程序代写代做 Java Inheritance II

Inheritance II
Daniel Archambault
CS-115: Inheritance II

Previously in CS-115
class Product private double price; private int numStock;
class Media private String title;
class Teacup
private float vol;
class Book
private String author; private int pages;
class Playable private double dur;
class DVD
private String director;
Hierarchies avoid duplication!
class CD
private String artist;
CS-115: Inheritance II

Previously in CS-115
Why bother with hierarchies and inheritance?
CS-115: Inheritance II

Previously in CS-115
Why bother with hierarchies and inheritance?
How do we allow attributes and methods to be confined to the hierarchy?
CS-115: Inheritance II

Previously in CS-115
Why bother with hierarchies and inheritance?
How do we allow attributes and methods to be confined to the hierarchy?
What keyword defines an inheritance relationship?
CS-115: Inheritance II

Previously in CS-115
Why bother with hierarchies and inheritance?
How do we allow attributes and methods to be confined to the hierarchy?
What keyword defines an inheritance relationship?
What is super? Why do we need to call it in constructors?
CS-115: Inheritance II

Previously in CS-115
Time to finish up with objects
Inheritance II
CS-115: Inheritance II

Hierarchies Can Cause Name Conflicts
class Playable
private double dur;
public void play ();
class DVD
private String director;
public void play ();
Suppose Playable and DVD both have a play () method with the exact same return type and parameters
Why would you even want to do this in the first place?
􏰀 define default behaviour for Playable objects
􏰀 conversely define more specific behaviour for DVD
What method gets called when you do a p.play ()?
class CD
private String artist;
CS-115: Inheritance II

Method Overriding
class Playable
private double dur;
public void play ();
class DVD
private String director;
public void play ();
In this case, play () in DVD overrides the version in Playable 􏰀 thus, DVD provides more specific behaviour for play ()
Independent of the type of the reference, the play () method in DVD gets called
􏰀 because that’s the “real” type of the object
class CD
private String artist;
CS-115: Inheritance II

Getting the Director of a DVD…
Suppose there is a method public String getDirector () in DVD. Is the following valid?
Playable p = new DVD ();
String s = p.getDirector ();
No it is not. The type of the reference does not have a getDirector () method
How can we transform this DVD back into it’s true form?
CS-115: Inheritance II

Reference Casting
You can use casting to transform the type of references
For any object, you can cast it into it’s own type or any of it’s superclasses
Playable p = new DVD ();
DVD d = (DVD) p; //change reference into a DVD
String s = d.getDirector ();
We could cast the following references into a DVD (assuming the object really is a DVD):
􏰀 Product, Media, Playable
But, not Book or any unrelated types
A casting error is thrown ClassCastException
CS-115: Inheritance II

What is Object?
Object is a very useful reference type in Java Object can refer any object in java
􏰀 it is the root of all class hierarchies What does Object allow us to do?
􏰀 using Object you can define programs that work on any type
CS-115: Inheritance II

Method Overloading
Overloading allows us to define different parameters for the same method
For example, suppose we want to set the components of a colour Sometimes, the RGB components are defined from [0, 1]
􏰀 void setColour (float r, float g, float b)
Sometimes, the RGB components are integers between [0, 255] 􏰀 void setColour (int r, int g, int b)
The method is overloaded because it can take different parameters
Parameters must be different, simple return type change won’t work
CS-115: Inheritance II

Constructor Overloading
Overloading can be very useful for constructors
We use this like super in this case
public class Colour {
private float red; // 0.0 to 1.0
private float green; // 0.0 to 1.0
private float blue; // 0.0 to 1.0
public Colour(float r, float g, float b) {
this.red = r;
this.green = g;
this.blue = b;
// Create a colour representing black.
public Colour() {
this(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
// Constructor allowing 0 to 255 values for r, g, b
public Colour(int r, int g, int b) {
} }
this(r / 255.0, g / 255.0, b / 255.0);
CS-115: Inheritance II

Abstract Classes
Sometimes you want to force the implementation of a method But, don’t know how to implement it just yet
􏰀 i.e. draw a picture of the product on screen
Abstract classes allow us to defer the implementation to the
person extending the code
Ensures that it is implemented properly by the person extending the class
Abstract classes cannot be instantiated (not complete) But complete extensions can be
CS-115: Inheritance II

Abstract Classes in Java
public abstract class Product {
private double price;
private int numStock

public double getPrice() {
return price;
*Draws the product to the screen. Don’t know
*how to do it yet. Subclass will tell me.
public abstract void draw();
CS-115: Inheritance II

Abstract Classes in Java
public class Teacup extends Product {
private int volume;

*Now I implement the draw method. If I don’t, I
*get a compile error if I try to do new Teacup.
public void draw () {
… draw my Tea cup …
CS-115: Inheritance II

Interfaces in Java
Sometimes you want to enforce certain operations but don’t want a hierarchy
In this case, an interface (not GUI) is a solution
In an interface, you only have abstract methods You have zero data
An interface is the closest thing to an ADT in Java
CS-115: Inheritance II

Interfaces in Java
public Interface List {
public boolean isEmpty ();
public int numberOfElements ();
public void addItem (ListItem li, int pos);
public ListItem getItem (int pos);
Use implements keyword to have your class implement the interface
If you implement the interface, you need to provide an implementation for all the methods
If you don’t, compile error.
You can implement many interfaces, but only inherit from one superclass
CS-115: Inheritance II

Interfaces as References
An interface can act as a reference type But can’t be instantiated
public class MyArray implements List {

//In the outside world
//Can only call list methods on this object
List a = new MyArray (…); //new List (…)
//never allowed
CS-115: Inheritance II