程序代写代做 algorithm Sorting


Data that is unorganised is a pain to use
It is hence important to know how to sort (put things in order) We will look at sorting lists, with a focus on complexity

Insertion Sort
Problem: sort a list of numbers into ascending order. Given a list [7,3,9,2]
1. Suppose the tail is sorted somehow to get [2,3,9]
2. Insert the head element 7 at the proper position in the sorted tail
to get [2,3,7,9]
The tail is sorted ‘somehow’ by recursion, of course!

insert :: Ord a => a -> [a] -> [a]
insert x list = case list of
[] -> [x] y:ys
| x <= y -> x : y : ys
| otherwise -> y : insert x ys
If the input list is sorted, the output list will be also

Complexity of Insertion
Best case: compare only to the head and insert immediately – O(1) Worst case: look through the whole list and insert at the end – O(n) Average case: insert after half the list – O(n)

Insertion Sort
iSort :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
iSort = foldr insert []
Make sure that you understand this definition • What are the types of its components?
• What does it do on the base case?
• What does it do on the step case?
Most importantly, halfway through the algorithm, which part of the list is sorted, and which is not?

Complexity of Insertion Sort
Best case: the list is already sorted, so each element is put onto the head of the list immediately – O(n)
Worst case: the list is sorted in reverse order!
Each element needs to be compared to the tail of the list. What is the cost of this?

Worst Case Complexity of Insertion Sort
Say sorting the last element of the list takes 1 step
Then sorting the next element takes 2 steps, and so on, with n steps for the first element of the list
So we have the sum 1 + 2 + 3 + … + (n-2) + (n-1) + n
= (n/2) * (n + 1)
Delete the constants and dominated parts of the expression… = O(n2)

Average Case Complexity of Insertion Sort
The average case complexity of insert was the same (with respect to big-O notation) as the worst case.
So we again have 1 + 2 + 3 + … + (n-2) + (n-1) + n = O(n2)

Merge Sort
Merge Sort is a ‘divide and conquer’ algorithm. Intuition: sorting a list is hard…
But sorting a list of half the size would be easier (Divide)
But it is easy to combine two sorted lists into one sorted list (Conquer)

merge :: Ord a => [a] -> [a] -> [a]
merge list1 list2 = case (list1,list2) of
(list,[]) -> list
([],list) -> list
| x <= y -> x : merge xs (y:ys)
| otherwise -> y : merge (x:xs) ys
If we have two lists sorted somehow, their merge is also sorted Somehow = recursion, again!

Complexity of Merge
Assuming that the two lists are of equal length, let n be the list of the two combined.
Best case: one list contains elements all smaller than the other. Only need roughly n/2 comparisons – O(n)
Worst case: Every element gets looked at, but we are always ‘dealing with’ one element per step – O(n)
Average case: Where best case = worst case, this is obvious!

Merge Sort
mSort :: Ord a => [a] -> [a] mSort list = case list of
[] ->[]
[x] -> [x]
_ -> merge (mSort firstHalf) (mSort secondHalf)
firstHalf = take half list secondHalf = drop half list half = div (length list) 2

Complexity of Merge Sort
Much like Insertion Sort, at every step Merge Sort is O(n)
• Length, Taking the first half, Taking the second half, Merging all O(n)
• At the next step there are twice as many mSorts, but each is working with a list only half the length, so still O(n)!
But how many steps are there?
We half the list lengths repeatedly, i.e. call on n, n/2, …,16, 8, 4, 2 So if we started with length 16, there would 4 steps = log2(16)
Cost of O(n) per step * O(log n) steps = O(n log n) • Best, worst, and average the same!

n log2n

Comparison of Sorting Algorithms
In the best case, Insertion Sort outperforms Merge Sort. But on average, and in the worst case, merge sort is superior
• In the standard library Data.List, sort :: Ord a => [a] -> [a] is Merge Sort (somewhat optimised versus the one in these slides)
But merge sort is quite space inefficient, so other algorithms, such as ‘Quick Sort‘, can be preferred sometimes
• Time complexity of average case O(n log n), but worst case O(n2)
Other algorithms can outperform these generic approaches if you know a lot about the nature of your inputs