留学生代考 CSE 240A Homework 1

CSE 240A Homework 1
Due: April 14, 2022, 1:50 PM
• Submit as a PDF via Gradescope.

Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder

• Due: April 14, 2022, 1:50 PM
• Homework is to be done individually.
• Start each question in a new page and mark the pages in Gradescope.
I. Problems
1. Consider the following fragment of C code:
for (i=0; i<100; i++) { A[i]=B[i]+C; Assume that A and B are arrays of 64-bit integers, and C and i are 64-bit integers. Assume that all data values and their addresses are kept in memory (at addresses 1000, 3000, 5000, and 7000 for A, B, C, and i, respectively) except when they are operated on. Assume that values in registers are lost between iterations of the loop. (a) Write the code for MIPS. How many instructions are required dynamically? (b) How many memory data references will be executed? What is the code size in bytes? 2. For the following, we consider instruction encoding for instruction set architectures. Consider the case of a processor with an instruction length of 12 bits and with 32 general-purpose registers so the size of the address fields is 5 bits. Is it possible to have instruction encoding for the following? (a) 3 two-address instructions (b) 30 one-address instructions (c) 45 zero-address instructions 3. Program A runs 20 billion instructions on a 2 GHz processor, and achieves a CPI of 1.5. Introduction of a new instruction to the ISA (and recompiling the code) would allow a reduction in the instruction count to 19 billion instructions, resulting in a speedup of 1.2. What is the CPI for the new code on the improved processor? 4. Machine B runs at 2 GHz and has a CPI of 1.3 for a particular program. Machine C runs at 5 GHz and has a CPI of 2.4 for that program, while executing 20% more instructions. Which machine is faster? What is the speedup over the slower machine? 5. You have an optimization that speeds up floating point operations by a factor of 2, but does not help other instructions. You have another optimization that only speeds up non-FP instructions by 10% (that is, it speeds up those instructions by a factor of 1.1), and you want to decide which to use. Suppose your favorite program has 10% of its instructions FP operations. Further, assume FP operations have a CPI of 3.0, while non-FP instructions have a CPI of 1.0. 6. (Amdahl’s law backwards) You improve your memory subsystem so that memory latencies are sped up by a factor of 2.4. After applying the optimization, you observe that you now spend half your time on waiting for memory. What percentage of the original execution (before the optimization) was spent waiting for memory? 7. Suppose we wanted to add the auto-increment addressing mode to the MIPS ISA – e.g., lw R1, 1000(R2++). This saves an instruction every time we observe a load followed by an increment of the address register. Is this a good idea? Consider only performance, and assume that we have to increase cycle time by 5% to accommodate the new instruction, that 20% of our instructions are loads, that we can apply this change to 40% of all loads, and that the CPI doesn’t change. 8. Assume we are executing MIPS code where 15% of instructions are conditional branches, 20% are load instructions, 5% are stores, and the rest are arithmetic. For this code, (a) what percentage of all accesses to memory are for data? (b) what percentage of all data accesses are reads? (c) what percentage of all memory accesses are reads? [minor hint – what do we access memory for besides loads and stores to data memory?] 程序代写 CS代考 加微信: powcoder QQ: 1823890830 Email: powcoder@163.com