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Important Dates:
CO7216 Semantic Web Coursework 3
Programming in Jena and OWL API
 This coursework counts as 20% of your final mark.
 This coursework is an individual assignment, not based on group work.
 Please read guidelines on plagiarism on
 This coursework requires knowledge of RDFS, SPARQL, Java, Apache Jena and OWL API.
 Please submit a signed cover sheet electronically to Blackboard. Instructions:
 You need to use the same domain as in CW1/CW2.
 Make sure that you understand “what is expected” in this assignment, well before the
 Setup Instructions:
o Task 2: create a Java Project, download and import OntologyDataImporter.java from Blackboard. Use Maven (or Gradle) to download all necessary dependency libraries.
Note: Please refer to the tutorial on Blackboard (“Programming the Semantic Web”) for more detail.
The aims of this coursework is to develop a data importer that access various triplestores via SPARQL endpoints, and use the data collected to populate an OWL ontology that you created in CW2.

Part 1
Create a “lightweight” version of an OWL2 ontology in your chosen domain – This could be derived from the ontology you created for CW2, or you may create a new one from scratch. Please make sure that you have addressed any issues in the feedback to CW1/2. This ontology must contain at least ten core classes and twenty core DataType and Object properties. Use HermiT/FaCT++ reasoner to make sure the ontology is consistent.
[25 Marks]
Part 2
Use Protégé OWL code generator to generate Java templates from the ontology created in Task 1 (Please refer to “Programming the Semantic Web” on Blackboard). Complete the missing methods in OntologyaImportor.java, and use generated classes to populate the ontology.
Your program should be able to:
 Search online triplestores via SPARQL endpoints, including, but not limited to some of the endpoints listed below:
 DBpedia https://dbpedia.org/sparql
 Office for National Statistics http://statistics.data.gov.uk/sparql
 Companies House http://business.data.gov.uk/companies/app/explore/sparql.html
 W3C SPARQL endpoints https://www.w3.org/wiki/SparqlEndpoints
 WU endpoints http://sparqles.ai.wu.ac.at/availability
(Note: add new classes to your ontology if necessary)
 Use the data obtained from the previous step to populate your ontology (e.g. creating
instances, assigning property values and establishing relationships).
Part 3
[40 Marks]
Write a short description (approximately 200 words) about your domain in an HTML page (about_us.html), and then annotate the content of this webpage in RDFa, using the ontology created in Task 1, together with other vocabularies, including (but not limited to):
 FOAF: http://xmlns.com/foaf/spec/
 Dublin Core: http://www.dublincore.org/specifications/dublin-core/dcmi-terms/ Hint: You may use this RDFa tool for editing http://rdfa.info/play/
[15 Marks]
Part 4
Develop a simple web application that allows users to query your OWL file. The web interface:
 Should use ontology-based repository as the backend (e.g. OWL files or RDF stores, not
SQL or JSON database)
 Should provide an interface that allows users to answer at least two competency questions
provided in CW1.
Note: Task 4 may be implemented in any programming languages (e.g., ASP.NET, Python, PHP etc.). Although it might be necessary to expose some functions as REST services, if OWL API is not available in the language you chose. [see Appendix 1]
[20 Marks]

 Question 1: Save the ontology as *.owl.
 Question 2: OntologyDataImporter.java and any other files, including all auto-
generated java classes.
 Question 3: Write the answer in Answers.pdf.
 Question 4: Submit the entire web application project, you might include a note describing
how to run your application.
Compress all files in a single zip. The zip file should be named CO7216_CW3_your_email_id.zip (e.g. CO7216_CW3_abc123.zip). Your submission should also include a completed coursework plagiarism coversheet (print and signed PDF or image). You need to submit the zip file via Blackboard and you are allowed to re-submit as many times as you like before the deadline. Marks for any coursework which does not have the accompanying cover sheet will be withheld till you provide one.
Anonymous marking
We operate an anonymous marking scheme. Your email id will be hashed before grading. All submitted OWL files and the Java programs will be marked anonymously.

Marking Scheme
<50% 50-60% 60-70% 70%+ Task 1 The lightweight version of the OWL ontology still has major problems with the class/property hierarchy of the taxonomy Insufficient number of classes or properties. HermiT/FaCT++ reasoner shows inconsistencies. No attempt was made to resolve these problems. The taxonomy of the OWL2 ontology is mostly correct despite some issues with the class hierarchy. Most core classes and properties are presented. HermiT/FaCT++ reasoner shows inconsistencies. Some attempts were made to resolve the problems. The OWL2 ontology has a good class hierarchy and reasonable DataType/Object properties. HermiT/FaCT++ reasoner confirms the ontology is mostly consistent. Well-defined class hierarchy and DataType/Object properties of OWL2 ontology. Necessary SWRL or other reasoning rules are also integrated HermiT/FaCT++ reasoner confirms the ontology is consistent. Task 2 The generated Java code failed to compile. The program failed to retrieve the data from remote SPARQL endpoints The generated Java code compiles and runs. The program can access at least one remote SPARQL endpoint and the data obtained is used for creating instances, but there are still issues with the mapping. No property value or relationships are created. The program can access multiple remote triplestores via remote SPARQL endpoints, and at least three classes are populated with the data collected. Some property values are relationships are established, though still limited. The program can query multiple remote triplestores via remote SPARQL Task 3 The HTML document is not annotated with RDFa, or the RDFa content failed validation check at https:// www.w3.org/2 012/pyRdfa/V al idator.html The HTML document meets the syntax specification for RDFa, and its content passes the validation check, but the annotated content is still minimal. RDFa content passed the validation check, annotations generally well written. RDFa content passed the validation check, well-written annotations using properties/classes from a variety of external ontologies. Task 4 The web interface does The application has an ontological backend, The application has an RDF/OWL The users can query the ontology not use any backend (e.g. OWL file/triplestore), or the interface provided cannot answer any of the competency questions and users can search the data by editing pre-define SPARQL templates from the web interface, though there might still be some problems. file-based ontological backend, and users can search the ontology by dynamically constructing SPARQL queries using a form- based interface. There might still be some minor issues but at least three competency questions can be answered answered using the interface developed. by dynamically constructing SPARQL queries using an interactive (e.g. Ajax) interface. At least all five competency questions can be answered answered using the interface developed. Appendix 1 Java Web Application tutorial https://www.javahelps.com/2015/04/java-web-application-hello-world.html Building a simple web application using Spring boots https://dzone.com/articles/creating-a-web-application-with-spring-boot