1.03 – CC 2.0: 1.05 – CC 3.0: 1.06 • Performance – Small speedup – All three GPUs • Discussion – Seemingly needless transformations may make a difference FMA Speedup 51 • Problemsize – n=100000, step=1 – n=100000, step=1 – n=300000, step=1 • Speedup – CC 1.3: 1.01 – CC 2.0: 1.04 – CC 3.0: 0.93 • Unroll128times – Avoid looping overhead – Now that there are no ifs • Performance – Little speedup/slowdown • Discussion – Carefully choose unroll factor (manually tune) Higher Unroll Factor 52 • Problemsize – n=100000, step=1 – n=100000, step=1 – n=300000, step=1 • Speedup – CC 1.3: 1.00 – CC 2.0: 1.18 – CC 3.0: 1.15 – “-ftz=true” suffices (flush denormals to zero) – Makes SP FP operations faster except on CC 1.3 • Performance – Significant speedup • Discussion – Use faster but less precise operations when prudent Compiler Flags • -use_fast_math 53 Final Absolute Performance • CC 2.0 Fermi GTX 480 – Problem size • n=100000, step=1 – Runtime • 296.1 ms – FP operations • 675.6 GFlop/s (SP) • 66% of peak performance • 261.1 GFlops/s (DP) – Main mem throughput • 2.139 GB/s • CC 3.0 Kepler GTX 680 – Problem size • n=300000, step=1 – Runtime • 1073 ms – FP operations • 1677.6 GFlop/s (SP) • 54% of peak performance • 88.7 GFlops/s (DP) – Main mem throughput • 5.266 GB/s 54 Hybrid Execution • CPU always needed for program launch and I/O – CPU much faster on serial program segments • GPU10timesfasterthanCPUonparallelcode – Running 10% of problem on CPU is hardly worthwhile – Complicates programming and requires data transfer • Best CPU data structure is often not best for GPU • PCIebandwidthmuchlowerthanGPUbandwidth – 1.6 to 6.5 GB/s versus 192 GB/s – But can send data while CPU & GPU are computing – Merging CPU and GPU on same die (e.g., AMD’s Fusion APU) makes finer grain switching possible 55 Summary • Step-by-step porting and tuning of CUDA code – Example: n-body simulation • GPUshaveverypowerfulhardware – But only exploitable with some code – Harder to program and optimize than CPU hardware 56