COMP5860M Semantic Technologies 2019–20
School of Computing, University of Leeds Final Assessment
Main Idea of the Work
Organize the topics in some of the lectures using semantic tools studied in the module, and present a summary of selected module topics and module resources as linked data in RDF format.
In more detail
You will use these semantic tools: The Simple Knowledge Organisation Scheme, skos; The Dublin-core metadata terms; The facilities of rdf and rdfs.
You will use just these module resources:
• Lecture 1 (intro to module), Lecture 2 (intro to ontology), and Lecture 7 (ontology development) as presented on Minerva. You only need to use material presented in the lecture slides together with any additional resources they refer to or which are also provided with the lecture slides.
Your aim, using only these three lectures and their content:
• Identify and define key concepts in semantic technologies and applications.
• Ignore material such as assessment details of the module.
• Include some resources (e.g. lectures, lecture slides and other material) as objects having metadata.
The scope of your linked data:
• Strictly 15 skos concepts – so you will have to be selective.
• A definition for each concept. A one or two sentence literal value you write. Can be longer than the the one in the example.
• 75 to 85 triples altogther. Not more than 75 unless you really need to. Support is available via the Module group on Yammer.
How it will be marked, Total 100 Marks
• 15: Selection of concepts; are they the most important?
• 30: Definitions; capture essence of the concept.
• 20: Relationships between concepts using skos properties such as broader, related etc. Relationships should correctly describe connections between concepts.
• 15: Resources other than concepts (e.g. lecture slides, published articles, a particular ontology, people, etc) mentioned in the three lectures or their material on Minerva. Namespaces can be invented examples, as in the fragment below. Follow usage of dcterms and skos for when literal values are permitted. Aim is to give range of resources linked to the concepts. Additional namespaces and their terms can be used if necessary.
• 15: Use of Dublin core metatdata terms: variety of appropriate terms.
• 5: Correct RDF Turtle syntax in a human-readable layout with appropri-
ate choice of names.
Example fragment
@prefix dcterms:
@prefix rdf:
@prefix rdfs:
@prefix skos:
@prefix foaf:
@prefix exc:
@prefix exr:
exc:fruit a skos:ConceptScheme;
skos:prefLabel “Fruits”@en.
exc:banana a skos:Concept;
skos:definition “A delicious fruit which is long and yellow”@en;
skos:prefLabel “banana”@en;
skos:inScheme exc:fruit;
skos:broader exc:longFruit.
exr:lecture01 dct:subject exc:banana;
a dcterms:Event;
dcterms:title “The Banana in History”@en;
dcterms:creator [ foaf:name “Prof. A. Plantain” ];
rdfs:label “Lecture The First”@en.
Sumbission Deadline Friday 29th May at 11:00
Submission is via link on Minerva. Submit a single, plain text, file in RDF turtle format. You must not submit a Word document or a pdf file.