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Hash Maps
Daniel Archambault
CS-115: Hash Maps

Previously in CS-115
Multirecursion twice the fun, right? 🙁
CS-115: Hash Maps

Previously in CS-115
What is multirecursion?
CS-115: Hash Maps

Previously in CS-115
What is multirecursion?
What are the two main parts of any recursive algorithm?
CS-115: Hash Maps

Previously in CS-115
What is multirecursion?
What are the two main parts of any recursive algorithm? What ADT is useful for tracing multirecursive algorithms?
CS-115: Hash Maps

Previously in CS-115
Now it’s time for the most giggle inducing lecture of CS-115!
Hash Maps
CS-115: Hash Maps

Philosophical Pause
Based on CC Flicker Image: Colton Witt: As I Look, I wonder
CS-115: Hash Maps

Philosophical Pause
Based on CC Flicker Image: Colton Witt: As I Look, I wonder
Is there a way to use non-integer keys can be used as array indexes?
CS-115: Hash Maps

A Dreamland!
A data structure with fast look-ups, like an array. Fast inserts into a specific location, like an array. But, does not take integer keys as indexes
􏰀 Oh, no, it can take weird non-integer things like strings
􏰀 And maybe, it can have a facility to write a method so it can take
custom classes as a key!
But, maybe we are living in a dreamworld?
CS-115: Hash Maps

A Dreamland!
A data structure with fast look-ups, like an array. Fast inserts into a specific location, like an array. But, does not take integer keys as indexes
􏰀 Oh, no, it can take weird non-integer things like strings
􏰀 And maybe, it can have a facility to write a method so it can take
custom classes as a key!
But, maybe we are living in a dreamworld?
􏰀 Yes, Virginia, there is such a data structure! 🙂
CS-115: Hash Maps

Hash Map ADT
Is usually expressed as a big array.
Should be able to take non-integer keys (String, Double, Date, maybe even ClosedShape…)
Should have fast access and overwrite of elements like an array.
Not built for iteration like a list, but it would be nice.
CS-115: Hash Maps

Hash Map ADT
Is usually expressed as a big array.
Should be able to take non-integer keys (String, Double, Date, maybe even ClosedShape…)
Should have fast access and overwrite of elements like an array.
Not built for iteration like a list, but it would be nice.
But, what’s really awesome is that no recursion is involved.
CS-115: Hash Maps

We want to do crazy things like this
myHashMap[“Dan!”] = 27;
myHashMap[“Swansea!”] = 33;
This might be cool too…
myHashMap[3.14] = “Circle time!”;
myHashMap[2.71] = “Natural Log”;
But how can we do such things? Syntax is a bit different.
CS-115: Hash Maps

Create a big array. Elements are called buckets. Write a hashing function for the non-integer keys
􏰀 First example, write one that converts strings to ints
􏰀 In the second example, write one that converts doubles to ints
Whenever presented with a key, use function to look up
􏰀 Use hashing function to convert it into an integer
􏰀 The modulo operator (“%”) tells which bucket to look in
CS-115: Hash Maps

What a Hash Map Looks Like
myHashMap.put (“Dan!”, 27);
myHashMap.put (“Swansea!”, 33);
Hash Function
(”Swansea!”, 33)
1 2 3
(”Dan!, 27)
CS-115: Hash Maps

Collisions Can Occur
There are no guarantees that two different keys won’t has to the same index
􏰀 This is what is known as a collision
myHashMap.put(“Dan!”, 27);
myHashMap.put(“Swansea!”, 33);
myHashMap.put(“Oh No!”, 8);
Hash Function
”Swansea!” ”Oh No!”
3 1
1 2
(”Swansea!”, 33)
(”Oh No!”, 8) (”Dan!, 27)
CS-115: Hash Maps

Chaining Solution
To handle collisions, Java API does chaining for you
􏰀 It constructs a linked list for buckets
􏰀 Assuming number of collisions is small, it won’t be too long
myHashMap.put(“Dan!”, 27);
myHashMap.put(“Swansea!”, 33);
myHashMap.put(“Oh No!”, 8);
Hash Function
”Swansea!” ”Oh No!”
3 1
1 2
(”Swansea!”, 33)
(”Dan!, 27)
(”Oh No!”, 8)
CS-115: Hash Maps

How do I get my data out?
You can use the get method
myHashMap.put(“Dan!”, 27);
myHashMap.put(“Swansea!”, 33);
myHashMap.put(“Oh No!”, 8);
myHashMap.get(“Dan!”); //returns 27.
CS-115: Hash Maps

What happens if I hash stuff to the same key?
Just like an array, the value gets overwritten.
myHashMap.put(“Dan!”, 27);
myHashMap.put(“Dan!”, 33); //Overwrite with 33
myHashMap.put(“Dan!”, 8); //Overwrite with 8
myHashMap.get(“Dan!”); //returns 8.
CS-115: Hash Maps

Declaring own Hash Map
HashMap is a class in the Java API
􏰀 https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/ util/HashMap.html
HashMap myHashMap =
new HashMap ();
HashMap is a generic
􏰀 Both the key and the value must be class types
􏰀 This means you need to use Integer for ints…
CS-115: Hash Maps

Do I have to write a hash function?
Good news, many hash functions become pre-implemented with the API
􏰀 String, Double, etc.
Okay great, I’ll just go ahead and do this!
HashMap myMap = …
Believe it or not this will work (but the hashing will be sub-optimal) 􏰀 Consider overriding hashCode for a better spread of keys
􏰀 https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/
Often, consider adding the hash codes of non-static attributes Think about collisions… how do we avoid them occurring?
CS-115: Hash Maps

Summary and Review
Introduction to Hash Maps and how to use them How does a Hash Map work?
Collisions, what are they again?
How are collisions resolved?
What is a hashing function?
CS-115: Hash Maps