Hindawi Publishing Corporation
EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing Volume 2007, Article ID 31951, 12 pages doi:10.1155/2007/31951
Research Article
gpICA: A Novel Nonlinear ICA Algorithm Using Geometric Linearization
Thang Viet Nguyen, Jagdish Chandra Patra, and Sabu Emmanuel
School of Computer Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore 639798
Received 30 September 2005; Revised 21 March 2006; Accepted 11 June 2006
Recommended by Frank Ehlers
A new geometric approach for nonlinear independent component analysis (ICA) is presented in this paper. Nonlinear environment is modeled by the popular post nonlinear (PNL) scheme. To eliminate the nonlinearity in the observed signals, a novel linearizing method named as geometric post nonlinear ICA (gpICA) is introduced. Thereafter, a basic linear ICA is applied on these linearized signals to estimate the unknown sources. The proposed method is motivated by the fact that in a multidimensional space, a nonlinear mixture is represented by a nonlinear surface while a linear mixture is represented by a plane, a special form of the surface. Therefore, by geometrically transforming the surface representing a nonlinear mixture into a plane, the mixture can be linearized. Through simulations on different data sets, superior performance of gpICA algorithm has been shown with respect to other algorithms.
Copyright © 2007 Hindawi Publishing Corporation. All rights reserved.
Independent component analysis (ICA), a technique of sep- arating the unknown source signals from their mixtures, has been extensively studied in the last two decades [1] and suc- cessfully applied in many fields such as signal processing, biomedical engineering, medical imaging, speech enhance- ment, remote sensing, and data mining [2]. With a single hy- pothesis of the statistical independence of source signals, an ICA algorithm is able to estimate the unknown sources with- out any training data or a prior knowledge of these signals.
The simple linear ICA model where original signals are assumed to be linearly mixed by a mixing matrix was the first approach to ICA problem. Until now, linear ICA has become relatively well established with many effective algo- rithms [3–7]. However, because of its nature, linear model can perform well in the linear environment only. This draw- back limits the use of linear ICA in various practical appli- cations whose environment is naturally a nonlinear mixing system. Therefore, a general nonlinear ICA model, in which the mixing matrix is replaced by a nonlinear multidimen- sional mixing function, was introduced. The early methods for general model were proposed in [8, 9] with the use of self-organizing maps to estimate the independent compo- nents. Another method called LOCOCODE [10, 11] that ap- plies minimum description length principle to optimize the
number of bits used to encode data can also be considered as one of the pioneers in nonlinear ICA. The problems of general nonlinear ICA, however, are the computational com- plexity and the nonuniqueness of solutions [2, 12]. Without any constraint to the model, there always exists an infinite number of solutions [13]. Therefore, researchers in recent years have focused on the submodels, that is, a variation of general model with constraints, in order to develop nonlin- ear ICA algorithms that yield unique solution.
The post nonlinear (PNL) model introduced by Taleb and Jutten [14] is among the most popular submodels. PNL model limits the mixing system to a linear mixing stage fol- lowed by a nonlinear one-dimensional distortion for each mixture. Therefore, the model is much simpler and pro- vides a unique solution. It has attracted the interest of var- ious researchers [12, 14–16] and has found many applica- tions, for example, sensor array processing [17], digital satel- lite and microwave communications [18], and biological sys- tems [19].
In this paper, we propose a novel method called gpICA (geometric PNL ICA) for the nonlinear ICA problem. The gpICA method is tailored to the PNL model and employs a geometric linearizing technique to deal with the nonlin- earity problem. Our major contribution, the geometric lin- earizing technique, comes from the following observation: in a multidimensional space, the graph of a nonlinear mixture
EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing
is a nonlinear surface. In special case, when the mixture is a linear one, its graph becomes a plane. Hence, the objec- tive of converting a given nonlinear mixture to a linear one can be achieved by transforming a nonlinear surface (the ge- ometric representation of the nonlinear mixture) to a plane (the geometric representation of the linear mixture). There- after, any algorithm which is applicable to linear ICA can be applied on the linearized mixtures to extract the original signals.
Our geometric approach was first introduced in [20] in which only midpoint transformation was used. A prelimi- nary version of the current multiarbitrary point transforma- tion was proposed in [21]. Compared to the previous mid- point technique, the utilization of multiarbitrary point trans- formation enhances the ability of gpICA in many hard non- linear situations. In this paper, more details on theoretical de- velopment and performance comparison are provided. With the novel geometric technique, gpICA possesses the follow- ing advantages.
(1) Linearization can be done without any knowledge or assumption on the number or distribution of the un- known sources, the mixing system, or the observed sig- nals.
(2) After completion of the linearizing phase, one can choose the most suitable linear ICA method to accom- plish the demixing process. It is very useful as each ICA method works well only on specific type of applica- tions.
(3) The linearization is carried out geometrically, there- fore, gpICA does not have any constraint on the non- linear distortion.
This paper is organized as follows. An overview of ICA models is shown in Section 2. Principles of the geometric ap- proach are introduced in Section 3 and the details of gpICA are presented in Section 4. We provide the computer simu- lation results in Section 5. Finally, in Section 6, we conclude and discuss the issues related to the proposed algorithm.
observed signals, xi. Let yi (i = 1, 2, . . . , n) denote n estimates of the unknown signals. These estimates, yi, can be obtained by finding an inverse matrix W of A, that is, W ≈ A−1, such that
y = Wx ≈ A−1As = s, (2)
where y = [y1, y2, . . . , yn]T is a vector of the estimated sig- nals. The matrix W of size n×n is termed as demixing matrix. The process to find W, called separating process, is accom- plished by maximizing the statistical independence among the n estimated outputs, yi. For more details on linear ICA methods, see [1, 2].
2.2. General nonlinear model
General nonlinear ICA model is a natural extension of the linear model in which the mixing matrix is replaced by a non- linear mixing function. The mixing process (1), therefore, is reformulated as
x = F (s), (3)
where F is an unknown real-valued n-component mixing function [12]. This extended model can be applied for the mixing environment that cannot be modeled by a linear mix- ing system. For example, the multiplicative mixtures xj = ni=1 si which are used for modeling the gray level image as a product of incident light and reflected light [22]. Obviously, linear ICA is a special case of (3) when F (s) = As.
To find the estimates of the original signals, yi, we have to build a separating system. That is, to find a mapping G : Rn → Rn such that
y = G(x) ≈ s. (4)
Some of the early approaches to nonlinear ICA can be found in [8, 9]. The authors tried to apply self-organizing maps (SOM) [8] and later, the generative topographic mapping (GTM) [9] to the model in (3). However, these approaches to general model do not yield satisfactory result. They need a lot of computation and do not provide a unique solution. It is shown that the solutions of the general nonlinear model always exist, but they are nonunique and without any con- straint to the model, there are infinite number of solutions [1, 13].
2.3. Post nonlinear (PNL) model
To overcome the nonuniqueness issue, recent studies on non- linear ICA are focused on specific subclasses of the general model. Some constraints are applied on the mixing function F or the source signals in order to eliminate the nonunique- ness [12]. One of the important subclasses is the post non- linear (PNL) model, introduced by Taleb and Jutten [14].
The post nonlinear (PNL) model shown in Figure 1 con- strains the mixing system to a linear one followed by a single variate nonlinear distortion for each mixture [14].
Linear ICA model
Consider a system with n observations which are mixtures of n unknown signals. Let si be the unknown sources and let xi be the observations (i = 1, 2, . . . , n). Linear ICA model pre- sumes that the n source signals are statistically independent and each observed signal is a linear mixture of the n sources. The mixing system, therefore, is described by
x = As, (1)
where x = [x1,x2,…,xn]T and s = [s1,s2,…,sn]T are the vectors representing the observed signals and unknown source signals, respectively, and A, termed as mixing matrix, is a full rank matrix of size n × n. The elements of A, aij (i, j = 1,2,…,n), can have any scalar value.
After modeling the system, our objective is to estimate these unknown signals, si, only from the knowledge of the
Thang Viet Nguyen et al.
s1 v1 f1
g1 z1 y1
. x2 . s2 Sv1 Sx1 Sz1
g2 z2 y2
. . . Sv f2 Sxg2 Sz
s2 v2 f2
snvnfn.gnznyn 2 2 2 xn
Mixing system Observed Separating system signals
Figure 1: The post nonlinear (PNL) mixing-separating system.
Mathematically, the PNL mixing model can be specified as
(5) (6)
wherev=[v1,v2,…,vn]T isavectoroflinearmixtures,and fi are nonlinear functions. Because of its simplicity and plau- sibility, the PNL approach is the subject of many studies [14–
16] and has found several applications [17–19].
In order to estimate the unknown source signals, a two- stage PNL separating model is applied. The PNL separating
where z = [z1,z2,…,zn]T and gi are the single variate functions. In the first stage, termed as linearizing stage, the method attempts to transform the observed signals into lin- ear mixtures. Then in the second stage, a basic linear ICA algorithm is applied to estimate the unknown sources from those linearized mixtures.
As we can see, linearization of observed signals is the most important task that all the PNL-tailored methods have to solve. In the early approach introduced by Taleb and Jutten [14], independent criteria were used in both stages. There- fore, the algorithm may not work well with the hard nonlin- ear distortions. In Howard et al.’s approach [16], the model required a lot of computation. Recently, Ziehe et al. [15] pro- posed a simple and effective PNL method but required the mixtures to have Gaussian or Gaussian-like distributions. In this paper, we propose a new geometric approach for the lin- earizing process. The proposed method does not impose any additional assumption and works effectively with the hard nonlinear distortions as well.
To begin with, we first represent the PNL problem un- der geometric viewpoint. The nonlinear and linear mixtures are represented in terms of nonlinear surfaces and planes in a multidimensional space. The linearizing process that changes PNL mixtures into linear ones is presented as a transforma- tion of nonlinear surfaces into planes. The approach is first described in the case of two sources and two observed sig- nals (the 2 × 2 case) so that it can be illustrated in a three- dimensional (3D) space. A solution for a general PNL case
Mixing system signals Separating system
system can be model as
z =gx,
v = As,
Figure 2: Geometric description of a PNL mixing and separating system in a 3D space.
(more than two sources and observations) will be given later in Section 4.
Now let us recall the two concepts which will be used ex- tensively in our method, the definitions of a surface and a plane.
Definition 1. Given z = f(x,y), a graph of f(x,y) is a set of all points (x, y, f (x, y)) in a 3D space XYZ and is called a surface. The function f (x, y) can be any arbitrary function of x and y.
Definition 2. In a special case, when the function f (x, y) is a linearone,thatis, f(x,y)=ax+by+c,thegraphof f(x,y) in the 3D space is then called a plane.
Let us look at a specific 2 × 2 case of the PNL problem. The linear mixtures in (5), vi, can be expressed as
vi = ai1s1 + ai2s2 (8) and the PNL mixtures in (6), xi, can be expressed as
x = f v = f a s + a s , (9) i ii ii11 i22
where i = 1,2. Let us consider a 3D space XYZ, where the values s1 and s2 are shown on X – and Y -axes, respectively. The values of vi or zi are shown on Z-axis. Let us denote Svi and Sxi as the graphs of vi and xi, respectively. Since vi is described as a linear (8), its graph, Svi , in this 3D space is clearly a plane. The PNL mixture, xi, on the other hand, is represented by a nonlinear function (9) and its graph, Sxi , is in the form of a nonlinear surface. Therefore, PNL mix- ing model can be viewed as a creation of the planes followed by a surface-transforming process from these planes. Con- sequently, PNL separating system, as a reverse process, is to transform the input surfaces back to the planes and then uses these planes to estimate the original coordinates. An illustra- tion of the PNL model is shown and described in Figure 2 in terms of the transformation from planes to surfaces and vice versa.
In Figure 2, a plane Sv1 , the set of points having coordi- nates (s1 , s2 , v1 ), is drawn as a graph of the linear function vi in (8). The plane, Sv1 , is transformed to a nonlinear sur- face Sx1 when v1 is distorted by a nonlinear function in (9). Likewise, plane Sv2 and then surface Sx2 are created by the similar processes. An example of the mixing system is de- picted in Figure 3. From 10 000 samples in the range [−1, 1]
xi = fi vi , i=1,…,n,
i=1,…,n, y = Wz,
EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing
1 0.5 0 0.5
1 s2
1 0.5 0 0.5 1
11 (a)
11 Sx1
0.5 0 0.5
1 s2
0.5 0 0.5 1
11 (b)
Figure 3: Example of a PNL mixing system in 3D space. (a) Planes Sv1 and Sv2 correspond to linear mixtures v1 and v2. (b) Nonlinear surfaces Sx1 and Sx2 correspond to PNL mixtures x1 and x2.
of random signals s1 and s2, the graphs of two linear mixtures v1 = 0.1s1 +0.3s2 and v2 = 0.2s1 −0.7s2 are created and shown in Figure 3(a). Next, the PNL mixtures x1 = tanh(10v1) and x2 = v23 are constructed and their graphs, Sx1 and Sx2 , are shown in Figure 3(b).
Before going into the details of the PNL separating sys- tem, we need to describe the characteristics of the observed graphs. Since s1 and s2 are unknown in a PNL problem, the observed graph Sxi , in fact, is a set of points having coor- dinates ( , ,xi), where the symbol “ ” denotes an unknown value. In other words, we are given two graphs and the value of their points on the third coordinate. Our objective is to es- timate the values on the first two coordinates of these points.
To achieve this objective, we apply a two-stage scheme. In the first stage, the critical linearizing process is accomplished by geometric transformation. The surfaces Sxi (i = 1, 2) are transformedtoplanesSzi whichcorrespondtothelinearized mixtures zi. In the second stage, a basic ICA algorithm is ap- plied on zi to estimate the unknown sources. Figure 4 illus- trates a geometric view of the PNL separating system. Note that the labels s1 and s2 which appeared in Figure 3 have been removed from Figure 4 in order to reflect the unavailability of the knowledge of source signals.
The problem of transforming surface to plane would be quite easy if the values s1 and s2 were known. The construc-
Figure 4: Example of the PNL separating system in 3D space. (a) Nonlinear surface Sx1 and Sx2 correspond to the observations. (b) Planes Sz1 and Sz2 correspond to linearized mixtures z1 and z2.
tion of Szi can be achieved by letting zi = wi1s1 + wi2s2 and selecting any nonzero scalar value for wi1 and wi2 (i = 1, 2). In PNL problem described above, however, this kind of infor- mation is not available. Thus, to carry out the transformation Sxi into Szi , the following issues need to be resolved.
(1) To identify whether a given graph Sz is a plane without prior knowledge of s1 and s2.
(2) To evolve a mechanism to generate Szi from Sxi , also without knowledge of s1 and s2.
Identification of a plane
From the nature of plane and surface in 3D space, the follow- ing property is observed.
Proposition 1. Let p1 and p2 denote two arbitrary points lying on a surface S in a 3D space and let pc denote an arbitrary point lying on a straight line joining p1 and p2. S is a plane if andonlyifforallp1,p2 ∈S,pc liesonS.
An illustration of Proposition 1 is shown in Figure 5. In Figure 5(a), two points p1 and p2 are lying on Sv and pc is an arbitrary point on p1 p2. Since Sv is a plane (v = 0.1s1 + 0.3s2 in the example), we have pc ∈ Sv. Whereas, in Figure 5(b),
Thang Viet Nguyen et al.
0.4 0.2 0 0.2 0.4
0.5 0 0.5 1
Figure 5: An example showing the difference between a plane and a nonlinear surface. (a) A plane: arbitrary point pc ∈ p1 p2 lies on Sv . (b) A nonlinear surface: the point pc ∈ p1 p2 falls out of Sx .
since Sx is not a plane (z = tanh(10v) = tanh(10(0.1s1 + 0.3s2)) in the example), pc does not lie on Sx.
3.2. Transformation of a nonlinear surface to a plane
In order to construct a plane Sz from a given nonlinear sur- face Sx, we propose a heuristic method that utilizes proper- ties of the straight line in a 3D space. Given an XYZ coor- dinate system, the following definitions and propositions are observed.
Definition 3. The equation of a line containing a point p1(x1, y1, z1) can be written as (x − x1)/a = (y − y1)/b = (z−z1)/c, where a,b,c are the scalars and are not all zeros.
Definition 4. Let p1(x1, y1, z1) and p2(x2, y2, z2) be two arbi- trary points. The pair {p1, p2} is called a companion pair, Cp1,p2, if and only if x1 = x2 and y1 = y2. The point p1 is then called a companion of p2 and vice versa.
Proposition 2. Given an arbitrary point, p1( , , zp1), and its companion point, q1( , ,zq1), let p2( , ,zp2) be another ar- bitrary point and let q2( , ,zq2) be its companion point. Let
pc( , , zpc) and qc( , , zqc) be the two arbitrary points lying on p1 p2 and q1q2, respectively. If pc is the companion of qc, then the following expression holds true:
zpc−zp1 =zqc−zq1. (10) zp2 − zp1 zq2 − zq1
The proposition is a direct consequence of Thales’ theo- rem. Its proof is provided in the appendix.
Proposition 2 is the key of our technique. Given five points p1, p2, q1, q2, and pc, we can locate the position of the sixth point, qc, by using (10). Now assume that a reference plane Sv is known, and our task is to transform a nonlin- ear surface Sx into a plane Sz. The following transformation scheme will detail our technique to transform Sx into Sz with the help of the reference plane Sv .
Transformation scheme
(1) Pick up any two arbitrary points p1 and p2 on the reference plane Sv. Locate their respective companion points q1 and q2 on Sx.
(2) Select an arbitrary point pc on p1 p2. Find a companion point, qc ∈ q1q2, of pc by using (10).
(3) Locate qx on Sx such that { pc , qx } is a companion pair. (4) Pull qx toward qc.
(5) Use Proposition 1 to check whether Sx is a plane.
(6) Repeat steps (1) to (5) if it is not a plane, otherwise
Figure 6 illustrates a change of point qx in one iteration. The old location of qx is shown in Figure 6(a). After a trans- formation iteration, qx is changed to qc (Figure 6(b)) which lies on the same straight line joining q1 and q2. The transfor- mation is repeated for every point qx ∈ Sx and at the end, the surface Sx is transformed to a plane Sz.
In this section, the above transformation scheme will be ap- plied to create our geometric linearizing technique. However, the following issues have to be solved due to the unavailabil- ity of s1 and s2.
(1) Since the values of s1 and s2 are not known, the first two coordinates of a point are not available. Therefore, we cannot apply Definition 4 directly to identify the companion of a given point.
(2) In PNL problem, a reference plane is also not available.
(3) The ambiguity of the point qc ∈ q1 q2 . Since the first two coordinates are unknown, we cannot en-
sure whether pc ∈ p1 p2 . Therefore, the reverse of Proposition 2 does not always hold, that is, there may be more than one point that satisfy (10) but are not the
companion of pc.
Here we intend to use the time index of a mixture to identify a companion point. Let v1(t1) denote a sample of linear mixture vi at time t = t1. Then the point on the surface Sv1 representing this sample is given by the coordi- nates (s1 (t1 ), s2 (t1 ), v1 (t1 )). Similarly, at the sampling time
EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing
1 0.5 0 0.5 1
1 0.5
1 q1
0.5 1
p2 0p1
qx = qc 0
1 480
0.2 0 0.2 0.4
490 500 510
490 500 510 t1 = 500
Figure 6: An illustrative example of linearizing Sx using reference plane Sv . (a) The point qx ∈ Sx before transformation. (b) After the transformation, qx was pulled to qc ∈ q1q2.
t = t1, the coordinates of the corresponding points on the surfaces Sv2 , Sx1 , and Sx2 are given by (s1 (t1 ), s2 (t1 ), v2 (t1 )), (s1 (t1 ), s2 (t1 ), x1 (t1 )), and (s1 (t1 ), s2 (t1 ), x2 (t1 )), respectively. Considering PNL problem modeled by (8) and (9), the fol- lowing proposition is observed.
Proposition 3. Given the time instant t = t1 , then all the points p1v(, ,v1(t1))∈Sv1,q1v(, ,v2(t1))∈Sv2,p1(, ,x1(t1))∈ Sx1 , and q1( , , x2(t1)) ∈ Sx2 are the companions.
Figure 7: Example of a companion pair Cp1,q1. (a) In a 3D space, p1 and q1 have the same values on the coordinates s1 and s2. (b) In time series plots, p1 and q1 are at the same time instant.
the transformation process. For this reason, the transforma- tion process mentioned in Section 3 is modified to adapt with the fake plane. Let us choose Sx2 as the fake plane and Sx1 as the surface that needs to be transformed. Given two points p1( , , x2(t1)) and p2( , , x2(t2)) lying on Sx2 and the other two points q1( , ,x1(t1)) and q2( , ,x1(t2)) lying on Sx1 , let pc be a point being located at ( , , x2(tc)). Then the value on the third coordinate of the companion point of pc, qc( , ,z1(tc)), can be computed from (10) as
z1 tc = 2c 21 x1 t2 −x1 t1 +x1 t1 . (11)
The last issue is the ambiguity of the point qc ∈ q1q2. Proposition 2 implies that if pc ∈ p1 p2 and pc and qc are the companion points, then (10) holds true, but the reverse is not always true. There may be more than one point qc that satisfy (10) but are not a companion of pc. Also, we cannot ensure that pc will lie on p1 p2. An incorrect selection of qc or pc will make qx, the point that is supposed to be changed, move to a wrong position. Currently in this paper, there is no com- plete solution to eliminate this ambiguity. Nevertheless, to lessen the inaccuracy, we apply a local transformation, that is,
An example of Proposition 3 is shown in Figure 7. In 3D space, p and its companion q are shown in Figure 7(a) as
x2 t2 −x2 t1
the two points having the same values on the first two co- ordinates. Meanwhile, this companion property is shown in the time series plots in Figure 7(b) as the two signal samples having the same time instant t = t1. Thus with Proposition 3, companion points can be identified without knowing the co- ordinates s1 and s2.
For the second issue of finding a reference plane, a pro- posed solution is to employ a “fake plane,” that is, to as- sume one surface as reference plane and use it to trans- form the other surface. The role of “fake plane” will be alternatively changed from one surface to another during
Sx q2
x2 x1
Thang Viet Nguyen et al.
1 q1 0.5
zi(t) = 1
L j=−(L−1)/2
1 q1 0.5
0 0.5 1
xk t2 −xk t1
Likewise, the updating equation (12) is modified as
new old
xi tc =μzi tc +(1−μ)xi tc . (15)
The stopping criteria “Sx is a plane” of the transformation scheme in Section 3 also need to be realized into a precise condition in order to complete the gpICA algorithm. In this work, we measure the difference (error) between the values of the signal after and before the change in one iteration. In each iteration, these errors are accumulated and compared to a threshold ξ. The accumulated error, ε, is computed by
smoothed using the function (L−1)/2
Figure 8: An example of gpICA method. The surface Sx1 is trans-
formed using the fake plane Sx2 . Position of qx (a) before and (b) after the transformation. Because μ < 1, qx is pulled to a new posi- tion near qc.
the surface is divided into small cells and the transformation process is carried out within these cells. In addition, instead of pulling qx right to qc, we apply a learning rate μ < 1 to up- date qx position. By doing this way, the transformation will take a longer time but will steadily converge to a plane. The updating function is formulated as
xnewt=μzt+(1−μ)xoldt. (12) 1c1c1c
Figure 8 shows an example of our proposed method in an iteration. The two surfaces Sx1 and Sx2 represent two non- linear mixtures x1 and x2, respectively. The surface Sx2 is as- sumed to be a “fake plane” and is used to transform Sx1 into a plane. The position of the selected point, qx, before the change is illustrated in Figure 8(a). The new location of qx after the change is shown in Figure 8(b). With the learning rate μ < 1, qx does not move right to qc but to a location near qc.
After the proposed linearizing process, we obtained two planes, Sz1 and Sz2 , which represent the linearized signals z1 and z2, respectively. To improve the smoothness of these surfaces, a smoothing function is applied. In this work, we use an averaging function to smooth the signals. The signal is sorted in an ascending order, and the sorted signal, zs, is
n Nk
1 xnew(j) − xold(j)2, (16)
zis(t + j). (13) Then zi is restored to the original order to produce signals
zi. These smoothed signals, zi, are used as the inputs for the linear ICA algorithm applied in the demixing stage.
Finally, the algorithm is extended for the case of n > 2 observations. Each signal xi (i = 1, 2, . . . , n) is represented by asurfaceSxi.Inaniteration,asurfaceSxk israndomlychosen and used as the “fake plane” to transform the other surfaces. Equation (11), therefore, is updated to
zi tc = kc k1 xi t2 −xi t1 +xi t1 . (14)
ε =
where xnew(j) and xold(j) are the signal values after and be-
nN ii
ii k i=1 j=1
fore the change, respectively, and Nk is the number of up- dated samples in each iteration. The linearizing process is stopped when ε goes below a threshold ξ. After that a ba- sic linear ICA algorithm is applied on the linearized signals, zi (i = 1, 2, . . . , n), to produce the estimates of source signals, yi. A framework of gpICA is described by the following pseu- docode.
To evaluate the performance of gpICA, several computer simulations have been carried out on different data sets. The first test was done on a simple case of two sinusoidal sources. The sources, mixtures, and estimated signals, therefore, can be visualized in a 3D space. To assess the performance of the gpICA in a multiple-source PNL problem, we carried out the second simulation with four speech signals.
We have applied several typical linear ICA methods for the linear demixing stage (step (5)), such as SOBI (second- order blind identification) [5], JADETD (joint approximate diagonalization of eigen matrices with time delays) [23], and FPICA (fixed-point ICA) [6]. As results of these methods were almost identical, we only provide the outcomes that were carried out with SOBI during the simulation.
To give a perspective comparison of the algorithm’s per- formance, we compare our method with a linear ICA algo- rithm and a competitive PNL method. For linear one, we
EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing
x1,x2,…,xn: n observed signals with N samples each. Parameter
μ: learning rate.
ξ: threshold to stop the linearization.
Nk : number of points to be updated in each iteration.
z1,z2,…,zn: n linearized signals.
y1, y2, . . . , yn: n estimated signals. function gpICA()
Repeat {
Randomly select fake plane xk . For i = 1 to n {
For j = 1 to Nk {
Randomly generate time indices t1, t2, and tc. Compute zi(tc) using (14).
Update xi(tc) using (15).
} /∗endof jloop∗/ } /∗endofiloop∗/ Compute ε using (16).
} Until (ε < ξ)
Fori=1tonassignzi =xi.
For i = 1 to n smooth zi using (13).
Apply a linear ICA algorithm on zi to extract yi. } /∗endofgpICA∗/
Algorithm 1: The Geometric PNL Algorithm: gpICA
choose SOBI, and for the PNL one, we choose Gauss-TD [15], one of the effective reported PNL methods. The perfor- mance was measured by the correlation coefficient between an original source, s, and an output signal, y. The correlation coefficient between s and y, r(x,y), is computed by
the number of samples.
5.1. Experiment 1: mixture of two sinusoidal signals
Using two sinusoidal signals in (18), two linear mixtures v1 and v2 were generated by a mixing matrix A whose entries were the random numbers in the range of [−1, 1]. The linear mixtures were then distorted by two nonlinear functions in (20) to produce the observations x1 and x2. The source sig- nals, mixing matrix, and nonlinear functions are given be- low:
At first, the linearizing process was run on 3000 sam- ples (N = 3000) with the window size of the smoothing function L = 151, the learning rate μ = 0.2, and the er- ror threshold ξ = 0.002. The 3D plots of the linearized sig- nals, zi, are shown in Figure 9(c) and are compared with the plots of linear mixtures, vi, (Figure 9(a)) and PNL mixtures, xi, (Figure 9(b)). As it is expected, the graphs of gpICA’s re- sult, zi, are similar to the graphs of unknown linear mix- tures, vi. Clearly, the nonlinearity in xi has been eliminated in zi. Whereas, some nonlinearity is still visible in the graphs (Figure 9(d)) of the competitive Gauss-TD algorithm.
In the next stage, a linear ICA method, SOBI, was applied on zi to extract the estimates of original signals, yi. The plots of these estimates, yi, are illustrated in Figure 10, together with plots of source signals, linear mixtures, PNL mixtures, and Gauss-TD and SOBI estimates. Compared with those of SOBI and Gauss-TD, gpICA’s results resemble much more to the original source signals. The linear ICA algorithm pro- vided the worst performance (Figure 10(d)). A quantitative performance was measured in terms of the correlation co- efficient between a source signal and its estimate si, r(si,si). The estimate of the ith source signal, si, is one of the out- puts yj (j = 1,2,...,n) whose absolute correlation coef- ficient, |r(yj,si)|, is the highest one. Using this index, r(si,si), comparisons between gpICA and SOBI, and Gauss-TD were carried out and are reported in Table 1. As it is shown in the table, the result obtained by gpICA is better than both SOBI and Gauss-TD results, providing high correlation coef- ficients, |r(si,si)| ≈ 1.
5.2. Experiment 2: mixture of four speech signals
In this simulation, 5000 samples of four speeches (taken from [24]) were chosen as the original sources. Their linear and nonlinear mixtures are given by
N s(t) − sy(t) − y
r(s,y) = N
t=1 , s(t) − s2 N y(t) − y2
where s = (1/N)Nt=1 s(t), y = (1/N)Nt=1 y(t), with N as
−0.087 0.714 −0.835 0.448
⎢ 0.283 −0.560 −0.842 −0.130⎥
A = ⎢⎣−0.086 0.093 −0.061 0.522 ⎥⎦ , −0.483 −0.751 0.531 0.202
s1(t) = sin(0.22t),
s (t) = sin 2π(0.1t) + 6 cos 2π(0.02t), 2
−0.605 0.152 A = 0.625 0.056
x (t) = tanh 10v (t). 22
(18) (19) (20)
x1(t) = tanh 10v1(t), (21) x2(t) = 0.1v2(t) + v2(t)3,
x3(t) = tanh 2v3(t) + v3(t)3, x4(t) = v4(t) + tanh 7v4(t).
The plots of the original speeches, linear mixtures, and PNL mixtures are shown in Figure 11. Our proposed algorithm, gpICA, was executed on these PNL mixtures with parame- ters L = 151, μ = 0.5, and ξ = 0.01. The final outputs, yi, are plotted in Figure 11(f), next to the outputs of SOBI and Gauss-TD. The correlation coefficients between the estimates si and their original signals si of gpICA, SOBI, and Gauss-TD are provided in Table 2.
In Figure 11, we can observe a good performance of gpICA. The linear ICA method (SOBI) was not able to sepa- rate the nonlinear mixtures. It could manage to estimate only one speech signal with adequate quality (with r(s2 ,s2 ) ≈ 0.8). Whereas, the gpICA was capable of estimating all the four
x1(t) = 3v1(t) 3,
Thang Viet Nguyen et al.
1 0.5
3 Sx1 Sv1 2
0.5 1 0.5 1 0 0.5 0 0.5
0 Sv2 0
1 3
2 11
s2 0 s2 0
0.5 1
0.5 1
50 1
2 0 Sz2 0
100 3
0.5 1 0.5 1 0 0.5 0 0.5
s2 0 s2 0
0.5 1
0.5 1
signals z1 and z2. (d) Linearized signals using Gauss-TD.
Table 1: Experiment 1: mixture of two sinusoidal signals— correlation coefficient between the original sources and their esti- mates.
algorithm which uses additional assumption of the Gaus- sianity of the mixtures, gpICA provided a similar perfor- mance.
A geometric approach called gpICA for the post nonlin- ear independent component analysis has been presented in this paper. By considering the characteristics of a plane and a nonlinear surface in a multidimensional space, a sim- ple linearizing process has been developed to transform the post nonlinear mixtures into linear mixtures without any additional assumption. From the linearized signals, the unknown sources can be estimated by any linear ICA algo- rithm. Throughout extensive experiments, gpICA was able to perform well in all the simulations without changing the algorithm configuration and parameters. With the two-stage separating model and a novel geometric linearizing tech- nique, gpICA possesses the following several advantages.
(1) Besides the PNL mixture assumption, gpICA does not use any additional assumption about the origi- nal sources as well as the mixing models. For example,
r(s2 ,s2 ) 0.582 0.888
−0.966 Table 2: Experiment 3: mixture of four speech signals—correlation
coefficient between the original sources and their estimates.
r(s1 ,s1 ) 0.887 −0.982 −0.999
r(s1 ,s1 ) −0.404
−0.770 −0.724
r(s2 ,s2 ) 0.816
0.984 0.946
r(s3 ,s3 ) 0.590 −0.956
r(s4 ,s4 ) 0.695 0.611
speech signals effectively. Our proposed algorithm continued to provide good performance with high-quality estimated signals; even the poorest output of gpICA still has correla- tion coefficient of over 0.72. Compared with the Gauss-TD
Figure 9: Geometric representation of signals in a 3D space. (a) Linear mixtures v1 and v2. (b) PNL mixtures x1 and x2. (c) gpICA’s linearized
EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing
11 0.5 0.5 00
0.5 1
0.5 1
0 11
0.5 0.5 00
100 120 140 160 180 200
80 100 120 140 160 180 200
80 100 120 140 160 180 200 (b)
80 100 120 140 160 180 200
80 100 120 140 160 180 200 (d)
80 100 120 140 160 180 200
80 100 120 140 160 180 200 (f)
0.5 1
80 (a)
100 120 140 160 180 200
0.5 1
10 5
00 5
1 0.5
0 20 40
60 80
100 120 140 160 180 200
0 20 40
60 80 (c)
100 120 140 160 180 200
2 10
0 1 2
2 1 0
1 2 3
1 0
0 20 40
0 20 40
60 80
60 80 (e)
100 120 140 160 180 200
100 120 140 160 180 200
y2 y1
s2 s1
y2 y1 y2 y1 v2 v1
Figure 10: Plots of 200 signal samples. (a) Unknown sources. (b) Linear mixtures. (c) PNL mixtures. (d) SOBI estimates. (e) Gauss-TD estimates. (f) gpICA estimates.
unlike Gauss-TD, gpICA does not use the Gaussianity
assumption about the linear mixtures.
(2) The linearization and demixing processes are indepen-
dent. The users can choose any suitable linear ICA algorithm for demixing stage. Thus, it increases the performance and adaptation of gpICA in a specific en- vironment.
(3) With a single fixed configuration, gpICA can perform the extraction effectively in various simulations with different data sets.
However, several issues still exist and require further investi- gations to improve the algorithm. The first issue comes from the heuristic criterion in (10). A possible solution could be another version with multiple updating points or multiple “fake planes.” The convergence conditions and the criteria for selecting the algorithm’s parameters are also other issues that need more study. Geometric approach to nonlinear ICA is not constrained to PNL model, an extended version of gpICA
for a broader nonlinear ICA submodel is being carried out. Finally, the question of whether gpICA can be applied for optimizing the data encoding (like the LOCOCODE method [10]) is an interesting issue for the future study.
Since p1 and q1 are the companion points, their coor- dinates are specified as (x1,y1,zp1) and (x1,y1,zq1), re- spectively. Similarly, p2 and q2 are located at (x2, y2, zp2) and (x2, y2, zq2), pc and qc are located at (xc, yc, zpc) and (xc, yc, zqc).
From Definition 3, as pc lies on p1 p2, we derive the fol- lowing equation:
xc−x1 =yc−y1 =zpc−zp1. (.22) x2 − x1 y2 − y1 zp2 − zp1
Thang Viet Nguyen et al.
10 5 00
10 5 55 00
5 5
5 5 10 5
1 01
2000 (a)
0.2 0.20
2000 3000 (b)
4000 5000
0.2 50 0.2
0.05 00
50 00
20 20
0.05 10 0.2 00
2000 (c)
2000 3000 (d)
4000 5000
0.05 00
0.05 0.05 0.1 0.05 00
0.1 0.05 0.1 0.05
00 0.1 0.05
0.1 0.1 00
0 1000 2000 3000
2000 3000 (f)
4000 5000
Figure 11: Plots of the speech signals. (a) Unknown sources. (b) Linear mixtures. (c) PNL mixtures. (d) SOBI estimates. (e) Gauss-TD estimates. (f) gpICA estimates.
Similarly, since qc lies on q1q2, we have the following equa- tion:
xc − x1 yc − y1 zqc − zq1 x−x=y−y=z−z. (.23)
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Thang Viet Nguyen received his B.S. de- gree in computer science from the Viet- nam National University, Hanoi, Vietnam, in 2000. He is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree at the School of Computer Engineer- ing, Nanyang Technological University, Sin- gapore. His research interests include in- dependent component analysis, neural net- works, and genetic algorithm.
Jagdish Chandra Patra obtained the B.S.
(Eng) and M.S. (Eng) degrees, both in elec-
tronics and telecommunication engineering
from Sambalpur University, India, in 1978
and 1989, respectively. He received his Ph.D.
degree in electronics and communication
engineering from the Indian Institute of
Technology, Kharagpur, in 1996. Currently
he is serving as an Assistant Professor in
the School of Computer Engineering, NTU,
Singapore. His research interests include intelligent signal process- ing using neural networks, fuzzy sets, and genetic algorithms in the area of data security, sensor networks, image processing, and bioin- formatics. He is a Member of IEEE (USA) and Institution of Engi- neers (India).
Sabu Emmanuel received his B.E. degree
(electronics and communication engineer-
ing) from Regional Engineering College,
Durgapur (1988), M.E. degree (electrical
communication engineering) from Indian
Institute of Science, Bangalore (1998), and
Ph.D. degree (computer science) from Na-
tional University of Singapore (2002). He is
an Assistant Professor at the School of Com-
puter Engineering, Nanyang Technological
University, Singapore. His current research interests are in media processing for surveillance applications, media forensics and secu- rity, and digital rights management (DRM). He is a Member of the IEEE and has served as a member of the technical program com- mittee of several international conferences.