– Lecture 12 –
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Do Loops
Write to External Files
Create custom reports
Reading Non-standard Data Files Delimiters other than spaces
Mixed format records
Multiple records per line
SAS Variable Lists
Data Conversion
Numeric to character Character to numeric
DO Loop Processing
There are four kinds of DO loops in SAS: DO-END
Executes statements as a unit, usually as a part of IF-THEN/ELSE statements.
Iterative DO
Executes a group of statements repetitively based on the value of an
index variable.
Executes a group of statements repetitively as long as the specified condition remains true. The condition is checked before each iteration of the loop.
Executes a group of statements repetitively until the specified condition is true. The condition is checked after each iteration of the loop.
For one executable statement, the IF-THEN statement does NOT require a DO-END statement
For more than one executable statement, the IF- THEN statement requires a DO-END statement
IF sex = ‘Male’ THEN Abbreviation = ‘Mr. ‘;
IF sex = ‘Male’ THEN DO;
Abbreviation = ‘Mr. ‘;
Salutation = ‘Sir ‘;
Iterative DO
Use the iterative DO to repeat a group of statements a fixed number of times, based on the value of an index variable
It helps us to perform repetitive calculations
Perform Repetitive Calculations
On January 1 of each year (2021-2023), $5,000 is invested in an account. Determine the value of the account after three years based on a constant annual interest rate of 7.5 percent.
data invest;
do Year=2021 to 2023;
Capital+(Capital*.075); end;
Year Capital
2024 17364.61
Perform Repetitive Calculations
Now display the value of the account at the end of each year
data invest;
do Year=2021 to 2023;
Capital+5000; Capital+(Capital*.075); output;
Year Capital 2021 5375.00 2022 11153.13 2023 17364.61
Perform Repetitive Calculations
Create a program that shows, step by step The summation of 1 to 10
The calculation of 10! (10 factorial)
data iterate; Summation = 0; Factorial = 1; n = 10;
do i = 1 to n;
Summation = Summation + i; Factorial = Factorial * i; output;
Example Output
Obs i Summation Factorial
3366 4410 24 5 5 15 120
55 3628800
Forecasting Example
In our last lecture, we created a data set containing weight projections for individuals.
Let’s look at a similar problem.
Use the growth data set in the data2 folder
Forecast the number of employees forward for the next three years, assuming an annual increase of 10%
Compare the old method vs. the new method
Forecasting Example
data forecast;
set data2.growth(rename=(NumEmps=NewTotal)); Increase = .1;
data forecast;
set data2.growth(rename=(NumEmps=NewTotal)); Increase = .1;
do Year=1 to 3;
output; end;
More on the Iterative DO Statement
The index variable can start or stop on any number The index variable can iterate in multiples using the
do i = 5 to 20;
do i = 1 to 100 by 2;
output; end;
Index variables can take on user-defined lists
do Day = ‘Mon’,’Tue’,’Wed’,’Thu’,’Fri’,’Sat’,’Sun’; output;
The Iterative DO Statement
How many times will each DO loop execute?
A DO-WHILE Loop executes a group of statements repetitively as long as the specified condition remains true. The condition is checked before each iteration of the loop.
A DO-UNTIL Loop executes a group of statements repetitively until the specified condition is true. The condition is checked after each iteration of the loop.
Conditional Iterative Processing
Determine the number of years it would take for an account to exceed $1,000,000 if $5,000 is invested annually at 7.5 percent interest.
DATA invest;
do while(Capital<1000000);
Capital+5000; Capital+(Capital*.075);
Iterative DO with Conditional Clause
Determine the return of the account again. Stop the loop if 25 years is reached or more than $250,000 is accumulated
More About the Data Step
One controls data coming into the DATA step, the other controls data leaving the DATA step
Create Custom Reports
You can use the PUT statement with the DATA
_NULL_ statement to write output in any specified
DATA _NULL_ begins a DATA step but does NOT create a data set.
It writes output to a specified file using PUT statements
The PUT statements control the exact location and format of information in the output file
DATA _NULL_ Program and Output
data _null_;
set data1.admit;
if Sex = 'M' then Salutation = 'Mr.'; Else Salutation = 'Ms.'; file '/home/user/admitreport.doc' PRINT;
put @5 'Dear ' Salutation ' ' Name ':' //
@5 'Your weight at admission was ' Weight 3. ' pounds.' / @5 'Your height at admission was ' Height 2. ' inches.' // @10 'Thank you for your ' fee dollar8.2 ' payment!';
put _page_;
Dear Mr. Murray, W :
Your weight at admission was 168 pounds. Your height at admission was 72 inches.
Thank you for your $85.20 payment!
Colon Modifier
The Colon Modifier is used to read values only as far
as the next delimiter
Allows for the use of Informats with List input to handle non- standard data values (i.e., values that do not match the format)
Colon Modifier: Character Example
In List input, use the Colon Modifier to read character values longer than 8 characters (with no blank spaces). The ‘:’ tells SAS to read in a value until it reaches a space:
data students;
input Name : $20. Gender : $6. Age 2.; datalines;
Elizabeth female 23
Jonathan male 22
Zack male 19
INFILE Statement Options
Using Other Delimiters
A delimiter is used to separate values of adjacent variables
In SAS, the default delimiter is a “space,” but many other programs use commas or tabs
Space delimited vs. Comma delimited
Betty 19 F
The DLM= Option
The DLM= option is used to specify a delimiter The delimiter can be any character
infile 'students.txt' dlm=','; input Name $ Age Gender $;
Mary,21,Female John,22,Male David,18,Male
Missing Data at the End of a Row
By default, when there is missing data at the end of a row
1. SAS loads the next record to finish the observation
2. A note is written to the log
3. SAS loads a new record at the top of the DATA step and continues processing
Missing Data at the End of a Row
Missing Data at the End of a Row
Solution: MISSOVER Option
The MISSOVER option tells SAS it should not read from the next line if there are any missing values
data airplanes3;
infile 'airdata2.txt' dlm=',' missover;
input ID $
InService : date9.
PassCap CargoCap;
ID Service
50001 10627
50002 10907
50003 11617
50004 12088
50005 12228
50006 12772
90 530 172 . 170 510 180 520
In Pass Carg
The DSD Option
The DSD option:
Sets the default delimiter to a comma
Treats consecutive delimiters as missing values
Enables SAS to read values with embedded delimiters if the value is surrounded by double quotes
Mixed Record Types
What if not all records have the same format?
Desired Output
The Trailing @ Modifier
The trailing @ modifier tells SAS to hold the current input buffer line for further processing:
data sales;
infile '/home/user/sales.dat'; input SalesID $ Location $ @;
if location='USA' then
input SaleDate : mmddyy10.
else if Location='EUR' then
input SaleDate : date9.
Amount : commax8.;
Mixed Record Types
Multiple Observations Per Line
The Double Trailing @ Modifier
Trailing @ vs. Double Trailing @
SAS Variable Lists
Numbered range lists Name range lists
Name prefix lists
Special SAS name lists
Numbered Range List
Allows you to refer to a set variables that all start with the same variable name, and all end with a number
A numbered range list refers to all the weeks as follows:
input Salesman $ Week1 Week2 Week3 Week4...Week52;
PROC print;
var Week1-Week52;
Name Range List
Allows you to refer to a series of variables that appear in consecutive order in the data set
A name range list refers to all the days as follows:
Note: Salesman-Numeric-Region includes only Numeric variables in the range, and Salesman-Character-Region includes only character variables in the range
input Salesman $ Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat Sun Region;
PROC print;
var Mon--Sun;
Name Prefix List
Some SAS functions and statements allow you to refer to all variables that begin with a specified character string.
This calculates the sum of all the variables that begin with 'SALES', such as SALES_JAN, SALES_FEB, and SALES_MAR.
sum(of SALES:)
Special SAS Names List
Special SAS name lists include _NUMERIC_
Specifies all numeric variables that are already defined in the current DATA step.
Specifies all character variables that are already defined in the
current DATA step.
Specifies all variables that are already defined in the current DATA step.
Data Conversion
In some instances, you may need to convert one data type into another.
You can convert data types
Implicitly by allowing the SAS System to do it for you
Explicitly with these functions:
INPUT character-to-numeric conversion PUT numeric-to-character conversion.
Automatic Character-to-Numeric Conversion
The data2.salary1 data set contains a character variable GrossPay. Compute a 10 percent bonus for each employee.
What will happen when the character values of GrossPay are used in an arithmetic expression?
Automatic Character-to-Numeric Conversion
SAS automatically converts a character value to a numeric value when the character value is used in a numeric context, such as
Assignment to a numeric variable
An arithmetic operation
Logical comparison with a numeric value A function that takes numeric arguments
The INPUT Function
The INPUT function uses an informat to convert a character string into a number
NumVar = INPUT(source,informat);
Character-to-Numeric Conversion
The data2.salary2 data set also contains a character variable GrossPay. Now use this data set to compute a 10 percent bonus for each employee.
What will happen when the character values of GrossPay are used in an arithmetic expression?
Failed Character-to-Numeric Conversion
This approach will not work because GrossPay has non-numeric characters (commas).
Explicit Character-to-Numeric Conversion
Automatic Numeric-to-Character Conversion
SAS automatically converts a numeric value to a character value when the numeric value is used in a character context, such as
assignment to a character variable
a concatenation operation
a function that accepts character arguments
The PUT Function
The PUT function uses a SAS format to convert a number into a character string:
Birth = 12862
BirthDate = PUT(Birth,mmddyy8.) = “03/20/95”
CharVar = PUT(source,format);
INPUT vs. PUT Functions
These are NOT the same as the INPUT and PUT statements
The INPUT function converts character data into numeric data The PUT function converts numeric data into character data
The INPUT statement controls how data is read into a data
The PUT statement controls how data is written out of a data step
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