程序代写代做 hadoop AWS Java kernel html ant file system android COMP5349 – Cloud Computing

COMP5349 – Cloud Computing
Week 3: Container Technology
Dr. Ying Zhou School of Computer Science

 Container Brief Intro
 Docker Overview  Images
 Containers  Storage
 Networking  Security
COMP5349 “Cloud Computing” – 2020 (Y. Zhou)

Administrative: Lab Arrangement
 University’s data on special cohort students may not be accurate
 We have 9 labs in three different settings
 Online only labs using zoom
 R16H: Thursday 4pm on SIT457  F16E: Friday 4pm on SIT457
 Face-to-face only labs
 R16C: Thursday 4pm on SIT 117  F16A: Friday 4pm on SIT 118
 Mixed labs with tutor in room and zoom session running  Thursday: SIT114, SIT115 and SIT130B
 Friday: SIT117 and SIT 116
 If you are on campus but are assigned to an online only lab, please attend any lab with a tutor in the room
 If you are not on campus but are assigned to a face-to-face only labs
 Please contact Chenhao Huang to get assigned to a
class with zoom session
COMP5349 “Cloud Computing” – 2020 (Y. Zhou) 02-3

Administrative: AWS Educate Update
 AWS changed the way credit is distributed to student late last year (2019)
 There are three types of account for using AWS  Regular AWS account
 Any one with a credit card can apply
 Full service support  Educate starter account
 Any university student can apply, the credit amount depends on if the university is a member institute
 Our student will have $100 credit per year
 Last until you graduate
 With limited services
 Educate classroom account
 By invitation only with $50 credit
 Last only for the semester  With limited services
 They are not related in anyway
COMP5349 “Cloud Computing” – 2020 (Y. Zhou) 03-4

Administrative: Covid-19 health management
 What do I do if a staff member or student is visibly unwell?
 Politely ask the person to excuse themselves from the work areas or class and seek
medical attention.
 What should I do if I feel unwell?
 If you feel unwell and experience symptoms (including a fever, a cough, sore throat or shortness of breath):
 Do not attend work if you feel unwell. Speak to your manager to make alternative arrangements.
 Isolate yourself from others immediately – the University has support measures in place for self-isolation of staff and students.
 Phone (do not visit) a local general practioner (GP) or the closest hospital emergency department for instructions on what to do next.
 The University Health Service can be reached on (02) 9351 3484. Royal Prince Alfred emergency department closest to our main campus in Camperdown is (02) 9515 6111.
 What if I come to University feeling well, but become unwell while on campus?
 If symptoms appear while at the University, please excuse yourself from the class or work area and seek medical attention.
COMP5349 “Cloud Computing” – 2020 (Y. Zhou) 03-5

Last Week: Virtualization  The key motivation for virtualization
Maintain isolation, increase utilization
 Two components in server virtualization
Hypervisor and virtual machine
 The design principle of hypervisor
Similar to OS design principle  Kernel and other modules
Can be implemented in different ways
 Different options for managing critical instructions
Full virtualization: keep OS unchanged  With software emulation
 With hardware assisted execution mode
Modify OS
 Paravirtualization
COMP5349 “Cloud Computing” – 2020 (Y. Zhou) 02-6

 “Operating-system-level virtualization, also known
as containerization, refers to an operating
system feature in which the kernel allows the existence of multiple isolated user-space instances.”
 “Such instances, called containers, partitions, virtualization engines (VEs) or jails (FreeBSD jail or chroot jail), may look like real computers from the point of view of programs running in them.”
COMP5349 “Cloud Computing” – 2020 (Y. Zhou) 03-7

Container vs. System Virtual Machine
All containers use the kernel of the host machine
Each VM contains a full OS
You cannot run windows container on Linux machine
All Linux distros, share more or less the “same” upstream kernel,
running Ubuntu container on Redhat would not cause any drama
COMP5349 “Cloud Computing” – 2020 (Y. Zhou) 03-8

Linux Kernel, System and Distribution
 Linux kernel is the most basic component of a Linux Operating System. It does the four basic jobs
Memory Management Process Management Device Drivers
System Calls and Security
 Linux System
Kernel + system libraries and tools
 E.g. GNU tools like gcc,  Linux distribution
Pre-packaged Linux system + more applications
 E.g. news servers, web browsers, text-processing and editing tools, etc.
Redhat, Debian, Amazon Linux, Android(?)
COMP5349 “Cloud Computing” – 2020 (Y. Zhou) 03-9

Container vs. System Virtual Machine
 Operating Systems and Resources
Running full fledged OS inside VM takes up certain amount of
resources even if no app is running in the VM
Starting OS takes some time
Container exits when the process inside it finishes
Container is much faster to start, similar to starting an application
 Isolation for performance and security
VMs have very good isolation and security
They enjoy hardware support and mature technology
Containers offer reasonable level of isolation using kernel techniques like namespace and control groups
 Containers can run inside VM
COMP5349 “Cloud Computing” – 2020 (Y. Zhou) 03-10

Linux Kernel Feature: Namespace
 To create an illusion of full computer system for each container, we need to give each a “copy” of the kernel resources
An independent file system starting with a root directory: /
An independent set of process ids, with id 1 assigned to init process An independent set of user uids, with id 0 assigned to root user
 Etc..
 To avoid conflict, OS provides a feature called namespace
 The namespace provides containers their own view of the
COMP5349 “Cloud Computing” – 2020 (Y. Zhou)

Namespace Kinds
 Early Linux has a single namespace for each resource type  Gradually, namespaces are added to different resources
 Mount (mnt)
 This deals with file system
 Each container can have its own rootfs
 Each container manages its own mount points
 Process ID (pid)
 Each container has its own numbering starting at 1
 When PID 1 goes away, all other processes exit immediately
 PID name spaces are nested. The same process may have different PIDs in different namespaces
 User ID
 Provide user segregation and privilege isolation
 There is a mapping between container UID to host OS UID
 UID 0 (root) in container may have a different UID in the host
 Net, IPC, etc..
COMP5349 “Cloud Computing” – 2020 (Y. Zhou)

Linux Kernel Feature: Cgroup
 Control Groups (cgroups) is another kernel feature to enable isolated container
 It is used to control kernel resource allocated to each container/process
Metering and limiting
 The resources include:  Memory
I/O (File and Network)
 Cgroups are organized hierarchically for each resource type Each process belongs to 1 node in each hieararchy
COMP5349 “Cloud Computing” – 2020 (Y. Zhou) 03-13

Cgroups Hierarchy Example

COMP5349 “Cloud Computing” – 2020 (Y. Zhou) 03-14

Container Runtimes
 Runtime
 Life cycle of a program, e.g runtime error
 Language specific environment to support its execution, e.g. JRE
 Container runtime has similar responsibilities as a Java Runtime Environment (JRE)
 It enables containers to run
 by setting up namespaces and cgroups
 It can also be viewed as the counterpart of hypervisor
 Low level container runtimes, focuse on just running containers  LXC, Systemd-nspawn, OpenVZ, Sandboxie, etc…
 High level container runtimes, contain lot of other features like defining image formats, managing images, etc
 Docker
COMP5349 “Cloud Computing” – 2020 (Y. Zhou)

 Container Brief Intro
 Docker Overview  Images
 Containers  Storage
 Networking
COMP5349 “Cloud Computing” – 2020 (Y. Zhou)

Docker Overview
 Docker is the most “famous” container
 It is not just a container, it is a packaging and deployment system build on container technology
There is a large ecosystem of various components
The container part is usually presented as a black box where docker
users do not need to know a lot about how it works
For most users, the dependency management and deploy everywhere are the most prominent features
 Its success partly relies on good use case
COMP5349 “Cloud Computing” – 2020 (Y. Zhou) 03-17

The dependency hell
 Modularization and layering are key principles in computer science .
 But it has an unwanted by product “dependency hell”
APIs may change across versions
Conflicting dependencies
 Some app runs on Python 2 while others on Python 3, and some may be
very particular on the exact version  Alternative solution?
Missing dependencies
 You may install some app successfully, but may encounter problem in
 Alternative solution?
Platform differences
 Development and production have different environments
 Docker is promised to solve all those problems COMP5349 “Cloud Computing” – 2020 (Y. Zhou)

Docker Components
 Docker daemon is a long running process to provide overall control
images, containers, network and data volumes
 The daemon exposes a REST API to allow remote control
 A command line interface (CLI) to interact with docker daemon
Any similarity with system VM? Any similarity with JVM? Which component is managing access to the critical resources like cpu and memory?
COMP5349 “Cloud Computing” – 2020 (Y. Zhou)

Docker Architecture
 The client and daemon can run on the same or different system
 Docker daemon has command for managing the life cycle of a container
 The docker registries are where docker images are stored and can be used
COMP5349 “Cloud Computing” – 2020 (Y. Zhou) 03-20

Docker Objects
 Container
A relatively isolated running environment for user’s applications, e.g. a web application. Container uses kernel technologies to manage resource allocation and isolation.
 Images
A read-only template with instructions for building and executing
some application inside container  Network
Mechanisms for connection among Docker and non-Docker workload
 Data Volume
Is the standard mechanism for persisting data for container
COMP5349 “Cloud Computing” – 2020 (Y. Zhou)

Docker image
 Docker images are defined in Dockerfile
A text document containing a sequence of instructions/commands to
build and run your application
If you ever written something like a make file, ant build file, Maven
POM file, etc. etc. the Dockerfile is designed for similar purpose You declare dependencies, set environment variables and other
configurations in it
 The images are created by calling the command docker
 The images are stored in a local Docker image registry and can be published in a public registry
COMP5349 “Cloud Computing” – 2020 (Y. Zhou)

Example Dockerfile
COMP5349 “Cloud Computing” – 2020 (Y. Zhou) 03-23

Image Layering
 Docker uses Copy-on-Write strategy to organize storage inside containers to guarantee the lightweight feature
Small space requirement and fast start-up time Various drivers can be used aufs, Btrfs, ZFS, etc
 Copy-on-Write
Storages are organized into multiple logical layers
If a file or directory exists in the lower layers, the upper layers can use it
If an upper layer needs to modify anything (write) on the lower layer, it creates a copy on that layer and modify it.
Common lower layers can be shared by many images
 Docker images are build on top of each other, upper images
do not need to copy lower image files if nothing is changed.
COMP5349 “Cloud Computing” – 2020 (Y. Zhou) 03-24

Image Layers
Obtain some layers from parent image
Create a layer each
COMP5349 “Cloud Computing” – 2020 (Y. Zhou)

Container and image layers
 Images are read-only templates, all image layers are read- only
 When an image is loaded into a container to run, the container add a thin writable layer on top of it.
All writes to the container are stored in this layer It is deleted when container exits (is deleted) Should be used as temporary storage
 If multiple images use a same base image, only one copy of the base image is required
Small space
 When container starts, only a new writable layer is added on top of the existing image layers
Fast start up
 Application persistence should be handled differently
COMP5349 “Cloud Computing” – 2020 (Y. Zhou) 03-26

Multiple containers sharing the same image
COMP5349 “Cloud Computing” – 2020 (Y. Zhou)

Docker Container
 The actual container uses many OS technologies to provide isolation and to allocation resources: cpu, memory, i/o
 This is achieved by utilized various features provided by linux kernel
 Namespaces  Cgroups
 Others
 Linux Containers (LXC) was used as the execution driver  The current driver Libcontainer is more general, allowing
Docker to run on platform other than Linux
COMP5349 “Cloud Computing” – 2020 (Y. Zhou)

Data Volume
 Apart from storing data within the writable layer of a container, there are other preferred ways to persist data
Bind mount is an early version storage option, it allows a client to mount any file or directory on the host machine into a container
Volumes uses a designated location in the host machine as container storage, it is completely managed by Docker
tmpfs is a rarely used option, which uses host memory to simulate storage
COMP5349 “Cloud Computing” – 2020 (Y. Zhou)

 Docker provides a few options for container to decide how it wants to connect with outside
 Host
Bridge: default/user defined  None
 Overlay
 Others…
 These are specified during the start of the container, if nothing is specified, the default bridge driver is used.
COMP5349 “Cloud Computing” – 2020 (Y. Zhou)

Networking: Host
 Host driver is the simplest option,
It removes the isolation between container and host Container is treated in the same way as a process in the host It connects directly to the host NIC (host networking namepace)
docker run –d –-name nginx-1 –net=host nginx
COMP5349 “Cloud Computing” – 2020 (Y. Zhou) 03-31

 Docker manages its own private network
Adding a software bridge to the host
The mapping from internal/private address to public/host based address is done through Network Address Translation (NAT)
10000 10001
Networking: Bridge
docker run –d –-name nginx-1 -p 10000:80 nginx docker run –d –-name nginx-2 -p 10001:80 nginx
COMP5349 “Cloud Computing” – 2020 (Y. Zhou)

COMP5349 “Cloud Computing” – 2020 (Y. Zhou) 03-33

Docker Security Issues
 Namespaces provide the first and most straightforward form of isolation
 But for various reasons, a container might not follow strict name space based isolation
 E.g. the Host networking driver puts container and host in the same namespace
 Even though each container has its own file system. The host file system is not completely invisible to container.
 The special requirements to run Docker daemon as root largely compromises security
 Docker containers are started with restricted capabilities and can be further restricted, but the default profile does not provide complete isolation
 It is relatively easy for a user to escalate to some level of ‘root’ privilege through container.
COMP5349 “Cloud Computing” – 2020 (Y. Zhou)

Next Week
 This is the end of cloud enabling technology content
 Starting from next week, we will focus on “big data analytic”
 The topic for next week is basic MapReduce programming
Dean, Sanjay Ghemawat, MapReduce: Simplified Data Processing on Large Clusters. In OSDI’04,
Tom White, Hadoop, the definitive Guide, O’reilly, 2009
COMP5349 “Cloud Computing” – 2020 (Y. Zhou)

 Container’s Anatomy,
 https://www.slideshare.net/jpetazzo/anatomy-of-a-container-namespaces-
 Dirk Merkel, Docker: Lightweight Linux Containers for Consistent Development and Deployment, Linux Journal, May 19, 2014
 https://www.linuxjournal.com/content/docker-lightweight-linux-containers- consistent-development-and-deployment
 Docker Documentation: Docker Overview
 https://docs.docker.com/engine/docker-overview/#the-docker-platform
 Docker File Systems
 https://docs.docker.com/storage/storagedriver/#images-and-layers  https://docs.docker.com/storage/volumes/
 Docker Networking
 https://mesosphere.com/blog/networking-docker-containers/
 Docker Security
 https://docs.docker.com/engine/security/security/
COMP5349 “Cloud Computing” – 2020 (Y. Zhou)