编程代写 (Cascading Style Sheets)

(Cascading Style Sheets)

CSS has various ways to style the text The most common properties:

Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder

color – change the color of the text
font-size – change the size of the text
font-family – specify the list of fonts that will be used to render the text font-weight – sets the boldness of the text
font-style – sets whether the text renders italic/oblique or normal text-decoration – adds decoratives lines on the text

Sets the image as a background of the element
CSS has multiple properties which allow to correctly render the background image background-image – sets the image as a background
backgorund-repeat – sets how image should repeat if its smaller than the element background-position – sets the initial position of the image
background-size – sets the size of the image
It couldn’t be interacted by the user, so you shouldn’t render any meaningful images this way
egami dnuorgkcaB

Change the size of the background image to fits it to the element
contain – scale the image to fits the element
cover – scale the image as large as possible and crop the overflow part
ezis dnuorgkcaB

Sets position for X and Y coordinates of the element
noitisop dnuorgkcaB

By default if image is smaller than the element it will repeats until it fills the whole element. It could be changed to repeat only in a specific direction or not repeat at all
taeper dnuorgkcaB

https://www.w3.org/TR/CSS2/ – specification
https://caniuse.com – checks the browsers support of the css properties https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/Reference – documentation from Mozilla corporation
https://csstriggers.com – checks what property triggers while rendering https://css-tricks.com – the portal with bunch of helpful tricks and articles
sknil lufpleH

程序代写 CS代考 加微信: powcoder QQ: 1823890830 Email: powcoder@163.com