程序代写代做 ECS 36b Homework #7 (programming/final, 20%)

ECS 36b Homework #7 (programming/final, 20%)
Forthishomework,youwillbuild​three​C++programs,h​ w7update​,​hw7search​,and​hw7validate​.Thesethreeare all ​client ​programs, based on the following JSON RPC specification: http://cyrus.cs.ucdavis.edu/sfelixwu/ecs36b/s2020/ecs36b_hw7.json​, which includes three RPC calls,
1. update(​std::string post_json_str​)
2. search(​std::string keyword​)
3. validate(​std::string post_json_str​)
update​ and ​search ​are similar to those two in ​hw#6 ​except for the handling of history records, while the new function validate ​is only for the purpose of validating whether the ​Post ​has satisfied the required criteria.
The http url to access the RPC server is​ ​ The format of the history records and examples are provided in –
Please note that it is your responsibility to update posts, with chosen keywords, to the RPC server. In order to allow other students to know how to search, you should leverage Facebook, Discord, or any other platform to inform others regarding what keywords to use.
Bonus points​: (Blackbox testing) 1% for each ​first​ ​identified vulnerability or bug of the server implementation, by June 15t​ h​.
Please follow the steps on CSIF:
● Create a subdirectory ​ecs36b_s2020​, and then ​cd ecs36b_s2020​.
● Create a subdirectory ​hw6​, and then ​cd hw7​.
● Copy all your files (*.cpp, *.h, Makefile, and 10 validated Post JSONs) ​i​nto the ​hw7​ directory
● cd..
● tar zcvf ​hw7_submission.tar.gz​ hw7
● handincs36bhw7hw7_submission.tar.gz