% Module: proj2
% Author: Adam Quigley
% Last updated: 09.10.2018
% Program for solving Fill-In style puzzles
% COMP30020 Declarative Programming, 2018 Semester 2, Project 2
% The University of Melbourne, School of Computing and Information Systems
% This module solves Fill-In (fill-it-in) style puzzles by constructing a
% representation of the puzzle at a list of ‘slots’, and repeatedly
% trying valid words from the provided word list until it finds a
% solution. Once found, the solution is written to a solution file.
% The program reads in a puzzle file and creates a list of ‘slots’ by
% aggregating series of non-black (‘#’) squares of length greater than one.
% It sorts the list of slots and the list of words, and then proceeds to
% match words with slots. If there is a word that uniquely matches a slot
% it will be immediately unified with that slot, otherwise the largest slot
% is selected and unified with valid matching word.
% To narrow the possible search space, the program sorts the slots by
% number of possible unifications with words, then by length.
% This ensures that the longest words with the fewest possible matches
% amongst words of their size are picked first. If no solution is found,
% the program backtracks and tries different combinations of words
% and slots until the puzzle is solved.
% Usage:
% Call program with main(PuzzleFile, WordlistFile, SolutionFile) where:
% PuzzleFile – the dir location of a valid puzzle file
% WordlistFile – the dir location of a list of words
% SolutionFile – the dir location of a file to write a solution to
:- ensure_loaded(library(clpfd)).
:- use_module(library(pairs)).
% Reads a puzzle file and a file containing a list of words and
% solves the puzzle by creating a representation of the puzzle as ‘slots’.
% It repeatedly matches slots with words until a solution is found.
% The solution is then printed to a solution file.
main(PuzzleFile, WordlistFile, SolutionFile) :-
read_file(PuzzleFile, PuzzleCharList),
read_file(WordlistFile, RawWordList),
create_free_variables(PuzzleCharList, Puzzle),
find_all_puzzle_slots(Puzzle, UnsortedSlots),
sort_by_length_desc(UnsortedSlots, Slots),
remove_filled_words(Slots, RawWordList, WordList),
remove_filled_slots(Slots, UnfilledSlots),
sort_by_length_desc(WordList, SortedWordList),
solve_puzzle(Puzzle, UnfilledSlots, SortedWordList, Solved),
print_puzzle(SolutionFile, Solved).
% A puzzle is valid when all rows are the same length
valid_puzzle([Row|Rows]) :-
maplist(same_length(Row), Rows).
% Sorts a list of lists in descending order by sublist length
sort_by_length_desc(List, ByLength) :-
map_list_to_pairs(length, List, Pairs),
sort(1, @>=, Pairs, Sorted),
pairs_values(Sorted, ByLength).
% Sorts a list of slots from least possible unifications to most
sort_by_least_unifiable_words(Slots, WordList, ByNumUnifiableWords) :-
map_list_to_pairs(num_of_unifiable_words(WordList), Slots, Pairs),
sort(1, @=<, Pairs, Sorted),
pairs_values(Sorted, ByNumUnifiableWords).
% Takes a list of slots and a list of sords and deletes any filled slots
% from the word list. This is important because we don't need to search
% for a solution to a slot that is already answered.
remove_filled_words([], WordList, WordList).
remove_filled_words([SlotHead|T], InputWordList, ResultWordList) :-
( is_filled_slot(SlotHead)
-> delete(InputWordList, SlotHead, RemainingWordList),
remove_filled_words(T, RemainingWordList, ResultWordList)
; remove_filled_words(T, InputWordList, ResultWordList)
% Remove all slots that have been filled in from a list of slots
remove_filled_slots(InputSlots, OutputSlots) :-
exclude(is_filled_slot, InputSlots, OutputSlots).
% Solves a puzzle represented as a list of rows by repeatedly finding
% words and unifying them with slots until the list of words is empty.
% Slot that are filled as a by-product of unifications must be removed.
% Slots are sorted by the number of unifiable words, then by length desc.
% Both are stable sorts. This ensures that the longest slots are tried
% first, and the slot with the minimum matches tried.
solve_puzzle(Puzzle, _, [], Puzzle).
solve_puzzle(Puzzle, Slots, WordList, Solved) :-
choose_slots_and_word(Slots, WordList, BestSlot, BestWord),
BestSlot = BestWord,
delete(WordList, BestWord, NewWordList),
remove_filled_words(Slots, NewWordList, UnfilledWordList),
remove_filled_slots(Slots, UnfilledSlots),
sort_by_least_unifiable_words(UnfilledSlots, WordList, ByUnifiableWords),
sort_by_length_desc(ByUnifiableWords, ResortedSlots),
solve_puzzle(Puzzle, ResortedSlots, UnfilledWordList, Solved).
% True for all words that can unify with a given slot
unifiable_with_slot(Slot, WordList, Word) :-
member(Word, WordList),
are_unifiable(Slot, Word).
% Collects all words that are unifiable with a slot into a list
all_unifiable_words(Slot, WordList, UnifiableWords) :-
findall(Word, unifiable_with_slot(Slot, WordList, Word), UnifiableWords).
% Finds the number of words that can unify with a particular slot
num_of_unifiable_words(Slot, WordList, N) :-
all_unifiable_words(Slot, WordList, UnifiableWords),
length(UnifiableWords, N).
% If there’s a word of a unique length, immediately unify it with
% the single slot that matches its length.
% Otheriwse choose first (longest) slot and find a unifiable word.
choose_slots_and_word([SlotHead|ST], [WH|WT], BestSlot, BestWord) :-
( get_unique_word([WH|WT], [WH|WT], UniqueWord)
-> BestWord = UniqueWord,
length(BestWord, L),
get_slot_of_length([SlotHead|ST], L, MatchingLenSlot),
BestSlot = MatchingLenSlot
; BestSlot = SlotHead,
unifiable_with_slot(SlotHead, [WH|WT], BestWord)
% True if a word of unique length exists in a list of words
get_unique_word(WordList, [WordListHead|T], Word) :-
( is_unique_word(WordList, WordListHead)
-> Word = WordListHead
; get_unique_word(WordList, T, Word)
% True if a word is the only word of its length in a list of words
is_unique_word(WordList, Word) :-
length(Word, WordLen),
count_words_of_length(WordList, WordLen, Count),
Count is 1.
% Finds the number of words in a list of words that match a given length
count_words_of_length([], _, 0).
count_words_of_length([WordListHead|T], WordLen, C) :-
( length(WordListHead, WordLen)
-> count_words_of_length(T, WordLen, C1),
C is C1 + 1
; count_words_of_length(T, WordLen, C)
% Unifies ‘Slot’ with a slot in a list of Slots if it’s length matches Len
get_slot_of_length([SlotsHead|T], Len, Slot) :-
( length(SlotsHead, Len)
-> Slot = SlotsHead
; get_slot_of_length(T, Len, Slot)
% True if all the terms in a slot match the corresponding characters
% in a Word, where a word is a list of chars e.g. [‘c’,’a’,’t’]
% Assumes that the word and slot are of equal length.
chars_match([], _).
chars_match([SlotHead|SlotTail], [WordHead|WordTail]) :-
( var(SlotHead)
-> chars_match(SlotTail, WordTail)
; SlotHead = WordHead,
chars_match(SlotTail, WordTail)
% True if a Slot can be unified with a word.
% Each term in a slot must match a character’s position in the word.
are_unifiable(Slot, Word) :-
same_length(Slot, Word),
chars_match(Slot, Word).
% True if a slot has been unified, ie. [a,b,c]
is_filled_slot([H|T]) :-
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% SLOT CONSTRUCTION PREDICATES %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% Replace any underscore character with a free variable
logical_variable(Char, Result) :-
( Char = ‘_’
-> Result = _
; Result = Char
% Convert all underscore chars in a row to logical / free variables
map_row_vars(Row, NewRow) :-
maplist(logical_variable, Row, ResultRow),
NewRow = ResultRow.
% Converts all underscore chars in a puzzle to free variables
% the free variables will be unified with letters to solve the puzzle
create_free_variables(Puzzle, FreeVariablePuzzle) :-
maplist(map_row_vars, Puzzle, ResultPuzzle),
FreeVariablePuzzle = ResultPuzzle.
% Find slots inside a puzzles row or column.
% A slot is a sequence of non-solid squares greater than one in length.
% If free var or non ‘#’ character is found, add to accumulator.
% If non-free var found but none accumulated, keep searching.
% If non-free var found but only one var accumulated, reset accum
% and keep searching. Slots must have a length greater than one.
% If non-free var found and some accumulated, add Slot and reset Accum.
get_row_slots([], Accum, AccumList, Slots) :-
( length(Accum, 0)
-> Slots = AccumList
; length(Accum, 1)
-> Slots = AccumList
; NewAccumList = [Accum | AccumList],
Slots = NewAccumList
get_row_slots([H|T], Accum, AccumList, Slots) :-
( var(H)
-> get_row_slots(T, [H|Accum], AccumList, Slots)
; H \= ‘#’
-> get_row_slots(T, [H|Accum], AccumList, Slots)
; length(Accum, 0)
-> get_row_slots(T, Accum, AccumList, Slots)
; length(Accum, 1)
-> get_row_slots(T, [], AccumList, Slots)
; NewAccumList = [Accum | AccumList],
get_row_slots(T, [], NewAccumList, Slots)
% Finds all the slots within a given puzzle transposition.
% Rows are reversed because get_row_slots constructs lists backwards.
get_all_slots([], Accum, Accum).
get_all_slots([H|T], Accum, AllSlots) :-
reverse(H, Row),
get_row_slots(Row, [], [], RowSlots),
append(Accum, RowSlots, AccumList),
get_all_slots(T, AccumList, AllSlots).
% Finds all the slots in a puzzle, looking at both rows and columns.
% The puzzle must be a valid puzzle otherwise transpose will fail.
find_all_puzzle_slots(RowPuzzle, AllSlots) :-
get_all_slots(RowPuzzle, [], RowSlots),
transpose(RowPuzzle, ColPuzzle),
get_all_slots(ColPuzzle, [], ColSlots),
append(RowSlots, [], Accum),
append(ColSlots, Accum, AllSlots).
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% I/O PREDICATES %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% Reads a file and into a variable Content
read_file(Filename, Content) :-
open(Filename, read, Stream),
read_lines(Stream, Content),
% Reads a stream of lines from a file into a variable Content
read_lines(Stream, Content) :-
read_line(Stream, Line, Last),
( Last = true
-> ( Line = []
-> Content = []
; Content = [Line]
; Content = [Line|Content1],
read_lines(Stream, Content1)
% Reads individual characters from an input stream into a variable Line
read_line(Stream, Line, Last) :-
get_char(Stream, Char),
( Char = end_of_file
-> Line = [],
Last = true
; Char = ‘\n’
-> Line = [],
Last = false
; Line = [Char|Line1],
read_line(Stream, Line1, Last)
% Writes characters in a Puzzle solution into a solution file
print_puzzle(SolutionFile, Puzzle) :-
open(SolutionFile, write, Stream),
maplist(print_row(Stream), Puzzle),
% Writes an individual row from a solution puzzle into an IO stream
print_row(Stream, Row) :-
maplist(put_puzzle_char(Stream), Row),
% Writes an individual character into an IO stream
put_puzzle_char(Stream, Char) :-
( var(Char)
-> put_char(Stream, ‘_’)
; put_char(Stream, Char)